The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, September 11, 1920, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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The Pen That
Writes Like You
No matter how you write,
light or heavy, fast or alow,
there's the very Tempolnt
Pea for you. Drop in today
,1k details and aee your par
tfcular ttyle of writing on the
wonderful Tempolnt Hand
Tenpetat to the pen with the
tempered point. Aak ua
about the other distinctive
Tem point feature. There
are ten in all. Including the
hand-hammered 14-karat
gold pen which can not be
come sprung. ,
Sold by
Star Drug Store
I That's I
I Service
H we're salgbty tM B
hear the two
we're salgbty tM
word aoytlse.
ThS OfwIiCr WQ htaf
l the surer'we art
ur service b
sjrttkag better aad bet
tar all the tint.
If you accd a new
battery remember
hoot the 8Un Better
Waasrd with Threaded
Knbbcr IswlatloB
the Wad selected by
Ue masumcturer of
passenger car and
Limk Hirer Battery Static
. 7tliaaXUaMtk
. , rkem
Sewing machine, clocka and
phonographs repaired. Douglai,
SvKMalaSt. 10-14
Notice Is hereby given to all ship
pers of eattla aad hones from Klam
ath coaaty that all shipment here
after will be subjected to a rigid
brand Inspection before being loaded
cm cars. The brand Inspector must
be given ramcleat notice by the ship
er to aire ample time for such In
spection, otherwise stock will be
held la corrals until such inspection
aaa be asade.
Shippers are required to furnish
the Inspector a correct list of brands
giving the number of head of each
bread and location of brand oa anl-
Brand Inspector for Klamath county.
k-. 8-14
A Herald Waat Ad wtU aeU H.
The number of flowers used In
scent-making; Is legion, but tbree
stand out before all others the roce,
violet and orange blossom.
Flies Crenshaw, of Montgomery,
the new state golf champion of Ala
bama, has recently passed bis six
teenth birthday.
Warren Hunt
A thoroughly equipped Institution
affording unexcelled facilities for the
scientific treatment by hospital meth
ods of medical, surgical aad obstet
rical eases.
The new and modern fireproof build
lag contains private rooms for had
aad ambulatory eases, complete!
quipped examination sad treatment
rooms. Roentgen Ray, cllaleal aad
research laboratories.
srTAir '
Li L. TXUAX. If. D.
wsK. A. MAMBY. If. D.
Signs en Painted Desert In the South
west Guide Travelers to the
Precious Llqud.
Travel off the benteri pnth In the
famous 1'nlntpJ desert of the South
west would be a dangerous matter
were It not for the stone sentinels set
up by the Navajo Indian to direct the
stranger traveling through that coun
try, where once there was water In
plenty, but where now are only the
dry beds of river.
These sentinel arc plica of rocks,
as, high as a man, located on rise of
ground where they may be readily
seen. In the body of the monument
Is placed a projecting rock which I
arranged to point the direction to the
nearest spring or wnterhole. If one
follow tho direction Indicated, al
though he may have to proceed a n
Ulorntile distance, the precious wa
ter wilt always be found.
Frequently It is only a very weak
seep supplying no more than n few
cup In an hour. Or It may be a pool
located deep In tho recesses of a
rocky ledge and collected from the
mows of the past winter. Sometimes
It Is situated In an out-of-the-way
plnce, and then there may bo two, or
even three smaller monument erect
ed along the route designated.
Ali-o along the way there may be
arrows cut In the rocks or crooked
grooves symbolising the winding of
a brook or signs of vnrlous kind
which will attract nttentlon. The
directions nil help to make the way
plnlner and reduce the chance of the
traveler becoming confused.
No Initiation F and No Due, and
Membership I Open to Every
It's great, the Thank Too" dub.
No Initiation, no dues, no long-drawn-out
meetings, and no reports. Anyone
can make a quorum to do boslnesx. No
stated meetings nor any stipulated
place of meeting. Anybody can start
a Thank You" club. Beata Overall
clubs all to piece ! Lasts longer, does
more good, and spreads sunshine.
One carries the by-laws around In
bis bead. The password Is Thank
You." And that's sll there is In the
whole book of rule. That's all It
means, the Thank You" clnb Just a
thank you for the little services per
formed dally as well a the big one.
A thank you I more appreciated by
many people than a tip, which, by
some, might be considered an insult
Start a club some morning. Watch
your club grow. Good Ideas spread.
Try the club for one day. It may make
you a life member. And the "thank
you" exchanges will Increase and radi
ate like rlppk from a stone thrown
Into the mlllpond.
There's a big field In this world for
Thank You" clubs. Their members
take the edge off rough places. If
Thank You" Is the password, the
genuine smile of service Is the open
reward for Its application. Ilaverhlll
Fake "Josms" for Traveler.
Canton and Amoy. supply travelers
and curio denier with quantities of
hideous Idols known In the trade as
"Josses." They are fake pure and
simple, having no relation to any ori
ental religion. Ingenious designers
have produced a great variety of hob
goblin such, for example, as Uie
"hunger god," with the face of a ti
ger and ferocloua fang.
afoit of them are of clay, turned
out from wooden or metal molds,
dipped In molten glass and allowed to
coot. A fairly expert Chinese work
man can make 100 in a day at a cost
of 3 cents apiece. The European or
American tourist pay 85.
Real Josses may be worth a lot of
money, especially If carved out of
Jade. This Is a material greatly
prized In the orient, and a Jade Idol
IS Inches high, and as many centuries
old, has been known to sell for 810,000
In Canton.
PITTSnUnOH. Sept. 11. More
than COO, 000 poraonn have this year
nttended the picnic given by indus
trial concern In Pittsburgh to their
oraployea, according to tho estimates
of amusement park managers and a
number of tho most Important nro
yet to bo held.
Arrangements for these grent
gatherings of workmen and their
families arc on n colossal scnto and
carried out by an efficient organiza
tion of trained engineers and ofllco
men. It occasionally happened, as In
tho case of tho Clatrton plant of tho
Carneglo Steel company, that no pic
nic ground was available. So thu
engineers solcctod a nlco hit of virgin
forest not far from tho town, built
good roads In and through It, erected
merry-go-rounds and othor tradi
tional amusement dovlces, built re
freshment booths and a dnnclng
platform and when tho thousands of
steel workors and their fnmillci
reached tho place for n day's enjoy
ment, thoy found It as complete as It
It had been standing for years.
The quantity of provisions requir
ed for tho entertainment for n blr.
plant and Its workors astonishes
thoso who know llttlo of such enterprise.
At ono Industrial picnic held here
recently three tons of bcof and four
ton of boiled ham wore required for
the landwlche. Five thousand
loaves of bread wore used, throo men
working fifty hours to cut It to size.
For the 45,000 persons who at
tended this picnic thero were issued
6,000 free tickets for park amuse
ments; 15,000 American flags and
40,000 toy balloons for children
were distributed and 45,000 sou
venir buttons were given to the
workers and their families, while
50,000 knives, forks, spoons and
plates were sent to the grounds for
the picnic supper.
To provide this feast the company
gave 80,009 Pickles. 24,000 rolls.
8,000 pounds of baked beans. 1,800
pounds of coffee, 50,000 pounds of
frankfurters and 1,500 gallons of ice
cream. The food was cooked In an
oven erected on the ground by the
company's workmen.
While this was ono of the largest
picnics of tho yonr, a number of
othor hnvo equalled It nnd man)'
moro hnvo coino within striking dis
tance. Mill mnnngor and corporation ox
ooutiros look upon tho Industrial pic
nic as ono of tliolr best weapons
against unrest and gladly glvo to
tkolr employes tho day for enjoy
ment, whllo bearing all tho expense,
In many Instance oven to transpor
tation to and front tho parks.
(j il nflS) 1 1 1)
laamiKr smmmmmamm 11
VwCvll mmmmmmmfl W Iwfl
jsmsSX mmrammmmn i L It
Whit and Rd Roe Blndd.
The most Interesting combination
of ross Is that of the union of the
white rono of York with the red rose
of Lancaster afte the long struggle
between those twe factions when the
red rote might he repr-snted the
blood that was h?d and the other
one the condition of the people hied
white by the ware. To cement the
peace I'enry of Lnncakter wedded
pretty Kilzabeth or York iind a clev
er gardener of old England blended
the twe roses and made a new one,
striped red and white. We have It In
(his rountry uhere It Is still called
the York and Lancaster, though not
every beholder realizes the story held
lu its fragrant petal.
The Cockade.
The cockade, an ornament or knot of
ribbon or rosette of leather, was origi
nally worn as a military or naval deco
ration or a the badge of a political
party. Cockades made of ribbop of
the national colore were worn by sol
diers of the national wars of the eight
eenth century. In Englsnd after the
expulsion or the Stuart dynasty the
white cockade became the badge of
the adherents of I he exiled house -In
opposition to the orange of Nassau and
the black of Hanover. From the hats
of the military it passed to those of
the civil servants of the crown. Then
as headgear changed tie use of the
distinction was confined to servants.
The black cockade oa the bats of offi
cers' servants vss Introduced by
Gestae h
- g
Let vs show you the,
wonderful phonograph
that is vaudeville's
newest star.
We have an Official Labor
atory Model exactly like
that used by Signor Fritcoe
the world's greatest xylo
phone player, in his "big
time" act.
Signor Fritcoe plays sud
denly he lifts his hammers
from the keyboard the
music keeps right on.
Magic? No the New
Kdison, concealed behind a
"n nimt mat s-r
Hear the wonderful Official
Laboratory Model for your- .
self. Come in and test its
amazing realism. We give
Mr. Edison's Realism Test.
The phonograph that has
held rapt the attention of
000,000 vaudeville goers,
can surely bring a delight
ful new joy into your home.
J Geo. A. Wirt. Prop.
Robert Z. Leonard, who directed
Marlon Navies In "April Folly," hor
now Cosmopolitan Production, re
leased as a Paramount Artcrnft pic
ture, showing at tho Ktnr Thoatrn
tonight, attributes tho beautiful
star's success on tho screen to her
previous experience ns u dancer and
on tho stngo.
"A woman who has been n profes
sional dancer," si Id Mr, l.cunnrd ro-
cuutly, "will wnlk well, carry hursolf
gracefully, and hnndlo herself In n
polished manner buforo thu camera,
Women who havu had experlenco on
tho legltlmnta stngo nro always fur
easier for a director to linudtt) tliun
thoso who hnvo not. Thoy do thu
correct thing Instinctively, Their
workOti tho stngu puts thorn ut least
five years ahead of tho actress who
has appeared on tho screen only.
Miss UuvIoh Is tho Uncut Illustration
of hath of thesu stntumonts that 1
"April rally" was adapted from
Cynthia Stockloy's famous mugatlno
story of tho sumo name. It tells thu
story of a thrilling pursuit for n
noted diamond and of a pretty girl
who was not qulto what sho seomod.
Conway Taarlo Is tho leading man.
Anita Stewart Is shown In practi
cally two characters In "Mind tho
Paint Girl," a First National foituro
which will bo shdwn at tho Btar The
atre on Sunday. i
First sho appears oa tho llttlo slum
girl, who sweeps out her father's
shop and runs errands and docs any
handy work to miko both ends meet
for her parents, who aro vory poor.
As tho shop girl, she Is shown In
moro or loss ragged drosses, with
hor hair hanging down her back and
haU of Impossible stylos. Ignorant
and untutored, yet aba has s strong
heart and battles bor way among
the roughs of the neighborhood who
aro very much In love with her pret
ty face; and try to steal kisses as
chanco presents Itself,
i Full of ambition to get out of tho
sordid neighborhood and to win
tho bettor things or life, .sho takes
tho opportunity of her futher's death
to more. Then -sho applies for n
'placo on tho stage. After much dis
couragement, shu finally gets a place
in the chorus. Then through the ac
cidental spilling of a bucket of paint,
sho gets an Inspiration, and- tug
gests tho song, "Mind tho Paint," to
a composor. Sho Is given tho oppor
tunlty to sing It and makes tho hit of
tho season.
Then sb tho famous music hall girl
'and tho world at her feet, sho Is pre
sented In beautiful gowns of every
description, gowns that every woman
will want to study to see the latest
In styles and the perfection of their
MEXICO CITV, Aug. 25 y Mail)
Purchase of two gunboats and six
destroyers Is being considered by the
Mexican government, according to
Ooneral Plutarco Kllas Calles, secre
tary of war and marine.
"I understand that destroyers can
be bought from tho United States
government for $20,000 ouch," den-
oral Calles told u group of newspa
per men recently. "In vlow of tho
success with which these small craft
woro used during tho,war, I bellova
that it would bo advlsablo'for the
Mexican government to buy throo
for the Atlantic sorvlce and throo
for the Pacific."
Gonoral Calles and his staff aro
at work on a plan 'for universal mil
itary service, with which It is ex
pected that the determined figure of
SO',000 soldiers can be raised.
"I believe that the best military
age Is from 21 to 22 years," the war
minister said. "At this age men are
least selfish and best able to get
along with each othor, regardless of
the walks of life from which they
"In tho meanwhile," General Cal
les added, "the mustering out of
troops is progressing' briskly and
thousands of soldiers are being re
turned to civil life, whoro the gov
ernment believes they, can best serve
their country by tilling the farms and
manning the factories. The privates
and the hlghor officers aro cooperat
ing In the movomont, it I said, the
only opposition coming from a few
petty chiefs,
Never One
Like It Before
NEVER before a range that
x so Ugjhttns snd frightens the
rWi o( kkuttwivtl.
Never before one to practical dur
able, efficient no iau'nf of fuel, of labor-"
so rtpittt lu all things Dialing lot ftrfntitn.
And HUVEK a coding range to dowti'
right hmtifiih-tht crowning achievement
of ovcr.vV ytart of manufacturing cxperkuce.
The liluc Beauty it covered with a heavy
coat of tlut porcelain enamel enamel bakid for
tttft on a cast Iron body durable as the rock of
Gibraltar. Everlastingly tust-proof I Never needs
to bo tilathintJt ,
Sanitaty, cleaned with cloth and water,
tho most remarkable range txtr tttnl Andth
moit t(OHimi(al.
Give it the ay
sat 1 hat's ail
r. -"-
"The Furnisher of Happy Homes"
Don't fail to read the Herald Classified Ads.
xlwiSr- "" j-
tht uimrj '
Li CoLok'A yiili
rXfinjf'ilfo itiffT..VI
Thu that iKmli
J J i
lj"&. A ' . :l
ULM .1 ' - -
This slab was raised on a Vermont farm soon
after the Declaration of Independence was
signed. These two pictures represent the faces
of the slab as they appear today., They will bear
study, not alone on account of their timely inter
est, but because they prove that Vermont Marble
is thoroughly durable.
I have just received a carload of this mate
rial, also one of Barrie Granite, finished in the
most approved designs and I invite your inspec
tion of the work at 1040 Main street.
Klamath Marble!& Granite Works