pa an nva HATWtPATr HUVimUUtH, M, ISM - ---I-5 w? THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALlV OREGON 4i Hi- ''iii- fii-rv,w iwuswi' VF ' 1 1. Vv THE c gam ... , . g'jnwj i 1 . J ' i t ; A . f :i b 1 t v x T at! v,v X. , . eVn dL 4nr Pacific Coast Mint Company A REAL DEVELOPMENT COMPANY What They Have Accomplished After an exhaustive research of the conditions regarding mint growing in the United States, we decided if climatic conditions were favorable to growing the plant in this district, we were sure that the rich marsh lands would be suitable, and decided to make a test We, therefore, secured a tract of land for experimental purposes and at considerable risk and expense, brought in a carload containing over 1,100 sacks of roots which we planted. When the crop was assured, we bought and erected a modem distillery, and at present, are busy extracting the oil from THE FIRST CROP OF MINT GROWN IN KLAMATH COUNTY. nn V'i What We Propose To Do bat OTOli tr tJaJr r .fU ... r - " uw m WC i Having passed the experimental stage in growing the plant, and knowing the attractive profits obtained from the sale of the oil, and having also assured ourselves of a ready market for our product, WE WERE FORTUNATE IN BEING ABLE TO SECURE BY PURCHASE OVER 1300 ACRES of the finest marsh land in the County. A good percentage of this land u now ready K for planting, having been seeded to potatoes and grain during the present year. It is the intention of the Company to plant to the different varieties of PEPPERMINT, this whole tract just as quickly as labor conditions will permit, We are also in THE VERY FORTUNATE POSITION of having the roots on hand sufficient to re-plant 1000 acres to miatnext year.. .ThUaasount of nursery . stock having been grown on our Eagle Ridge experimental tract this year, and we plan to use as much' of Uiis nursery stock for this . fall planting on our Caledonia tract as we can conveniently handle. Actual planting will begin the early part of October and continue until weather conditions stop our operations for the winter. In the spring, however, our mint planting will resume, and r J it is our earnest desire to have in crop for 1921 from 250 to 500 acres of MINT alone, to say nothing of our other crop consisting of 300 or 400 acres of Rye, Barley, Wheat, Potatoes, Etc . " We Invite You To Come .. . and observe for yourself our operations from and after October 1st, as well as get first hand knowledge of our project and' the wonderful opportunity we have in store for you, through our decision to offer within a' short time,,ONLY A LIMITED AMOUNT OF STOCK in order that we may push this new and most premising enterprise as fast as good husbandry would suggest, thereby insuring for our ORIGINAL INVESTORS, who will compose this company, steady and attractive profit from the very beginning From the foregoing FACTS, it should be apparent to anyone interested; that this company, the firsVin the local field, has a bright future, chiefly for the following reasens: ' i ' 4 t J 1 1ST, BECAUSE: We have had experience in growing mint under local conditions. .2ND, BECAUSE: We have 1300 acres of the finest land to be had, anywhere in the country, which is particularly adapted to mint growing, as our demonstrations have proven. ,3RD, BECAUSE: THE MOST VALUABLE ASSET TO THE SUCCESS OF THE WHOLE PROPOSITION, is MINT ROOTS with which to seed our acreage, and we have SUFFICIENT ROOTS ON OUR GROUND, locally grown, TO PLANT OUR ENTIRE TRACT. - t vp X A. A 1 .A. M- A.- A. A. A. A. - A-. A A. A A A. Be Ready To Join Us itf " JQt "' The Pacific Coast Mint Company G. W. MATTERN A. B. EPPERSON J. W. SIEMENS JAMES M. WATKINS, JR. JV' J ?- "- "- i ' r V -it & A, ' i- , V " ki W , n