v. jwT'Tr " ' PAQH TWO X' 3 TmmwAir, hrptrmber as, imo THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON " ' ' " i T!z7zftmmm BOURBON LIMIT II MINIS WASHINGTON,, Sept. 22. While the Democratic national finance cam mlttco li not limiting tho alio of Ita campaign contributions from a ilnglo lndlrldual a 12,000,000' total would b anfflclont for tho Domocratlc na tional campaign, Jamea W. Gerard, chairman of tbo committee, testified before the aenate campaign Invest! eating committee aa tho first witness la the reopening of tho Inquiry. "Would you tako $15,000,000 It you could get It," asked Chairman Kenyon. "No, that would bo too largo. So great a sum would shock tho public conscience nnd Insure defeat of tho J party." Ocrald added thoy had rained $128,000 so far, that $2,000, 000 would be "enough" and ho would bo "thankful to got $1,000,000." LIVE STOCK FOR SALE Registered Horeford'bulls and Volf c'rs. Dest breeding and quality, liaised on our farm In southorn Idaho. Herd comprises 400 head, which must be reduced at once to glvo us mora room. Now la the tlmo to buy. Can sell In carload lota. Trice's reasonable. Satisfac tion guaranteed. Write or como and see . them. Farm close to Nampa, Ida., fen main line of Oregon Short Line. 1. L. Young & Sons. ' 11-15-1S-23 Ihim$himhhiiZiibmi1bihhm I BUYJYOW These cool September days nro a warning to the careful buyer that winter la coming and that tho tlmo Is now rlpo for BUYING WOOD. WINTER IS COMING Place your orders with us now for Orccn Slab and Block Wood while the summer prices are on, for bad roads are sure to bring adrances In price BUY NOW. O. Peyton & Co. 41 MAIN "WOOD TO BURN" PHONE 033 PRMM8 STAR DRUG CO. IS tt tt i 1 1 ( - 1 1 i i BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBH I I SBBBllBBBBlHBSaBBSlaBJBJBJB I ( tt tt II tt n ltUnUK.lt (Jl-OVKH CORONA TYPKW1UTKRS Ol-TIUK HUPPMKM HAIR HRt'SIIES 1VORT PYRAIJN RK.VAMi RKMKDIK8 It. K. DKWKKHK P. 8. POPN WHENEVER YOlf SEE THE SIGN THE REXALL STORE you may knowthnt Is tho storo, that, In the ostlmatlah of mora than 6,000 other loading retail druggists, Is the ono best fitted to fill the drug storo needs of that community, IIONMI3 "" VICII.H VK.NIDA HAIR NKTH liADIICH' HANI! HACJH ' VANITY tJAHIW thi:rm(M lurrriiKH HWKMT'H CIIOCOIjATKM SAFETY RAZORS AND BLADES Autostrop, Ivory caso ...Sfl.00 Autostrop, flat motal caso S.vnO Autostrop, regular caso SJ.1.0O Aatostrop blades, C-AOc; 12 $1.00 Olltctto, Ivory case Sfl.00 Qlltetto, pocket case S.1.00 ailtatto blades, 6 -.10c; 12 SI.imi Endcrs' 8afoty Raxor -....... 1 .00 Endcrs' Blades, pkgo. of 5..........:t.'Vo Clem Safety Ilaxor. l.00 Gem blades, pkgo. of 7 .10c Evor Ready Safety IUior..... ssi.oo Ever Ilvmly Blades, pkgo. of 6 I0c Durham Duplex Itmors............,.$I.OO. Durham. Duplex Blades . ...... ..10c Qenco Safcdgo Razor. 8JJS.1 LILAC VEGETAL takes tho sting out of tho shavo and makes tho taco comfortable The best after shaving lotion. $1.25 ''ttttitittttttimiiimmiMiiiiiiiiiii Just Arrived A Carload of REO TOURING CARS I ud REO SPEED WAGONS Ready For Immediate Delivery Acme Motor Co. a 416 So. 6th St II II II II FACE POWDERS I'lver's Azurca ft Floramyo. By Im porting direct from Paris, Franco, wo save you 50c per bos on this high grade powder. Tor box.. ............. I..V) Pompelan Beauty Powder OOc Cara Nome Faeo Powder $3.00 Harmony Complexion Powder. 83c 'Bourjols' Java Rice Powder. SOc Armand's Face Powder....... ............V)c Mavis Face Powder...................Oc Freeman's Face Powder Mc Boqnet Ramee Face Powder......1.00 Mary Garden Powder. . Djerklss Face Powder...., La Blacbe Powder............ Sl.8.1 83c SOc Week End Specials Maximum Hot Water Bottle or Fountain Syringe, 2-quart, hand-made bag. Guaranteed 1 year. Week end price $1.85 Lord Baltimore Linen Writing paper 24 sheets paper. 21 envelopes. Week end price a 39c Pure Castile Soap. French style, made in America from vegetable oils. Week end price 39c Harmony Liquid Shampoo, Makes the hair soft and fluffy. Contains cocoanut oil. Week end price : 39c Tissue Toilet Paper. 1000 sheets in each .roll. Week end price, 7 rolls $1.00 Opeko Coffee 45c Symond's Inn Vanilla Extract 29c Symond's Inn Lemon Extract 29c Symond's Inn Cocoa, pound 29c FOR THE HANDS Hvxftll Tnllot Cream, rapid and thor ough In Its ability In smooth and soften tho hand M lliixnll Cream of Almonds Jtte Hind's Honey and Almond Oruam.,flOc Holmes' KriMtlllu I'uroln Almond Cream JMio Kspny'a Crenui '"' Mnurlnn Hand Lutlun Uftc Hiker's lllasol - Wlo Dalllii CucniulHir Crenm 8l.le I'tireleat Ulycurluo und llono Waiter 8-V Camphor leu 1SI Itiibbor Otovrs, pair SI. 00 iiihI 7.V Violet llulcti Cold Cream. ..... iMlo FAGOSAN Tim splmgiium moss stuiltnry imp. kin. Cool No chafe No stain Non-pack. Mora absorbent than cotton, package of twvlru M.V FAMILY REMEDIES f'lntchur's Cantorln ...............40c Syrup Figs .. 60a Hlnkle's Pills, 100 In bottle. . ...AOr Nuxaled Iron fl.lto Mnnthnlalum AOc anil 8.V Vlck's Vnporub ...OOc anil SOc 8. 8. 8 f 1 .11.1 and SI. BO Iti'iliiol Olnlnuint......v.8l.JO anil oon Tanlac ...........81 JtO Sloan's Mnlment 70e and n.V Naturo's Rnmcdy ...... ..lOc anil O.V Doan'a Kidney Pills B.V. Itexall Kidney I'lll.. .Nc Antl-Urlc tor rheumatism 8l.no PInkham's Vegetable Comp 8IJ Musterole ....60o aad SOc jJJ FOUNTAIN PENS THMPOINT WATERMAN , CONKLIV8 , $2.50 to $12.00 Fouatala Praa Repaired PRICKS DO NOT INCXUOB RXVKNVE TAX The Jogcogg Stor KODAKS AND FILMS KVER8HARP PK.ai Developing. Printing and Enlarging. Everything for the Amateur Photographer. Mail Orders Filled Promptly 8TII AND MAIN 8TRKKT iiaii,ai,ii,..a&& WPvsassiBMaaBMSssBiBaanBSBiisssril BUCKHECHT Dress Shoes A atlM,,MisagSitlaiHfmH)atsEw 4rt"t4M":. RAMS FOR SALE CORREADALES Have a few yearlings and Ram Lambs ready for service now. iMiV,VJstMCijsssssssWsssssWlsssyMM 11y''1'11,'88SMiWiWiW6BI The attention of sheep men, who may not know this breed, is called to their many wonderfully good qualities. They shear a heavy fleece of fine wool; ewes about 12 lbs Rams up to 30 lbs. Hardy and good rustlers big per cent of twins. Ewes give lots of milk and are the best of mothers lambs come big and Btrongand mature quickly they are the beau ideal dual purpose sheep. .You do not have to sacrifice wool for meat and meat for wool, with this breed you get both. Notwithstanding the high prices obtained for wool and lambs the past few years, very few sheepmen have made any money, owing to the very heavy expense. The Correadales will make you more money than any other breed. Unexcelled for erassinrr wltr ima . . Merino ewes'. RAMBOULETTS BuazmarrFmtShoct are priced f&jo to fij CDLOR harmonies of mahogany calf and brass eyelets sdd the finishing perfection to our No. 436. It is ideal in weight and wearing qualities, handsome but not flashy, stylish without being extreme. And more than mace beauty, it is built on lines that insure comfort up to-the day you outwear it. '' , . . - - For Sale by , .41 BRADLEY-EVANS SHOE CO. ''" 727 Main St -BUCKINGHAM & HBCHT Have some nice Ram Lambs ready for Service Now ia'jrja ''HSrPFFtf tfr'Af, ii-..! " j kBBBBBBBBBa iisMsM I ' II )sbssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss I ''Vi;V'fl .tsssBft'iJSfTfBaBBaSlSBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB -I i. I'll 1 1 T.-lBBBBBBBBBBBI m fVI'lBBBBBBBBVBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBt .. 'JLiFfflstv '.WbsibbVbibbibbibbibbibbibbibbV-,; 'A msoBMtmijM uMbsbbbbibbibbibbibbibbI IHMnaKWjaaBBBBBBBBMaBBBBBB " Pure Bred Big Boned ' Heavy Shearers This Ranch .has been, es tablished over 20 years and never had scab or any other disease in flock yet. REX E. BORD, Olene Ranch, Klamath Falls, Oregon i ! -M n . I,. n i 1 ii . ii ii ii ii ii ii ii . ii ii i n w n K 4 Shut i film SAN WKmmsaBzsaszssm nx..