THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON THURSDAY, BaOTKMBKfl If, 1M SEE 3 CALIFORNIA NEWS ri -o HACHAMKNTO, Hopt. It. A near double (roKcilr wok nnartod In Hid Harraiiivnlo bank building at Fifth and J trfttn early Monday when JUIph Knight of Oakland went on wild rampage with n ruvolver and attempted to kill Frank Uafuey and II. N. Fronch, attorney. Throw bullet flwd at Fronch and iihiiii ! wiihii iiiw in j j two nt (lafnoy went, wild and. pane trntod n bookcaan and a aldn wall, Tho Kuninan, following the shooting, surrendered. Oafnoy, pb refortxi lu a property dispute, I. ml Incurrod Knlght'a on mlty. lodgnd In. the city-Jail about 1C days ago, died Monday at tho county hoi pltal. ' WOODLAND, flept. 11. Andrew Yoeger, Itlnorant, aged 4R, who wont on a hungor strike when ho waa ar rested on a vagrancy charge and a. I I BIG DANCE at Malin, Saturday Night September 18th GOOD TIME ASSURED M HACHAMKNTO, Sept. 16. Oen oral donlul of iho chargoi of In aubordlnatlon and Inefficiency mado agalnat him by State Printer Robert L,Telfer to obtain hla dlimlaaal from tho atate eorvlec, la made by Carleton 11, Johnson, auaponded bead of the proof reading room of tho atata print- Ing plant, In hla answer filed Monday with the atato civil eervlco commls- alon. HACIIAMENTO, Sept. 1. Com mlnlonor of Public Health and Safe ty Chariot A, Illlia reported advereo- fly Tuesday upon the petition of cometory euporlntendcnta for the paaiago of an ordinance prohibiting Sunday funorala. A petition to thla effect waa pre- aentod to the commission lait week. u seoa io revivo a movement oogun In 1918 for enactment of a law pro hibiting Sunday burial In tho city. Just Arrived A Carload of REO TOURING CARS and REO SPEED WAGONS Ready For Immediate Delivery Acme Motor Co. 416 So. 6th St HACHAMKNTO, Sept. 16. Bmaeh Ing all rccorda In tho point of attend ance and tho valuu represented In tho producta and resources of Cali fornia, the 1920 atato fair waa brought to a clone Sunday night amid a apectacular flume of flroworka. There waa n high pitch of pralae over HAS-SUPERB WATER-POWER That ef British Columbia la Said to Equal Five Nlagarae In IU PoMlblllthe. The potential water power of Brit fh Columbia, expert declare, la equal to thnt of five Niagara. Pouring down from" the mountain cornea enough wa ter to develop 0,000,000 horee-power. Niagara fall, when -all the water that la available on the Canadian aide haa been tin messed will produce only 000, 000 home power. Only 123400 electric home power la bow developed1 by the planta supply Ing Vancouverf New Weetmlnster and the towna In the vldnlty. Thla power tarn the wheel of mill and fac tor) e, propria the atreet car of the dtiea and provide light for" the atreeta and home. If the entire wealth of British Columbia In water power were harneed It would be sufficient to provide power, light and heat for 40 ell I en the alao of Vancouver and New Ilrunawlck combined. With thla cheap power available, economist predict Uint ome day the province will become one of the grcateat manu facturing center of Canada. Fine Tune Will Live, Probably tho majority of church goer will agree with the vicar of Well ingborough In lit refusal to nlfow the church bella of hi pariah to ring out "Tlpfpcrnry" In honor of the great peace, for In these mattera one mut of course draw the line aomewhere. Yet, when the vicar aka: "If BUSINESS CARDS Klamath Falls Cyclery We handle the beat la oar 11m, aack m Motorcycle, Bicycle, Part aad Aeceeeortea, Ooodyear, Pesaaylvaata aad Dlaaoad Tlfee aad Tabea. The hoaaa of the two aad three wheelera, laclad lag Harley-DevUaM Serrleo. am lis .. mwmmwwvwwww& r PROFESSIONAL CARDS FRED WESTERFELD JMormr Phoae 4S4W. X-Ray raisiasaiy PHON at 327 MAIN STREET LOpea 10 a. rn. to 8 p. m. Baaday aad Holiday the ucrcM of what la concodod to Tlpperary.' why not Tommy. Make nave neon tno best yearly oxpoaltlon J Hoom for Under" the analogy la not covering n period of moro than half a century Aelasslflod Ad will aell It. BBBBS9B9BBeS9SS39!ga ;i J&fl&j&ln wot- YRaLr' yaL i rm w aav & you "can holdfast Jp'yourjob ' tfvouwworax fish Brand Slicker AJLTOWER COMPANY nnauv,nMM a! Jfjh 4fB aLm KfaaaHl llSaV TBaX"- 3ttC8saaaSBBBaw JrJaTjf Sk fi Go-oh ! Look at this one real Jacobean ! " Yest And on the next page, some thing equally exquisite, equally new, equally old. sAnd on the next and the next and the next. You turn from Sheraton to Chippen dale; from Gothic to William and Mary ; from French to Italian. In 17 beautiful designs, Mr. Edison's de- signers have expressed the best there is in period furniture. You're simply bound to find a cabinet that just ex actly fits your home, your tastes, your ambitions, your pocketbook. "Edison and Music" is the book of y v' 'A 2k NEW EDISON "Tht nnwk with 5fT No natter which cabinet you select, you'll Atk about our Budget Plan. It'a a new get a piece which has been eadoraed ai way ef figuring tha money parta coamon genuine period furniture by international MaM (NoU-1Te New Editon haa Naw Editon Cabinet ii a period cabinet. Tail include War lax.) KLAMATH FALLS MUSIC HOUSE Geo. A. WirU, Prop. 6th Between Main and Klamath WaeMaBpaeja,",""rTr it - -" Mt T very apt Iloth aonga. It la true, aro not well, claaxtcal manic, nut the glorlou BMoclatlona of "Tlpperary" havo rained It far above such crltlclam ; and though the famoua tune may never rcnth tho helitht of a church belfry. It In. nevertheless? likely to go down to iioiterlty n the Immortal "Mar xcllluUc" of the Old Contemptible. Ix)ii(6n Clironlclo. H I r s f m m m m aSMaW aa? iu " &WtAmwmAWWWl0l0WWI000WW10l0l AAAAAAWWWWWWWWWWW aMk Ci Mg RaUaflafO afaUvBygayaVaTaCga WWWAA0WWWWWWW '11BBaBaaaBfjaaaaMaBaBjj-- AAAAAA0A0AA0A0AA0AAAA0i00AA0ljk 0jnaLammmmr i J. O. CXEOHOKlf WvU Office 61T Mala at. t OaVa Me, Baa. II OOea Paoae 177W See 11 TR Dr. R D. Lloyd Stewart rkyaleiaai aad Aarawea White. BalMlac Xlaaaatk Falla Orecoa WMIW(WaiWn)WWWMIW(W(WW Happy en Hla Way. In ono of tho IndlanapoU school recently the teacher nnnounced to her pupil that they would study China during the afternoon, and told the children to bring various products of the country. Very excitedly a little chop rurhed Into the grocery store and told the grocer to give him a nickel's worth of saxafra. a ho waa to study Chlnn at school, and tho grocer told him she must have said Indiana, but bo Ktne him Gunpowder and Imperial mixed. Instead of the good old Hooiler product, and sent him happily on hla way. WMMMAMMWNMMWMMMMMMMMM. I DENTISTS i Dr. E. a Wieecarvav eraawvsejB awaa ga ..... . Iur. r. m. neet paeai7W rmni xr Ota F In i 1 1 all P - r KLAMATH AUTO SPRING WORKS WaBaAaaaeefraallaaaa aaaj aw Oaaa llaia OraW BBHBBaHHBBBBaBBaBBBSaMae9BSBBr DR. F. R. GODDARD Osteopathic Physician and Surgeon Office and Residence Phones 821 L O. O..F. Temple E. D.LAMB namcuM akd mmemoa 1 aa4 A One-Funnel Cunarder. The new Cunarder Scythln, accord ing to an English newspaper, I to hnto only ono funnel, for all her SO. 000 ton. Time wa when a llner'a standing was In direct rntlo with the numtivr of her funnels. Four funnels Indicated Al rank. One fp"iini steninshtp wn ,lr I until. ,i ''i"wl with nn iitineci'ksiry fourth runnel simply fur appearance's sake. L'ut no-.r. It .Trcrr.i, tho funnii ut t o, for only one Is really tieccssary. Prom the (Wlook. WWte DR. T.C CAMPBELL FHTBICIAN AND I Lo.o.r.i Seal Migrate Early. The protective measure adopted by the government for the benefit of the seal In American water has been en tirely successful, as Indicated by the great number of animate seen to be migrating to the Arctic seas. The migration wus three weeke earlier than usual, nnd tin unusually large number of animal were noted on tbelr way to the north. Naw Scrap Started. Wlfo (on rainy holiday) John, let' go somen here. I've bven shut vp la tho homo nil day. Huh You mean shut In, my dear. Tou can't trnthfully say yon were ahat up. Iloston Trnnsrrlpt. In Persia playing cards of Ivory havo been used. KX-8KKV1CX MB, iRmHOHl Tha recalar ataetlagt of KUauU Poet Ma. S. ABMrleaa Leioa, wfJl ae held at o'clock . at., at the City Hall to KtoauUh falla, aa tha aecoa aad foarth Taeadaya of each atoath. All Coaaradea are la- vlted. Thoaa dealrlac to Jola tha Poet may "'core application Diana rroa U. K Van Riper. Fred Nicholson,. or t. H. Caraaaaa, all of Klamath Faue. FRKO NICHOLSON. Secretary. 'Resident Watte Pelleaa Hotel Realdeaeo Paoae I. DR. L. L. TRUAX WAMJUOf HUNT HOSPITAL Day Phoae, 47 Nigh Phoae, set SAW MOLL KNOOTBBIUKa A CONBTRCCTIOIC CO. WESTERN LABOR BUREAU The only place where you can get help and the only place where you can get a job. 1034 MAIN ST. Phone 477-J hex pUata. Dreafcfac. Pfle Vlvtaa Phoae 4e-W Office Ceraer BawjM ami Oak IfearS.P, arlncaaM '.Depot I am now sressrss to roraUh Khaata Saad froaa tha Hoey, Caw ana ana travel Mt. la aay aaaauty bthat may bo deelred hy eeatraetorr land halldera. ALF. ORAHAM. GOI TEA INTO GRAY 111 DARKENS UKAVTIFULTiY AND UK-' 8TORKS ITS NATURAL COLOR' AND LUSTRE AT ONCE NEW 0TY LAUNDRY FINISHED WORK FLAT WORK ROUGH DRY "Put Your Duds In Our Suds" PHONE 154 'Corner Main and Conger Let Your GLASS troubles be Mint C E. STUCKEY Re-Glazing and Cabinet Making Phone 477W Eleventh and Pine Common garden sago brewed Into a heavy tea, with aulphurand alcohol added, will turn gray, streaked and faded hair beautifully dark and lux urlan. Mixing the Sage Tea and Sul bleiome. An easier way la to get tho phur recipe at home, though, la trou ready to use preparation Improved by the addition of other Ingredient, coating about B0 cent a largo bottle, at drug ttore. known aa "Wyeth'a Sage and Sulphur Compound," tbua avoiding a lot of musa While gray, faded hair la not aln ful, we all desire to retain our youth ful appearance and nttractlvenesa. By darkening your hair with Wyeth'a Sage and Bulpbur Compound, no one caa tell, because It la done ao natur ally, ao evenly. You Just dampen a sponge or aott brush with It and draw thla through your hair, taking one email strand at a time; by morning all gray hair have disappeared. Af ter another application or two your hair becomes dark, gloayf soft, and luxuriant, and you appear year younger. FAIRV1EW TRANSFER I'rompt Service aad Reaaoaahle lUtes, alao Special Rate oa Oat of Towa Trias Phone 269-R C&& NOTICE OF HALE OP TELEPHONE SYSTEM Klamath Lodge New 1ST LO.O.F. Meet Friday night of each week at I. O. O. F. hall, 6th and Main itreeta. H. H. Ogle. N. O.; W. C. Wells, Sec retary; W. D. Cofer, Treasurer. Ewauna Encampment No. 46. I. O. O. F meets Tuesday night of each week at I. O. O. F. hall. Harry Loucks, C. P.; W. D. Cofer, Scrlba; Fred Buealng, Treasurer. WILSON ABSTRACT COMPANY BIT Mala ARTHUR U. WOMOm Notice la hereby given that aealed proposals will be received until tho 30th day of September at the hour of 2 p. m. for the purchase of the Tule Lake Telephone and Telegrapn Bys tern. Said system consists of approxl' matelv 35 miles of rural telephone lines in good condition, moat of it new within the laat two yeara, u teleohonea Installed and paying rent als, the exchange system and distri bution lines in the towns of Merrill and Malm. Thla system haa interconnecting arrangements with the Pacific Tel. A Tel. Co. Further particulars will be furnished If desired. Scaled proposal ahould be direct ed to the undersigned Administrator of the estate of J. 8. Fruits, De ceased. ' The right is reserved to reject any and all bids. W. F. FRUITS. Administrator, Merrill, Oregon. Sep. 11-10-11 r- THE ARCADE HOTEL 108sVa MAIN 0T. PHONB 47T4 The place with hoaae coaafecta, rleaallaeee, atoaty of freak air Krerythhag? aew froaa tea koftoaa aad ratee to 3 DR. a A. MASSEY la Warraa Haat Hospital - , Oft. Phoae at? Rm. Paeae MM