VBtDAT, MMTnCBNIl 10, 1M0 rHEEVENINC HERALD. KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON rAqarotm The Evening Herald M, . MDBliX fill ROVLI Cray MHer Fakllehed dally, except Sanday, by VIM Herald PubUahlag Company ol Falls, at lli Fourth axree. atarat at tka aoetoflea at Kkuav aak rails, Ora., far traaamUeloa (M ska aallft as seoead-clase atattar. atSMBER OK TKK ASSOCIATED PRBM Tka Associated Proas is exclusively (Iflj4 In Iha iim 9fT fAnuhllcAlInn t all naws dlspatehas credited to It. ( need for money and donations COMMITTKK AHKH FURTHER AID FOR FIIIK HUFFKRKRS The committee formed tor the relief of fire sufferers has Issued au appeal for further subscript tlons. Approximately $500 have been recetvod so far and turned OTor to the committee consisting of Mayor I. R. Strable, J. P. Campbell and W. S. Conkltng. Virtually all of the money has been expended la relief of sut- fcrers, providing clothing, ate. As tho Injured como from tho hospital thcro will be further TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY Furniture and household goods packed and crated. Export work. Douglas 0 H Main St. 10-1S Mattresses mailo over1 like now. Furnlturo upholstering and repair ing. Douglas, 601 Main St. 10-14 r not otherwise credited In this faper. and also the local news pub Uahed herein FRIDAY, 8KFTKMI1RR 10, 1020 FALLACY OF LOW RATE BILL SHOWN (Continued from Page 1) are urgently requested. SATURDAY SWIMS START TOMORROW 1 Sowing 'machines, clocks and phonographs repaired. Douglas, SOU Mala St. 10-14 FOUND--Tlfw and . rim. Call or write 114 N. 11th St., Identify same and pay for ad. 10-11 FOR 8AIJ3 Marlln rifle 30-30. Auto camp grounds, first camp to- right. . 10-11 Clerk wants position. Ex-servlco man, married. Can furnish refer ences, nive mo an interview. Ad dress 11. Lucas, (len. Del. 10-11 Tho first Saturday's swim tor the children of Klamath county will open tomorrow morning S:30, when all tho boys under 12 years of nee will be admitted free of chnrco under) lesguo in urcRon. no said ne nan formcr regulations. Girls will bo ml Investigated tho league's nctlvltlcs 'ntlttoil at 9:30. In tho stato and placed a conjorva-j slrSi Ackjey wm jn chargo each tlvo cstlmnte of tho present mem- Saturday morning with a corps of uereuui mr niniv ni i.uw, "" i competent assistants. Parents are. min nnnninn inns riv lnrniiirniinni - . . . . . . ....,...,,........ r.()u(t,.Pl. in nnvo inn rniinrrn ionvn LOST 30 Government rifle. In case somewhere between Steel swamp ranch aud Klamath Falls. $20 re ward It returned to Tho Smoke, Klamath Falls. 10-11 Remington Typewriters for salo or rent. Room 20S Wllllts llldg. 10-13 told specific facts to bear out his estimate-. "Wo have all read of tho great In Jury done to the stato of North Da kota by this organisation. Taxes there are 300 per cent higher than before the advent of the lesguo and North Dakota has been plunged Into virtual stato socialism. Tho leagaa feeds Itself upon tho dissatisfaction of the fanners aad If we would keep Its tenacious lingers of the throat of Oregon we must meet the farmer asore thaa half way In the solution of his problems. "The State Taxpayers League has' Instituted a measure providing for a atate market commissioner. This Measure la similar to the one In Cat Ifornla and provides for state lesder- ahlp In the organisation and opera tion of producers, co-operative, sell ing organisations. The California law proved of great benefit 1o the farmers of that atate. And the Non partisan league has openly stated It will not attempt to Invade California so long as tha market commission act is la force there, as It has effec ttretr raajorH a great many of the causes which the league Is enabled to enlarge upon aad to propose cure alls for aa a cover to Its real alma, Mc,iiaiB. v 4 4 ' tho bathhouse promptly to eliminate possibility of accidents or catching cold. . The chamber of commorco Invites all' the children within the age limit In the county to take advantage of the swimming tank. t CRTS TEX DAYS FOR' V " 1 1 ' STEALIN6 NEWSPAPER SAN FRANCISCO. Sept. 10. Ksalle Oaerria was convicted of petty larceny and was sentenced to tea days In tka county Jail by Police Judge Morris Oppeakelm for steal lag newspapers from doorsteps la tke neighborhood ot Fourteenth and Guerrero streets. He was arrested early Monday morning by Policemen Barrion and Brown who caught him Uklag copies of a dally paper. Bathing In the snow Is a common eastern la Russia. STATE FIRE LAW . - TO BE ENFORCED (Continued from page 1) Falls will be known as a conflagra tion town.'' Antagonism between tho city re corder and other city officials, It was declared, was responsible for the msny Ore hszards existing In the city at that time. Rubbish piles, defective- lues, and many other fire men aces were said to exist In tho city, whreh condition the Are chief was powerless to correct because ot his limited authority and the lack of Are prevention ordinances. ) '( BUYS OLD GARAGE Miss Maude Baldwin kaa complet ed arrangements for the sale ot the old garage bulldlnc onnosite the Bald win 'hotel, to Mr. Patterson, WBol wjil move, the building , within the next lO'days. WANTED A second hand wheel barrow In Reed condition. 739 Jth St. or phono 231W. 10-13 FOR SALE 3 room furnished house bath: wicker and mn ho fi nny furniture. First St., between Pine and High. 10-13 FOR SALB Tho building occupied by tho Dixie restaurant with store house occupied by Johnstone Furni ture Co. 'Price J800. Buildings to be removed. A 'good buy In an 8 room house and 5 lots. Price $2150; $850 cash. J. F. MAOUIRE, 716 Main St. 10-13 WANTED to buy or rent, single horse and delivery wagon, with harness. Apply Fruit Store, next to Arcade hotel. 10-11 FRUIT FRUIT FRUIT Uth. Come to now storA, Main near next to Arcade hotel, at any time and buy your fruit for table and canning. Fresh every dsy from tho Valley and direct from the producer at prices unequaled In the county. e get .truck loads, every day. 10-11 BKXKFIT DANCE AT MAL1N TOMORROW EVE., FIRE DEPT Malln Is planning a big dance Sat urday night for the benefit ot the fire department reorganization. Klamath Falls folk will be welcome. The smallest variety of the bam boo tree Is only 6 Inches in height, while the largest grows to a height of 150 feet. There are as many as thirty varieties of this tree, of which aome kinds will sometimes grow two feet in a day. FOR SALE Mere Is a bargain for you don't let It go by. 80 acres 12 miles from town of Rogue River; 10 acres clear ed, new six room house with good upstairs;, house iidod on. outside Me ed cotton and paper re place, three large family orchard, team horses and hat- new, larm truca almost new, piow, narrow, backboard, cultivator. Rur al route and school right at place, Price $2500; $1500 cash. bal. two years at 6 per cent. For Inforasa tlon call at Lakeside Lbr. Co.. after C o'clock p. -m.. or write care of same. H. A. Skelton, 10 Klamath Falls' Finest Ladies' Ready-to-Wear Shop La Vogue Odd Fellows' Building Southwest Corner 5th and Main Leaders of Fashion For Ladies' Wearing Apparel SB Ladies, Your Attention ! Klamath Falls will become on or about September 20th an important link to tho chain conducted by La Vogue Stores. The finest, most up-to-date and complete line of Ladies' Wear ing Apparel ever displayed in Klamath Falls will be stocked. REMEMBER La Vogue Stores have a Purchasing Tower of eight stores. Buying in volume is a great factor in reducing high prices. Watch -Wait for Our Exact Opening Date ! California Eight Stores Oregon La Vogue Odd Fellows' Building S. W. Corner 5th and Main Streets FOR RKNT Four room house nlce- In MUls Addition near tho mills 'ly furnished for housekeeping, anu isciones, we nave a four room 1311 Sargent Ave. Reference ro- house and three, big lots at the ex- aulred. lO'itremeiy low price or $1400. Only , ' sejivv VtajBit HUU U III 11 CO in CASJ Duroc bosr, $60; registered Duroc ?!ln,y, Py.menD,- Cbllcote ft ,Hrl1t.. 140: nurebred Uuroc "" - . iu-i hd; tnfcs (not registered) 12 weeks old,, .... $"10. Those prices f. o. b. Mcdlora.jruii nAur uvor along mo river, A. F. Stennett, Ilox 869, Modford.i wo havo a good six room house Ore. 10-11" wn iino garaon iraci and good or chard. LOST A small gold pin with tnn. Return to First State Savings Dank. Reward. 10-13 at a barcaln orlra nf ta.nnn. blua '''. .OOO "rii and $50 a month. g WU111.U10 m, omun, oau Main HI. 10-11 TO MY FRIENDS ANh PATUOIW--- I will leavo for Chicago Sunday mornlnetj'Sept. 12th, to tako a spec ial course In Oral Surgery and dis eases ot,yia mouth. I cxiwct to re turn about Oct. 10, Dr. Fred West erfeld will tako caro of my practice during my absence. Dr. W. A. Leon ard. V 1Q.1I A Classified Ad will sell It. FOR SALE: Hair goods; combings aiila In nritur.i will tesch VOU the trade for $50. Call at 53R Pine' St.r-, Townsend Flats, upstairs. a ....... i rf lo-io MVHIMUVt no-I 7 7 inside; goodf One of .best business opportunities; outbuildings. for;smaircapltal In Klamath Falls Colonial Rooms and Annex, 1101 Main and 741 Walnut Sts. Lara-e outside rooms for rent; new beds, new mattresses, new bedding. Be ing remodeled Into modern rooming houses. io XIgbt housekeeping rooms and wages in exchange for some work each day. 1101 Main St. Roomlna bouse completely furnished in ha moved! alio biff lot. cood lo cation to move It on, at an approxi mate cost complete, Including mov-' Ing and lot, of seven thousand dol lara. House alone would cost to' build at present time about nine thousand dollars. Don't miss this If you have a little cash to Invest In the best town west of the Rockies. J Would rent for at least two hundred I per month. In new location. Will be pleased to show you proposition. F. , C. De Chalne, S. W. corner 7th and Main, behind new brick, Klamath Falls, Ore. 10-11 'urc AMAAMAWW'WMWMfVWWWWWWVWVWWVWVWMN , .-il m 1 have displayed my millinery stock, temporarily, in the WAfJTED 4 horses and 1 man at ABkeny Rancn, s per oay ana 10 board. Apply W. A. Jones. 10-13 Square Deal; Drug Store SAFETY -- SERVICE - SAT ISFACTION ASl'IIU.V A. D. 8., II. F. D. and others, 20 and 35c FOUNTAIN I'KNH Waterman and Tempolnt Pens, $2.50 to $7.50 OARDKN COURT Toilet preparations ure without a superior. Face Powder, Cold Cream, Perfume, Toilet Water, etc. . 9 FENHLAR STORE We sell and personally guarantee all the PENSLAR REMEDIES HUOHHON HTYLUS Converts your Vietrola into an ail record playing phonograph. Free Saturday with six Pathe records. LOWNKV'H CANDIES Always fresh and guaranteed. The original package chocolates FLASHLIGHTS A complete line of Ever Ready FlashllghtR and Batteries I'ATIIE ACTUELLK Tho last word In sound reproduc ing Instruments. Come In and hear It KODAKS Genuine Eastman machines, the popular models All' A. D. H. REMEDIES We sell and personally guarantee A. D. S. Remedies PHONOGRAPH ATTACHMENTS For making YOUR phonograph play any make of record RECORDS Brunswick, Pathe, Emerson and Okoh Records. Como In and hear your favorite selection SURGICAL SUPPLIES Bandages, cotton, gauze, In fact a complete line of surgical dressings KNOCKERS We have all the popular cold , Knockers CRITICISM We appreciate constructive criticism FOR SHAVERS We outfit big and littlo shavers complete RUnilKR GOODS Hot water bottles, ice, caps, etc, We carry a complete and depend able line t TALK WITH US on any doubtful point. We KNOW the drug business PRESCRHTIONS Filled hore are filled RIQHT OFFICE SUPPLIES Typewriter paper, ribbons, letter files, board files, etc. BRUNSWICK Tho Brunswick Phonograph was DESIGNED, not ADAPTED to play all makes of records CASH OR TERMS Wo sell nil B models of Bruns wick and Patho phonographs on easy torras, or accept cash If you prefer PVRALLIN IVORV Wo sell genulnu Pyrallln Ivory at prices as low as some dealers ask for ordinary white celluloid FILMS to fit all models ot Kodaks and hand cameras ' HOUSEHOLD DRUGH Alum, peroxide, glycerine, etc., In full weight packages convenient v for household use UNIVERSAL Electric irons .toasters, grills, etc., ,i. standard priced Central Hotel Building 832 Main Street and am showing a nice line of street and readjr- to-wear hats for ladies and misses at from $5.00 to 910.00 Watch for announcement of my opening in the new Brett-Ward Building Margaret Callahan Proprietor wwukwwwwmw.. ,-. . iiwnnnjuuwjij A BIG LOAD TO CARRY WHEN 'totes' or keep IU money about he must assume fall responsibility for IU safekeeping. When he banks It here at the First National ho gain our great vaults, the jurisdiction of National banking laHN and our own careful watchfulness as safeguards around his money. Yo. see our services paovlde for every legal, IW)ra and physical protection. MAIL ORDERS PROMPTLY DISPATCHED &Q1LHationalBAnk - J. n OREGON t-f . 'V '?--