The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, September 18, 1920, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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WmmBAT, MVintBKR 19, II
rAtm two
Li" .J
i r np j"
i ;h
IK'i'S ..
Follow t)M Crowd
I Big Pow-wow Tonight
at the'
X Geats 75 Cento Ladies Free
Tbeao cool September days aro a warning to the carefal
buyer that winter it coming and that the time Is now ripe
winter is cosnxa
Place your ordera with ua now for Green Slab and Block
Wood while the inmmerprlcet are on, for bad roads are
sure to brine advances In price BUY NOW.
O. Peyton & Co.
That within few days
we will have on display
the gest ..Darrle Granite
Monuments, as well as
one of marble, and wo
Invite you to compare
them with any others in
the west. These monu
ment are unexcelled, and
Investigation will dem
onstrate the truth of this
Klamath Falls Marble A .Granite Works
George D. Grizzle
Attention Timberworkers !
A Big- Special Meeting Will Be Held on Saturday,
Sept 18th, 8 P. M.Sharp.
Short Snappy Meeting Followed By a Smoker.
Silver Loving Cup Will Be Presented to Our
Winning Tug-of-War Team
A $20.00 Pair of Bergman's Shoes Will Be J
,. Given Away
LOCAL 188, I. U. T.
Just Arrived
' A Carload of
. and
Ready For Immediate Delivery
Acme Motor Co.
416 So. 6th St
Visitor Btautlfut Dtierlptlen of the
American Cemeteries In. Frsnvs
Exquisite in Uniformity.
Though Atnerlcnn relatives usually
want to plant flowers on the graves
ot their sons or brother In the Amer
ican -army cemeteries In Krnno , an
army ruling forbidding this has been
adhered to. The cemeteries, .a uni
form stretch ot greou grass with white
crosses, look like "ucres ot white. Hi
ll's," according to Miss Elslo Ooddsrd.
a Wellcsley grnduato who linn returned
to this country after having had super
vision ot the Y. W. C A. rest huts
built for the comfort of relatives vis
iting the graves In four of the Ameri
can cemeteries In France. "At first
every one wants to'plnnt flowers on
the grave they !ou" says Miss Ood
ilnnl, "but they booh see that the nnny
ruling keeps the cemeteries most lieou-
I ttfitt anil Impressive because of the
uniformity. Cut flowers can be pi need
on grave and flowers can be planted
In the flower beds near by, but not
on the graves. Tho French people
who arc eager to decorate tho graves
In some parts are often surprised at
this ruling, but our cemeteries, as cared
for, nre, wonderfully Impressive. Aft
ter visiting them few Americans wnnt
to take the bodies of their boys home,
though they have boon determined to
do It before they enme." Tho Y. W. O.
A. mid Hot! CroM combine In maln
talnlng rest huts at Itomagne, Hony.
Itellenu Woods and Fcre-cn-Tnrdcnols.
"No matter how prepared a mother
and father are for what they expect
to see, the first sight of tho Held of
American graves overwhelms them."
sajs Miss floddnrd.
Had Lots of .Pluck .
George Thlbnult, proprietor of the
summer hotel at Outlet, a vltlngo a
few miles from IMctnn, Onl., was driv
ing his cur toward homo recently
when ho clmnced to meet n herd of
cattle. Tho owner of tho auto slowed
down to allow the nnlmala to pass
without undue excitement. All went
well till he met the leader of this targe
bovine family, n splendid young roan
hull. The latter resented tho pres
ence of tho mechanical contrivance
bearing down through the henl on low
gear. Lowering his massive head, he
charged, resulting In only a few
bruises to himself, but a twisted axle,
a badly bent fonder and a smashed
headlight to tho unfortunate motor.
As Mr. Thlbautt Inspected tho damage
he remarked emphatically: "I certain
ly admired his pluck, hut ho showed
poor Judgment."
Ksrmlt Rooasvelfs Photographs, Ta-
ksn In Africa, Are Looked en
a Masterpieces.
In 1009, when the Roosevelt expedi
tion went to Africa on the greatest
ot all safaris, by the dropping out of
the professional photographer, Ker
mlt Roosevelt suddenly was thrust
Into the position of official photog
rapher to tho expedition. I viewed this
arrangement with many misgivings
becauso It was a task for maturity
and long experience hut the young
mnn made good, tie made good 100
per cent, not only with the big game
rifle, fiat In wild animal photography
as well.
Mr. Kermlt's masterpiece Is his best
picture ot a whole herd of elephants
In a high' but rather open forest, Wil
liam Ilornaday writes In Serlbner's.
The light was none too good, but for
lunately It was good enough. This real
achievement was scored from a perch
on a low limb of a tree, conveniently
placed to drop tho Intervening brush
out of view. Five tuskers appear In
the front line, and the elephants are
mussed- together In tho composition ai
neatly and perfectly as If the hand
of roan had groucd them to get all
the flankers Into the picture.
Col. Theodore Itoosevelt was very
prosd cf this picture, sed'so were
the editors of-Serlbner's magazine and
the "African Game Trail" book.
Industrial Fatigue.
An Investigation of tho subject of
Industrial fntlguo conducted In Hie
government shops by the Kngllsh'gov
eminent resulted In obtaining n great
dent of vntuablo Information. It has
been thn means In ninny cases of n
great Incrense of the output, nnd these
investigations are about to bo extend
ed generally to nil Ilrltlsh Indifstrlnl
establishments by n recently estab
lished Industrial fntlguo research
board, under tho deinrtmrnt of scien
tific and Industrial research nnd the
medical research committee. The du
ties of tho board will bo to Initiate,
organize nnd promote, by research,
grants, or otherwise. Investigations In
dirrerent Industries with the view of
finding the most favorable hours of
labor, spells of work, rest pauses, etc.
Fresh from his victorious Invasion
ot Kuropo, Kecno KlUpatrlck- has re
turned to l'rlncoton to put tho Tlgor
football candidates through thulr
sealed proposals will be received un
til the iota day ot September, A. D.
1910, at the hour of two o'clock ta
tho afternoon, tor tho narckase ot
Two Hundred Thousand Dollars
(100,000.00) worth ot bonds ot tho
Langell Valley Irritation DUtrlot ot
Klamath County, Oregon. Bald bends
to nraw interest at ine rate or sit
per cont per annum, payable sornl
annually upon tho. first day pi Jul,
and the first day ot January of each'
year until tho maturity of aald bonds.
Boated proposals will bo recolved
by tho Hoard of Directors of said
Irrlgntlon District, and should U dl
roctod to the secrotary ot tho Usa
ge! I Valley Irrigation District, cars
of Ferguson, Kletchsr Mifflin, No.
ie I-oomts Dulldlng, Klamath Kalis
The Hoard of Directors resarvs
the right to reject any or all bids
offered, .
Secretary ot the Board of
Directors of Ingell Val
ley Irrigation District.
Policewomen Now Established.
Policewomen hnvo become tin estab
lished factor of municipal law enforce
ment In recent jenr. but motorcycle
policewomen still n novelty. Lon
don now has a sound of them, how
ever, and they are doing very effective
work, snys the I'optilnr Mechanics
Magazine. The 'nmen have been
members of the po'lee force for' some
time, but .hnvn onh recently acquired
their muehlnrs.
His Choice.
The ex-gob, now (he father of trip
lets, proudly illspliijcd his offspring
to his bashful buddy.
"Wlmt do yon think of them?" he
"Well." milled his buddy doubtful
ly, "If I wus you I think I'd keep that
ono there." Tho American Legion
Tho next tournament of tho Middle
West Howling association will bo en
tertained at St. Louis, beginning No
vember 19.
Aircraft Conditions.
Several American commissions have
recently made an Investigation Into
tho aircraft conditions In different
parts of the world, and they agree that
this country has the opportunity to lead
the world in civilian aeronautical ac
tivities and as n msrket for aircraft
In 1020. It was the Joint opinion of
these commissions tiult tho United
States Is ahead of all other countries
In number of planes actually ordered
and bought for civilian purposes, num
ber of aerial transportation lines be
ing organised, sictnal dally perform
ance of the aerial mall service, snd
volume of mall carried, and possibili
ties for the use of aircraft for com
mercial purposes, and that tho fact
that the post office has proved Hint
military planes can be converted Into
mall carriers makes posslblo .the utili
zation of service planes to meet tho Im
mediate demand which manufacturers
are unable to meet.'
Destroyed the Illusion.
Into the restaurant she came with
the nlr of a princess, a truly regal fig
ure, clad In brown from top to toe nnd
looking as If she had Just visited n
Parisian modiste nnd n beauty parlor
a perfectly groomed, handsome wom
an. There was an nlr of refinement
about her. Kbo looked expensively
turned otft In tho simple, deceptive
She sentcd herself at n table and
there were little exclamations of ad
miration from other diners near. A
waitress appriimhcd; every one
hushed to llstento the beautiful crea
ture speak.
In a high-pitched, Kast ,slde voice
she erdered: "Hrlng me a onion
omlette." It was brought, and sht
played It golflshly speaking, with her
knife. New York Evening I'ost.
Says a glass of hot water with
phosphate before broskfist "
keeps illness away,
Physicians tho world over recom
mend the Insldo bath, declaring this
Is of vastly more Importance than
outside cleanliness, because the skin
pores do not absorb Impurities Into
the blood, causing HI health, while
tho pores In tho tea yarda ot bowels
Men and women are urged to
drink each morning, before break
fast, a glass of hot water with a
teaspoonful of limestone phosphate
In It. aa a harmless means of help
ing to wash from the stomach, liver,
kidneys and bowels the previous
day's indigestible material, poisons,
sour bile and texins: thus cleansing,
aweetenlng and purifying the alimen
tary canal before oatlng moro food.
Those who wake up with bad
breath, coated tonguo, nasty taste
or have a dull, aching head, sallow
comploxlon, acid stomach; , others
who hsve bilious attacks or consti
pation, should obtain a quarter
pound of llmcstono pbosphato at the
drug store. This will cost very llttlo
but Is sufficient to show tho valuo of
Inside bathing.
Mini1 YOtm OAHKH
or parcels by our transfer
service. That will Insure
thnt they will bo cnrefully
handled. and that they will
alwaya reach boat or train
on time. Wo don't bollave
In any last mltiuto ship
ments. Wo always get there
In plenty ot tlmo to makn
sum tho goods wo carry will
not bo left bohlnd.
Western Transfer Co.
410 Main HI.
gw iilfiJBmnsnBBaBBssMSMBsBtmnBm. 9jm
Simple in construction, sure to fit, machined to n : ;
fine point, is The Gill Piston Ring.
Comes in 69 sizes and will fit almost any motor : :
used in an automobile or truck.
Can be bought at any garage.
Over 1,500 now in stock at my garage in Klamath : I
Falls. : :
Howie Garage
If the Wood Dealer
Sold Service
X .
We do not sell current t we sell service. That sounds odd
doesat It?
Well, suppose tho wood dealer sold service Instead of wood, ho
would tend to your furnace and your range, take away tho ashes
ad clean tho fines. You would buy so much heat,
Now yon bay so much light, although you pay according to the
carrvat yoa consume. Hat tho service Is perforated for yoa by this
company at the suUtatioas and power ptaata,
Tliat Is what wo want to give you efficient service. It Is tho
asm of this company to have aoao best satisfied customers. No
matter what It Is, If yoa have a grievance, or are dissatisfied about
yoar bill or do not aadersuad oar rates, pie e cosao la aad asa
as or write as about K.
If van hava aaiMtmilnaa a . m 4I f4 avail nam.
selves of them as our aim Is ososUatty to improve oar service to
seieaoe aaa asaaasi aatiHjr persan.
yoa as fast as tho development of
California-Oregon Power
To the Common People
Youthful Csttls Raiser.
Little Kdwlo, age seven, lives on a
farm In Grant county. It has been
for somp time his fathera custom to
sell calves to a neighboring farmer
when they wero about three days old.
The other dsy llttlo Kdwln was In
structed to go to the home of the
neighbor, and tell hlnuihat a cnlf
would be ready for him the following
duy, and that It was a "'bull pnlf.''
With nn nlr of great Importance the
joung farmer delivered the following
message: "My fullior told me to tell
you that our bull has a new calf, anil
you can linve It tomorrow I" Indian
spoils News.
Abraham Lincoln once
said that God must love the
common people, because he
made so many of them. It
is not the wise men nor the
great men who win battles)
build cities and 'create
wealth, but the multitude of
common people who toil
faithfully day after day at
their common tasks. It is
the common people who do
the work of the world and
make possible its progress.
Unfortunately this fact is
lost sight of by the common
people themselves, so there
is a universal tendency to
look down on common folk
and ambitious men and
women are ever striving to
climb up out of the mass of
humanity and pose as wiser,
better and greater than their
fellows. The error of such a
course must be evident to
every thinking person, for
no matter how wise or great
a man may be, I believe the
world can do without him
much better than he can do
without the world.
On Saturday, September
18th, we shall open our store
in the middle room of the
Odd Fellows Building. We
shall have for sale Ladies',
Children's and Men's Shoes,
Clothing and Furnishings.
Our stock is yet incomplete.
This is strictly a cash store.
Businesses of this character,
which make a reasonable
profit are a distinct asset to
the present social order. We
buy for less; we sell for less.
By John Vale, Manager.