rJik33BS3eBrvi9t - ' "?" " 'TO k ' &. ? w 4- r .r 'r iv, AT, MFTKHBKR 14, ISM THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON "TC-T1 rACW TWO DUTCH FARMERS WILL TILL ALBERTA PRAIRIES 3 f. v w UaxAt uxuvjj-f t jij-r .'iim-Mim f-iictimtft-rLmt'-jMfAjT -ssmu I mhii haa-gasBasBsji was MwtMf f .JbsssssbtcI wSBsssssssfcAAfls I JaskJdkwssssssss yiT"iv as?? v. v Sixty-five husky Hollanders with their families recently nrricd In Canada. They wens bound for Alberta, where they will Invest 1 .s $80,(100 they brought from their homeland hnd proceed to work their prairie farms in the thorough manner that has made Holland such a rich agricultural country. The tide of immigration from Europe to Canada that was inter ruptcd by uic war n 3 set in again, and every teasel from Europe brings It iiuotn of men and women racer to start life anew in the Last Great West. The newcomers art of very high class, many coming from the British lslc and north western Europe. This is an en couraging feature, as thssc are the tucks that cnc to Tonada and the United States their first sturdy settlers. Holland Is noted for ita dykes end its tulips. To many it means but a land quaint and picturec"i. It is that, but it is also a rich careen land. Every inch of the land that has been redeemed from the sea is cultivated TV. CEAPINO WW 6 AT IN CANADA'S PRAIRIE COUNT t rff5tkv -? it iMAnwu laLLLLLLftLLBLBLLLLLLLavUirA lva ' yiMrtt SKaaSsBBBaasi&.Ms ,4i" Wheat, oats, barley -nd rye are a tapis crops; Aax, sugar beets, to Luvvu and hemp arj also grewn: vegetables are cultivated to near perfection, while Dutch dairy products are world famous. Dutch farmers arc trained to get the maximum from their holdings. Each bit of ground must grow its two crops. When the wheat is cut. the stubble is turned under and planted to young cabbages or some other ctre table. Days are spent in intensely. ' tying up the heads of endive. ThcM farmers bring to their largei hold ings on the rich Alberta prniritis the determination and skill to get the last available bushel of .n-jt from their acres, anci the lnt pound of butter from their 1nlr stock. They are planning the Vf homes they mean to buili with their wheat fortunes, are" look ne forward to putting their children in the Canadian schools, where nil children arc social equals, and lo taking part In the administration of the land of their adoption. rHHD WILL DEVELOP OPNDUSm 8T. JOHNS, N. r.. Sept. 14. Im Sertant development of the treat a-aly wood resources of Newfoundland la about to be undertakes nader gnats to two pulp" and paper manu facturing companies made at the last i ent is tho great Industry there. session of the colonial legislature One of these companies Is British, the other Norwegian. The mills of the British concern wilt be located at Bonne bay, half way up the west coast. This port Is the center of winter herring t fishing activities. In Its vicinity aro largo areas thickly wooded with spruce and fir, through which flow rivers which will afford good water power as well as facilities for floating logs. Bonavista bay, on the east coast. Is to be the site of the Norwegian company's mill. Codflshing at pres- PMIMII I tMMMM MIMHH SHIP YOUR GASES or parcels by our transfer service. That will Insure that they will be carefatly handled and that they will always reach boat or train oa time. Wo don't believe la any last minute ship wits. We always get there la plenty of time to make sure the goods we carry wlH not be left behind. Western Trsuesf r Co. 410 Mala St. miMMMMmiMMMMMMMMMMMtMIM MM buIQuuuubbbbbbbbV bbbbbbbbbbbbbV 1 tlllllMMMI IIHIMIM t STEAKS CHOPS l BAKR1TE BREAD ,WWM "-i"i-i-in--u-j-u-LnjxnjLrvijT-i THE REX CAFE IS NOW READY TO RETAIL BREAD, PIES, FRENCH PASTRY AND ALL OTHER HIGH CLASS PASTRIES TO THE PUBLIC. ON SALE AT THE MAZE CONFECTION ERY STORE, THE REX CAFE. THE REX CAFE Backward from tho bay runs a series of well wooded valleys, drained by rivers of good size. - At present tho only pulp and paper mills In tho Island aro at Grand Falls, In the Interior, where the Anglo Newfoundland Development company some years ago established an exten sive plant which supplies tho North cliff e papers in England with most or tbelr paper. Before the war cap ItallsU were negotiating for other similar projects. . ' Now that the survivors of the New foundland rc-jlmcnt aro it homo again and the supply of labor appears satisfactory, tho world-wldo demand for paper has stimulated now efforts. Negotiations aro under way looking toward exploiting largo tracts of spruce on the south coast. The ex tensive timber holdings of tho Reld Newfoundland company, obtained as part of their compensation from the government for opening up a large part of the colony with a railway Hue, also are 'expected to be utilised for pulp-making In the near future. Still another project la contempla tion Is the establishment of paper and pulp mills, saw mills and veneer mills for the manufacture of birch Into boxes and barrels, at St. Georges, on the west coast. The company promoting the St. Georges enterprise Is composed of British and American capitalists who control 1,600 square miles of tlm borland In that vicinity and 1,000 aquare miles bordering on Grand lake, the largest body of water in the colony. The upper end of the lake has dlroct rail connection with 8t Gocrges. Several years ago the manager of tho a rand Falls mills testified ut a bearing by an American commission at Washington that paper could bo manufactured about seven dollars a ton cheaper in Newfoundland than In the United States. Paper men say that the margin at present Is larger. fxinaisV' OYSTERS ( HAVE Mla, ECONOMIC VALUE Official of Museum of Natural History Tells of Importance of lata In Jamaica. rtofumlng recently from the Island of Jamaica, In the West Indies, where he spent four months on a scientific expedition, II. E. Anthony, associate curator of mammals at the Museum of Natural History, brought back wllh him many tine specimens of bat, which lire numerous on that and other IhIiimIs In the West Indies, says the New York Times. "The only mammals native to the Inland today," Mr, Anthony said, "are 20 species of bats and ono species of rodent. These different bats range In size from small bats, with a wing spread ,of six Inches, up to very large hots, with a wing spread of frdtn 28 to so menes. People In the United States, where bats are comparatively rare animals, bare bo Idea of the variety and abun dance, of them la such a place as Jnmmcn, or or me imnortam-wntimate J. Millie of the tint. They iro either In sect eating or feed on fruits. Tho In t-oct-ciitliiK' Mtrloly nni wimll for tint iikI imrt, nnd htNe cotHili'rabte Milim ns liioct iU"itro)crs, They food on iiHwiultnitj nml on n great Mirlety of wlngod Insect life, many of which aro iitimilou to nmn or Injurious to agriculture. AUSTRALIA HAS MUCH IRON Engineers Report Immtnse Quantities Available In the Southwest Part of the Country. Mining engineers hnve reported to tho Australian pit eminent that Ini i mcnuo quantities of Iron ore aro nvnll ) nlilo at Ynmpl sound, In southwest Auntrnlln. Tho rsllmnto puts the I nniouiit of ort nvnlliihlo that Is". In I sight nliou' senleel at n7,000,)) tons. Tho larger qtinntltlei aro on Koolnn Island, where the lode risen 000 feet above tho water line; the lode Is ot er 100 feet wide, and Is tnued for nearly four mile, but retilly ex tends right through the Island. On Cockntto island the height h .100 feet, the lode running from end to end of the Island. The quality of the ore h exception nl. Thero Is only 1 Hr cent of nlllrn present and very little sulphur. Tliee niutl)vi rotnjmtv fittornhly with tho host known Iron loio-ltn In tho world Newfoundland (Hell Islnnil) ore Is .11. SO ht rent metallic Iron, with l.JI per cent allien. The Trench ore; run lo ',Z per rent, thu Cuinherlnnd (Kiiglnnd) to -IS SO per cent, the Span ish (llllhon) to fiOI, and tho Algerian to a tneuu of nbout U Blooirr,reeier IfTWorTdT Tho biggest freerer In tho world, with ii capacity of M).000,000 -munda, tins Just been eoiupleted nnd Is now In operntlon nt thu Chicago (iliuit of it largo ment'Pncklng concern. It hit" been erected for tho dual inrio" f frcealni; meat products, particularly for export, nnd of storing products during (ho period of heavy production, to lustiro ii supply tit nil times. Tho building Is ten stories high nnd wits erected nt n cost of '.',000,0u0. What Ha Cald. l'niil and Gerald, twins, were visit ing their griimliuolliei' In n distant city. Ono afternoon ' grandmother walked to the iienrl. grocery, taking (tenild with her, I'mil being nideep. The groier gno (lernld an apple. which ho silently ncieplnl. (Imuiliuother turned lo Gerald and Mild! "Now, what do vm "'" "(live mo uno for 1'iiul." A Forftlte Distinction. "Why don't you write another letter to the paper and sign It Tnspii)rl'" "1 mn't oiisclentloiily nssiiino thu title. I'm oil the ilellmiuent list." A classified Ad will HI It Bolshevist Stud Farm. In tho I.Ue Stock Journal of London a correspondent relntes thu ohsern tlons of nn Kngllsh horse-trnlncr n cently cscnied from ItusMn : "The Ilol shclsts went to all tho stud farms and divided tho stock among themselu's. Tho best stallion In llussln, Imported Just before the war nt an enormous expense, was git en to a peasant? who took the horso off to his vitiligo In thu Interior to draw his cart for n few days and then be slaughters! for food. The holshuIsts then started an Improved stud fa nil under nationalist manages merit. They mnilo It up of six stallions and onu mare." Drinking a Glass of Hot Water is a Splendid Habit Cltanie and swsttsn the system each morning and wash away poisonous, stagnant matter. Location at Uranus. The latest calculations, based on the perturbations of Uranus, nro stnted by Dr. Krlc Doollttlo to show that the hypothetical planet hejond Neptune Is nearly four billion miles from thu sun, nnd rrqulrvn 2KI years to complete a resolution In Its orbit. It Is much smaller than other distant planets, with n mass only six times that of the earth. This Is a secret of Its eluslu-ness, and Its dlscotery Is expected to rexenl a minute body of only the twelfth or thirteenth magni tude. Search Is now being made for this mystery of tho skies near Gemini's western bonier. Thoso of us who aro accustomed to fool dull and htuy when wo arlsa, splitting hoadacho, stuffy from a cold, foul tongue, nasty broath, acid atom actio, lamo back, can, Instead, both look and fool as frosh as a daisy al ways by washing tho polslons and toxins from the body with pbospuatcd hot wntor each morning. Wo should drink, beforo breakfast, Tntlnss ofTiorwaTeTwlUrjalo'aspoon. ful onimostoiio ph'onphatolfnrio flush from ttio stomach, llvor, kldnoys and bowols tho iirovloim day's Indl gPRtlhlo waste, sour bile nnd poison ous toxins; thus cloannlnir, swooton litre nml purifying tho nntlro nlliuon tnry tract boforo ontltm inoro fond. Tho action of llniestono phosphato and hot wator on nn otupty ntomnch Is wondortully InvlgoratlnB. It cleans out nil of tho sour fonnmitntlotis, nnsos, wastn nnd aridity and gives ono n fine nppctlto for liroiikfast. A' quarter pound of llmosltmo phoa pliato costs very llttlo at the drug tore, but Is enough to make anyono who Is bothorod with bllfousness, constipation, stomach trouble or rhouinatlsin an enthusiast on Internal sanitation. VOUIl NKW SUIT will stand Inspection and command approbation If you havo us tailor it for yon from our exclusive fabrics In our accustomed superior style. Wo guarantoo a perfect fit always. Tho waaror of a suit mado by us has always the satisfaction of feeling himself perfectly dressed. , CHAS. J. CIZEK MERCHANT TAILOR 518 Main Street ft Golf by Plane. Two inixleni loutiu-i in gulf were Introduce)) at the big professional tournament nt Gleneugles, In Perth shire, recently. Airplanes, bringing iectators, ar rived nt regular Internals from Glas gow, 47 miles away, and every com petitor wore n dlstlnctlte number on his Jacket to fiiclllintt- recognition. Dally Mall, Ixindon. "NOW-A-DAYS says the Good Judge A man con get a heap moro satisfaction fromasmall chew of this class of tobacco, than ho ever could get from a big chew of tho old kind. He finds it costs less. too. Tho good tobacco tasto lasts so much longer he doesn't need to have fresh chew nearly as often. Any man who uses the Real Tuimcco Chew will tcii you that. K Put uf in two styles W-B CUT is a long finc'cut tobacco RIGHT CUT iBa short-cut tobaccd St Louis aiondAjr. HEL-LO-o-o-o PETE; '-i In two more shakes of a lamb's Uil I'd have been between the sheets but I got taken with another large idea for Camel Cigarette ads that's so bright you can phone 'em to cut the current because you just had your lamps lit I Tell you, it's a whale of a atunt I Everybody right quiet and hata off I NOW far as I know or ever heard, there never haa been one of thosa zippy slogans under that big display nam "Camel". I'VE GOT ONE get me? Put both your eara close to the ground and get the rumbls of a broadside like this: (Pnca tamtam ott now a Wow, Pete I I'll testify that's a atoneless peach I Spread it like I've dented it in here and you've uncorked an eyeful I Suppose you'll want to call me old Mr. Hammer because I hit the nail on the head I And, bet real money that if thla slogan stuff keeps me awake the rest of the night, I'll wire and offer it to R. J, Reynolds Tobacco Co. before you hit the deck I And, I'll be spending some of the proceeds for noon eats I In the ' 'Jang wage" of Jigger Jones of Joplin, "you tell 'em old yacht, you've got the sales spirit I" Blowing out of St. Louis at 10.12 tomorrow with a bundle of business. Off for Ohio. Oof tomethinf on mo mind I Till I get it off h SRmJLu. 5w EHgy (Jek,eJrov TWA . J & 'i r !1 V-y Sr' ' 'J' 1 1i