PAOH HHVHIf ' THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS., OREGON THURSDAY, HKPTKM1IKR 98, IP1 I AT THE THEATERS T Dili you nviir luivn u ilnlnt In 1:0 on tliu nIiikh mill marry n million ulro? Doom a rich iiiiirrlm;u IiiIhk Invn? Hon "ItiniKii nml Itluliim" mill flint (tut, A clnvrr plcttirn of tho lioiun nml tho hIiiki'i lit tlm l.lliurty Friday. Ziiiin (Irny, fiimnim novHInl, mind n iicclal nitniiKii t(i IiIn roudur who wltlm-ii "Itlilorn of Hut Dawn," with uti nil-Blur cunt, InrluilInK Hoy Htiiw iirt, (,'lnlrti Ailnttia, Itoliort McKIm, mid othnr colulirltlci), which will lie tho nttrnctloii lit tliu 1. 1 burly tliriilur Kuniliiy. No. 7 Iteixirt of the FIRST STATE & nt Klamath Full, In (tin Hlnto of HiptomlMT iti;HotntcKrt l.oniiN miit illacniiiitn .. . Overdraft, secured nml unsecured Ilond and warmiilN ... NtorkN, securities, judKuii'iila, etc Furniture ami fixture . Other real estulo owned , Duo from bank (not rimorvo hank) Duo from iipprovod reserve Imnkn Chock n mid othor cash Item Kxclinnge for clearing liotmo .- Canh on hmid Kxpense, iulvrcnt and tuxva paid, loss Kronn profit Total (To avoid dlncropanclea tliu total nlmulil ha foolod)....2,02C,0Dn.C0 I.IAIIII.IT1KH Capital Mock puld In Hurplua fund .. Duo to Imnkn and hanker .'. Individual deposit nuhject to check ('anlilor check outniamtlng . - Certified chuck . . Time mid Having Deponll Note nnd bill redlncounted Hill payable for money borrowed .. Total (To avoid dlncrepanclu the total ihould lie footed) . 1 2,025,893.80 Ktatn of Orvgon, County of Klamnth, n. 1, John Hlnmpn, Jr., Canhler of tlm nbovo-namod bank, do solemnly nwpar that tliu abovu tatement I true to tho bvit of my knowledge and bullet. JOHN BIKMKNH, JR.. Cashier. COUHKCT Attest: O. W. Mattern, A. II. Kpperson, J. W. Hlcmen. 4 Director. Subscribed nnd sworn to before mo this ISth day of September. 1920. ,,.!). . . I I Just Like ii Clock Work Except thut you never lose any time when you eat in this cafe. We try to make every second count from the time you give your dinner or lunch order until it is placed before you. Long waits in cafes sometimes ruin the very beat appetites makes people out-of-sorts, and places them in anything but an eating humor. Nothing like that in this cafe! Quick service and excellent meals that's the combination! You'll get it at the m00WW0WWWW0WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW REX CAFE ffffTfTTffTTWTTTTVTTTTTTTTffTTVTTTfTfTTTrffffTffV 14 MjuovxAniyvywvyyytfbrs nnnnnnnnRlnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnl LnnnVnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnW ' TSKnnnnnnl fBSnnnnnr .nnnnr ennnV "Homier of my mivnl,," 'Tliu Don (irtof Wheat,' will flint whun thuy wltnccH 'Hlnur of tho Dnwn' iluty will win u film viirHloii that In nlmont ii R(iiiiul Ii tliu nrlKliml," wild Mr. (Irny, "Tho tnuio c'nrnrtnr, tlm Mntiift to cnlo, tho 0111:10 hnckitrouiiil of limit- Ichn desert or wlioiit, tlm grcjileiit of fooilii, nipnnr In my hoqiiuI, wltlmomn plot event which, no closely related to tlio orlRlmtl novel, would not ho found In nny published soquol, I nm Hiiro Hint my render will apprnclnle seeing tho clmriictor of 'Tho Dcnort of Wheat' hrmiftht to life mi I huva noon Hi nm In thin plcturonnd I heart lly recommend It to thorn a tho flu ent plrturlcntlon vor mndn from onn of my Merle." . OiMillllim of tlm SAVINGS BANK lln'iiiiii, nt Hie cIomi of InixIni'M H, WHO IIOI.I.AHH .ll.Cflfl.or.ll.tB i2,322.r.n . tni.4C1.2 18,71H.8!i d.ROO.OO 32,878.05 7.ia.m .. 11R.U4.90 r.,420 40 18,202.49 32,!i2.01 6,(I37.7 DOI.DAHR .$ 100,000.00 100,000.00 15,566.99 1,048,929.71 23,810.24 1.000 00 412,3&4.CC 231,433.00 92,000.00 HIIIP YOUR CASKS or' parcels by our transfor service. That will Insuro that thoy will be carefully handled and that thoy will nlway roach boat or train on time. We don't believe In any last minute ship ment. We alwnya get thero In plenty of time to mako euro tho goods wo carry will not be loft bohlnd. Western Transfer Co. 410 Main St. SIMPLEX CREAM . SEPARATORS ' for the practical dairyman. Light running and close k skimming. For Sale by GILT EDGE CREAMERY COMPANY Phone 381 J 230 Main St BEPRETTY.T llfiH 1 MM thy onAsimtmiKti'H oi fa- VOIllTi: ItKCII'K OK HAOK TKA AND HUM'IIUIt Almost everyone Known that Hge Ton and Sulphur, properly compound ed, bring back Die natural color and liinlro to the hair when faded, gray or itrcnked. Year oro tho only way to get thU mlxturo wn to mako It at homo, which I tnuiuiy and trouble some. Nowaday, by Diking at any dru'g ifiro for "Wroth' Bago and Bul phur Compound," you will got a large hottlo of tbl famou old recipe, Im proved by tho addition of other hi grcdlont, for about no cent. Don't itny grnyl Try Itl No one run iwknIIiIv fnfl Hut! vnu your hair, a It doc It no naturally1 nml ovenlr. You dnmpon a Kpongo or' oft brush with It, and draw thll' throuKh your hnlr, Inking nno small strand at a time: by morning tho gray hair disappear, and after another np-i pllcntlou or two, your hair become beautifully dark, g'.ossy and attract. I nvo. HAM! OP TIMIIKtl KLAMATH INDIAN ItKHKUVATION MTTI-K HI'HAOCK UNIT Boated bid In duplicate, markod outsldo "Hid I-lttlo Bpraguo Unit," and nddrcssod to tho "Superintend ent, Klamath Indian School, Klamath Agency. Ortigon," wilt bo recelvod until 2:00 o'clock P. M Pacific time, Wednesday. October 27, 1920, tlmbor on about 8,600 acre on for tho purchase of tho merchantable Bpraguo Itlvor In townships 34 and 36 Bouth, Hango 8Kat, Willamette Meridian. This unit la estlmatod at 40,000,000 feet II. M., mostly west ern yollow plno of which about 5,000,000 feet I on about 480 acrea of approved allotment, and aa to which soparato approved contract with the Indian owners mar Prob- nbly bo mado. No bid will be ac cepted for lea than f4.00 for yel low and ugar pi o and Incena codar, and $1.80 for other apeclea during tho period of tho contract ondlng March 31, 1924. Price ub- oquent to that dato will be fixed by the Commissioner of Indian Affairs for three-year period. Each bid must tate the rate per M that will Kill That CASCARA k b tor Colds, Coujho "COWtV OMV NcnJcctcd Ccldn Tk no chanctt. Keep this ctomlard remedy ljindz for the first snttie. Breaks up a cold In 24 hours Relieves Crlppo In 3 days Excellent for Headache Quinine In this fcrrn does not effect the head Career Is best Tonic Laxative No Opiate In IliU'a. ALL DRUGGISTS SELL IT JinsinMBnnnnnsnMsnsiBsaasisanaHBnnnawBnSssBni ffVnnnnnnnnnnnnnnsBnnnnnwnsnsjsknpM Stop in when youVa patting Spend wisely - and own Ik NEW EDISON "7 Phnttrtpk milk a Sea" There's a way of spending money that spreads incomes over bigger "sandwiches!" Big business calls it financing. Government calls it budget-making. , We call it the Budget Plan. Would you like to own a New Edison f Our Budget Plan will show you how to "swing" the purchase, without cutting in on your present necessary expenditures. Now is a good time to buy. The New Edison has advanced' in price less than 15 since 1014; this includes War Tax. Mr. Edison has kept prices down by absorbing increased costs out. of his own pocket Klamath Falls Music House George A. 6th St., between ho paid for each hind of tlmbor dur Ing tho first contract period ending March .11, 1024, nnd munt bo ac companied by a cnrtlflod chock on a solvent National Jlnnk drawn In fa vor of tho Superintendent of tho Klmnath Indian School In tho amount of 110,000.00. Tho deposit will bo returned to unsuccessful blddori, but retained an liquidated damage If tho successful bidder .aball fall to execute contract and fnrnlih latla factory bond for $lli,000.00 within 00 day from tho occoptanco of hla bid. Tho right Ja'renorvod to waive technical dofncU and to reject any or all bldi. For coplcn of contract, rogulntloni, fuller description of the area, and other Information, apply to tho Huperlntondont of the Klam ath Indian Bcbqpl, Klamath Agency! Oregon Washington, D. C, Auguit 10, 1020. CATO SELI.B, Commlislonor of Indian Affair. lit pub. Aug. 19 7h. & Bat. 12t IBMMOTWATEK KDHWMM SF 70HJ HDOKT PEEL REGIT Say gla of hot water with phosphate before breakfast wishts out poisons. If you wako up with n bad taito, bad breath and tongue I coated; If your hend Is ncklng; If what you eat sour and form acid In stomach, or you aro bilious, constipated, nervous, allow and enn't cot fcollng Just right, begin Insldo bathing. Drink bo f oro breakfast, a glas of not wator with a tenspoonful of llmcstono plios photo In It. Tbl will flush tho pont ons and toxin from otomach, liver, kidney and bowel and cleanse, twectcn nnd purify tho cntlro alim entary tract. Do your Insldo bathing Immediately upon arising In the morning to wash out of the syslom all the previous day's poisonous write, gases and sour bllo before eating moro food. To feel llko young folk feel; like you felt beforo your blood and mus cle became loaded with body Impuri ties, get from your pharmacist a quartor pound of limestone phos phate, which I Inexpensive and al most tasteless. Men and women who are usually constipated, bilious, headachy or buro any stomach disorder should be gin this Inside bathing before break fast. A classified Ad will sell It. Cold With QUININE AND srlppc cro Dar.scrous Learn W about this plan Jvr Wirti. Prop. Main and Klamath BUSINESS CARDS IWrVrWrrVWMMWWVMMWVWWWMMMVVM ACME LUNCH Home Cooked Meals SHORT ORDERS AT ALL HOURS Mrs. E. M. Bechdoldt 323 Main St. MMAMAAMWiVMMWMWWVWWWMWWMWMWwM Klamath Falls Cyclery We handle the best In oar line, uch as Motorcycle, Bicycle, Parts and Accessories, Ooodyear, Pennsylvania and Diamond Tires and Tube. The bouse of the two and three wheelers, Includ ing Harley-Davfdson Service. a K. BHBfARK 118 S. Stfc Bi. Klacsjrtsi Falsi i m0A00004 PHONE 39 327 MAIN STREET Open 10 n. m. to 3 p. m. flunday and Holiday jr. a ciiEGHORJ Civil Raglneer and flwreyor Offloe 817 Main St. Pbeaea: OaVe 1M, Res. 10SI r DENTISTS Dr. E. a Wiscartwr Dr. P. M. Nod 4 Ore Ci Wm p0m000A00mmA0000m0i000A0mA00A0k lUJOIATHAUTO SPRING WORKS WeDoAR tarn Hew Alili WOBX OT. pim) litvr ii nsii A. ; 0AA0AA0Z0i0m0A0000a0A000i EX-SXRTIGB MEW, ARKXTION! sav Tb nnlv neetlng MB of KlamaU Font No. S. P-f-af Asaertean Laden, win be B7 nald nt 'etock n. ., nt tke CUT HnU ta Ktonuttn FalU. on Una Mean an fenrU Tneanaya ol each nsMta. AU Conundea nrn tn- tltnt. Tnow nnfirtns to Jala Urn Poet mar naemrn appllcaUon blanks (roa O. X. Van Rlpar. Fred Nicholson, or T. H. Oarnanaa, all of Klamath FalU. FRRD NI080L80N. Becretary. WESTERN LABOR BUREAU The only place where you can get. help and the only place where you can get a job. .v 1034 MAIN ST. Phone 477-J NEW GITY LAUNDRY FINISHED WORK FLAT WORK ROUGH DRY "Put Your Duds In Our, Suds" ' PHONE 154 Corner Main and Conger FAIRVIEW TRANSFER Frosnpt Service nnd Reasonable Rates, abo Special Rates on Ont of Town Trips Phone 260-R 0WWWWWWW0Wm0AAAAAAAA KnttfSiwsnsntosjnnr. On I Ovtnv PROFESSIONAL CARDS itOf iiittmifffftir'V'v,mw''wvmv'rrtrjfji FRED WESTERFELD DENTIBT Phono 434W. X-Rar Laboratory Doomm mmt 0A0A0maa00W0WfWAmmmmt0im DM. O. A. HANBO Dentist I. O. O. F. PBorau ,V,,,'warfrfrfwt Offlce Phone 177W Roe 177R Dr. H. D. Lloyd Stewart Pbyalctaa and flnrgeoa White Building Klamath Fall Oregon WWWWWWWMMWWWWMWWWHf DR. F. R. GODDARD Osteopathic Physician and Surgeon Office and Residence Phones 321 L O. O. F. Temple E. D.LAMB PHYSICIAN AND BURGBOW PbonelTW 17R Room 1 and I White Bnlldlaaj DR. T.C CAMPBELL PHYSICIAN AND SCROBKMT LO.o.r.i Retldencn Whiu Pellsan ReM Residence Phone I. DR. L. L. TRUAX WAKREN HUNT HOSPlTAIt Day Paten), 47 Nlgat Ptteeie, SSsJ SAW MUX KNUlNKKRIXa A CONSTRUCfnON CO. nnd Wlldetn as? bos Blantn. Dredglnc. PRe lrteint Phone 4S4-W Ottlen Conwr Snrtnr; nadl Oak Jf ear 8. F. Depot I nsa new nrennrafl to tarnish Shasta Sand from the Hear, Caat and and gravel nit, tn nay qaantlty mat may be desired Dy eoatracterr and bnlldara. ALF. ORAHAM. r Let Your GLASS trouble be Mine . CE.STUCKEY RtGiaxinf amd CatiMl MaJriac Phone 477W Eleventh and Pine Klamath Lodge Ne, 13? LO.O.F. , Meet Frldsr night of each week at I. O. O. F. hall, 6th and Main street. II. H. Ogle, N. Q.; W. C. Wells, Sec retary; w. D. Cofer, Treaaurer. Enauna Encampment No. 46, I. O. O. P., meets Tuesday night ot each week at I. O. O. F. hall. Harry Loucks. C. P.; W. D. Color, Scribe; Fred Dueslng, Treaaurer. WILSON ABSTRACT COMPANY . UThtaan ARTHUR U. WOMOM THE ARCADE HOTEL losses MAIN ST. PHONR 411-9 The place with hosae centfertav cleanUneas, plenty of fensh nar and no Inside roosts. EverrUUaf new from top t bottom and rates to asset yon aocketbook. ,. DR. a A. MASSEY Fourth nndFhM Sss. ! Wamw Runt Hospital Off. Phone W Res. Phone ISM Vf Et Jb ale. U PATTERSON (tontracting Painters , Re. Phone 531-R 133 N. 4th St. ; A JuifsivsTrhrrirerMVVirh 1 ?r ". ' . i