ran Mayan THE EVENING' HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON fridat, qnpum , twm The Same Old Story! We Lead-Others Follow "I AINT MAD AT NOBODY" THIS STORE IS KNOWN AS THE GREAT UNION STORE ' Three Big Specials Saturday, 9 to 10 A. M. Only Don't miss this. We will sell the Black Onion Skin Serge Shirts for one hour only Saturday from 9 to 10 a. m. 75c $2.50 Men's Blue and Grey, Col- ' lar Attached, Shirts in all sizes, on sale for one hour only for $1.15 ' A dandy line of Men's Khaki Shirts in all sizes. A real sensa tion for this hour only. Better hurry. $2.25. THERE WILL BE NO SONG AND DANCE SATURDAY NIGHT GIVE IT TO THE WORKINGMAN SHOP IN THE MORNING r COME AND GIVE THE WINDOWS THE ONCE OVER 25 yeurs appear to "danger period" for From 30 to COIlltltllttl I III) wnninu'H rnnrltal happiness, a slu- tUtlrn show ttiut It Ik between thoso Mouitlit by womun. (or Ilia first time. Robert B. Iao graduated second In ages that the majority of divorce ora'hli class t West I'olnt in VIVrIM4X.iMiiH HTriWL?TrKl!'il You feci better. You are more comfortable. You pay less laundry. You buy fewer shirts. Crown Army Shirts are made of genuine United States ' Army serge flannel. Yes,every piece made under govern ment inspection 1 Tailored throughout by expert work men, and buile big to fit comfortably. Any dealer can supply or obtain for you the 'genuine Crown Army Shirt. You need not accept a substitute. 17 ; We Appreciate the liberal patronage of the buying public, and know that it is the result of square dealing, good service and good meats. , On account of this liberal patronage we are again able to quote the following prices for Saturday only. Prime Ribs of Beef Rolled 33c Top Sirloin of Beef Rolled 32c Cross Rib Roast Rolled 30c Boneless Cuts for Pot Roast ..24c Shoulder of Veal Rolled 32c Plate Boiling Beef ...IS Choice Corned Beef ...........IS and 20c Cottage Rolls, the Jim Dandy Lunch Meat 45c Choice Breakfast Bacon, limit 2 pounds 53c THE LIBERTY MARKET : C. F. W. WERNER ' ' r Main St at 3rd Phone 511-J I AT THE THEATERS 1 -o Tlicy hail thrown down tho gaunt lot to the challcngu of tho Wall street OCtOpUS, Thcro wcro thrco of them two men anil a woman strong, muster ful, Imbued with tho ray elemental courage and strength that li tho her- Itago of those who bavo lived, loved and fought In the grim, bleak wanes of the Alaskan snow country. Wall street had vowed to break thctn.to trick thorn out of a caft fortune- that was rightfully thelni. All cunning: all tho trickery; all the money at Wall street's comriisnd was thrown Into ono mighty effort to crush the valiant children of tho snows. It was the cunning of Wall street against the might of tho north. And tho fight that followed re sounded with the dash of mighty fists; vibrated with tho unleashed passions of strong men fighting for fort u no and the love of a woman. Fights? Actions? Thlrlts? Well, Ilex Heach wrote It and it Is ono of his most powerful stories, ll'n red- blooded, "He-man," two-fisted, stralght-from-tho-shouldcr romance and you'll want to seo tho Sltvor Horde at the Star tonight. Very few actors would allow themselves to be shot nt with 30-30 steel bullets unless they wero cor- tain that the man hnndltnc tho gun was a perfect marksman. For that reason most moving picture directors engage noted mnrskracn especially to do tho Ihootlng. Hut William Fnrnum, does nil tho "-hoot-lug himself and he ably demon strated his great xklll with n gun In ono of tho intensely dramatic scenes In his William Fox produc tion "Wings of tho Morning." dir ected by J. Cordon Edwards which will bo soon on Sunday at tho Lib erty theatre. From a high cliff Mr. Fa mum hud to shoot ut somn huvukcm wio hod Invaded tho Island on which hu was, and with his trusty rlflo scatter tho band. Iloforo tho scone was photographed Director Kd wnrds askod tho men if they wore a(rald to have Mr. Farnum handle tho rifle and all ' replied In tho negative. Tho sceno was started. Thu mon, according to Instructions wore. to floe across a lagoon. Mr. Fnrnum meanwhile sending real stcel-nov oil bullets after them, Tho Mar's aim was so perfect that tho bill lets fell within ono foot of two of tho men, sending up spray which cov erod them. v After the sceno somo of thn nr iors who have been with Mr. Far num In many of his pictures snld they never would fear to be tho tar got of the famous star, far hli ac curacy of aim waa marvellous. Do you want to save on shoes. 15 off on all men's and boy 'a shoes. K, K. K. store's Harvest sales. 1 7-8 H, ' As stage director for ono of the leading theatrical producers In New York. Mrs. Trimble Bradley la said REED AND RITCHIE TO MEET AT MEDFORD Unless Mayor Strublo appoints a boxing commission before tho middle of next wcok, tho heavyweight bout between Earl Ritchie, local boxer, and Wild Bill Reed of San Francisco, will bo held at Medford, October 29. Smith has received a telegram from Medford saying that tho box ing commission there would sanction the contest, and he plans to leave next Tuesday or Wednesday to take charge of the publicity and other ar rangements. Mrs. Ophelia House, manager of the telephone company at Bowling (Jreen, Ky., recently prevented the robbery of a bank In a neighboring village. Hearing tho burglar alarm over the telephone, Mrs. House hur riedly summoned an armed posse of citizens In time to frustrate the at tempted robbery. Oct your new fall hat at K. K. K. store's Harvest sales. 16 less than regular prices. 7-R In advertising for a houromald, a Boston woman bos offered free use of tho family limousine, theater tick- eta each week, and numerous other luxuries, in addition to liberal wagea and board. WMMWWWMMJMMMMMWMWWWMMWMWWW OF COURSE We buy and sell anything that doesn't eat Also carry a line of shelf hardware. We have some dandy small heating stoves at $5.25 each, and another line at $15 to $18.50 each, new. Also a few second hand heaters. , w. h. ross; 90t Main St 000t0v0000000m AT THE STAR THEATRE TONIGHT Lf AND SATURDAY Bwlr -cMHEfc-' tiki JlBMultlL. 'OgflBMBaHMBS JPWBfeXBviai 1B ?Kkj2Be3)KS asaaBWiiBBBijSes' J M & ff J esssWaaBBBBsssssssr. gesgesgesgesgesgesgesMgtallr VmAati ilu AlB gflgflgflgflgflghfatfl SjBjKAiyV JufcWf WHSSsPSBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBff JnlfinlY Slsf SaBBBBBBBaH 'TH tNjjrl'gBrBsSSSSSSM "'aBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBr!5aBBBBBBBaBBBBBBBM The Silver Horde tf Rex Beach AN. EMINENT AUTHORS PRODUCTION MADB BY 60LBWTM REX BEACH'S GREAT STORY OF THE NORTHLAND V'W3P "The Silve rawer to be tho only woman in the world olnf tkJ .Ma,ot,W9rk, j, T'l 5