PAOB TimKIl THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON FRIDAY, HKtTKMBKH 10, MUST HAVE SURPRISED 'CZAR AMAAVMVMViAWWMMMMWgwwvyvvyvvMVVMfJ V r ft ( H V ! IWIffif 1 5531 J Wifr ji3bHbbbVbvv9. V II w Ctf 4m E9EEMs,?A faKV i iikHMM ' I I rr'PP 1 1 HV m- SSL!) llbU' A Man's Drink Labor does the real work of the world work that calls for steady nerves, a clear brain and Folger's Golden Gate coffee at every meal two or three cups of it, too. Different in taste from other coffee and better. Remember the brand Folger's Golden Gate. XMSaHfSESSX 1AM I OclSi'e en You m. YTfli HutMhe wP No. 1 ComfortCleanliness -Reasonable Rates The Central Hotel fXjvxrinnnririrrinnrrir iir r -!------ -i r- - Y-inii"nn-i'-r"-iirn' "iiri"iri-ti"i' New Throughout IN THESE DAYS OP HIGH PRICES THE AVERAGE CITIZEN WILL BE GLAD TO FIND A PLACE TO LIVE THAT IS WITHIN HIS REACH AND WHICH FURNISHES EVERYTHING THAT HE COULD WISH FOR A GOOD BED, A CLEAN ROOM, PERFECT VENTILATION. THESE YOU WILL FIND AT THE CENTRAL HOTEL. SEV ENTY ROOMS IN THIS GREAT HOSTELRY ARE NOW READY AND THIS NUMBER IS BEING ADDED 'TO AS FAST AS THEY CAN BE FIN ISHED AND FURNISHED. SPECIAL RATES MADE TO PERMANENT ROOMERS. NO BETTER SPRINGS, MATTRESS OR BEDDING ARE MADE THAN THOSE FOUND AT THE CENTRAL HOTEL. t J. J. KELLER, Manager. kt!ttftftftMfttftftM John Randolph Had HI Own Idss of What to Do When Presented at Russian Court. When John Ilnmlolph, crrntlc Amer ican statesman from Virginia, was In Russia he was about to ho presented to tho cznr. Someone undertook to tench him t lie presentation etlqnntlo of the Russian court. As minister he wn to enter tho room and bo'w; at the center of the room lib was ja pniiso nml how n second time, after nhlrli t Ian C7iir would meet him nml engage him In cnnw-rsntlon. Hut Ran dolph WIIM llllllKIKIIlt nt tho thought Unit nii)ono rotihl presume to tench him nil) thine, nml iteclnreil 'Hint he knew nil uhout It without being show n. The ilny of presentation arrived nml Itnmlolpli entered tho iloor of tho nil illeneo rhninlier mid boned tery low; lie mhnnceil to tho center of tho room nml bowed ntmln very deeply. Then lie npproncheil nearer to tho cwir, took off one gnuntlct nml threw It to tho right of the wnr, remnwd his other gauntlet nml cast It to the left of the erar. Next ho pitched off lilit lint In front, threw off lih mnntle, unbuckled hi sword nml dlseanlcd It upon the door nml then fell upop his knees 'at the feet of tho cznr. Tho court wns speechless nnd the cznr, astonished. Iloweter, tho cznr was equal to the occasion, no ho npproncheil tho pros tnito Unnilolph, required him to fine nnd engaged lilrn In conversation. Rut tho reception did' not meet Itnndolph'R expectation, nnd within a month he left ItiiHjtln In considerable of R huff nt what ho deemed mistreatment nt the hand of the cznr. HAS FOUND CRADLE OF EEL 8clntlt Tell th World All About the Habit of That Migratory Aquatic Creature. The eel hni been tracked to hli era die. It ha taken us 2,000 yean to learn Hint eel, living In pond and rivers climb out when full grown, crawl over tho land, And n river running to the ocenn, go out to hco, and lay eggs which produce offspring that come hnck In billions up tho rivers from which their pn rents descended, says London Tlt-lllts. A scientist has now tracked down theso cIuhIvc tnnrvvls to tho spawn ing grounds.. It Is tho Sargasso sea, that enormous sea garden through which Columbus first sailed to the terror of his crews, from September to October, HOi Of course, that Is not the only nursery. Upon hatching, the eel larvae drift with the current, uudergo a marvel ou tranxformatlon, reach Europe, swunn up tho river, climb the banks, crow dusty field and parched mead ows to Inland ponds nnd ditches, and then oettle thero for tho next seven or eight years, when they swim back to tho Sargasso to lay their eggs and die. Is not that a crowning marvel of the migratory Instinct? Across the Atlantic In Infancy, to fatten In a wayside English pond, and back ngnln, grown up, across tho wide ocenn. Nam. Most men of high destinies have high sounding names. Pym nnd Ilaha kuk may bo pretty well, but they must not think to cope with tho Cromwclls and Isaiahs. And you could not find better case In point than that of the English admirals. Drake and Itooke nnd Ilawko nro picked names for men of execution. Frolilsher. ltodn'ey. Ros cawen, Fonl-Wuther, Jack Hyron are all good to catch the eye In a pngo of n nnvnl history. Cloudesley Shovel Is n mouthful of quaint nml sounding syllables. Ilenbow has n bulldog qual ity that Milts thnj'.mn's chnructer. and It take us linck to those English arch ers wImi wore his true comrades for plainness, tenacity nnd pluck. Ra lelgh Is spirited and martial, and aig uilles an act of told conduct In the Held. . . . "Vlrglnlbus IMierlsque," hy I.oiiIm Steensou. How Spider Travel. Spinning webs Is sscond nature with spiders. After they aro hatched from the eggs In n cocoon, they cling to gether for about n week. Then they separate, but their legs do not carry them Mry far. Facing tho wind, and standing on the tips of their leg, the baby spiders enlse their abdomens and emit n silken thread. The faintest current wafts the gossamer In tho air, nnd when enough Is let out to permit of aerial flight the Insect drifts away. When It wishes to land It hauls In the thread. Wherever It lands It can spin webs without tho slightest In structions from older spider. Older male spider seem to lose this gift There are about MO species of spi ders In America, but only two, the house and garden spiders, are well known. A Craven Suitor. "I nm convinced Hint I could never make you happy," unite an abject lover to tho lady who had. won his heart. "Ymi are of n different world from mine, You nro In mo us white marble In dull red elny. Tho devotion of my IITn would not recompense you for tin hficrlilco you would make In marrylni; me, I know I can never hope to iim'ti ;.-ott hup, y, I lit If you think othervlw ht ' i l.t.v hy leturu." The woin it v hn wild iec pt so craven a lovn as Hits luii ecurt ly hope to be ooulloHntnt in her Juigtunt or on tier cajuurv. "MAKES LIFE'S WALK EASY" ..... M... "Tfj&zrtTsrz'-utttZLJLji Jr3Ksak)itHu'mWrvmsFi vstieSiSgrmsttK. fei3ffiS.S5(JitaiaS SCas;!-!"'-":'1'- .h. r. T.-rr ttvhiS&Fi AajaWrjT .J-T TTiTTrW rJ New Fall Styles now to be teen in our windows LATEST IN STYLE LOWEST IN PRICE LONGEST IN WEAR See them at Bradley-Evans Shoe Co. 727 MAIN ST. 'II'J NOTICE A special meeting of the Central Labor Council will be held on Friday, September 10th, at which a financial report of the Labor Day Committee will be rendered. ALL DELEGATES' ARE REQUESTED TO ATTEND MW WAS T EPOCHAL NEW YOItK, Sept. 10. Military and civilian aeronautical experts de clare that tho completion recently of the trip of four American army avia tors from New York to Nome, Alas ka, was as epochal In Its military and commercial Importance a Dlerlot's first flight across the English chan nel, since It opens Alaska to aero nautics. Reports stato that the Alaskans nro determined to bring about regu lar communication through the air and now look to the government to foster the new project. As the result of tho flight, It Is said, an aerial route has been photo graphed and chartered diagonally across the United States, Canada and Alaska, with tentatlvo supply and air service sites. The Air Board stafes that tho fol lowing has been accomplished by the flight: An offectlvo aerial routo to the Northwest corner of the Amorlcan continent and Asia has been estab lished. Inaccessible areas In Alaska which had never been mapped havo been chartered and photographed. Usefulness of the airplane as a means of transport, both for mall, passengors and freight has been demonstrated. Necessity of landing fields, and service supply stations throughout tho United States and Its territories has been shown. Durability of modem airplanes and motors has been proved and It has been learned that flying Is safe, oven over territory whoro transport by railroad, automobile and wagon Is considered extremely dangerous. The report of Captain St. Clair Strcot, who was In command of the expedition, states that the flyers con sidered the route across the Eastern States, as having few landing fields and not Ideal In any Instance. The Middle West and Canada, he said, a far a Edmonton, was Ideal. "The expedition sighted Innumer able glacier," said Captain Street, "and rain, low fog and cloud were prevalent. Yukon and Alaska are rough and partly forested, .and af forded no natural landing place ex cept on river bars, but the route from Wrangcll to Nome Is Ideal for water planes." INFECTED SOIL - CAUSES IDT OREGON AGRICULTURAL COL LEGE, Corvallls, Sept. 10. Why early plantings of smut-treated grain are oiten Infected while late plant ings are not, 1 thus explained by the plant pathologists of the O. A. C. ex periment statien: Smut spores aro released in thresh ing' smutty grain, and aro often car ried by the winds over considerable distances. They fall In shower on summer fallow and stubble lands, as well as on other lands, and unless started to germinate by darly rain lie dormant until the land I seeded. Then when enough rain fall to start the grain, the spores germinate and Infect the seedlings. Disking stubble lands does not In sure protection, either by burying tho spores too deep to bother or by giving them enough moisture to ger minate. Hence smut trouble even with treated grain may soon occur on dlskod stubble lands as well as summer fallow. The degree of soil Infection Is de termined' by the amount of smutty grain to the windward side of the field. Eastorn Oregon Is moro sub ject to heavy smut showers than parts further west. The only way at present known to prevent trouble from soil Infection Is either to plant on freshly plowed ground or plant after the first rains have started the spores usually about six weeks of rainy weather. Treated grain sown on such land Is likely to produce clean crops, unless a new smut, shower ensues. Danger of smut Infection Is much less with spring sown grain. Seallnr-irax does not contain a particle of wax, but Is composed of turpentine, shellac and cinnabar. An eminent scientist ha estimated that the average man's eyelids open and shut four million times during the rear. ' BIG JAZZ DANCE AT OPEN AIR PAVIL.ION TOMORROW NIGHT Largest dance floor between Portland and San Francisco SPECIAL JAZZ MUSIC COME! ETaryoM tartUd COME!