ty( 1 WV -T f 4 .. III ill I i ; H M (..,( I M t--i V MONDAY, 8KPTKM11KR M, 1M01 '. J". S"?. V n ( -SVBSSSsVPBL ' mamamimM&xf 7-")t,i iff iil III ' : WATCH 'ER BUCK THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON PAQM TWO f AND CURRY COUNTY FAIR If myrtlbAint! oregon and ROUNDUP MYRTLE POINT, OREGON ji SEPTEMBER ,15-16-17-18, 1920 l ! This will bo tho biggest Fair- a,nd Hound-up over held In Southwestern OrcRon. A largo numlior of tlio participants will tnko part ', ', ! ', In the Pendleton Hound-up Immediately following tho Myrtlo Point ovonts. Hldors of flvo different state will bo present iiml will ' ' brine n string of tho tinniest burking animals In tho world to handle. A $100 prlio for tho best rldor In offered by tho Association nnd tho winner must rldo tho famous outlaw, White Cloud. Itacoa Including n special relay raro will bo hold tho Innl throo days of tho Fair. Many horsemen claim this to bo tho fun tent truck In Oregon. In addition to tho Hound-up feature tho finest assem blage of livestock ovor assembled In Oregon outside of tho State Fair and I.tvustork Kxposltlon will bo mon huro. If you want to fco tho best Itttlo Fair and Houna-up In Oregon don't miss tho ono at Myrtlo Point, Sept. 15th to 18th, A wild aud'wooly town tor four days. Many prlxcs and nmusomenti too numerous to mention In this space. s. t..r. .. ':7.sluJ-Tr BIGGEST AND BEST 4 NO LABOR OR AT THE THEATERS HUMS T -o NEW YORK, Sept. 11. Shortago ot labor In the agricultural statrs 1 resulting In a reduction of acreage which threatens America's food sup ply according to tho findings ot Par ley F. Walker, dean of tho Knnsai University engineering school, mado public today at nnttonal headquart ers ot tho American Society of Na tional Engineers. Tho Dean Is head ot a research committee, of the Mid Continent Section ot that society. Dean Walker found population at a standstill or declining In agricul tural sections, pointing out that 16 ot tho 10S counties In ICansas pre vented that state from decreasing In population In a decade, tho Increases all being In Industrial sections. "The tamo thing holds good In Iowa and doubtless In other states for the same period," tho Dean reported. Many farmers cannot pay their 1919 debts because tho railroads are usable to move their wheat, harvest, and they are paring down produc tion, ho said. As a remedy. Dean Walker sug gested a study by engineers ot the economics of transportation and pro tection 'with a view to systematizing i. national fitting ot enterprises to localities. This, he thought, would work out better distribution ot pop ulation where needed and would pre vent continued Inability ot toe trans portation systems to meet the de snand upon them. "" t WEATHER RECORD 1 - Hereafter tho Herald will publish Hie -veaa and asaxlmmsa tempera tures and preclpltatloa record as tak es by the U. 8. ReelajuUoa Mrrteo station. Publication will cover the day previous to tbe paper's Issue, up to 5 o'clock ot that day. Pre Max. Mia. eipitatlou Sept. 1 '- 88 41 Sept. 3 8 ES Sept. 3 9 64 Sept. 4 85 49 Sept. ( IS 44 Sept. 89 48 Sept. T SI 4T Sept. S 71 42 Sept. 10 2 4t Sept 9 72 38 Sept. 11 77 42 Sept. 12 4 50 Youth and high spirits nro tho pro- dominating notes In tho Thomas II. ince production, "Mary's Anklo," which Is coming to tho Star theater for two das commencing tomorrow. Douglas MacLoan nnd Doris May, who mado such an auspicious debut as co-stars In "Twenty-Thrco and a Half Hours Leave," are tho featured players. Tho picture Is on, adapta tion ot May Tully's hilarious stago play of tho same name. Tho story Is about a Doc Hampton. young nnd Impecunious, who meets a girl on Tag Day and falls In tore with her. In ordor to claim nn Inherit ance from his rich uncle, Doc has fako wedding announcements sent out. His bluff Is called, tho undo In forming him that ho will' bo on hand to Inspect tho brldo nnd take them on a honeymoon to Honolulu. In the emergency, fate throws tho Tag Day girl across Doc's path. Ho persuades her to poso as his bride, and lator. of course, she makes good tho deception by falling in loro with her pretended husband. Lloyd Ingraham directed tho pic ture, and, besides Mr. MacLean and Miss May, the cast Includes Victor Potel, Ncal Burns, Jamos Gordon. Llzettb Thorno and Ida Lewis, it Is a Paramount Artcraft picture. Suit has been commenced in tbe circuit court by W. T. Garrett against L. J. Horton and Charles Horton to recover $5,304, principal and accrued interest on a note for $4,900, execut ed November 14, 1919. Mary Horton was just tho kind of a girl one would expect to find In a Ilttlo country place llko Ponsct Point Just as pure and fresh as the winds that swept over the Ponset hills. There was another girl. Hlfda West, who onoe lived in Ponset Point, but she had gono to the city, 'and the villagers never spoke ct her without a shako of the head the men. usual ly winked knowingly. These two girls met In the big city; tbe first, poor and discouraged. and the other enjoying all the ma terial comforts and luxuries. What happens to Mary Horton and Hilda West will be shown in "Sinners," starring Alice Brady, which comes to the Liberty theater Tuesday. Do. not fall to see It. "12:10" starring Marie Doro Is a mystery picture, that will baffle any one to solve Its problem. The story Itself, its treatment and the whole Idea of tbe situations gives no clue as to tbe ending of the tale. No one but a Brenon could have done it. It could not be made In America and that It why Brenon took Mist Doro and a' company to Paris and rural London to make it so that we on this side of the water could have a new sensation and a new thrill. A lonely castle, a wait ot a girl, at midnight's witching hour, strange noises, creak ing doers, a moving figure on a bed are but a fewvof the puzzling ele ments that make of this super fea ture the one big outstanding booking of the year at tbe Liberty theater. It will be seen here on Wednesday. ENTITLED TO HIS PENSION Intelligent Deg Well Earned the Orx- Itudc ot His Master Action Saved Child's Life. Trddy, nee. twenty-two. Is, his own er declares, tlio oldest doc In Olilii. Ho l now reMlnc on Ids InurvK fyr lie recently saved the life, of ono o tliu children of his tnnster, Ontni O. Swnnder, n fanner, near Toledo, Ohio. It Imi boon TtMdy'a ditty and Joy to nrrouipniiy tlio Sunuder children to ycliool, n tulle distant, am) brlni; them homo nguln, dally. Ho ha neetbetti rate on the Job. On the ny home from school recently, one of the Ilttlo Kwnnders bevnmo III suddenly and fell by the roadside. Teddy Immediately Marled nt til.n fnH-At pure, fur lioino nnd liindo such a fiiM Hint members ot tlio family accompanied him buck nlons the road. They found the child." unconscious, and extremely cold. He wnn hurried home and restored to health. The Swnnders believe that Teddy' prompt action saved the child's life. Mr. Swander Immediately bought a do; license for his faithful doe. "I'll time no dog catcher chasing him. It anything should happen to that dog, my family would crlete as much ni If he were one of them," declared Mr. Swnnder. Teddy Is hnlf coyote nnd hnlf Indian dog. Ho wns bought from n band of Comancho Indians In Oklnhomn 10 years ago. Clinrlci A. Henderson, In Our Dumb AnlmaK SHREWDNESS BORN IN HIM Successful Man's Ability as Trader Was Shown at an Extremely Early Age, Prom dny to day proof Is forthcom ing Hint genius I (.poiitum-oiii utnl not n slow growth that It Is of tin tjpe ot .Mliiemi who sprang fiill-nriiicd from the bend of ens. This Is evi dently ns true of tlio genlue of tbe mart ns It Is properly supiMised to be of tho moro esthetic forms of Renin. An lustatico'lii Ktlhstiintlnthm of this opinion wns nicntly related by a et- emu business mini ns a side light on tho why of the suciess of n well-known Industrial leader. "I remember him," ' It wns' related, "when bo wns n lad of six jeart. He wanted to trade a lantern for ono own ed by n lila) mute, which lie admired, Coming to bin father, ho nuked conn, set about tint matter nnd was Informed Unit he should tne his own Judgment "'Well, dad. said tbe boy, 'I bellew I'll trade; but wouldn't you lake the oil out tlrstV" Wall Street Journal. homng at the. cniye t t?EL S& ak.-sHkYU aa'l ywyz TO-DAY Anita Stewart in "MIND THE PAINT GIRL" COMFORT IN AIRPLANE CABIN Great Contrast In Flight In Inclosed and Open Machine; a Described by Passenger. I recently had Uio dpportunlty of making two airplane flights In the same day, the first In one of the com pletely Inclosed transport machines, the second In a fighting machine which was developed In America during the last few months of the war and which has a peed of about 133 miles an hour. The forco exerted by the air against any exposed surface Is about three times as great at this speed as It Is at 80 miles an hour. During the first of theso two trips the only complaint that could have been raised agulnit conditions In the pilot's compartment would have been mar it was raincr close and we finally had to open a window In the side of the body to secure a little ven tilation. One of tbe occupants of the cabin was wearing a soft felt hat, and not the t lightest rustle of air dis turbed tbe brim. In the second flight, on the other band, it was only with difficulty that I could lift my bend far enough out of the gunner's cockpit to look over the side at the ground. The Instant my bead was raised above tbe top line of tho airplane body, so that the wind got a :hance at it, my hair threat ened to be torn out by the roots. Ed ward P. Warner in Vole Itcvlew. Chorus Olrl Worked as Housemaid. A Parisian housekeeper who hud long been without u sen-ant succeeded tho other day In engaging ono who' seemed cry promising Indeed. She entered upon her duties In tho morn Ing. and worked to her inlstrciN' com plete Mitlsfuctlon. An early dinner a cooked nnd served excellently, but at 8:.'NJ tho now mnld appeared In the drawing room with her hat on, uud explained that she had to go out. as she wus In tho chorus at a music bull and was sure to bo lined If she urrlved late. Apparently ahe wus qulto pre pared to continue, ncr two Jobs with out regnrdlng them as Incongruous Owing to it lack of modernity In the mistress' ideas, this Interesting cxfwrl ment was not continued. From the Continental Edition of tho London Mall. Made Thorough Job of It. Tho domestic happiness (lf nil Inn keeer In n xllliik-e In the Jurn hits been shattered by the netloii of n Jeal ous wife. Ten j errs ago tho Innkeep er, who Is French, brought home from America n buxom woman of Austrian birth limned Sophie. Sophie Is now fat and fort', und tho affection of her husband lime decreased. Sophie resolved to revenge herself, nnd, when her husband was nlucnt, s!io smashed all tho furniture nnd thru turned on alt Hip taps of tlir wine barrels. 11 nally she soaked the wreckage with pe troleum and set It alight. When the husband appeared his wife threw on the fire a number of bank notes which represented their snlngs. Whllo the neighbors wcro busy trying to extin guish the Humes Sopblu hanged her self from the branch of a tree. From the Continental Kdltloti of the New York Herald. He Knew Its Us. An IndlauaMM family a few years ngo took a boy from an orphanage. Now, of course, everything nt tho new homo was different from tho place he had Just left. Still he tried to make himself nt home and help all ho could. Ono day tho woman ot tho house told her grown daughter to go up stairs after a box. The orphanage youngster offered to go Instead. "Hut you don't know whero to find It," protested tho woman. "Oh. yes, I do," the little boy In- slsted. He had gone to her closet be fore after things nnd had seen the boxes. They are In tho little pantry that you keep your clothes In." "August 2 For her work mid In fluenco iiiuoiik Imr many friends nnd admirers, a pair of open-work linso for n plump widow; tho less said tho bettor, sporlnlr It. "July 27 For street car fnni to summer garden -shorn Tony Weaver mid roiiKressliinnl rommltlint hold election ono night a week prolous to legal primary and nominated my up. pouent for congress In tho tenth dis trict H cents." DEFEATED CANDIDATE ITEMIZES EXPENSES WAHIHNOTON, Sept. 11. Hero nro hoiiio of tho campaign expenses or tl, H. loreo, a defeated Mlssoiirlan congressional nsplrniit, which ho list oil iindiir oath In his exponso account filed recently with W Tyler Page. clerk of tho hiiuso of represontntlvit. "August 1 Postngn for 25 letters to Influential men In my district, toll ing that I was trusting to tho kind ness of tho peoplo and tho mercy of llou to elect mo (both failed) 50 cents. August 3 hor professional sorv- WKKI), Cnl.. Hopt. 1.1. Following Ices of n tonsorlnl artist In shaping U brawl In Camp Number 1 of tho up mo sandy whlskqr of nn Influen-; Weed Lumber company In which Tim thU son of Krln .15 cents. Ilarkley was 'struck upon tho head "August 3 Ono Jar 'faco cremo'lwlth an nxo mid seriously Injured, to fascinating blnudo for passing out'llnnk Htnllh, who struck tho blow, ro my cards 35 cunts. I turned to his rnliln Friday night nnd "August 3 Another Jnr of 'face committed sulcldo. Ho shot himself, cremo' to charming brunette for pans-) m Ing out more of my cards 35 rents, A clnsslflod Ad will sail It. MH'til'lt WOUNDS ITI.LOW WOltKI.'ll, TIIK.V HtllCII'KH fn .. - -"i-g-E-tr-g-E-fcr-w-itrsjnrTLannj Individual Se vices p i Si&i$ofIMI s V i it TOMORROW DOUGLAS MACLEAN and DORIS MAY in "MARY'S ANKLE" The Blithe Young Htars of "23 H HOURH' LEAVfc" "i .la mother gladsome GLOOM-CHABKlt . 5 -" Cures Wrought by "Sleep.iatha," Among the many wonderful cures which the war has produced is the "sleep-bath.-It is to bo hod on the thousand-acre estate at Enham, Hampshire, where many of the disabled men are being irraieu. rracucaiiy every Kind or bath is available there, but tbe big "seda tive both" has worked the' most mira cles. pie patients He In .hammocks, whllo water flows over them. The ham mocks lire Immersed, and the water Is kept about the Wmpcruturo of the body, Tito gentle flowing motion bus a most soothing effect upon the nerves. Provided the mac has not been pro nounced Incurable, any disabled ex soldier muy apply for treatment through his. loca pension committee. Alley Stronger Than Steel. An Italian engineer, has discovered a new alloyof xlnc and copper which Is stronger than steel and less cor rosive than copper, says tho Scientific American. The most Important charac teristics of'the new alloy, which has been mimed "Itlnck Metal," arc the highest known breaking point, tho high est limit of elasticity, perfect homo geneity niid higher resistance 'to both heating mid chemical action. It has been Mnted that It cun successfully be cast, machined, rolled, forged, drawn and' stamped. It Iw expected Unit It will proo an acceptnblu substltutu for steel, brass und aluminum. , Human Fly Ojys It's 8a f. Pol ley. the hiiiuru fly. who cHmhed tho .'17 stories of tint Woolworth build ing In New York, snya climbing tall buildings Is Just a trick of balance. It look him nine year to ncqulro It, but now that he has It tin believes his way of making n living Is ns sofa aw any other. He recently told a reporter for Cupper'n Weekly bo hud never fallen, except on one occasion when a "fly" above him fell and knocked Polley to tho ground. Polley doesn't smoke, drink or Indulge In any habits that might Injure his health. lie declares ho takes no foolish chances and that ho never becomes, dlxxy. The custom shoem'aker has almost van ished from commercial life but this does not mean that you cun not have shoes exactly us you want them. It is our great7 pleasure to search the vust field of 'shoe production for the styles und kind of shoes which best please our customers, and it is an exacting customer indeed who will not be delighted with our Autumn models. Will you let us show them to you? LIBERTY THEATRE TBK PICK OF THH PIOTURIW AMI A NKW ONK KVBRT DAT H. W. FOOLR, Owner IKMJKIt D. TOIIIIUV. Mu.lr.1 mWtn, -"------ -------- -1 "rnnryvirmAnjuinjis MWMWWW Broke. "III. there, sir I'' shouted a Florida landlord to a departlng'guest who was niHhlng for the train, "you're dropped your pocnet dook." "All right." shouted back tbe guest without stopping. "I've no further use for it." Uostoh Trrnscrlpt. Where 8h Might 8hin. Mrs. Tonsils You've heard my daughter sing. Don't you think slio's about ready for a public appearance! The Impresario Certainly, madam. I thought as f listened' to her what a Que movie uvtrvss she'd make- TONIGHT "THE PRAISE AGENT" ' starring Arthur Ashley International Nwv Up-ToThe-Minute with the Gmmera TUESDAY An excellent feature it "SINNERS" , f With Alice Brady leading star and picture unusual NEXT SUNDAY We will tell you Tomorrow' i JV, S tt . r?f wJl,Tii.,,rrrrrT?'u - em , W 4kLjiii