f'J.. w: - r, THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON PACT TWO ., CM U I at BflHrUflV HUP TOVlt CASK or parcels by our traaafer service. That win lnsura that they will be carexitty handled and that they will always reach boat or train on time. We doat believe In any latt minute akin meaU. We always get thee In plenty of time to make rare the gooda wo carry wi not be latt behind. Weetera Traacfer Ce, 4it: Nti Just Like Clock Work Except that" you never lose any, time when you eat in this cafe. We. try to make every second count from the time yoU give your dinner or lunch order until it is placedbef ore you. Long waits in cafes sometimes ruin the very best appetites makes people out-of-sorts, and places them in anything but an eating humor. Nothing like that in this cafe! Quick service and excellent meals that's the combination! You'll get it at the -irumaruTjrirumrxfVin ""--------"-"""' REX CAFE StJbMkMVtMVVVbMVVVVVVbMVb REPORTER GIT IIS. US US 1 "The public be damned." Most poopto hnTo hoard that phraae not to many years ago exemplifying the attltade ot certain railroad mag nate. Few, however, know when ft was tint Med, and how It waa coined into a catch phrase. The story Is told by Charles Chap In, the famous city editor ot the New York livening World who Is now erring a term ot life Imprisonment In Sing Sing prison. It appears In his book "Charles Chapln's Story," Just published, which describes his eitrn- ordinarily varied carocr and tho trag ic events which terminated It. "I recall that memorable night at the Chicago Tribune otrico when a reporter who had been sent to Inter view W. K. Vanderbllt. strolled lan guidly Into the office and reported that the railroad magnato refuted to talk," writes Chapln. "it was Just at the time when a crowd ot finan cial plratea had paralleled the Van derbltt line between Chicago and Buf falo with the Nlcklo Plate Road, and were holding him up to buy It from them. "I was there chatting with Ted Colles, the night editor. After re porting 'no story' the reporter sat down to chat with some poker play- era to whom he casually remarked that in answer to his roquost for an Interview as a matter ot 'great pub- lie Interest,' Vanderbllt had snapped out at him. The public be damned!' pushing him out of the car and slam- .mlag the door la his face. "That was enough for the night 'editor. The most striking story on the front page that morning was beaded 'The Public be Damned,' and 'the expression has been going ever luce." Kill That Cold With CASCARA E QUININE v&Sr M FOR Calais, Congks AND La Grippe Neglected Colds cro Dangerous Take no chances. Keep this ctandard remedy bandy for the fim sneeie. Breaks up a cold in 24 hours Relieves Grippe in 3 days Excellent forlleac-cha Quinine In ttli fern docs not affect the bead Cascara U best Tcnlc uvs no upiaia in am a. ALL DRUGGISTS SELL IT WIIJj START STORK FOR ARMT SURPLUS Max Weiss returned last evening from San Francisco, where he baa been on business. While In the bay city he made arrangements for the handling of some of the surplus gov ernment goods that are being sold throughout the United States and ex- I pecta to open a store for the sale of the merchandise In this city. Mrs. Weiss, who has been visiting with relatives in California for the past tire weeks, returned home with Mr. Weiss. FOREST FIRES RAISE PRICE I WASHINGTON, Sept. 30.- Every time there is a forest fire It Is a-contributing factor to trie ' Increasing price ot lumber, according to Charles tathrop Pack, president of tho American Forestry association, who, In a statement hero today snnounc ed the needless 130,000,000 nn- nunl forest fire loss or the United States as "a wasteful strain upon tho rosourcos of tho nation." Stnnd- tug tltubcr is burning out snd don troped by tire, diseases and insocts, he said, mora than four times as fast as new trees aro being grown. "Hero Is an example of what con fronts tho nation," dcclarod Mr. Pack. "Tho wholesale prices on upper grades ot soft wood lumber In New York were from 130 to 1 35 n thousand feet prior to 1885, when mills In tho same stato supplld tho market, from $35 to 145 between 1SSS and 1917 whon most of the aupply came from tho take states and tho south, and aro now entering a genoral level of 1130 a thousand feel with a large part ot the material coming from tho Pacific coast. "Many Industries have been un able to secure their supplies of tim ber at any price. The output ot cer tain entire Industries has been re duced as mjuch aa SO per cent. Ne cessities have fared worse than lux uries. The ramifications of lumber shortage and high prices are limi ted and have affected aerlously prac tically our entire papulation." Mr. Pack, as the .head ot the org anisation keenly Interested In con serving the nation's forests, profaced bis statement with the hope that fire prevenlon would be "preached" la every school In the land on Friday, October , the day before fire pre vention day proclaimed by President Wilson, when the teachers are ex pected to Inform their pupils of un necessary fire hatards and to help reduco the country's total annual fire loss ot 350,000,000. TK. -.on ISO KORKK3NKRH TWKNTY NKW HCHOOLH s LOS ANOBLKS. Sept. 30. The new government of tho northern dist rict of Lower California has comput ed arrangements with a Los Angeles firm for the purchase ot materials for twenty school bouses of various sixes. BERKELEY, Sept. 30. Courses In enunciation to aid newcomers from foreign lends in ridding themselves of peculiarity of accent In spoaklng English aro being offered by the ex tension division of tho University of California this year. Tricks on April Fools' day aro the outgrowth of a similar custom among tho Hindus, who, however, observed the last day of March. I . I eft? " -aw' - ':Ta&&53Il I OUmmm, I 1L THEBOOTERY sawar I '1 MHHMnMMgaggMMMgaMMHKBMMMMBHMBBBBaMHC 1 V SI The palace built by Louis XIV at Versailles cost so much that he de stroyed bis aecoants. There will be 'a Dance given Saturday Night at . Swan Lake by the Employees of the Swan Lake Lumber Co. in the Swan Lake Lum ber Company Hall. Refresh ments, Good Music, Good Time Assured HOT Steaming Del Monte Beans cooked tender with Tomato Sauce a feast fit for a king. CAndoneofthe most economi cal foods you can buy. 11 HltWflH ib They Are Going Fait The Monarch Supreme J&w IClQOQi i-ODOE hnn PHONOGRAPH. OFFERED TO YOU AT SPECIAL TERMS. a take advantage of this unusual opportunity before this limited number is gone. You will be agreeably surprised at the low first payment and the unusually easy install ments. , ' DECIDE QUICKLY! OTHERS ARE ALSO PROMPT TO SEE THE ADVANTAGE. IPS THE TONE! In design, finish and construc tion, the Pathe represents all that is best in phonograph construc tion. But it is its exquisite beauty and purity of tone that has raised it to the pre-eminent position it occupies in Europe and America amongst those trained to real musical appreciation. COSTS NO MORE THAN THE ORDINARY PHONOGRAPH 0 Square Deal Drug Store 725 Main St, Klamath Falls, Oregon -Ll MAAjAVVVMVMMMVaaMMVa The Metropolitan Garage OFFERS THE FOLLOWING EXCEPTIONAL PRICES ON TIRES, WAR TAX INCLUDED MICHELIN FABRIC List Price Sale Price 30x3 Clincher $19.29 $17.05 30x31 Clincher ,: $23.82 $21.05 32x3'" Straight side $28.60 $25.30 31x4 "Clincher $33.38 $29.50 32x4 Straight side $38.38 $33J5 MICHELIN CORD 32x31. Straight side $45.76 $40.48 32x4 Straight side $57.72 $51.05 33x4 Straight side ..$59.28 $52.44 STRONGHOLD FABRIC 30x3 ; Clincher $29.28 $21.90 32x3 1. Straight side $36.28 $25.75 34x4 "Straight side ; $47.57 $35.28 STRONGHOLD CORD , 32x3 Straight, side .'. $50.23 $39.70 33x4 Straight side. $66.00 $49.85 Prices effective from this date until October 1, 1920 Lee & Williams, Prop. CORNER 11TH AND KLAMATH &0iAAA0A0A0AA0AAW0t0W0WVWWWWWl WWWWWWWWW0AA0WWWWWWWWWVWWWWW& HpSfflBH SIMPLEX CREAM SEPARATORS for the practical dairyman. Light running and close skimming. 4 For Sale by GILT EDGE CREAMERY COMPANY Phone 381 J 230 Main St ....................... vi-i-iiyi-rrTTrririnrmnnnnAAAJUL'ULDLUuI