MMMmm THE EVENING HERALD. KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON MONDAY, OCTOBKR 4. 1 "PUNCHING" 1X1 POLO UKIj MONTH, fill., "Teddy Itnosuvolt," two year ngi) ii cow pony on n Hallna raiiRi) near liuru, tin dovolopod Into such u runt polo puny Intro t In t ho linn Ihioii mint cunt to try for a plnco on mi American ton in wlilcli In to ondouvor to lift nn International polo cup In Knglnml next year, IIiikIi Drnry, Del Monto, wlm developed Hi (i pony, In nirtitln lio will plum on tlio team, "Toddy In n diirk liny, nlno yuiirH old anil for flvo years was tbo mount of tlio foiiiini. of a cntllo ranch. M'wWM.WWtwwMww, Notice to Auto Owners STORAGE Right In tho heart of tlio city, Quick Horvlco, Constant Coro and Supervision, Arrange for Hpnco Now, Repairing report work by expert workmen, rmno hero omo you will come again. litukt'K of cam. All work guaranteed. If you Repairing and storaga for all MALLORY GARAGE Ojx'ti from 7 a, m. to 10 p. m. Phone 378-J 127 S. 6th MMMMWMMWMVMMMMMW CHINESE MOST Tl HINT tpyyyyipfpfTy "l"""" j22232EISt 3SEC Cheaper than meat v but just as nutritious just at .appetizing and sustaining and they save labor, time and fuel. You'll have Del Montk Beam often when you know how good they arc. Itrs the inimitable Dbl Monte Tomato Sauce and the Del Monte method of prepara tion that make them different from other beans better. Let DelMontr Deans help you cut down the high cost of living. CAUIORNIA PACKINO CORPORATION Saa rna !, OMWmU T i aaVVSaSaw SsaVSlaaaaaaaaai JSBaOl m'Smr ssrbtI 111 1 ftf W QHsiiiiBs HPSssflsPlf PEKING, Aug. 28. (Uy Mall) Parting advlco to Clilnn, given by T. 1'nul 8. Hnlnsch, former American minister to China and lator counsel lor to tho Chinese government, In cludod a Htatamont that "It Is plain thnl foreign nations cannot ho ex pected to nupport a government which doon not have tho nupport of Its own citizens." Dr. Ilolnsch'n ndvlco wait contalnod In a long nnnlynln of tho wcaknoxsca and rwiulriimontn of tlm Chinese gov ornment. I La nuhmlttcd tho analysis Just hoforo ho tendered hli resigna tion nn counrollor. "While a republic In form, thnro ban not been n cnntlnuoun representa tion of tho people In tho government" wan another ntalement. Dr. Itnlnnch nlno declared that any recognition by u foreign government rented only on cnnvrnlrnco and did not Involve nup port or approval. "At present tho government In fatally defective through lack of a roprosontntlva parliament" ho pouited out and then noiinded a warning that "recognition glvon by foreign gov ernments may nt any time be with drawn If tho govornment. fnlln to at tain authority through gaining confl ilonco of tho people." Dr. Kolnsch traced tho history of tho provisional constitution of 1012, which Inn nlncc been complicated by election of a new "extra-legal" par liament and by mlgratlonn and dl vlnlonn Into many faction of tho body which originally preceded It.. He believed Hint existing group ings and organization. of tho pcoplo should bo mndo tho bosls of now people' constitutional convention, In which quality should prevail rather than numbers. ' "Should tho government fall to respond to tho popular demand for representative Institutions,1 of extraterritoriality could only ho considered after China's Judicial nyittom hnd been reorgnnlzed on tho hauls of complete legal remedies for Infringement of Individual rights and recognition of tho right to life, lib erty, etc, Ilettor facilities for dissemination of accurate economic and financial Information woro necessary. Ho thought It posslblo that the prov inces might bettor be nttowed to handle educational policies, assslted by tho central government through tho establishment of universities. In conclusion ho revorted again to tho necessity for gaining tho con fidence of tho people. "Tho efforts of Yuan Hhlh-knl and Chang llsun to force' China's development back Into dynastic currents hod proved," ho said, "that tho Chinese pcoplo do not dcslro to return to an outlived system. Tha morn recent attempt to found political power on military organization and foreign , financial nupport crumbled In a week before Intcnsa popular disapproval. To opposo tho growing consciousness of tho chlncso people would ho llko try ing to stem tho tldo of tho Yangtszo by means of nn artificial dum. Wise statesmen will rally themselves with this forco which It Is blindness to Ignore" 1 1 GATHER NOV. 20 OREGON' AGRICULTURAL COL LEGE. Corvnllls. Oct. 4. Tho nn nual alumni homecoming will be held tho week end of tbo Oregon game, November 20, tho greater O. A. C. commlttco has announced. Tho big gest and Jalllest cclobratlon evor hold In tho history of O. A. C. In also tho plan of thoso In cbargo. Tho annual bag rush between the nophomoro and freshmen, the big "pep" rally and freshman bonflro nro part of the schedule of events. Tho alumni will be entertained at tho various fraternities and will bo ho on- 'E'vcn Dn nlumnl luncheon. The varsity BUSINESS CARDS 0WAAAAAAAiiWWWAA0 ACME LUNCH Home Cooked Mekli SHORT ORDERS AT ALL HOURS Mrs. E. M. Bechdoldt 323 Main St. PROFESSIONAL CARDS FRED WESTERFELD DENTIST Phone 434W. X-Ray Laboratory IoomU Bid, Klamath raHs DR. O. A. RAMBO Dentist ' L O. a W. TTaltiltBg PKONRS1 AW0mmw0VWWWWWd Klamath Falls Cyclery We haadle tho best la oar line, such as Motorcycles, Bicycles, Parts and Accessories, Goodyear, Pennsylvania and Diamond Tires and Tubes. The house of tha two and three wheejers. Includ ing Harley-Savldson Berries. O. B. US B. tab Bt, f!1 Office Phone 177W Res 177R Dr. H. D. Lloyd Stewart Physleiaa and Bargeoa Whlto Dulldlng Klamath Falls ' Oregon I PHONE 39 327 MAIN STREET Open 10 n. m. to fl p. m. Sundays and Holidays SDR. F. R. GODDARD Osteopathic Physician and Surgeon Office and Residence Phones 321 I. O. O. F. Temple scrted, "It wonld also fall to socuro public confidence although It might honestly devote Itself to n policy of reconstruction end would have nolthcr foreign nor domestic support except at ruinous cost to tho nation." Ifn recommended simplicity In form. A highly contrnllzcd govern ment would be a mlstnko, ho said. Tho provinces, because of tradition and cxperlenco and size should bo most competent to carry on tbo functions of government. Ho cited two departments which should be especially developed In order to pro moto tho wolfaro of the nation. They vero Justlco and communications. China should utilize foreign aid, hn said, to build In tho next ten years 20,000 miles of railway and 20,000 miles of roads. This ho asserted would Increase tho national wealth three-fold. Ho further recommend ed adequate port facilities for taking care of International trade which bo said wan bound In Hie near future to assume unthought-of proportions. Taking up the subject of reform of the Judiciary, Dr. Relnsch ex pressed the opinion that abollttom O" dnnco In the evening after the gamu Is being planned. It Is to be an claborato affair this yoir, accord ing to tho committee, although the plans nro not complete. All fraternities and clubs will be asked to co-opcrnto with tho greater O. A'. C. commlttco and announce tho event to their own nlumnl. Fifteen hundred of the old grads are expected to wend' their wny back to tho camtms for a few days, to rcn acquaintances, tako part In ' cel ebrations, and look over th ""w crop of students. University of Ore gon will' send at least 2000 as an escort to their football team, accord ing to the estimates this year. C. OF C. MKMHKK.S WILL HAVE TIIKIRS, DECIDED .aSfl afl S bak -a)sr sm brL ng When the recipe says "milk" use Carnation. It is the most eco nomical milk for cooking and is remarkably convenient. One half water, one half Carnation is the correct formula for cooking and drinking. For desserts and in cof fee, use rich, creamy Carnation undiluted. Buy this good milk regularly from your grocer. 100 tt tud recipes free. Write Carnation MUk Products Co., 622 Ry.Ex.alde.PortUnd Carnation "Frm Conttntti Cows" Milk Mai t in Urtgon MANILA. P. I. 8ept. ". (Dy Mall) Liquor wlll'be served In the now club rooms of tho recently org anized American chamber of com merce of -tbo Philippines, it was de cided here today by a small majority in a Toto on tbo question by mem bers. , 0 TO WEN YOUR GRtr IB YOU CAN BRING BACK COLOR AND LUSTRE WITH SAGE TEA AND SULPHUR DENTISTS Dr. E, G Wisacanrar PHO1O0 SC4 Dr. P. M. Nol raoim Ores- Ui KLAMATH AUTO SPRING WORKS W Do An Kteda of Bfrlssj BafMar. tag NewOmea ALL WORK CR7J mwvmwwwwww0J MOrasv E. D. LAMB PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Phones 17W 17R Rooms 1 and White Building DR. T.G CAMPBELL PHYSICIAN AND gURGBOV LO.O. F.BaJUVUas PkoskeSM Residence White Pelleaa'Hotai Rettdemee Paoae . DR. L. L. TRUAX WARREN HUNT HOSPITAL Day Pboae, 4S7 Night Phoae, EXERVICII BDZN, ATTENTION 1 The regular meetings ot Klamath Post No. , American Legion, wUl be held at I o'clock p. as., at .Be City Hall in Klamath rails, on hn second aad fourth Tuesdays of each month. An Comrades are in vited. Those desiring to Join the Post may secure application blaaka from O. K. Vaa Riper, Fred Nicholson, or T. H. Caraaha. all of Klaaaath Falls. FRBO NICHOLSON. Secretary. SAW MILL ENGINKERING A CONSTRUCTION CO. Designers aad builders of nsod era saw mllla, plaalag snails aad bos plaau. Dredglag. Pile 4rivsaa FaoseMs-W Office Oormer SyrlM aawl Oak Near B. P. Depot I aaa sow areaareil to ruralah' BhaaU 8aad from tha Hear. Caauu liaad aad gravel pit, fa aay auaattty Rhat may be desired by eeatraetasx aa builders. AL r. ORAHAaC. 1 WESTERN LABOR BUREAU The only place where you can get help and the only place where you can set a job. 1034 MAIN ST. Phone 477-J Let Your GLASS troubles be Mine C E. STUCKEY Re-Glazing and Cabinet Making Phone 477W Eleventh and Pine When you darken your hair lth 6age Tea and Sulphur, no one can ell, because it's done so naturally, ao evenly. Preparing this mixture. hough, at home is mussy and trouble some. For GO cents you c&n buy at any rdug store the ready-to-use prep aration, Improved by the addition ot other Ingredients, called Wyeth'e Sage and Sulphur Compound." You Just dampen a spongo or soft brush with It and draw tbla through your hair, taking one small strand at a time. By B.ornlng all gray hair dlsappeara,udl after another application or-two, your balr becomes beautifully darkened, glossy and luxuriant. Gray, fadsd hair, though ao dis grace, is a sign of old age, and aa we all desire a youthful and attractive appearance, get busy at one with Wyeth'a Sage and Sulphur Compouad SESS!SS9S9SSSKBSSES2SZ9599BSSaaa I CHIROPRACTOR Dr. Lois G Bridges Office Hours 10 to 12 a. m., 2 to 5 p. m. Ill 5th St., Suite 105 Over First State A Savings Bank NEW CITY LAUNDRY FINISHED WORK FLAT WORK ROUGH DRY "Put Your Duds In Our Suds" PHONE 154 Corner Main and Conger C&2 Kkaaau. UsJge New 132 LQ.O.F. ) feeta Friday night ot each week at O. O. F. hall. 5th and Mala streets. H. Ogle. N. O.: W. C. Wells. Bee. Fatanr: W. D. Cofer. Treasurer. Q Ewauna Encampment No. 46, 1. O. I. '., meets Tuesday night of each feek at I. O. O. F. hall. Harnr Ducks. C. P.: W. D. Cofer. Scribe: fred Bueslng, Treasurer. FAIRVIEW TRANSFER Prompt Service aad Reasonable Rates, also Special Rates oa Out ot Towa Tripe Phone 260-R WILSON ABSTRACT COMPANY , S17 amahs ARTHUR H. WILBUR fWWWWWWWWWWW00AWWW00 W. E. ft J. E. PATTERSON Contracting Painters Res. Phone 631-R 1SS N. 4th St. tWWWWWWWAA THE ARCADE HOTEL 108S-S4 MAIN BT. PHONE 477-J The place with hoaae coaafoi'as, cleaaUaese, plenty of fresh at aad ao taside roosas. Ererytiilag aew fre: bottoas aad rases to as Sep to FOR SALE Three stores, all pas Lx)Cation-Al? Must sell owing to other business. See 1008 Main St ROBERT S. FRY General Insurance, Iaveetaaeata TeL 501-J , 13137 Esplanade KLAMATH FALLS, ORB. DR. G A. MASSEY Foarth m IaJWarraa Haat Off. Phoae 47 Rea. Pheae MM I t. a curanoRN Civil Ofttw MT Mala tt, oeM see. . $ V-'i" '" '. - ,r" if