I'AOH KI.fcVKN THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON SIGARMAN'S 14th ANNUAL SALE greater than ever. Your fondest anticipations of value greatness tions are being made than ever before. It is positively without ie have been preparing for this great event for months and in such in-order to give our patrons from all parts of Klamath Valley an HINC SALE ON RECORD .1 M ir a , ( w 13 Great Sale Days We have gone ahead with the preparation for this sale in Mich an extensive way that we will continue the sale this year for 13 days. Everything will be thrown out right in the heart of the season yoqr most can sanguine expectations will be more than realized; owing to the great crowds that attenc' this oale ecch year we ask you to be as patient as possible under the conditions. We shall endeavor to put forth every effort in showing our patrons courteous treatment Remember, goods will be displayed on tables and shelves made in Klamath Falls by Union Labor as we believe in patronizing Home Industry. We want you to know that every article in the store will be reduced in price,.no matter what it may be. There is no beating around the bush with us, it's a case of showing our appreciation and giving the 'profits during this sale each year to our patrons. We don't need the money, therefore, we let you have the profits. A dandy line of Men's Onion Skin Black Serge Shirts in all sizes. This is a shirt that should give the very best of wear and should be sold for double the price. To go at this great sale for This is a real sensation, a special lot of Men's High Grade Silk Shirts made by the famous Harry Berger Fifth Ave. Shirt Shop. We bought these shirts espe dally for this sale and they should sell at double the price. We have put them in two lots at pervision of E 95c $8.95 $6.95 9A.M WARD TO AS THE GREATEST OF ALL MONEY SAVING OPPORTUNITIES. YOUR COMMON SENSE JUDGMENT DURING THE SALE WE SHALL PUT FORTHAS USUAL EVERY EFFORT TO PLEASE EVERY PURCHASER, l OUS TREATMENT TO ALL. MONEY CHEERFULLY REFUNDED ON ALL PURCHASES. IJE1 FALLS ttra special lot of Emmerson i in Black Button only, in all' The regular price is $8.50, at this sale for A special lot of Men's Latest I Men's Heavy Wool Mixed Sox in I A beautiful line of Men's Flannel Style Suits in conservative I assorted colors will be sold with I Night Shirts jhat sell regular for models. 'The regular price is I a limit of 4 pairs to a customer I $3.00, to be sold while they last $37.50. To be sold at this sale for I for I for FRIDAY, (XfOHMl a, iSM 4! .Vv -v 1 - . K.SUGARMAN 'I Ain't Mad at Nobody' You can have your choice of any Man's $60.00 Suit in the store, including Hart, Schaffner ic. Marx, for $49.85 We will sU the Regular $100 Stephen' Wool Unio it in all mwTwhile they but, for $4.85 A special lot of Men's Woohex Two-Piece Underwear in broken lines, to be closed out now at, per garment '! 95c A special lot of Me? Macki naw in all size k alive drab only. It is a wonderful value at the price of $10.95 A special line of Men's Over coats of fine make and us. con servative styles. These are a sensation at the price $21.85. This is a big one. ,We will sell Canvas Gloves of very fine qual ity, regular 20c, (limit four pairs to a customer) Sale prjee 12V2c 13 GREAT SALE DAYS $5.85 $29.85 45c 85c $1.95 Two For ,,' 'H