s jnmHmmur, ocmwiw, iset THE EVENING HERALD. KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON' faob HERALD'S CLASSIFIED COLUMNS WANTED WANTKD Woman, for houso work for smn family. Address Dort BelL Bklpptagton, or phono SSR. G-7 WANTED Truck to hunt- lumbor. Have sorerM.good hauls. Dry lum ber. Apply at once. R. It. MAIIONRY. SIS 1'Jno 8C E- WANTED T0 HUT ISO lb. geld ing at mm. O.TKTTON, 6-6 WANTBD riret claaa blackimlth, also blacksmith helper. Applr C. B. House. (It th St. 4-6 WANTBD Violinist of unusual ability dralrcs playing, dance or classical. K (ormor student ot Brus aells conservatory. Address FUKU CECRTKA, Care ot Tho Renins; Herald. -b WANTED A woman, for general housework. 416 Washington St. phono . 0-8 WANTKD 800 Head of stock ewes. No black faco sheep wanted. 0. W. King, Montague. California. 7-7 HELP WANTED Men or women. 8teady work tho year, round. Ap ply O rowers Packing Warehous ing Association, incorperated: form erly the Chelsea Lumber "Box Co. rhone 40W. .... 8-tf FOR SALE Real Estate roil SAM) 140 Acres that will come under ditch 50 acres un-dcr-ssnuiier fallowa price 13400. in cludes 35 tons ot hay,, two young snares, 1400 pounds, each har ness, wagon, plow, harrow, disk, rake, mowing machine. Payments can ce arranged, a. MINNARD, I.or clla. Ore, 4-7 90H 3AIB By owner. 4 -rooms and bath, large attic and basement, furnished or unfurnished. Phono F 3.- 4- VOR 8AI.K Attractire six-room bungalow, ful ly furnished, oak floors, furnace heat. 739 Eldorado Avenue, Hot 8prlngs Addition. Sco W. S. Wiley. Odd Fellows Duilding. 4-11 FOR SALE By owner four room house close In on pavement. terms. 320 N I lth St. 1-7 FOR SALTS By owner, 310 aerea, Including cattle, hone, hogs and keep, thrasher, traotor and all kind C farm Implements; abw crop. Caa be Irrigated br seriaas on place: all tor S10M0; two anllea from Algo ls. Stephen Herllhy. -s rOR SALE A few good Iota on pavement In a .fast growing dis trict: from HO to 40. Lot with ta 4 block ot White Pelican hotel 9300 op. Lot wlthta n block or Vta St, oaveateat f 400 and tap. LoU on Mate Highway reside of city Umlla 9175 and up. See W. M. Monteiius, with Klamath DeTelopment Co.. 1303 Vain St.. phone 1. 3-tt AUTOMOBILES ' WANTED To trade chummy four roadster, I.fbertjr sU A-l condi tion for Bodge Toadster, Pastime Blllard Parlor. 7-9 WILL TRADE 1919 Maxwell as part payment on house and lot. L. C. 8hlrley. CSS Mala St. C-3 FOR SALE 1915 Ford In good me chanical order, extra part. Rea- ABakla hbIaa & A alasaAaa .llO lata" MIUIU1U pitWt easJMJ 1 laUaWI 1IUI joas . 449 Mich. Are. 4-6 FOR SALB Haynea Six car, for grain ot any kind, or potatoes. Peoples Warehouse company, Cth & R. R. Spur. Klamath Falls. 6-9 FOR SALE 1920 Reo, used only 5 ' months. Bargain If taken at once. Box 47, Herald Office. 2-t( AUTO TRUCK Just the thing for a drayage busi ness or for hauling farm produce; Tour speeds. Pneumatic tire, one to two ton capacity. Must sell or trade. Earl Shepherd Music Store. 30-tf uhi:i aits 1 Hudson Speedster T Studobaker 4 touring car 1 Overland M 81. 1 Overland M 85 "4" touring car. 1 Studebaker 6 cyl., 7 passenger. 1 Maxwell Form A truck. l,Ford bng. " NEW CARS 1 Bulck Six 1 Oldsmoblle truck t Seven passenger Haynea. Tleo five passenger touring. "Reo five passenger sedan. 1 Seven passenger Hudson. 1 Five passenger Essex. Reo Speedwagon. Samson 3-4 ton truck. AOMH MOTOR CO. SIXTH AND OAK LOST AND FOUND XOST Sratall boy' green sweater. Call Mr. Wilbur Jones, 344. 6.6 IX)T Pocket knife, buck handle, pen, flesh and carving blade; sodium size. Finder return to Jferald office. Ilox F. Reward 46 )VtstWVWtMr(MMrMMrMrlA'4MrlMM A classified Ad will sell It. Feed Your Chickens uzw,&y- FOR SALE Micnuwout FOR SALE 100 Rhode Island Red chicken. Call 286 Mortimer avon- uo after 6 p. ra. E-7 FOR SALE 8 black mlnorcha lay Ing hen. Call 645 Alameda St. E-6 FOR 8ALB 75 head stock cattle. Including cows, calves and dry cows and. yearlings. Address IJox 120, Fort Klamath. . C7 ROTARY WHITE sowing mnchlno on easy payments, M.ichlno clocks and phonographs skillfully repaired. DOUGLAS. 127 N. Fourth St. Around corner from First National Dank. 4-8 FOR 8ALE 3 fresh milch cos. Telephone 13 F-13. 4-6 FOR SALK 7-room rooming house, for sale cheap. Seo Smith Klamath Athletic Club. 4th and Klamath 4tt 30 COTS 20 set double blankets, 30 comforter, 30 mattresses. 20 pillows and slips, Completo outfit for sale cheap. See Smith. Klamath Athletic club, 4th and Klamath. .J ' FOR 8ALE Hall safe 16x22 Inside. 25x36 outside measurement. In- qulro O. W. Robertson at Superior laundry. 49 FOR SALE Welded 'gasollno tank, with all fittings. 1075 gallons ca pacity. Imperial garage. PHONOGRAPH BARGAINS CASH OR SHORT TERMS A number ot sample phonographs and used standard makes will be offered soon at liberal reduction, watch papers for announcements. EARL SHEPHERD CO. 02-8 FOR SALE Smalt cash register. In quire at Miller Photo Co. 3-7 FOR 8ALt A largo cook store, call at Klamath Record ottlco, 118 So. 5 St. Mr. Jolty. FOR SALE Ramboulllett rams yearling rnms that will shear 20 to 30 lbs. ot fino wnlto wool. Will sell one to carload. Prices right. F. W. Her r In, Ashland, Oregon. 28-2 BARGAINS IN HOUSES Yes, we know It Is very hard to rent a house, but we have tor sale some very good homes at reasonable prices and some of them on very oasy terms. Please not the follow fellow follew ing: Threo room plastered houso and big corner lot near new school. Price 31900. Only 300 cash and $30 a month. Four room house and big lot at a special price of 11600 on very easy terms. It has bath, dutch kitchen and garage. A nice home for little money. New and modern four room house with large sun window, dutch kitch en, bath and other modern conven iences, nt price of 13000. Only $500 cash. Good fire room hquse with bath and big corner lot only one block from Main St. at 83000 on vory easy term. Modern four room house near 11th St. Pavement with bath, large level lot, completely furnished, at a spe cial price ot 12400. Halt cash. Modern five room house on Tenth St. with bath, cabinet work, big lot, lawn and trees. Price Is only 13250. Terms. Good six room house with half acre of land and about 100 ft. of river frontage. Fine orchard and garden tract. Price $3000. Only $1000 cash and $50 a month. Modern 10 room house and two lots on pavement at special price of $5000. Only $1000 cash and $50 a month. Over in Hot Springs Addition, on Pacific Terrace, right on the pave ment with delightful view of valley, lako and mountains, we hnve a mod ern flto room houso Mflth nice large rooms, fireplace, fsirnaco, dutch kitchen, lawn, trees, big lot. Price Is only $5250. Terms. Drive over on Crescent. Ave. with us and look through a new and mod ern five room houso with flro-placo, dutch kitchen, big lot and In ex cellent neighborhood. It has five nlco large rooms on first floor with finished floor upstairs which can be mado into two big light rooms. Prlco is onlv $7800, halt cash. It built to day, the house alone would cost more than the above price, and the lot Is worth at least $-1500. We would also like to show you Washington St. It has full basement. pipe rurnaco, with registers in all rooms, fire-place, sewing room, largo dutch kitchen, finished attic and big cornor lot. Price I only $9000. Owner will take smaller house at part payment. It will be a pleasure to show you any of these homes, Chilcote & Smith. 633 Main St. WESTERN UNION TELEGRAPH CO. Exclusive election new service for club or private gathering. Inquire of Manager, 624 Main St. NOTICE Having sold my Interest In the "White Lunch" to Edward Owen I wish to announce that all bill out standing will be paid by him and all bills receivable will be collected by him. J. H. MANN. O. 6-13-20-27 MISCELLANEOUS KK ATI 11311 mattresses mndo from your tonther lied. Feathers donn ed and storlllied. DOUGLAS, 127 N. Fourth St. Around corner from First National Dank. 4-8 HOME COOKED MWAt.S sorved Up- stairs over Ilrattdcnburg'a storo. 421 Main St. 4-11 IF THE PARTY who picked up tho brown mink fun-la tho star thea tre a week ngo Sunday night will return It to Mrs. Emmttt, 617 Pine street, they will rocelvo llboral ro ward. 4-6 HARNEY HATTUS, Write your sis tor. Good now awaits you. Nov. 19 FOR SALE Ono brand now tr-ton logging trallor. Seo Max Wolss, 6th St., Near Kwauna Ilox Co 30-tf PHONE TEYTON tor wood 535 CITY GARBAGE When you want garbage removed call 10F-33, MATTRESSES MADK-over. furniture upholstering. Household goods packed and crated, export work. DOUGLAS, 127. N. Fourth St. Around cornor from First National Dank. 48 FOR RENT OR LEASE FOUR-ROOM houso to lease, furni ture for sale. 1917 Ford for sale: terms, 730 Ninth St. 56 FOR RUNT Bedroom suttabto for man and wife. 1149 Pine st. Phone 369. C FOR RENT Sleeping room. 406 Pine St. r.. I HAVE TWO nice one-room houses for rent. Cor 4th and OukVWrlto mo. It Interested. J. .A PICKLE. Chlloqulru Oregon. 4-G NOTICE Notice Is hereby given that sealed proposals will bo received by tbr Board ot Directors' of tho Langoll Valley Irrigation District -of Kla math County, Oregon for the con struction ot tho Irrigation ditches and works ot tho Cloar Lake Di vision ot said District according to the plans and specifications approv ed by the Board ot Directors and which arc now on tile at tho offlco of tho Engineer of tho District who is Mr. C. T. Darley at No. 100 Fourth Street. Klamath Falls. Oregon. "Said proposals will be received up to the hour of 3 o'clock In the after noon of the 15th day of October, A. D. 1920 at the office of the Board ot Director ot said District which is No. 16 Loomla Building, Klamath Falls, Oregon. Proposals are desired on a basis ot acceptance of the Bonds ot said District at par. Bidder may submit proposals for a single schedule, any combination ot schedules, or all schedules as they may desire. . Each proposal must be accompan ied by a certified check amounting to $200.00 for each schedulo bid upon payment to the Secretary of the Langeli Valley Irrigation District as a guaranty that tho bidder will. If successful, promptly aoxecute n satisfactory contract and furnish a good and sufficient bond as herein below provided. The successful bidder wilt be re quired to deposit a satisfactory bond in the amount of 25 ot the con tract price conditioned that he or they will faithfully perform said con tract. Bids to be opened October 15th, 1920 at tho hour of 2 o'clock p, m. The Board of Directors reserve the right to reject any or all bids -ot satisfactory to the Board ot Direc tors. A. L. WISICARD Secretary Langeli Valley Irrigation of Klamath County, Oregon. ' 1-14. NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the County Court ot the 'State of Oregon, for Klamath County. In the Matter of tho Estnto of Loulso K. ForKUson. Deceased. NOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN, thot I have been appointed executor of tho estate of Loulso E. Ferguson, do ceased, by tho abovo ontltlcd court; all persons having claims ngalnst the said estate aro notified to present them to mo, with proper and legal vouchers attached, nt tho law offices of Ferguson. Fletchor & Mifflin, number 16 Loomls Building, Klnm nth Falls, Oregon, within six months from September 8th, 1920. CHARLES J. FEROUSON, Executor of the Estate of Louise E. Ferguson, deceased. Sep. 8-15-22-29-6 NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR KLAM ATH COUNTY. In the matter of the estate of H. H. EDMONDS, deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN That thA unriArfllsrnAri ha hdut innnititkj, adrntnUtratrii of the estate of If. H. bumunas, acccaiea, oy me aoove en- titlUrl Mil rt. hflrl t1 mmari havln claim against the 'said estate aro required to present same, with the proper voucher, to the undersigned at the office of her attorney, H. M. Manning, In the Loomls building, Klamath Valla, Draann within ! month from the date of this notice. uaiea Beptemner 37, 1920. MINA EDMONDS, Administratrix of tbo Estate Of If. If. Rfimnnrla ,lniaflanf4 27-4-11-18-2S wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwm Notice to Auto Owners STORAGE Right In tho heart ot tho city, quick Horvlrn, Constant Cure mid Supervision, Arrange for Bpart Now. Repairing Export work by expert workmen. All work gunranieud, It you como hero once you will cotun again. Repairing and atorngo for nil make ot car. MALLORY GARAGE Open from 7 a. in. to 10 p. in. Phone, 378-J WWWWWWMWWWIWWWWWWMWWWJMWWWWWWWWMWWWWW ,MMWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWMWMWWWWWM UfflV-HlK-lBlBlBK 5WsasOW accord. Suppose you test our service today and learn why this restaurant is so popular. ft Jewel 610 Main St uijtnir)"i''yrYVt"ijT'jij" BOYS WANTED The Herald will soon have an opening for some wide awake boys real boys. Ap plications will be received for the next few days and the boys accepted will be employed as vacancies occur in the order in which the ap plications are on file. If the Wood Dealer Sold. Service Wo do not sell current; no doesn't 117 Well, suppose tho wood denier mild scrvlrp Instead of wood, he would tend ,to your furnace nnd )our rnnirr, take ntvny tho Junes and clean tho flues. You would buy so much heat. . Now ou buy so much light, although.-you pay according to tho current you consume. Hut tho service I performed for you by tills company at tho substation and power plants. That la what we want to give you efficient service. It Is tho arm of this company to have noao bat satisfied customers. No matter what It is, If you have a grievance, or are dissatisfied about year bill or do not understand oar rate, please como la and see as or write a aboat It. If yoa bare aay sagfoatioa to make, we will gladly avail our selves of then a oar atai I eoaataatljr to Improve oar eervice to you aa faot aa tho developtaeat of acleace aad haasaa ability permit. California-Oregon Power Company Don't fail to read the Murphey Feed & Seed c 127 S.-6th THOSE WHO DINE HERE once uhvays come again, especially when they de sire 'something extra fine in the way of food, service and surroundings. We only have to induce people to comeJiere once. They come again of their own Cafe fccll service. That sounds odd Herald Classified Ads. WHY IT SUCCEEDS tlwMiM' It' For Ono Thing Only, and UIiiihmIIi Knit IVopIn Appro ditto Tills Nothing can bo good for every tiling. Doing ono thing woll brings sue cess. Doan's Kldnoy Pill are for ono thing only. For weuk or disorderly kidneys. Hero I Klniniilh Falls evldonco to prove tliclr worth. Mrs. L. F, Meredith. 739 9th St., says: "I can recommend Dunn's Kid Iney Pills as n rollnhln remedy. I hnvo used thorn off and on for. some 'time mid hnvo nlwuy found thoni to I... ttnrv MHtlMfiil'tiirv III rilllltvllltf At. lacks of kidney complaint. When I had bnckaches and my kidneys acted Irregularly Doan's rollovml tho attack nnd put my kidneys In good shape." I'rlcu 60c, nt nil iloaturs. Don't simply ask for n kidney remedy got Bonn' Kidney Pills the same that Mrs. Meredith hnd. Koster-Mllburn Co., Mfrs., Buffalo, N. Y. Preliminary work Is being carried out on thn development of the llrldgo Itlver power site, at Llllooet, II. O., the total cost ot which will 1m $30, 000,000, With I ho oxcoptlmi of Ni agara Falls and Victoria Falls, this will bo tho biggest power silo In the world. Fort Worth not only won both halves nt tho Texas league split sea son, but rolled up a new league rcc- lord for total games won. CHIROPRACTOR Dr. Loit C. Bridget Office Hours 10 to 12 a. m., 2 to 6 p. m. Ill 5th St., Suite 105 Over First State A Savings Bank MINERAL BATHS Dr. Maad UgersoU Haw toy Cnlropractle Payslciaa First National Bank Balldlag Bntraace, Room t ASHLAND, OKKOON ALL KINDS of tla aad sheet troa work, Ulattaa aad wan air doaa' at tbo Kaaaaoa riasaMaaj Hl.op. No. 10SS Mala at, L. N. HAINES PaoaeSM j KlamathBend Auto Stag A dally tato atage Mrrte la sow operaUag Ketweea Klamath rails and Bend. OBcoa Rex cafe and Met ropolitan Oarage, c. I. IUckard. Phono J7I-W. 17-tt Klamath Dye Works Phone 408 OWK CLEANING, I'llKHHINO AND llKfAIlTlNQ WILL MAKK VOUB CLOTMKH LOOK LIKE NEW HATS IlKW,OCKi:i Good Called for and Delivered Ml Main HtreecT Klamath 'Valla SOOTHING QUIETUDE FOR ITS PATIENTS la one of any hospital' biggeit asset and the location of tbl hospital make It -specially desirable frost that viewpoint. Only abundantly caphbU graduated nurse aro' em ployed, and this fact, added to ssr unequalled staff of pbyilolams sad excellent hospital equlpmeat laairto our patieat uasurpaiaed terrlee. STAFF DR. . D. JOHNSON DR. O. H. MBRRTIf AN DR. T. O. OAMPBBLL DR. OarOROB I. WRIOHT DR. I. D. LAMB DR. M. D. LLOYD BTBWART Klamath General Hospital Store 124 So. 6th St. Pi 87