Mcnravmi THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON WKDNK8DAY, HKPT. M, ips CRAFTY BRE'B FOX Trappors Qive Him Credit for Deep Cunning. BUSINESS CARDS - iivvvvvvvvtriruxfXfunjijLixnj PROFESSIONAL CARDS ssWaaWassVsaaVMMVM Thkt Travelera May Read. Tlnrrnurlntr n hnnlr'from tho nubile library In ono city and returnlm It j to the library In tho nest town where he makes a atop may be arranged for the benefit of tho traveling ronn. The National Council of Traveling Men'a anoclatloni hot appolntod a committee to ace what can bo done along this line and hai aided tho American Library association to ap point a similar committee to confer. The library association, accepting the Invitation, has Just constituted Its own commlttco. John Adams Lowe, Tlce librarian of the Brooklyn public library, Is Ita chairman, Slrd Plumage Bill. Bird lovers In this country will be pleased to learn that a bill has passed Ita second reading In the British house tf commons forbidding tho Importa tion of bird plumage. The measuro Is heartily supported by tho press, hut Is meeting' with some Apposition frost eraln members of parliament. Of All Wild Animals, the Bushy.Tallsd Rascal la ths Hardest to Trap. but Is Altogsthsr Undeserv. Ing of Mercy. In Ilia, opinion of Irnpiicrs, the fox Is tho mom cunning and resourceful of nil I he wild miliimts. I In ufion fools llu most expert trapper mid thn truest and fastest of dog. Home Irnppera who nre wry successful In catching many oilier fiir-lienrer Unto Hint they do mil tiellevii It pimnllile In Inko I Icy. mini III n steel Imp. This, of course, Is not llio nisi In fuel, he Is ns ensy to rntrh In n sleel trap ns the mink, prodded Hie trapper thoroughly mi ilurslnnil his business. All Hint Is necessary Is n careful study of lliu mil iiml's nnliire and ImMls. The fox lives on siniill jjniiip, birds, ves nud poultry, He million his den In sandy hillsides, and In It the female rear from three in seven puppies, wlilih nre horn In the inrly spring. February li tho season Itejnnril goes wooing, nud he Inn Hi fnr mid U In search or sueetlieiirls, fiillhful to none, for Ills line lt more rjvi'tlnt; tlimi (lie fnotprluls ho leaves In lliu drifting mow. The fo's sense of smell Is highly delrlnpcd, and hy It lie detect s Hie danger of the trap. The scent left hy hiimmi hands nud thn sreut left on thn trap hy oilier nnlmals much! In It nro qalckly ileti-cK-ri. "A successful fox rapper must he a twn obM-rter .f details," writes C. A. Holmes, n speclnl game protector, In n recent Issiw of Hie New York slate comcTwitlim luilleiln, In ile scribing dlnYrmt methods of hunting and trapping foxes. "Ifn must realise thnt he It pitting his wits ngnlnit oife of tho most cunning of animal thnt roams the silent places of dm hills and valleys, necrntly f mndn nn expert mental set which resulted In thu tak ing of one of the oldest, largest and wisest foxes In this vicinity. I no ticed Hint tho fox In question did not m to take alarm at my trnU over an old woods rond, and as the snow was quite deep, would een tako ad vantage of tho belter traveling by fol lowing In my tracks ns far ns lie csrrd to go In my direction. Ttmt Is the wny of the fox he Is not blindly nfrnld of innn, hut trusts to his wits to keep hi in out of trouble. He knew that the trail wns made by a mnn walking; and he also knew thnt the danger Iny not In the trait, but In the man himself. "After I had traveled this old rond several times, nud hnd. noticed Mr. Fox was In thn hnblt of following me nearly every night. I picked out a bush that stood close by the trail, to serve as a mark for locating the trap, and here I set two Jump trap In one of my own footprints, with a sheet of clean paper beneath the traps, an other ahect on top, and an Inch of snow lightly brushed over afl. I fas tened the chains to dors hurled In thn snow at tho side of the trail and went on about my business. "The next morning Iteynard was waiting for me, n trap on each front foot I would nut have raptured this fox had I not mndo this experimental set In tho trail, and It only goes to show the value of observation to the experienced trapper. "Kvery sportsman should realise that one of the worst enemies of wild life Is the fox cunning, vicious, bloodthirsty It kills for the love of killing. Tho warm blood of Ita vic tims la Ita fountain of youth. Every fox shot or caught In a trap means Just 'so many more grouse, pheasants and rabbits to say nothing about the value of the fur. Fewer foxes, more sport, more game, more fun." Purple Ore New In Osmand. Purple oro Is an unknown quantity to tho uninitiated. To the Initiated It to a heavy purplish powder used chief ly as ballast by ships leaving French ports. 80 little worth was attached to the ore flvo months ago that It sold In Bordeaux for l'-VSO franca a ton. Since then It has been put to new uses, nnd, with tho rise In demand, there has been a corresponding rise In price. Purple oro tins a rich Iron content, nnd that fact has been sufficient to prompt KngllMi manufacturers to devise new uses for the powder. Its sudden leap Into the limelight will porhnps stimu late Interest In tho residue of other minerals, the possibilities of which may have been overlooked In Hie rapid march of all branches of engineering. The Reduced Cost of Tire Mileage forYour Small Car i Do you realize that Goodyear Tires are priced no higher today than in 1910 and that their mileage actually costs less than it did a decade ago? During this period Goodyear has been able steadily to increase the amount of mileage built into its tires and, consequently, the cost; of Goodyear, mileage has actually declined. In no part of the Goodyear line has this decline been more marked than in the present 30 x 3, 30 x 3- and 31 x 4-inch sizes of Goodyear Tires, made especially for small cars. If you own a Ford, Chevrolet, Dorr, Maxwell or other car taking these sizes, co to your nearest Service Sta tion tor them get the unusual value contained in their construction and delivered in their mileage ACME LUNCH Home Cooked Meal SHORT ORDERS AT ALL HOURS Mrs. E. M. Bechdpldt 823 Main St. FRED WESTERFELD DBNTIST Phone 434W. X-Ray 'Laboratory tooasat Rid. KlaauMh Palls I Klamath Fall Cyclery ;'"J We aaadle the beat la oar line, each m Motorcycles, Bicycles, Part sad Accessories, Goodyear, Pennsylvania and Diamond Tires and Tabes. The house of the two and three wheelers, Includ ing Harley-Davldson Bertie. C.H. IIS S. Mb M. - - -"r"srirsrsru-srvvinrirunjxruc I JO 1 3 Goodyear , , Double-Cur. Fabric, & "250 AU-Weathr Tread "TaJO SO x 3V4 Goedrear . Single-Cure Fabric, $' 1 50 AtusUdTread-. vZr GOOD Goodyear Heavy Tourist Tubes cost no more than the price yoa are asked to pay for rubes of less merit why risk costly casings whea such sure protec j, . tton Is available f 30x3Vxsb $450 tm wttrprmftt I ybar aamammwaamasmmmmamawm T-j"'r''-r-nrirrirrirrTir -irirm ir autAJUwmj MMWMMSMSASMMNMMMmMAMV iri,- -.v- v5W est & .fw. -ttf Mil "iJ mj"7 t;s " t Kfet About Other People and About You ! There are two kinds of news in the paper. Part of the news is about the affairs of other people; their sayings, doings and goings to do; things that hare happened may happen didn't happen. Baaaaalaafc ----- inruuuinjULf- DH.O. A.RAMRO Dentist . I. O. O. V. pBomssi AAlaAMMsaMMMVMMkti iAistSkJls(kjMafV &AmA0000WW0Vl0W m vvwwvv w w v wusssvspsspwsasv'afsps I Offlce Phone 177W Res 177R Dr. H. D. Lloyd Stewart PbyslcUai and Hstrgeoa White Building Klamath Falla Oregon 00A0000W0WWWWw PHONE 3t 327 MAIN STREET Opea 10 n. in. to 8 p. m. Soadaya and Holidays Ipinawii MNSMAMMSMMMWMAASMWMSSI. DENTISTS Dr. E. a Wisecarrer FMHItM Dr. P. M. Noel nora ' Or PalssasssTM KLAMATH AUTO SPRING WORKS WaAMtaaeetJsMeagBipili Issj Wew Omsj Mab Qaw EMKBTICB- MEM, ATTKNTJOlfl The regalar ateetlaca of Klamath Pott No. I, American Lecioa, will be held at o'clock p. as., at the t'lty Hall la Klamath Falla, oa the sreond aad foartk Taeadays of each month. All Comrade are la-tlted. Thoea daslrlag to loin the Post ay seeare application blaaka from O. K. Yarn Riper. Fred Nicholson, or t. at. oaraaaaa. ail M auamata raua. FKID NICHOLSON. Secretary But there'a also a lot of newa In this paper if yea know where to look for It about )our affaire. That'a the part of the newa you'll find la the Advertise meats. There'a valuable news there about thlaga yon want or will want; perhaps aboat thlaga you have that others want. Kvory Advertisement carries I message to someone. Many Advertisements carry messages of Interest or value to you. You can't afford to mtsa the Advertisements because so many of them are news relating directly to yen or to your i "; WESTERN LABOR BUREAU The only place where you can get Mlp and Use only place where you can get a 1034 MAIN ST. Phone 477-J NEW CITY LAUNDRY FINISHED WORK FLAT WORK ROUGH, DRY "Put Your Duds In Our Suds"' PHONE 154 Corner Main and Congei DR. F. R. GODDARD Osteopathic Physician and Surgeon Office and Residence Phones 321 L 0. 0. F. Temple E. D.LAMB PHYSICIAN AND BURGEON Pfcoaal7W 17H Rooms 1 aad 9 White BaUdlag DR. T.C CAMPBELL PHTRICIAlf AND 0USGBON LO.O.V.Bedldtaat Reeideaeo White PeUeaa Hotel Reaideaee Phoa I. DR. L. L. TRUAX WAKRKN HUNT HOSPITAL Day Pkoae, 4S7 Night SAW aOLIi KNGINKKUNa GONSTRCCTION CO. Deelgaeie aad hwlMen of box piaata. Dradglag. PBe eVtvfckf. Phoae4.w Office Coraer Sprta aast Oak Near 8. P. Depot I am' aow araaaMA to Saaata Saad from the Heap, Gaat aaad aad gravel pit. la tmy taaatttp that may bo desired by eeatraetarr aaa eauaera. ALF. OBAHAbf, I Let Your GLASS tnubltf be Mint C E. STUCKEY - Re-Glazing and Cabinet Makigag Phone 477W Eleventh and Pine Cf-Ks affalri. .. i A''' 5t w fr' ,' i- FAIRV1EW TRANSFER Prompt Service aad Reaaoaabto Rates, also Special Rates oa Oat of Tovra Trips Phone 26aVR fWWWWW0WWWWWWWWWW W. E. J. E. PATTERSON Coatractlag Palatera Res. Phone SS1-R ISSN. 4th St WWWWW0W0WW0WW0WW IClaasath Lodge Ne. 1Q Laar. Meets Friday night of each week at 1. v.v. f. aau, ota ana Mala streets. H. H. Ogle, N. O.; W. C. Wells. Sec retary; W. D. Cofer. Treasurer. Ewinni Ennnnm.,1 Nn At T n tO. F., meeU Tuesday night of each wm ai 1. u. o. r. nail. Harry Loucks, C. P.; W. D. Cofer. Scribe; Fred Buealng, Treasurer. WILSON ABSTRACT COMPANY SIT Hate ARTHUR R. WIIJKHI THE ARCADE HOTEL lOeWeM afAIN ST. PHONB 477a Tho plaee vrttk hoasb cemforta, cJeaallaeea, pleaty of free ah? KveiTtJaias saw froas top bottoas aad rates to FOR SALE Three stores, all paying. Location AI. Must sell owing to other business. See 1008 Main SL ROBERTS. FRY Geaeral lasaraace, laveetmeata TeL 101 J - ia67EUade XXAMATH FAIitAORR,, DR. a A. MASSEY Foarthvaasi Paw fta, la Warrea Hiat Hasftui Off. FkOM 417 Res. Fsom Itaf f 1 ... -, J.'aCXMHORN Otrtl aaraear aad Sas rages, Otoea 117 Mata M. '" saausasBj e sweBBRaWdt dasaavg aamsmeji a daavaaaaj '1 nl M 1 1 '