- rsunu S.W.i- . r :JiLJ&iAtt&Ur.&la u. ll ! y .. J 4.1 l t Y, OOTOUR It 1M rHI EVENING MEKAIJ), KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON FAOBPODK r i 9 K' The Evening Herald & . J. MDIR1I SOU LB PiMhM dally, etent SMtey, by tlM ateali Publlshiaa: COBSBaay.QX i ram, at lit raaru atraat. Bartered at tha nKoIm at Klaaa ata Italia, Or., (or transsilsaloa tkra Mm Ball aa oecond-claae. Batter. or nps ASSOCIATED' Tha asaoftlated Praai ti MdAlvaly aUUad to tha km (or republication t all newa dlsaatohes credited to it. M mot otherwise credited ia thU paper, aad alto the local nawi pub- Nessed herein. FRIDAY, OCTODKR 1, IBM SALE OP TUIBKR KLAMATH INDIAN RESERVATION LITTLE BPRAGUE UNIT Sealed bids ia duplicate, marked aauide "Bid Llttla Bpragua Unit." aad addressed to the "Supertatend at, Klamath Iadlaa School, Klamath Agency. Oratoa," will be recelTed aattl 2:00 o'olock P. M., Pacific tine, Wadaeadajr, October 17, 1930, tlaiber oa about 3,600 acrea oa tar Ue purebaa of tha Merchantable ansae Hirer la towaakipa 34 aad 3( Boatk, Range SEaat, WUlaseJta Meridian. ThU ualt U estimated at 4l.t00.000 (oat B. U mostly west Bra yellow piae of whleh aboat C.000.000 (eat aa aboat 4S0 aaroa ( approred allotments, aad aa to wklck separata approred coatracta wltk the Iadlaa owaera auur prob ably be autde. No bid will be ac cepted for laaa tkaa i4.00 (or yal tew aad aaaar pi aad lacaaaa aater. aad 11.00 far otber apedea dariac tha period of the coatraet eadlng March 31, lX. Prices aab aaoaeat to that date will bo.Uxed by tha Commlsaloaer e( Iadlaa Attain far three-year periods. Bach .bid RUCK JONES, HERO OP TWO WARM, ON SCREEN Duck Jones, the new sensation, of the screen, whom William Fox Will present In "The Square Shooter" on Sunday at the Liberty theatre,' Is a teal veteran, not of one war but two, for ho say active service In the United States army In tho Phil ippines as welt as with the Preach forces during the world war. two for be saw actlvo service la tho Philippines with Troop a. Sixth United States Cavalry, during tho Moro Insurrection. He was tho youngest man In the troop. He was first made a sharpshooter, and for signal bravery In two engagements on an expedition was made perma nent ordorly to Colonel Day. In charge of the squadron at Mala bang. After that bo distinguished himself In a battel with the Aguln aldo forces. Alter his return home he was In the aviation service until discharged. Soon after the world war started Duck Jones secured n position breaking horses for tho French government In Chicago, from which position he effected his traasfer to France. He was first assigned to the aviation forces and made sev eral air trips over the Gcrmnn lines: but his knowledge of horse manship could not be hidden, ana he was given a post Instructing French mounted officers at a re mount station Just behind the lines. During the war Jones performed his rldlnr stunta by request before tho crowned heads of England. Bel glum and Italy, and also before' Premiers Ctemencean of France and Orlando of Italy. Buck Jones now la playing In motion pictures that, .(or danger, are oaly slightly behind tho wars In which he had taken part. Adv, TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY FOR 8ALN Al-1917 Ford Jasfre ' painted t a bargain. v. , Klamath Falls Auto Co. FOR 8ALK Djr owner four room , houso closo In 'on pavement, icrms, 330 N 11th St. UT Shop in Klamath Falls WANTED lly young couple no children furnished apartment or housekeeping rooms. Inquire Herald office. WANTED Plain sewlag to home. 1153 Main St. do at 30-1 YOUR LAST CHANOB at bargains, away below wholesale prices. mns, anuerwoar, scans, nais, coi-i tars. I want to wind up what Is left of ray stock and am making prices that will clean It up. If you want something good below pre-war 'prices como up to 68 Main street. R. I, Hammond. Tho sloe Is one of tho fow Best building fishes. . X! 4V t a H ANDROSS-GLOVER Style Shop 707 Main St, .. Comer Main and 7th aAaasAssssSbssBiSsSjsajaaa, AAA00WW0WWWWWWy NOTICK TO CRKDlTOm NOTICK TO CftKDITOM In the County Court of tha Bute of Oregon, for Klamath County. In the Matter or the Batata 01 Louise E. Ferguson. Deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that have been appointed executor of the estate of Louise E. Ferguson, -umI. hr tha bor entitled eeart: stala tha rata as II that virtllf all persons having claims against the be pJd for each klad of Umber dur-1 said estate are notified to present a . a a . a A ii Til i i i On ems ssvltK iwAita mmA tasral lag the first coatraet period eadtag sstraa . MB mnai oa ao eaapaalM by a eartltleA ibook oa a BotyaBt National Baak draws a ta 1W pf th aperlaUndeat of tha Klamath laSiaaT Iffcool In l&j amouat of 110,000.00. Tka 3epoelt will U retaraed to unsuccessful bidders, but reUlaed aa liquidated damages if , taetary boat for. .115.000.00 wtUia 0 day from the acceptance of his bid. Tha right ia reserved to waive totaalcal defect aad to reject any or all bids. For ooplea of coatraet, raralaUeaa. falter aaerlpUoB of tie area, aad other iaforiaatloa, apply t the aaperiataadamt at Ua Warn- tbera to me, with proper and legal vouchers attached, at the law offices of . Ferguson, v Fletcher Mifflin, number 10 LoontJi Building, Klaaf alb Falls. Oregon, witwa au moatbs from ieptamber 8th. 1910. CHARLES J. FERGUSON, Executor of the Estate of Louise- E. Ferguson, deceased. Sep. 8-15-s:-2-6 10. ath Indian School, Klamath Agency, Oregon J-. Washington, D. C, August 1930. CATO SELLS. Commissioner of Iadlaa Affaire. 1st pub. Aug. 10 Th. A Bat. lit FROM ALL INQUIRIES We have concluded to make every Saturday a special Bacon day. We quote for Saturday only Good Breakfast Bacon, 53c per lb . Limit two lbs. to each customer For Sunday V Dinner buy Prime Rib Rolled Roast Per lb 35c Top Sirloin Rolled Roast Per lb 35c Veal Shoulder Rolled Per lb 32c Cottage Rolls Per lb 44c. Sugar Cured Kenton Backs Per lb 42c Plate Boiling Meat Per lb 15c Choice Corned Beef by the Piece Per lb 14c Choice Boneless Cuts for Pot Roast Per lb 25c While the price of hams and lard is increasing ve still maintain the same old price. LIBERTY MARKET C. F. W. WERNER Phone 511-J 3rd St and Main Notice Is hereby given that the undersigned has been duly appolntod administrator of the estate of John B. Griffith, deceased,, by tho County Court of tho State of Oregon, (or Klamath County and all persons hav ing claims against said estate, are hereby directed to present same ' to said administrator at the Law Office of Geo. Chaataln, Klamath Falls, Oregon, duly verified, within slx months from the date of this notice. Dated October 1st, 1930. W. E. ORIFFITH Administrator of the estate of John B. Griffith, deceased. 1.8-15-33-39 rVTTTTTTfTfTfT "Our knowledgo and w experience are at ,your service v X BT X s 0WWWWWWWWWm0mAWAAAAA NOTICH Notice Is hereby given that seated proposals will be received .by vtbt Board of Directors of the Laagell Vallev Irrigation District of- Kla math County. Oregon tor tha eoa structlon of tho Irriutloa dllcftMi. ana worss oi me uiear bane in vision or aaia uisinci Becoming to the plans and specifications approv ed by tha Board of Director!" aadl wnicn are now on me at me ornco of the Rnglneer of the District 'Who Is Mr. C, T. Darley at No. 100 Fourth Street. Klamath Falls. Oregon. Said proposals will bo received. up to the hour of 2 o'clock In tho after noon of the 15th day of October, A. D. 1920 at tho offleo of tho Board of Directors of said District which Is No. 16 Loomls Building, Klamath Falls, Oregon. Proposals are desired on a basis of acceptance of the Bonds of said District at par. Bidders may submit proposals for a single schedule, any combination of schedules, or all schedules as they may, desire. Each proposal must be accompan ied by a certified check amounting to $200.00 for each schedule bid upon psyment to the Secretary of the Langell Valley Irrigation District as a guaranty that the bidder will, If successful, promptly aexecute a In every community there must be a shop ,whose ideals are based not only upon price but upon tho intrinsic quality of its merchandise and GRATIFIED INDEED is the expressed opinion of customers heard daily in speaking of the variety, quality and styles shown in our coot shop, and ns new models have just been received we are in even a better position now to fill your wants. NEW COATS FOR FRIDAY, OCTOBER FIRST Women, Mitten and Children Gracefully wrap-like models with fur collars of Mole, Skunk, Beaver, Seal, Nutria or Squirrel, or large cape collars of the material . Semi-fitted and belted styles, for the fuller or more conservative figure Materials are Veldecyne, Marvella, Fortuna, Velour or Silvertone. Colors Autumn Browns, Deer, Taupe, Chinese Blue or Navy and Black. Prices from $29.50, $35.00, $55.00, up to $185.00. j 2 Remember You possess Style, Quality and Exclutivenett in every g ar- ment selecd at the ' vfl- Hv Andross-Glover STYLE SHOP good and sufficient bond as herein they will faithfully perform said con- below provided. (tract The successful bidder will be re-1 Bids to bo opened October 15th, quired to deposit a satisfactory bond .1930 at tho hour of 2 o'clock p. m, In the amount of 25 of the con-l Tho Hoard of Directors reserve the satisfactory contract and famish a I tract price conditioned that he or I riant to reject any or all blda not satisfactory to tho Hoard of Direc tors. A. L. WIHICAUD ' Secretary l.sngoll Valloy Irrigation of Klamath County, Oregon. Ms. ($namna at the: CS?G f -srTfaT PHOTO P0- m TO-DJIY "ON WITH THE DANCE" A George Fitzmaurice Production FEATURING MAE MURRAY AND DAVID POWKLL Slaves of pleasure, lost fri the spell of Broadway's lights and laughter. Driven by the lash of unfulfilled desires on and on dancing, loving, thirsting for new sensa tionsbeyond the law': beyond virtue Into the abyss. A vivid, lavish draraa'of human souls that drank of too much "LIFK" on New York's Great White Way. KVERY KCKNK A SENSATION Good Comedy Regular Prices Square Deal Drug Store SAFETY -- SERVICE SATISFACTION BRUNHWICK RKOORDM Play on any phonograph using steel or fiber needles, 85eto f i COKKKK URNS Universal Electric Coffee urns, 121, and $31 HAFETY RA7.0RH Gillette '$5.00, Ever Reaay S1.00, Enders $1.00, Auto Strop $5.00, Gem $1.00; Sets up to $16.00 PATHE ACTUELLE Is tho Instrument selected by Sen ator Harding for his homo. Its greater than tho phonograph LOWNEY'H C'ANDIEH always hero, always frnnh, always , guaranteed. 20c and upward PATHE RECORDH are guaranteed to play ONE THOUSAND TIMES perfectly 86c to $4.00 t MANICURE HETH We have an attractive assortment of manlcuro sets In leather roll-ups, $2 to $36 I'VRALLIN IVORY The Ideal gift for any occasion, Single pieces and sets KLAHIILIOIITH Ever Ready Flashlights, 76c unci upward GARDEN COURT Perfume, Toilet Water, Talcum Powder and Face Creams repre sent the plnnaclo of perfection In toilet preparatlcns LADIES' HAND HAGS In leather and cloth combinations $2.60 to $15 ELECTRIC IRONS Universal Electric Irons, $8.50 ' and $9.60 each YOU FURNISH the drug need and we will satisfy it '' ALARM CLOCKS A good assortment of ularm clocks, priced from $2.76 to $10 ' t A HOT DRINK Improves a cold lunch. Vacuum lunch kits, $4.25 and up models KODAKS No outing Is' complete without a Kodak. Wo havo tho popular models QUALITY Is our only "halt" HOUSEHOLD REMEDIES We aro principal agents for A.D.S., Purola, Penslar, Orion and Solos Household lU'tnedlou PATHE PHONOGRAPHS Cost no moro than tho ordinary phonograph and wo sell them on easy terms PLEASURE for every member of tho family every day. That's what a Bruns wick Phonograph brings to you EMERSON RECORDS supply the real "HITS" whllo they' ARE "hits," always first with tho' latest In record music PURSES Wo Imvo it largo and varied assort ment of coin putsch from 36c to $3.00 WE OUTFIT big and little shavers RILL FOLDS Good assortments of sizes and leathora, 76c to $0 BRUNSWICK PHONOGRAPHS We sell all models or this high grade Instrument on easy terms WE ARE 3xperlenced registered pharma cists. Your prescription Is tufo In our hands PHONOGRAPH A(X:ESSORIKS Steel, fiber and tungsten needles, Diamond points, Jowol points, albums, record brushes, and attachments OUR KODAK FINISHING Is tho satisfactory kind. Havo you trlod It T BURBLE ROOKS Just tho kind of music for chil dren, three records with tho boon, comploto $1.60 OUR GUARANTEE Is never limited, qualified or made conditionally, Its a real guarantoe ALL PHONOGRAPHS In ono that Is the BRUNSWICK MAIL ORDERS promptly dispatched MAIL ORDERS PROMPTLY DISPATCHED ' ( i i K.y -i i,' - fVi" sinHSjfcsy