r " n it f i . j "7 - r mi , Stlje iEupnutg Ubmtft -,, r i WMMWWWMMWMMWMMWMM omciAL r AHR 09 KLAMATH OOUKTU i Fourteenth Year No. 4044 KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 8, 1920 Price Five Cent V ' " T rnoiAL pai'hr or KLAMATH PALLS j FIRE lit Ml SCORES C1TV COUNCIL llolow lit (ho complete report of Deputy Htatu Klru Msrsbuls II. II. 1'omorny nml (I. W. Allan, regarding their Investigation ot cauM of thn Houston hotel flro nnd finding rU' tlvo therete: Itat HoiiaUm Hotel Pirn anil Con fUrlion, KUranlli Falls, Ore,. i Acting under thn provisions of tho atatu flro marshal Inw and the dlroct request of thu exocullvn department, which Utter wb prompted by a tele raphle uppcal from Mayor I. It. Htruble and City Health Officer, Dr. A. A. Houle. of Klamath Fall, we, " your-dopull;Swiio "eonduetird-airufi" tlclnl Inquiry Into thn cause and re mit of tho flrn which occurred at Klninntli Fall on thn morning, of Monday, Kepteitber 0, 1920, ben to report our finding and conclusions an follow. Finding- Of Fnrt Tho flrn started nt thn Houston lintel, fcHecund and Main street, at about 3 17 o'clock on thn ni'irnlng of September Clh and rapid wi Iti up rciul that It assumed thn pro portion of a conflagration, In con sequence of which ill no (possibly ten) person lout their lire: fir" other wero nrlouly Injured and thn Houston hotel and nine other public building and dwellings were destroyed. The loss ot properly I estimated at approximately f 1.P0. ono. The Hit of person who were burn rd In droth', nonm of them, charred und dlmnmlered teond the hope of positive Idvnllflcatlpn -thnio burned and badly Injured, and thn Hat of property ,! ro)ed aro set forth In the newspapar. extracts from which are iiubmltted herowlth ( and made a part of thl report (Vtuo of OmfUirratlOB The Indication ar that the flro atartod In tho rear of tho Houston hotel, evidently from ruhbUh that wa known to havo existed thero from tlmn to time, bill Jut how It originated I at present n myitnry and, perliopH, may never be known. 'Whether It could have been prevent vd by Judlclou legislative wfcgunrd or, utter having started It could hnvn been lUbdued befora It bad exacted auch'terrlbln toll of dourti ami pro perty los. may buit In Judged by tho trnmcrlpt of testimony taken nt the coroner' Inquest unil our prlvntn heurlng which ore hereto appended and form tbo basis of theau deduc tlon. ( Tho Houston hotel, n threc-story frame itructuro, owned by 7. (1. Harrl nnd lately teunnttid by Mm dahlia llouiton, ha ton been known a a vorltablo flro trnp altogether Without facllltle or furnishing- In tho naturo of flro protection, proven Ffi tlon or ecupe oven without eilt aim In It numerou hallwaya or " any kind ot lgn whatpoovor In tho In tho entlrn structure, except one In tho office, which, according to tho testimony of one of tho erlnuily burned victim who told hi tory bo twenn agonized groan In hi hospl tol bed exhorted tho pntron to "Iay - In Advance." Thero wero aoino knot ted" 'rope iliirtfclltiK from tho third alory 'front balcony Tallinn which tnasquoradod na emorgoncy flro e cape but thoy wore known to havo been o utterly rotton nml unsafe Of tho panlc-Rtrlcken tenant would whon tho omdrgency nroso that nono trust thorn. Tho building' waa throe torloa front and two back havlnic been con- atructod on' sloping ground. It con- v' Jtatnod about GO room". 40 ot which wore furnlshod and rented singly (.While thara were six apartment be- Tildes office and parlor on the fgrqund floor. On the fatal night pro- ceding a big Labor day celebration, every room waa occupied iome with two or mora occupanta while tour cota wero provided and all occupied 3 In tho office. Bomo of the regular . ' tenants conducted light housekeep- flng In the room and apartments. 7j Should Kava be Condemned ; 'According to the report ot your. ftDeputlo. O. W. Allen and Oeo. W, tttKokes, who made nn official survey tint Klamath Fall In September,' 1919, t tho request of Mayor Btruble, a copy nf'whlnh It now on (lie In your ,eparment, it .was a dilapidated and (Cniitlauid ou Pace 6) NO (JAMK IN WOltl.l) HKHIKH I'liAVKII TODAY CLKVKLANI), Oct. 8.- Tho Ntrnet loading to thn Union atn tlon wiirn lined with crowd who cheered Cleveland player and fun a who returned today from llrooklyn for tbo Fourth Kume ot tho world erlu which will bo played horn tomorrow. Thn aerie now tand llrook- lyn two vlctorle to Cleveland' ono, T Tomorrow I Klre Prevention day throughout, tbo atato of Oregon by, proclamation of (lovernor Olcott. Mot cltle and town havo arranged to dovoto thn day to dlcuMlon of flro prevention meanurea, and to practically apply them by n general rlean-up nf Hlley, cellar and rub Mill pile, Inipectlon and repair ot flue, chlmnoyi, furnace, etc, Klamath Fall will Join In thn gen eral program. Hchool and organlxa tlon nro allowing much Intercut nnd, following ao cloioly upon the Hon Ion hotel tragedy, Klre Prevention day will havo moro attention till ear than over befora and undoubt edly arcomplUh moro good. All achool children, by appoint ment of A. C. Ilarber, itato flro hilar hal, aro Junior fire maribal and will take an active part In tho day' work. Ktcry cltlien I rcqueited by proclamation of Mayor Btrutilo. re cently publlihed In tho, Herald, to co-opernte to the fullent extont In thn movement to reduce the clty'a fire hazard. At tho high achool thl afternoon Itobert (iocli, principal, gave the an ombled itudenta a abort talk ,on fire prevention and urged them to aid. In the general obnenance of Klre Prevention day. THREE FILE FOB With nomination petition of three candidate for councilman already filed with tho pollco Judge, nnd ov- eral other definitely nnd Indefinitely In tho political limelight, municipal politic aro beginning to assume an Interesting apct. W. B. Conkllng und Paul Hogardun. opposing candidates In tho tint ward. and Chiirle Colvlu, Incumbent, In tho fifth ward, nro tho men wljo bam filed petition. Colvln I tho only one ot tho prvient council In tho race so fur. Tho non-partisan political ca n palgn committee of thu runtrat 'labor council ulll hold u meeting this oen Ing to consider further, nnd It U x pected reach final conclusion, In their selection of candidate. Judge A. L, Ieavltt. Incumbciil, ha hi potltlon for re-election In circulation und wilt probably flic 't today or tomorrow. HKCKPTION FOH TKACIIKIIH TONKIHT AT M. K. CIIUItCH The I.adlos' Aid ot the M. K. church I giving a reception this ovonlug, Octobor 8, In tho church auditorium, In honor ot tho teachors of tho city school. All momboni and friend of tho church aro Invited to bo pretont. , NATIOVH KMII WILL UK HAI.K MAHTHD.NOVKMIIKR M WASHINOTON, Oct. 8. Presi dent Wilson today directed that tho flag throughout the nation ahall bo half masted on November 14, a a token ot memorial sorvlcea for the men who died In the world war. MARKET RRPORT PORTLAND. October 8 Cattle steady; hoga higher, JH.50 and lia.86; aaeep weak; eggs and butter firm. ' Under the laws of Argentine an unmarried bod la compelled to leave his parents two-third of his property. Hi PREVENTION TT COUNCIL SCHOOL PUNS TO KEEP FIRE M llolow I tho third of a serle of contributed article on tho progres being made by tbo Central achool In It work thl term, Flrr Prevention Day flaturday, Octobor 9, ha been pro claimed a "Flro Prevention Day" by Hen W. Olcott, governor of Oregon. In ordor-'jthat our boya and girl may reallxo more fully the need of fire prevention, State Flrn Marina, A. C. Ilarber lend greeting and re mind them that they are "Junior flro marihali," and aika thee to apend part of Baturday, October 9, In Inspecting their home. I fa sug gest tha on Friday, Octobor 8, each achool havo a program. In compli ance with thn snnie, our classes have planned sliort program In whlfb many or our pupil will glvo a num ber of two minute flro proventlon ad dresses. In every room, ono would find evidence of "Flro Proventlon Wcok." KutAblUh Hchool Hank Healltlng thn Importance ot estab lishing the habit ot thrift In the growing boy and girl, wo havo plan; ned for n savings bank account In our school with ho government a security. The boy or tho girl may bring hi ponnle or a larger amount to achool to deposit tbo aamo with hi teacher. Whonever he ha de posited 2C cent tbo toacher may buy a stamp and give It to him, or alio can purchase four stamps at one tlmo when he ha, deposited 91. We hope to offer a prim to the pupil, or to the room that haa saved the most money by the tint of the year. In making a survey of tho classes, wo found that In the advanced grad es more than half the pupil havo a savings bank account. Ono girl In tho seventh grade ha more than ffiOO In saving. We will be Inter ested to know- how much she will havo saved by tbo tlmn sho compoltca her high school course. licth Wright, having left Klamath Fall, tho eighth grndo called a spe cial meeting Monday to elect an of ficer to take her place as president ot tho class. Vale Lindsay, former vlco-pretldont was unanimously de clared president, nnd Ilruco Perkins was elected vico-prcsldent. Glad to Sec VUltor t Slnco the opening of tchool, Mes dame llurge Mason, Fred Cofer, Mlsse Nollle Johnson, Vlda Moore, Mr. Jensen and Mr. Claddls have shown Interest In us by visiting var ious room of this building. Wo should bo glad to boo moro ot our friend, for our boys and girls will then feet that a greater Interest Is taken In their achool work. v Tho pupils of grado aoven are hap py over tho fact that thoy are In tho L lead for tho highest per cent ot at tendance 98.7 during tho past month. They nro cloiely followed by grado kIx 98. C, and grado e,lght 98, r.. Reception Tonight Invitations wero received Tuesday by our teachors to a rocoptlon In tho auditorium of tho draco M. K. church, tonight, given in. honor ot tho teachors ot tho city schools. At a business mooting ot tho fifth grndo, Wednesday, Herd Walnlo waa elected president of tho clns to fill tho vacancy causod by tho transfer ot tho former prosldont, Howard Taylor, to tho Fnlrvlow school. Vir ginia Richmond waa elocted to the office of vice-president. With this week begins Industrial work In tho third and fourth grado.s For a tlmo tha third grade will re view work In free hand cutting while the fourth will make hot plate mata In raffia Domestic Science Work Canning, preserving 'and Jelly mak ing are still in progress In the ad vanced classes. Our seventh grado girts aro making aprons and caps to be used 'tor cooklag Glasses. Our eighth are making pillow cases nn-i night dresses. ' Alt are glad to roturn to work after a week'a vacation In domestic science and art, Friday morning, at Its j rogular meeting the seventh grade elected Jimmy Elfendahl as librarian and Deris Tadoa. assistant librarian; Be fora that tlsae we had no editor and (Mints; tha aM of such ran officer, tha fcMfcr'waa- give to Lataer Thorn- WILEr TO BE CHIHE FOB MR Yloldlng to tho solicitation of many friend In many quarter, Wilson 8. Wiley, local attorney, today announc ed to a Horald representative that he had definitely doclded to enter the raco for mayoralty. Mr. Wiley has been mentioned for the position many times In the post two weeks, in street caucus, and It seems to be unanimously conced ed that "ho would bo exactly the right man for the placo If he -would run." His statement today gives his backers a chance to rally to his sup port In practical fashion . All the pressure that has. been bearing on the candidate for the past two weeks crystallised' this afternoon when a com mil toe of representative fcltlicns waited upon Mr. Wiley and secured his pledgo to enter the race. "I am in tho raco," said Mr. Wiley today, "without reservation. I did not seek tho office and would not turn my bant over'to obtain It, real izing fully that ll mean sacrlflco of tlmo and monoy, but many peoplo seem certain that I can serve the public wolfaro In tho position or mayor and I cannot, as a good citi zen, do otherwise than accede." CLEMENCY FOR PENDLETON, Oct. 8. Elvln R. Kerby, alias 'Owens, and John Latte bean, alias Rathle. were today sen- teheed by Judge Phelps to be hanged at the Salem penitentiary on Decem ber 3, Next, for the murder of Sheriff Til Taylor. Tbo verdict will be appealed by local women cympathlzers of tho con demned man, who bavo raised a fund of $600, It was said today by Attor ney nolln, who defended Kerby and whoso motion for a new trial for both men was denied. The Rev. Mr. Cox, local Uaptlst clergyman, I assisting tho women In tho nttompt to secure a lighter pen alty, nolln said. IMPORTANT MEETING BOY SCOUTS TONIGHT Local Boy Scouts will bold a busi ness meeting this evening, Octo ber 8, for the purpose of organising a football team, for which there is plenty ot available material. Patrols will also bo organized and plans laid for tbo winter program ot scout work. All tho hoys who wish to qualify as tenderfoot scouts must be present at this meeting, nnd as so much Im portant business Is to bo trunsactod It Is desired that every scout turn out and lend assistance to fcrward tho general program. as. Ho I now tilling tho ;mltlon with credit. Flower Shower Friday afternoon, the boys and girls of grades five, six, seven, and eight tendered tholr teachors, Miss Uond. Mrs. Ilrlan, Miss McAndrews and Mrs. Carr, a flowor shower which was a complete surprise to the recipients. In each Instance the class president addressed his teacher expressing appreciation In behalf of the class for what she had done for them'. There wore asters, sweet peas, sentas, nasturtiums, gladlolas, gold- englow and carnations, from which at the close of school many boquets were taken to the hospital to make someone else happy. Football Saturday At 1:30 Saturday afternoon the football team ot the grammar grades In the city schools will play the freshmen high at Modoc park. Be longing to the team are the follow ing from this building: Homer Gar- Ich, quarter-back; Bruce Perkins, center; George Condry. right tackle; Harry Molatore, right end; Angus Walsh, left guard; Loren Sharp,' left end; Gerald Fltspatrtck, right guard; Herbert Wllioa and Leland Oulll, substitutes. Show your school spirit, every oaa, aad sea our boys playi a good clea game. SUM SOUGHT O.VK DKAD, SIX WOUNDED, MORNINQ RIOT IN CORK CORK, Oct. 8. A civilian party today attacked a military lorry with bombs and ono sol dlor was killed and tbreo others woundod. Two soldiers who escaped Injury fired on tbo at tacker. The street was filled with a morning crowd of per sons an their way to work'and bullets struck two men and one woman, wounding them alt in the legs. A WILL CLASH Tomorrow on the Modoc park grounds the Medford county high school team meets Klamath county high In tho first football game of the season for Medford and the second for Klamath. While tbo Medford team Is an unknown quantity tho Klamath boys feel sure they can take their number, although in all tbo history of the jrerao between the two schools, Klamath has never de feated Medford. This year, however, it Is felt that the outcomo will be different. Klamath has protested the use of two Medford players, Jeff Gentry and Wlnton Vance, on tho ground that they aro above the age limit fix ed It? the atatj athletic. a.'sociaHorv rules. Following Is a list ot players of the opposing teams: Klaasatli Falsa Ted Montgomery, Russell McCat- lorn, Robert Flackus. Frank Peytoa, Aard Ady, Junior Wagner, Rudolph Milan Komaeth Case. Forrest Cooper, Ernest Miller, Norman Mann, Fred Oroka, Harold Wortley, Pat Moat iomy."lbert Meettaad. JaasJags WashtagW.' Wallace Short, Beshl Peytoa. Medford Russell Sherwood, Ser Watson. Francis Prescott, Jeff Gentry. Hugh Drown, Philip Young, Elbert Colo- man, Irvln Carroll. Will Stockan, Mike Merrlman. Everett Rawllngs, Winston Vance, George Mansfield, Richard Payne, Ramson Webster, Westerman Whlllock. . PLOTTED ARMED REVOLT IN 0. S. CHICAGO, Oct. 8, Discovery was made of quantities ot radical litera ture In the possession ot Nlcolal John Joxxlnsky and Joe Holoeny, declared to be two ot the most dangerous rad- clals In America, who were arrested last night, was announced today. Nearly halt a ton ot communist articles. Including samples ot a now pamphlot advocatlng'an armed revo lution by the foreign elements In this country was found In Jazzlnskl's pos session. One, hundred thousand ot these pamphlets are said to have been shipped by express from Chicago to oihor cUle8 Tue8day, Detectives said that chief among the documents was the proclamation ot a union ot Russian workers, call ing upon all members to rise and overthrow the government of tho United States by force ot arms, utiliz ing murder and destruction to gain Its ends. This proclamation, printed In Rus sian, federal agents say, revealed a complete plan of the revolution. The arrests ot sis more radicals at St. Paul and Milwaukee Is pending, the department ot Justice announced. The alleged plotters, It Is said plan ned' to assassinate tho more Import ant otficlala ot the state. WEATHER REPORT OREOON-i rain. -Tonight and Saturday. CATHOLIC 8ER1VCES AT MWMLL gtJMMY MORNING There will be aervlces In the Catholic churoh at 'Merrill next Sun day "at' 8:99' o'clock. Rev. Father, iMaMay wUPattteUtf,' ' CRIB WnRBDRS UN BEDS IBETTEB CITY GOVERNMENT LEADS BALLOT Sentiment of the community In re gard to matters ot community Inter est that are In need of attention Is revealed In the referendum ballot taken by (ho chamber of commerce, results of which were announced at yesterday's forum luncheon. The number of members voting waa 127. The proposal standing highest need of a atrong chamber of commerce received 102 rotaa. Need of an Improved' elty govern raent came next with 94 rata . Coat pletlon of the Natron cutoff got 87 votes; Investigation of the Link river dam and Upper lake storage" matter, 81 votea. Three or four members ex pressed the belief that It was not tha province ot the chamber of commerce. to Investigate this mater. Bettor highways got 74 votos; city parks and playgrounds 71; better freight service (9; city plan with a view to adopting a tone system ; better sowers (6; more factories and payrolls 64; development of agricul tural resources 61; taking care ot present Industries, housing problem 1; nutlflcatlon of city and county 62; better schools 49; opening of Klamath reservation 49; Advertlaa Klamath county 46; settle court- a problem 46; Improve coaaty government 37; plan for civic audi torium 24; secure lava bod national park 17. , . The ballot submitted to the mesa bars' asked for sagsjaatlons for aub Jaeta far forum dlaaaaslon. The re quest produced afeaty of reeultt. Following are subjects advecated: -Cltr-Electlea Problesa,, Couatr qnaiiMl'WiM rhWl yglagjaaiaaaa for-fioldiarj. me9frouada. Heasta Condition and Frebiem Beautify ing City. Get'-Together 'Dinner at Night With Oat-of-Towa People a Guests, Power Company to Explain Position, Sensible Parking Ordinance, Road Building. Why Are Redtlgat Districts Olven a License by City aad Why Is the Law Against Them Not Enforced J, Klamath Falls Schools, Better Freight and Passenger Serv ice, Do You Know 'Your Neighbor Socially. If Not, WhyT; Make Klam ath Known to GO.000,000 People, Rail Transportation, Present and Fu ture, Sanitary Inspection ot Foods. NATURALISTS HERE TO GATHER DATA Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Bailey are In the city from Washington D. C. Mr. Bailey who Is In the employ ot tho government, Is one of the dis tinguished naturalists ot the United States, while Mrs. Bailey Is a well known ornithologist and has pub lished a book on birds of the United States. It Is In an official nnectlon that they are In Klamath at the present time. They will make a trip to the Lava Beds some time this week for the purpose ot studying the traces of the big horn sheep and moun tain goats that Inhabited that part ot the country at one time. Captain O. C. Applegate said today that he remembered seeing bands of the big horn at the (Ime of the Modoc war. Mr. Bailey la also preparing to publish a report on, Oregon mam mals and while here he will gather final dato for this report that will eome out soon, ' POLITICAL STRENGTH GAINED BY WEST WASHINOTON, Oct. 8 The west and south will gala proportionately more In a political way than tha east or middle wast through tha popula tion Increase shown by tha 'census by Increased nsjembersalp In the house ot representatives, electoral college and national ceave'Btleas. ' Oregon is entitled to one more con gressman It the also of tho house la Increased, ,. HUES TO RECOVER Off . NIOMSMKHUr HOW, $M A..L. Parkhurst. manager of tha Crater Lake hotel, la sWea'aant In a jfcult filed today la the circuit court by J. ?. to reewrar lfl( wMek be jallegM la due oa . 4 , l