MM aVCWI' TM6 IVIW1N0 JttRALD. KImath btaiij, qmqoh MTUKDaV, "t M TIIK MAHTYItH OF TIJK KIRK i.PERSONALMENTION 1 o o I). Iloyland and William Morse, lira victim, wnrn ubln to he up yes torday morning nnd will soon bo dis charged from the hospital, Ray Talbot left this morning on tho south bound train, Midway betwoen tbo midnight and the dawn L. They still were living; but when All the New Fabrics- tho day was young; Our souls turned sick beside their ghasMy beds, ' , Tho crowd bad wept and their first dirge was sung. ; Llko forest Arcs sweeping through I dead leaves, Dan and Dave Llskey were In the county seat yesterday attending to ,Vi business, from their ranch In Swan Ijiko valley, ., Aa swift but in tho open may flee. man Miss Jean R, Norvell of los An go- RichlColorings les, Is ezpected In tonight for a visit with Mr, and Mrs. Leslie Rogers. Miss Norvell will be tbo guest of tho Only In traps like thla the flames may leap Upon their helpless prey, and such things be. Itogors for tho nest throo weeks, 'MMMI D. ' JTw I'll ls rJ daB1 f '&fTyw, Dis. ly rSMuiBBBBlBBSAAbk Hral A' P ark 11 bbbbbbbbbbbbw'B.NII. bRUaMkv1bbbkbbV bbbbbbbbbbbbm fl24K mmSMBhrMHl bbbbbbbVIJbV B-M',vyi il r I iT Mm D ! and they plan to take her to all the m Give Children a Chance at Music For the several years that the youngsters are too young to take music lessons they can be trained to sing the childhood rhymes to the accompaniment of the Gulbransen Player-Piano. Later they can start their regular practice and parents meantime have had all the advantages of the world's best music in the home. A child's education depends upon the parents and without some sacrifice on their part the musical and mental education is liable to be under average. Arrangements may be made at our music house so convenient that most every home can have this Standard Player. HUnVIUIAN MODEL IMS dOUNTflV -8KAT .. . MO WHITK IIOUMK 47M I'RICKH ItUllNKI) IN HACK OK INHTItUMKNT AT FACTORY Earl Shepherd Co. One Busim 507 Main S Muiic Exclusively lamath Falls, Ore. WEATHER RECORD 1 . 4 Hereafter the Herald will publish the mean and iiulmia tempera tures and precipitation record aa tak en' by the U. S. Reclamation service alatlon. Publication will cover the day previous to the paper's Isms, up ttf o'clock'of tkafdaV."" ' '"- - e, Pre- . Max. Mia. elplUtlon Sept. 1 88 4 Sept. 2 89 6S Bept. 3 90 C4 8pt. 4... IS 49 Kept. C 83 44 Sept. 80 43 Sept. 7 83 47 Sept. 8 7S 42 Sept. 9 73 38 Sept. 10. (3 4C WAltXH OK HUHIIIHH FIHK m Mrs, V. Krallngcn and a friend, paiilnic tho White I'elleaa garage latt evening at 9 o'clock, discovered rubblih pile burning near tbe bulltllnar. according to Mra. Kralln grn'a report to the Herald today. They warned garage employee, who put tho flr'o but. J t K N ' WOMAN MAI)K MEMBER OK D. V. OOMMIHHIO.V WASHINGTON, Sept. 11. Tho president today appointed Mabel T. Boardmnn, (or many yoara a member of tho eiecutlvo committee of the Red Cross, oi commluloner of tho District of Columbia, She la tbo first woman momber of tbe commit' Ion which dlrt'cta tho dlatrlct gov JAZZ DANCING MOOSE HALL Over Central Garage, Klamath Avenue near Fourth OPENING DANCE TONIGHT Dancing every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday nights Straight Admission ' Ladies Free , BUDDIE'S JAZZ ORCHESTRA , Everybody Welcome The Rex Cafe Special Sunday Dinner-l&S Olympla Oyster Cocktail -"M nipo Olivet Pickled Beeta Wv P, f r Fresh Shrimp Meat Salad, Mayonnaise , Cream of Chicken, With Rice Baked Salmon Itallenn (Shoe String Potatoea) Choi Of UBakod Virginia Han. Candled Sweet Potatoea Breaded Veal Cutlet's, Paprika Sauce Minced" Chicken In Cream, a la King t Mashed Potatoea Fruit Punch Steamed Head, Rica Choice' ef: Lemon Ice, Vanilla or Chocolate Ice Cream Cabinet Pudding, Vanilla Cream Sauce " Cafe "Noir" Interesting parts of the county. Mr. and Mra. C. 11. Underwood and Mr. and Mrs. Will Baldwin are leaving this evening for the Lake 'o tho ,WoodR, where they will spend the week-end. Yaak Logon la a lty visitor today from the Klamath Indian Reserva tion. Ivan Houston was a passenger on this morning's atago for Medford, whore hn will spnnd a few days be fore going to Kugeno to take up his studlea In tbe high school there. Ills high school work will be finished In January and at that tlmo Ivan will enter tho University of Oregon. II. O. DoYoung, Mr. and Mra. deorgo W. Walker, Mrs. Hattle Mot- loy, Mrs. Walker Hyter and Mra. Minnie Kenny of Los Angeles, Cali fornia, are hero on a sightseeing tour. They came m their car from Crater Lake last night and espect to leave hern some time todsy, Mr. Walker, who Is a member of the ex ecutive committee of the Cltltens National Bank and vice-president of tho Citizens Trust and Savings Bank of Los Angeles, Is host for the party. Major C. E. Worden left tbla morn- Ign for bis home In Portland after a brief business visit In Klamath Palls. E. R, Rcamxj 'president of the First National tank, was a passenger on tho morning train for his home In Kan Francisco, after several weeks' visit In this city. F. R. Laughton received a tele gram yesterday bearing the news of the accidental shooting of his broth er, Ray, at Busanvllle, California.', No particulars were contained In the' message and Mr. Laughton left thla' morning -for Alameda to attead the funeral of his brother. 1KB. Jplley la axity visitor from. the Klamath Agency attendlnr to matters of business here. J. H. Church arrived yestorday from Busanvllle, California, for a brief visit bore. Will Adams Is In tbo county seat todsy from his ranch near Merrill, attending to business. Mra. Kathrino Wright left on the grain this morning for San Francis co, whero she will meet her grand daughter who Is coming to Klamath Falls from Honolulu for an extended visit. Lloyd Riches left this morning for his home In Portland. He aald bo fore leaving that be could not say enough about hla attraction to Klam ath Falls and that he could think of nothing finer than the opportunity to be In buslnesa here. , There! waa a buslnesa meeting of the Bpworth League Thursday nlaht at tbe home of Mr. and Mra. Will Wood, at which officers for the com ing year were elected. Will Wood iwaa mado president, Mra. J. II. Lin- testy, fourth vice president and Wil liam Holloway, treasurer. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Davis left this morning for Washington, where they will visit relatives and friends of Mra. Davis'. Mrs. R. I). noil of Pasadena, Cali fornia, Is a visitor In Klamnth Falls today. Sho Is registered at tho Whlto Pelican liotol. i Mrs. J. 0. I'lorco and son, A, II. I'lorco, oxpoct to loavo on the stago for Ashland tomorrow, nftor a wook's Visit boro. Thoy are back for the. first time In nlno years, but up to the time of tholr removal to Now York, Mra. Pierco and her son wero well known Klamath residents. Mr. Pierco,' who Is attending school In Boston, Is returning for the opening of the now term. This haa cut their Mslt here with old friends rather abort, ' Dr. J, 8. Reld, Emanuel Baptist evangelist, has been delayed and will not arrive from Portland as schedul ed, but If lie gets In on time Sunday mgnt the services will be held aa wai anuounced several days ago. Hide them with earth and bide that earth with flowers, Yet shall the heart recall that foarful sight; Tho arms outstretched from win dows wreathed with flame, Tho voices shrieking terror through the sight. Was it a monster brought tho 11 res of Death? Or some avenging angel sternly come To say "If ye will learn no other way I tako these lives to drive the les son home." By Vera Miller. M OUT B1 CHAM1IKR OF COMMERCE PUBLICATION IS GROWINQ "County Spirit," the official organ of the.,Klamath county chamber of commerce, la off tbe press again. The aecond publication of the breezy Utlc art. little paper la better than first, prov ing once moro .the old platitude that 'all good things improve with age. BUDAPEST, Aug. 21. (By Mall.) "Tho peoples of Europe are In a dark, deep pit and they must work themselves out of It," says Roland Hcgcdus, bank director and lecturer at tbe Budapest University. Tho United States Is richer than sho knows but sho cannot recon struct Kuropo by loans. AJ1 the na tions of Europe aro beset with a succession of political and economic problems thst are well nigh insolv able. "Russia Is tbe key to the situation and until some sort of consistent government is established there, we can hope for little here. ' "What the United States can do, perhaps, Is to work to secure free trade among these Central European Countries. None of us can do any- business with tariff frontiers. "I believe the paper money situa tion will force a revision of the peace treaties. All these llttlo nations tfre living from hand to mouth, printing up money to keep going. Poland Is hardly a year old and already she has, a national debt of 13, 000, 000,- 00 marks, with a 40,000,000,000 deficit. The same Is more or leas rue of Czecho-Slovakla, of Hungary ana or an or us. -roe armies are eai tog up halt our Incomes, yet each na tlon Is afraid to disarm because of possible attacks from neighbors. "With this paper money carnival, Central Europe can not trade with countries having better moneys, such aa,, Spain, Holland and Switzerland. 1 Thla slfuatlon also applies to Italy and France. "Meanwhile our Civilization la go-' Ing by the board. Because of the JPie Coats We welcome -the hard-to-please. These fall coats are so brimful of attractive style that we are confi dent you will find just the coat you are looking for. - And it's surprising how reasonably they are priced and yet are so well tailored socarefuUy finished and so cleverly made through out , That they represent the ut most in quality, reliability s 'Which this season is so important to every woman. Our stock is now com- plete with many, lja;l Vogue new coats the?' latest word in fashion ' Which are awaiting , , your inspection. ,f a , , AAAww0W0m0wwwwwwwm PRINCE MAKES GOOD ;v WITH RANCHERS I, MIOWERA. New South. Wales. Aug.'!. (By Man.) The Prince of Wales had the time of his life here among the hard-riding, atraight shooting, outspoken ranchers and, exchange, our universities and read-lby Ma adaptability and good fellow Ing people can not1 afford to sub scribe for science' or law' 'publica tions of England" or 'the United States. ', ' "For tho same reason our'educat ed but Impoverished classes can not go abroad to And work., provided they could secure passports. "These conditions are not alto gether the results of a big war but of a bad peace which has fallen harder on Hungary titan any other country. Clod made hor the center of a geographical unit and tho peace frontiers ruin not only new Hungary but the parts taken away." AMUSEMENT TAX UNBEARABLE; QUITS BERLIN, Aug. 20. (By Mail.) The newspapora announce the retire ment of Max Relnbardt from the ac tive management of his chain of Ber lin theaters. Relnhardtf who haa dominated the German dramatic world for more than 15 years, Is said to be disgusted at hla Inability to Induce the authori ties to repeal or modify the amuse ment tax, which, he atatea, Is bur dening his enterprises to a point, where they aro no longer profitable. He will retire to hla country seat near Salzburg where he will devote himself to 'agriculture and some more complicated problems of dram- Oerbart Hauptmanu, a dramatist and Felix Hollaender, who haa beeai Relnhardt'a chief assistant, are men- UomA m the jelat succeeding direc gpS Bsr-,-mf'"wTL NggM MICE BROTHERS Exclusive La Vogue Agent aHammmBmH iMJ ISmmK ImmC " J sh'lpmade himself extremely popu lar. He J won their respect when he entered five races against these pre mier horsemen and won all the events. The ranchers are having a quiet smile 'over 'an -amusing bu somewhat embarraaCiaif incident la which the Prince was involved. WitatOs usual "hale-fellow-well-met" ieaWfctg, the Prince on Me occasion astefl everjr- lone la the kese to hat a drank with him. , After, the 0ttaks had ,t4ea serve the heir, to' the 'richest threue In the world discovered he had no money He called oa Admiral Haiatv who la touring with him, for fuads but the only reply was: "I havea't a shil ling on mo, air." Finally another manlier of the royal party ciske to tho rescue and. the drinks wore1 handed around. MWMMWWWWVWIMWMMMMMWMmMMMIMMMMMMMM Jewel Cafe WWWWWWWWWWWWWWkWWWW0WWWWA Special Sunday Dinmer, $1.00 . RKI.I8HKt?jt . , ' , . ' . Mission Ripe.Ollvoa f OOP Cream of Chicken, Prlncesse " 'P." Sweet Gherkins HearU of Lettuce, Thousand Island Dressing, I Halibut: Cutlets Saute, Qherkla Sauce oi Tt n- .' -V ( Yanr Choice ef: RosstHam. Plantation Style" Chicken Fricassee. Egg Noodlee, ., . V. Fried Spring Chicken, Country Gravy- VE4ETABLBS Mashed Potatoes, Cauliflower, Au Gratia 1 i ' Choice of , ,Mit Vanilla Ice Cream Boston Cream Pi j- Apple Roly Poly, Nutmeg uauoe . k ? -( J 4 s St-,W ... -.B.l ,11. .VI.1 ?-. imhww mum t i , -. t. i j ( .' " W A otaMtfted AdUl aU it, tors. , r Mll.i:UIUJtlMUMMlM.tttMt.lJJUiMtltlMllllll I .ik . r' Ai.v at' ii, -i-t.