h itrsatoAYtwroafctt b im THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON' pagb an 1 HUB CLASSIFIED COLUMNS WANTED RANTED Pint class bUcksmlth, also blacksmith Helper. Apply u B. Houm. M 6th Bt. 4-6 IWANTKD Ylellntst of unnsual 'ability desires playing, danco or CMMicai. A formor atudeni or iirus eelb conservatory. Address FRRD OKCKTKA, Care ot The Evening Herald. (WANTED fly young couple no children furnlthod apartment or housekeeping rooms. Inqulro Herald office. JWANTKO A woman for general housework. 415 Washington at Phono 96. 30-8 IWANTHD lagging track to haul logs, 13.00 por thousand, (lood roads. Dig Ikca Raw Mill. K. J. Jenkins. Phone 13F2. 39-5 .WANTED (00 Head of stock ewes, No black faco aheep wanted. O. W. Xing, Montague. California. 37-7 HELP WANTED Mem or women. Steady work the rear .round. Ap Hy Growers Packing ft Warehous tag Association, Incorperated: form erly the Chelsea Lumber dBox Co. Phone 40W. 8-tf FOR SALE Real Estate FOll SAMS 140 acres that will come uader ditch SO acre nn- der-sutnmer fallows prlco S340O. In cludes SStoaa ol hajr,. two young Blares, not pounds, each har ae9, wagon, plow, .harrow, disk. rake, mowing machine, Payments can co arranged. G. UtNNARD, I.or- lla, ure. 4-7 FOR SALE By owner, 4 -rooms and bath, large attic and basement, famished or unfurnished. Phono S3 F 3. 4-9 VOH HAI.K Attractive six-room bungalow, ful ly furnished, oak floors, furnace' Beat. 739 Eldorado Avenue. Hot 8prlngs Addition. See W. S. Wiley. Odd FeUowa Building. 4-11 FOR SALE By owner four room house cloeo la on pavement. terms. 32 N 11th St. . 1-7 FOR SALE By owaer, 330 acre. Including cattle, horse, hogs and keep, thresher, traeter aad all kind of farm lapleeaeataaloo crop. Caa e Irrigated by serine oa place; all far S100.M; two aUlea from Alco na. Stephen Herllhy. 9-9 FOR SALE A few good lota oa pavement la a fast growtag dls- trtct; froai fise U 1400. Lou with- t 4 blocks of WhKe Pellcaa hotel .1300 up. LeU wllbla a block of 6th St. pavement $400 aad ap. Lota oa i aHate Highway inside jot city limits 9176 aad ap. See W. M. Montellus, - with Klamath Development Co.. 1103 Mala St.. phone 1. 3-tf m0000m0000000A000000000000000 BARGAINS IK HOl'ftKH ' Yes, we know It la very Hard to rent a bouse, bat we. biro for Mile' some very good homes at reasonable prices -and some ot tbeai on very "easy terms. Please not the follow lag: Three room plastered bouse and big corner lot near new school. Prlco $1900. Only $300 cash and $30 a month. . Four room bouse and big lot at a special prlco of $1600 oa very easy terms. It has bath, dutch kitchen and garase. A nice home for little money. A New and modern four room bouse with largo sun window, dutch kitch en, bath and other modern conven iences, at price of $30M. Only $500 cash. -"' Good flvo room house with bath and big corner lot only one block from Mnln St. nt $3000 oa vory easy terms. Modern four room bouse near 11th Bt. Pavement with bath, large level lot, completely furnished, at a spe cial price ot $2400. Half cash. Modern flvo room house on Tenth 8t. with beth, cabinet work, big lot, lawn and trees. Price Is only $3250. Terms. Good six room house with half acre of land and about 100 ft. of river frontage Fine orchard and garden tract. Price $3000. Only $1000 cash and $50 a month. Modern 10 room bouse and two lot on pavement at special prlco of $5000. Only $1000 cash and $50 n month. Over In Hot Springs Addition, nn Pacific Terrace, right on tho pave ment with delightful view of valley, lake and mountains, we have a mod ern five room house with nice large rooms, ffcreplaco, furnaco, dutch kitchen, lawn, trees, big lot. Price Is only $5250. Terms. Drive over on Crescent Ave. with us and look through a new and rVd- era five room house with fire-place, titch kitchen.- big lot-and" lu ex cellent neighborhood. It has five Bice large rooms on first floor with finished floor upstairs which can be made Into two big light rooms. Price Is oaly $7800, bait cash. If built to day, the bouse sloae would cost more than the above price, and the lot la worth at least $1500. Wo would also Ilka to show you Washjag ton St. It has full basement, pip 'faraace, with registers la all rooms, fire-place, sewing room, largo datck kitchen, finished attic aad big corner lot. Price, Is only Vteaf, .Owner wll take smaller house at part payment. It will M a pleasure to snow you stay of these homes. ' Chlleote'st Smith. 633 Main Ht. FOR SALE MicnMout ROTARY WHITE sowing machine on easy payments, Machtno clocks and phonographs skillfully repaired. DOUGLAS. 137 N. Fourth Bt. Around corner from First National Rank. 4-S SOW AND SEVEN pigs for salo. Phone 3S5. i 4-5 FOR 8ALE 3 fresh milch cowa. Telephone 13 F-13. 46 FOR SALE "-room rooming. houso, for sale cheap. See Smith Klamath Athletic Club. 4th and Klamath 4t( 30 COTS 30 set double blankets. 30 comforters, 20 mattresses. 20 pillows and slips, Complete outfit for salo ehoap. 8ee Smith, Klamath Athletic club, 4th and Klamath. Hut . 4tf FOR 8ALU Hall nato 16x33 Insldo, 35x36 outside measurement. In qulro O. W. .Robertson at Superior laundry. 4-9 FOR SALE 10 good milch cows. Write It. II. Wilcox. Route 1. or see them at the ranch 3V4 mllea from town on Midland road. 4-5 LUMBERMEN LOGGING operators etc. get your feed barley direct from producer and savo on. largo quanti ties. Call personally SOS Oak St. and make ararngoments. 2-5 FOR SALE Welded gasoline tank. with all fittings. 1075 gallons ca pacity, imperial garage. PHONOGRAPH BARGAINS CASH OR SHORT TERMS A number ot sample phonographs and used standard makes will bo offered soon at ' liberal reduction, watch papers for announcements. EARL SHEPHERD CO. 03-8 FOR SALE Small cash register. In quire at Miller Photo Co. 2-7 FOR SALE One six-hole range, one sanitary conch and . mattress, one kitchen table. 523 Lincoln. 30-5 FOR SALE A large cook store, call at Klamath Record office. 118- fco. 5 St. Mrs. Jolly. FOR SALE Ramhoulllett rams yearling rams that will shear 20 to 30 lbs. of fine white wool. Will sell oae to carload. Prices right. F. W, Herrln. Ashland, Oregon. 28-37 LOST AND FOUND LOST Between Fort Klamath and Kiamatn agency, a ounaie or In dian baskets and a feather bed. Find er Dtmse notify. Johnnie Cole. Mo doc Point Eperlment Farm. Reward. -5 LOST Part ot gold fountain pen. Finder phone 391. Reward. 4-5 LOST Pocket knife, buck handle, pen, flesh and carving blades; medium slxe. Finder return to Herald office. Box F. Reward 4-6 AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE Ford touring car, per fect condition. Will trade for city property. Inqulro at new building 5th and Main. 29-5 FOR SALE 1920 Reo, used only 6 mnathf. Birnln If tiknn at 'once. Box 47, Herald Office. 2-tf AUTO TRUCK Just the thing for a drayage busi ness or for hauling farm preduce: four speeds, Pneumatic tires, one to two tons capacity. Must sell or trade. Earl Shepherd Musle Store. ' 30-tf USED OARS 1 Hudson Speedster 1 Studebaker 4 touring car 1 Overland M 81. I Overland M 85 "4" touring car. 1 Studebaker C cyl., 7 passenger. 1 Maxwell Form A truck. 1 Ford bug. NEW CARS 1 Bulck Six 1 Oldsmoblle truck 1 Seven passenger Haynes. Reo flvo passenger touring. Reo five passenger sodan. 1 floven passenger Hudson. 1 Five passenger Essex. Reo Spccdwagon. Samson 3-4 ton trucks. ACME MOTOR CO. SIXTH AND OAK NOTICE TO CRKDITORS IN THE COUNTY COURT OP TUB STATE OP OREQON FOR KLAM- TH-COUNTYt In the matter of the estate of H. H. EDMONDS, deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY OIVENThat tho undersigned bss been appointed administratrix ot the estate of If. H. Edmonds, deceased, by the above en titled court, and all persons having claims against the said estate are required to present same, with the proper vouchers, to the undersigned at the office of ber attorney, II. M. Manning, In the Loomls building, Klamath Palls. Oregon, within six months from the date of this notice. Dated September 27, 1920. MINA EDMONDS, Administratrix of tho Estate of H. II. Edmonds, deceased. 27-4-11-18-25 MISCELLANEOUS FEATHER mattresses inado from our tenthor bed. Feathers clean ed and sterilised. DOUGLAS,, 137 N. Fourth St. Around cornor from First Natlonnl Hank. 4-S HOME COOKED MBAUS sorved up" stairs over Uratldcnburg's store. 431 Main St. 4-11 IF THE I'AUTY who picked up tho brown mink fur in tho star thoat Iro a week ago Sunday night will return It to Mrs. Kmmltt, 517 Pine street, they will receive liberal re ward. 4-6 BARNEY HATTU8, Wrlto jour sis tor. Good news awaits you. Nor. 19 FOR SALE One brand now 5-ton logging trailer. See Max Weiss, 6th St., Near Ewouna Box Co. 30-tf PHONE PEYTON tor wood 535 CITY GARBAGE When you want garbsgo removed call 10F-33. MATTRESSE8 MADE over, furniture upholstering. Household goods packed and crated, expert work. DOUGLAS, 137. N. Fourth St. Around corner from First Natlonnl Bank. 4-8 IWWWWWWWMWOWWWWWWWWWWIW FOR RENT OR LEASE I HAVE TWO nice one-room houses for rent. Cor 4th and Oak. Wrlto mS. It Interested. J. .A PICKLE. Chlloquln, Oregon. 4-6 FOR RENT. 4-room furnished apartment no children. 416 So. Riverside. 4-5 0vm0mww0vwwwwmwwwww WESTERN' UNION TELEGRAPH CO. Exclusive election news service for clubs or private gatherings. Inquire of Manager. 624 Msln St. NOTICE Notice Is hereby given that sealed proposals will be. received by 111 Board ot Directors of tho LaiiKull Valley Irrigation District ot Kla math County, Oregon for tho con struction ot tho Irrigation ditches and works ot tho Clear Lake Di vision of said District according to the plans and specifications approv ed by the Board ot Directors .and which are now on file at the offlco of the Engineer of tho District who Is Mr. C. T. Darley at No. 100 Fourth Street. Klamath Falls, Orogon. ' Said proposals will be rccelrod up to tho hour ot 2 o'clock In the after noon of the 15th day ot October, A, O. 1920 at the offlco of the Board ot Directors ot said District which Is No. 16 Loomls Building, Klamath Falls. Oregon. Proposals are desired on a basis of acceptance ot the Bend of said District at par. Bidders msy submit proposals for a single schedule, any combination of schedules, or all schedules aa they may desire. Each proposal must be accompan ied by a certified check amounting to .1200.00 for each schedule bid upon payment to the Secretary of the Langell Valley Irrigation District aa a guaranty that the bidder will. If successful, promptly aexecute a satisfactory contract and furnish a good and sufficient bond as herein below provided. The successful bidder win bo re quired to deposit a satisfactory bond In the amount of 25 ?J ot the con tract price conditioned that ho or they will faithfully perform said con tract. Bids to be opened October 15th. 1920 at the hour ot 2 o'clock p. m. The Board ot Directors reserve the right to relect any or all bids "it satisfactory to the Board ot Direc tors. A. L. WISHARD Secretary Langell Valley Irrigation of Klamath county, Oregon. 1-14. Take Salts to Bush Kidneys and neutralize Irritating adds. Kidney and Bladder weakness re sult from uric acta, says a notea authority. Tho kidneys Alter this acid from the blood and pass It on to the bladder, whore It often re mains to Irritate and Inflame, caus ing a burning sensation, or setting up an irritation at tho neck 'of the bladder, obliging you to seek relief two or three times during the night. The sufferer Is in constant dread, the water passes sometimes with a scalding sensation and Is very pro fuse; again, there Is difficulty lb avoiding It. Bladder weakness, most folks call tj-beeaaserthey-cattt-control-ijrlna tloa. While it Is extremely annoy ing and sometimes painful, this Is really one of the most simple ail ments to overcome. Oet about four ouaces ot Jad Salts from your phar macist and take a tablespooaful la a glass of water before Breakfast, contlnse this for two or three days. This will neutralise the acids la the arise so It bo longer Is a source of Irritation to the bladder and urinary organs which then act normally again. Jad Salts Is Inexpensive, harm leu, and is made from the acid of grapes and lemon Juice, combined with llthla, and Is used by thousands of folks who are subject to urinary disorders caused by urls acid lr- F K DNEYS HID W T rltntlon. Jad Baits Is splendid or kidneys and causes no bad efforts whatover. Hero you have a ploasant, effor voscont llthla-wator drink, which quickly relieves bladder trouble. ' SQUEEZED TO DEATH When the body begins to stiffen and movement becomes painful it is usually on indication that tho kidneys are out' of order. Keep these organs healthy by taking COLDMEDAL The worlds standard ram.Jy for kidn.r. lint, bladder and uric add troublta. Famous since 1690. Take rtgulatly anJ keep In good health. la three sit, all druggists. Guaranteed as represented. iMthtatiMHCtUHAlM TryfcM HEADACHE STOPS, NEURALGIA GONE Dr. Jamas' Keadacfas Powdsrt give instant rslisf Ooat dims a paokaf a. Nm.rfklflff. anlltllna nr Aatt throbbing headaches yield iTn just a ftw moment to Dr. James' Headache Pow tfera whlrh nm( nnlv 10 mL t..lr. age at any drug store. Its the quick- i-ii, nimt nrauacne reuci in oe wnoia world. Don't suffer! Relieve the tsony mid dUtrrtt now I You can. Millinm of men and women bur found that hraillAhA anil n..ira1ira miierv U needless. Oet what you uk lor. BUYJOW These cool September days are n warning to tho careful buyer that winter Is coming nnd that tho tlmo Is now ripe for DUYINQ WOOD. W1NTF.R IH OOMIXO Place your orders with us now for Green Slab and lllock Wood white the summer prices are on, for bad roads are sure to briag advances In price BUY NOW. O.Peyton & Go. 'WOOD 41ft MAIN "Here's Real Tobacco" ays the Good Judge That gives a man more enuine chewing satis action than he ever got out of the ordinary kind. Smallerchcw,lastsIonger so it costs less to chew this class of tobacco. And the good, rich to bacco taste gives a world of satisfaction. Any man who usee the Real Tobacco Chew will tell you that. Put up in two stylet W-B CUT is a long fine-cut RIGHT Kill That jS. CASCARA 0 QUININE FOR th96fei' AND OM? Colds, Ceafkt Neglected Colds' are Dangerous Tak no chanc.s. Heap this standard remedy hand for the first soMia. Brtaks up a cold In 24 hours fUliavt Olippe in 3 days KsctjUnt for Haadachs Qulnlna In this form does not aSact the head Cascara Is best .Tonic Lasatlvt No Opiat In Hill's. ALL DRUGGISTS SELL IT WHEN YOU WAKE UP DRINK GLASS OF HOT WATER i. ii Wash poisons and toxins from system before putting food into stomach. Wash yourself on the Innlilo Iwforo breakfast llko you do on tho outside. This Is vastly morn Important bo cnusn tho skin pores do not absorb Impurities Into tho blood, causing lllnoss, while tho bowel pores do. For evory ounce ot food taken Into tho stomach noarly art ounco of waste material must bn carried out ot tho body. It this vasto Is not eliminated day by dny It quickly ferments and generates poisons, gases nnd toxins which nro absorbed or sucked Into tho blood stream, through tho t)tuph ducts, which should suck only nourishment. A splendid health measure Is to drink, before breakfast each day, a glass of hot wnter with a teaspoon tut ot llmestoiro prosphato In It, which Is a harmless way to wash these poisons from tho stomach, llvor, kidneys nnd bewels: thus cleansing, sweotonlng and freshen ing tho alimentary canal botoro eat ing more food. A quarter pound ot llmostono phosphato costs but vory little at the drug store, but Is sufficient to make nnyono an enthusiast on Inside bath ing. WHOLE WORLD WAITS, SAYS PRESIDENT WAHIIINtiTON, Oct. 6. "The wholu wurld will wait for your vor- diet In November. You hao been Krooly mSleal by the opposition in regard to tho treaty and tho proposed lengun of uatlonii ' said President Wilson to his "follow countrymen" over the wireless today. TO BURN" PHONE SSS CsCrJk- Vhr- i1 tobacco CUT is a short-cut tobacco Cold With La Grippe BIG EATERS GET ill Tho Amorlcan men and women must guard constantly against Kid ney trouble bocauso wo eat too much and all our food Is rich. Our bipod I filled with urlo acid which the kid neys strive to filter out. they weaken from overwork, become sluggish; tho ollminstlvn tissues clog and the result It kidney troublo, bladder weakness nnd a general docllno In health. . Whon your kidneys foul like lumps of lead; your back hurls or the urine la cloudy, full ot sediment or you nro obliged to seek relief two or three times r night; it you suffer with sick headache or dluy, nervous spells, acid stomach, or you hnvo rhoumntlsm whon the weather Is bad, got from your pharmacist about four ounces of Jad Salts; take a tablospoonful In a glass of wntor bo fore brttakfaet for a few daya and your kidneys will thon act nun. This famous salts la made from the acid ot grapes and lemon Juice, combin ed with llthla, and haa been used for generations to flush and stimu late clogged, kidney; to noutrallxo the acids In the urlno so It no longer la a source of Irritation, thus end ing bladder disorders. ' Jad Salts la Inexpensive; cannot Injure, makes a delightful efferves cent llthla-water boverago, and be longs In every hornet because no body can make a mistake by having a good kidney flushing any time. CHIROPRACTOR 'Dr. Lois C Bridges Office Hours 10 to 12 a. m., 2 to 5 p. m. Ill 5th St., Suite 105 Ovor Plrst State A Savings' Hank , . MINERAL BATHS Dr. Maad ImgereoU Bawley CMropracUe PaysMaa rtrtt National Bank Building Batraace, Room AataXAND. ORKOOM ALL KINDS of 4la aad sheet troa work, Hiatus aa4 wana air demo as Use fkaaaoa Pi HhoB. Mo. 1M L. N. HAINES PawaeSM J Klamath-Bnd Auto Stag A dally auto stage service Is sow operating between Klamath Palla and Bead. Offices Rex cafe and Met ropolitan Oarage. O. I. Heckard. Phone 371-W. . J7-tf Klamath Dye Works Phone 408 Otm CUCANINO, PREflHlNQ AND REPAIRING WHiL MAKK YOUR cixmuui LOOK LIKE NEW If AN lUintjOCKED Goods Called for aad Delivered 481 Mala Street Klamath Palls SOOTHING QUIETUDE FOR ITS PATIENTS Is one of any hospital's biggest assets and the location ot this hospital makes It .especially desirable fro that viewpoint Only abundantly capable graduated nurses are em- ployed, and this fact, added to oar unequalled staff of phyilelaaa aad excellent hospital equlpsasat Insures our patients unsurpassed service. STAFF DR. JO. D. JOHNSON DR. O. H. MBRRYMAN DR. T. O. OAMPBBLL DR. OBOROR I. WRIOHT DR. B. DJ LAMB . DR. H. D. LLOYD STEWART Klamath General Hospital Fml Your Chickens "CS&tf Murphey Feed & Seed Store 124 So. 6t)t St. Plane 87 .