Ml THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON WKDNNSDAT, OOTORKR , 1SSS) ft 0 SINNOTT'S ADDRESS ON CAMPAIGN ISSUE (Continued from pngo thmo) slty lior own doctrine by Intermixing In (ho affaire of Kurope, o (be aentor of tho United HUto eenate provided that tho lesguo of nations should hitvo no Jur lidlctlon over tho Monroe Doctrine. The nest remtrvstlon says thnt no ssjandate shall bn accepted by tho United State oicept by action of tho congress of the United Htale. When negotiation were under way It wa undoratood. and 1'resldW Wilson afterward applied to con gress arid naked congros to accept n mandatory orer Armenia. Accord ing to tho Armenian commission ap pointed by thn government of tho United Htutod, thnt mandatory would tuko from 100,000 to 200,000 troopi, your boya, nnd from 1100,000, 000 to $200,000,000 annually. Ho tho acnata provided that no manda tory shn'ilil bo accepted except by action of tlin congros of tho United States. Tho next reservatien: Tho United fltatea withhold! 'ita assont t) article, 1C0, 1R7, and 15". Thoao am thn artlolea which give the province of Hhantung to Japan. In theso ro sorvallons thn United Btatei, of courao, doea not domand that Japan, aurrender Hhantung, but It refuses to approve of the ceaalon of Bhan tung; It rofuaca to condone It, and It leave her free In the futnro to do whatever alio desires to do In re gard to Hhnntung, ahould any trou ble arliio between China nnd Jnpitn over thorn article. JbILbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbW BBiBBBBBBBBBil SB-at nUnUUnl y tam gjf tfffliBBBBBBBBBBBBBWIiT! l I vAjaaHiBBBW. ?BbVP XaW aWvLKXtfw' 4 ' JsnTnnnnnnmjBBnBnnnnnnV iistsBamiWwm Perfect Home Comfort The luxury of heat when and where needed possessed by the family with a good oil heat er. Lights at touch of a match any time, anywhere. Filled with Pbarl Oil it burns with out odor or smoke. Pbarl Oil is refined and re-refined Tor successful home use. Econom ical. Sold in bulk by dealers ev erywhere and by our stations. Order by name Pkarl Oil, STANDARD OIL COMPANY (CaUforaia) Now thnt I the league of tjntlon about a briefly a nno can conven iently Mute It In a mcrtinit of this kind. It would renlly take hour to go Into tho complicated detail. I havo dated to you merely some of tho paramount 'feature. It any ono In this audlonce baa read the Jonrue of nation ten lime I would advle that ho read It ten time more, I suppose I have read It a hundred time, and every time It presents noma new angto and new Interpre tation, and a I glanca at theae reser vation new Idea occur to ne con cerning the league of nation, and It I Impossible for any one to have anything Ilka a thorough under tandlng of It without ipendlng day and week In reading It. Hut remember that ono of tho out standing feature of the league' of nation I tho fact that In the as sembly, Knglnnd through herself nnd her colonic ha lx vote to onr ono, and she also ha absolute con trol over two mom countrlos, giving her eight voto. Under this lengue of nations, It we ratify It, we consent to tho despoil ing of China; that wo placo It In tho power of one man representing us, In collusion with foreign powers, to Imposo upon u a compelling morn) obligation, suporlor to any legal ob ligation to send our troops and our navies upon foreign shore. President Wilson went to Kuropo proclaiming lofty, laudable sentl monts that wo could all agree with, and wo did all agroe with at tho tlmo, proclaiming his 14 points, and that thorn should be no secret un derstanding between nations, and yet ho approves, of the secret under standing between Knglnnd, Prance and Japan over tho Shantung des poliation. Ho went to Kuropo proclaiming that -peoples should not be bartered about from nation to nation like chat tele that peoples should have a right to choose tbelr own mastera. Yet ha Ignored all those lofty Ideals, and brought back his league of natlona covenant, which bo declared to be greater than tho senate of the United States, nnd greater than the very government Itself aa founded by Washington and Jefferson. Longfellow tells us In the poem of I'aul nevero that ho said: "It the Drltlsh march bang a lantern aloft In the belfry arch and I will ride and give the alarm to every Middlesex vlllago and farm." Ob, would that wa had a modern Paul Revere who would ride and give the alarm to every American village and farm, that the aolemn preempts, maxims and principles of Washington, are to be abandoned, that his advice against the Insidious wiles of foreign Influ ence I to be Ignored, that real patriots are being made suspected and odloua a Washington foretold, Just because they didn't agree with the man who aays that we must make the supreme sacrifice and Join our fortanaa with tho fortune of the world; that Washington's advice that we ahould have no political connection with Europe I to bo Ignored; that his admonition thnt Kuropo hm a set of prlmnry Interest of no concord to us, thnt she will bo engaged In num erous controversies foreign to our Interests; thnt wo should have no entangling alliances wlth European politics that all theso aro to bo Ig nored; that bla advice that we should have no permanent alliance with any part of the foreign world Is about to be disregarded, and we are asked to enter Into a permanont alliance icBt'5 IRSF SSJ'gaanw aaaWaaaaaa. .BaanSaw Lbbbb Iruuut p,'cBjLkjBfaB99BsSaaSBBBBBBBBBBm XU jJUaaaMttsSSSSSSP? ui&aroHUEii jura HOWDY PETEI Al P. 8. Leaving for K. C. tonight housed a dole to the roof aa they could put met Drop me a Una care Hotel Baltl-mora. Always turn something; when I head into this old town. Patted my deck of Camel to a fine, business-looking citlten in tho Pullman dressing room this morning and this opened up a conversation. Listen, Pete, that man talked the Camel language accord ingto Hoylel "Camels are 'the very quintessence of cigarettes" said this party. Pete, get that word? It fits it spreads the news it spills the whole Camel storyl And, if you don't get what I'm driving to you, look up the word in Webster's I Why, Uncle Dan put it there when he dreamed Camels were coming I That man slipped into one word : mellow-mild-body, no cigaretty aftertaste, no cigaretty odor and the best cigarette in the world at any price! Pete, why do you hear men of all types everywhere actually boosting. Camels? That's because they know Camels are right! They know from Camels flavor that Camels have the quality and they know that Camels blend of choice Turkish and choice Domestic tobaccos makes the most delight ful cigarette any man ever put between his lips I Old oil well, I'm no gusher, but the way Camels are going to more and more men every one of the seven days in every week is a sight to seel t Philadelphia Tuesday, vrmr r iM'IH against' the advlca of Washington Joffcrson, and other fathers of our country, an alliance to put a super flag above old 'glory; an alliance to create a super-state; an alliance to create a Frankenstein which this creature toll us Is greater than tho president, and greater than tho sen ate of the United States, Oh! what blasphemy If not treason, greater than the government of Washington and Jefferson. If this message could be circu lated throughout the land there would be a hundred Paul Revers In every precinct, for wo are told that Home on tho night wind of the past, Through all our history to the last. In tho hour of darkness, peril and need, Tho people-will waken and listen lo hear Tbo hurrying hoofbeats of that steed Tho midnight messago of i'aul Re vere." I would that we could summon from tho grave the voiceless lips of the God-like Webster, thnt he could remodel fur our modern, ears that prayer for his country's flag, that matchless Immortal peroration "When my eyes shall be turned to behold for the last time the sun in the heavens, may I. not aee shining on the once glorious anion discredited, dlsbonered, in a subordinate posi tion of one to six among the na tions of the earth, on a land dis cordant, belligerent, drenched and rent with foreign fueds. Let their last feeble lingering glance rather behold the gorgeous ensign of the republic, now known and honored throughout the earth, still full high eneconehed, ita arms and trophels streaming In their original lustre, bearing no such miserable word of de lusion and folly, "The league of na tions first, my country afterwards." But everywhere spread all over in characters of living light, biasing on all Its ample folds as they float o'er the sea and o'er the land and In every wind under the wnole heavens that other sentiment, dear to every true American heart America first; li berty; my country, one and Inseparable. BUSINESS CARDS MMMMAMkljlAijk ACME LUNCH Home Cooked Meals SHORT ORDERS AT ALL HOURS Mrs. E. M. Beckdeldt 323 Main St. Klamath Falls Cyclery W handle new and rebuilt motor cycle and bicycles, also part and accessories. Qoodyear, Pennsylvania and Diamond Tire and Tubas are our lino, and Ilarley-Davldson Serv ice, which spell Honest, Dependable service. Phone 978 C. V.. DIHMARK IIS 8. Mb. Ht. KIsasHta Falls PROFESSIONAL CARDS FRED WESTERFELD DRHXIS11 Phone 4I4W. XRag.lBairaiip MMWMAMMMMMMWWMWWMMMMWVMMiai mo. a. DtatJst I. O. O. P. PaWMBSl f"J-JJ'n"iVanrinrvijvnrinAiii PHONE 39 327 MAIN STREET Open 10 a. aa. to S p. aa. Sundays and Holidays PWMmMAMtAAMkMWWAMVMMMAAmMMMM !f NOTICE TO BIDDEItS SRmJUjl. Ggr- Sealed proposals will be received at the office of tbo County Clerk of Klamath County, Oregon, until 2 o'clock p. m. October 25, 1920, for the construction of a Timber Bridge at the Gala ranch In Langell Valley. Oregon. This work requires the placing of approximately 24,820 Ft. B. M. of timber. 1100 Lin. Ft. of Timber pil ing and the placing of 5 cu. yds. -of dry masonry. Brldce to be nnisnea on or nerore November 25, 1(20. Five per cent of the amount of bid to accompany. County reservea the right to reject any and all bids. For particulars address C. R. De Lap, County Clerk, Klamath County, oragon. O. --13-H-20-23 m Father and daughter are tho two partnera in the law firm of Robinson A Robinson, of Fayettevlllo, N. C. DENTISTS Dr. E. a W&sexarffw Phsvia sss Dr. P. M. NmI OVV VsansnnWWeMnsttsI ajtjusajanfnSnca. gfcBnanl nastaaanani aafjaff-y KLAMATH AUTO j aaramuTW rrviuw Wa Da AR Kane ef Sprang atopaur Sat Wow Oaae ana to Oeanv Sato analsssaB ami JaAASavsSMsSsnsSinMAs Offlee Phone 177W Rao 177 Dr. H. D. Lloyd Stewart Phyafeiaa 4 Btgun White Bnlhtlng Klamath Fall Oregon MAAMAAAMMMVMAMWtMWVMWWMWWWWa DR. F. It GODDARD Osteopathic Physician and Surgeori Office and Residence 1 Phones 321 L O. O. P. Temple ED. LAMB PHYSICIAN AND BCTUOON 1TW Sooase IsmII 17B White DR. T.C CAMPBELL PBTTBtCIAN AND LO.O.V. White I. ' - DR. L. L. TRUAX WAKRBN HUNT BNJSPtTAIt Dap PIsasM, 4S7 Nigh .asjk. The reoler BBi Klamath BBJBf AaMHeaa Loales. will he aW aald at o'etock p. a., at he City Mall la Klamath Fall, as tl stcond aa foarta Ta assay of eacn sBoatk. Ail Comrades are In vited. These desiring to iota tha Peat may eeeare appUeatlea blank tram O. K. Van Riper, Pre Nlcnotoon, or T. K. Oariahen. all of Klsatatt Tans. PUD NICHOLSON. SaereUry. GLASS OF SALTS GLEAMS KIDNEYS If your Dark hurt or Bladder bothers yon, drink lot of water WESTERN LABOR BUREAU Tfcs osvlj pkes wksra yw caa gst snilp mad Jm cnajr plaOS) WanSf TOM Cms gt 1034 MAIN ST. Iko477-J NEW CITY LAUNDRY finished work flat Work rough dry "Put Your Duds In Our Suds" PHONE 1S4 Corner Main and Cong tr SAW hHUi KNGfNBTSSUNG as ooNSTKrcneif cex and Dredging. PM snVW Offlee S.P. I aas saw prepare Chaste Sea treat ta saa aa gravel pit, an any that aaay ha Saatre ip eea aaa aauaera. aXr.aaUaUM. Let Your GLASS totcMst beafiBs C E. STUCKEY .lU-CJ.xiadaAimt Miking . Phone 477W Eleventh and Hm Cf-K$ t When your kldneya hurt and your' back feel sore, don't got acared and proceed to load your atomach with a lot of druga that excite the kld neya and irritate the entire urinary tract. Keep your kldneya clean like you keep your bowels clean, oy flush ing them with n mild, harmless salta which removes tha body's urinous waste- and stimulates them to their normal activity. Tha function of the kldneya la to Alter tha blood. In 24 hours they strain from It 500 grams ! or acta ana wane, so we can reaaur understand the vital importance or keeping the kidneys active. Drink lots of watar you ean't drink too much; alio set from any pharmacist about toar ounces of Jad Salts; take a tableapoontal In a glass of water before breakfast each morn ing for a few daya and your kidneys will act fine. This famous salts la made from the acid of grapes and lemon Juice, coblned with llthla, and has been used for generation to clean and stimulate clogged kidneys; also to neutralize the acids In urine so It no longer Is a source of Irrita tion, thus ending bladder weakness. Jad Salt Is Inexpensive; cannot Injuries; makes a deUtbtful efferves cent ltthla-water drink which every one should take now and then to keep tholr kidneys clean and active. Try this, also keep up the water drinking, and no doubt you will won der what became of your kidney trouble and backache. FA1RVIEW TRANSFER Praaapt Service and Reasonable Rate, also Bpeclnl Rate oa Out of Town Trip Phone 269-R aVWWfWWWitWfWWWWWWW W. E. J. E. PATTERSON Contracting Painter Re. Phone 531-R 1SS N. 4th St. 1 00A0AAAttB$0t0t$at Kamssadi Ledge N 1B LO.O.P. Meet Friday nlaht of each week at I. O. O. T. kail, 5th nnd Mala street. H. H. Ogle, N. O.; w. c. Wells. Sae reUry; W. D. Cofer, Treasurer. 'frJBwauna Encampment No. 4. I. Ov O. P., meats Tuesday night of eaca week at I. O. O. P. kalL Hun Loneka. C. P.; W. D. Cofer. Scribe; Fred Bueaing, Treasurer. WILSON ABSTRACT COMPANY Sl7aaNl ARTaTORB. WOAOR THE ARCADE HOTEL 108S-S4 MAIN ST. PRONE 477-J The place with hoat reforte, cleanliness, plenty ef aad ao Inside FOR SALE Three stores, all paying. Location Al. Must sell owing to other business. See 1006 Main St ROBERT S. FRY General Insurance, Investment TeL 501-J 1367 Esplanade KLAMATH FALLS, ORK. Everything aew frosa Sep bottom end rate to aoeketaook. DR. a A. MASSEY -FoarUi aad Pane a, la Warren Runt Hospital Off. Phone 417 Res. Phase MM J. O. CliFaHORN Olvt! aaujLnoer aa Sntreyet Otftea 117 Male St ti Paeaeai Onto IS, aaa, ISaW a A 3 -.WHWNjfvtf; 1' ,"