The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, September 10, 1920, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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miDAV, HRPTKMnRR 10, 1M0
BMbbF A Wonderful MM
TRY Uita npproved rem
cdy. Just tho tonic for
nervousness, sleeplessness,
depressed feeling, loss of
appetite, dlgcattvo troubles,
brain fag-, or alow recovery
from influenza and kindred
ailments. A tonic, alterative,
and diuretic for blood and
ncrvo disorders.
Notice Is hereby given to all ship
pars of cattle and horses from Klam
ath county that all shipments hero
after will be subjected to a rigid
brand Inspection before being loaded
on cars. Tho brand Inspector must
'' bo given sufficient notlco by tho ship
per to give amplo tlrao tor such In
apectlon, othcrwlso stock will bo
held In corrals until such Inspection
can bo made.
Shippers aro required to furnish
the Inspector a correct list of brands
living tho number of hcad'ot each
brand and location of brand on ani
mal. JAS. W. STRAW,
Brand Inspector tor Klamath county.
"Diamond Dyes"
Te You How
A Child an Follow Directions
and get Perfect Results
Odd Fellows and Rebekahs, you
an requested to bo present at an
eotertalnment and banquet to be
held in the I. O. O. F. Hall on Friday
ivealng. Sept. 10th. Olven In honor
f the Grand Master of Portland who
will be present cm this night.
A boom In boxing Is looked for in
Massachusetts this .fall, now that the
legislative act legalising the sport
kaa come Into effect.
Prague, capital of -the, -pew Repub
lic of Cxecbo-Slovakia, 'boasts of a
modern athletic stadium which con
accommodate 120,000 persons.
Utt Cognomens From Habits or Mu
mad Though Not Infrequently
From Seng or Call.
lllnli nrc given vnrlotn names In
rnrliiii.i purl f tho country; some,
got tlic.v nnuies from their lmtiUm
tlier from tholr plumage, while tho
wing, or call, In oilier cases Is resinm
kIMo for the nickname of the bird, ac
cording to London Answer.
TJic cuckoo hns two mate The
meadow plpplt Is known as tho cuc
koo's mate In Mime pnrts of tho coun
try, becnuso of lis hnblt of always nc
couipanylng the cuckoo from place to
place throughout ltd stay In this coun
try. The wrjneck gets the snmo name
for n different reason. It arrives In
the country about the same time, or a
few dnjs earlier than the cuckoo, and
therefore the name hns been given It.
Utile "Hread-anil-iio-cheese" Is per
linpH rather a mouthful, but the nntnh
i given to the jellow bunting on ac
count of the fact thnt Its simple song
revmble the;e word more thnn any
tiling else: In the world.
Ynfllo" It the name' given to thnt
laughing bird of the wood, the green
wodiecker, nlso known by the lcs
cheerful cognrmcti of rnln bird, le1
enure uhetictcr It IniiKhi the glii
coe back amf the rnln rotne down.
In other words, the laugh of the green
woodpecker, like the "hee-haw" of Hie
donkey, I considered by tunny to be
n sure sign of wet weather.
The whrtethront has n hnblt of
creeping along the lower pnrts of the
hedges, where the nettles grow, and
therefore It hns acquired for Itself the
natua of "nettle creeer.H
Office of Comptroller of the Cur
rency. Washington. D. C. July 30. 120.
Whereas, by satisfactory evidence
presented to the undersigned. It has
been made to appear that "The Am
erican National Bank of Klamath
Falta." In the city of Klamath Falls,
In the County of Klamath and State
of Oregon, baa complied with all the
provisions of the statute of the
United State required t one com
lied with before an association
kadi b authorized to commence the
kaalneea of banking:
Now therefore I. John Skeltoa
Williams. Comptroller of the Cur
rency, do hereby certify that "The
American National Bank of Klam
ath Falls," in the City of Klamath
Falls, In the County of Klamath and
State of Oregon, la authorized to
commence the business of banking
aa provided In Section Fifty one nun
dred and sixty-nine of the Revised
SUtutes of the United States.
In testimony whereof, witness my
hand and seal of offico thla Thir
tieth day of July, 1920.
(Seal) Comptroller of the
Aug. 13-20-27-3-10-17-24-1.8-15.
Lift Off, Corns I No Pain
Doesn't hurt a bit I Drop a little
"Freezone" on an acning corn, in
ai..Hv .ha. Mm tnn hiirtlnBr. thnn
shortl you lift It right off .with fin
gers. Truiyi
Your druggist sells a tiny bottle of
"Free-one" for a few cents, sufficient
to remove every hard earn, soft corn,
or corn between the toee, ana toe cat'
lUM, without aoreaeM or irritation.
Not Including What It la Called by
Impatient Autolst When It
A thing which ties Is a tire ay
makers of the dictionary. The first
purpose of the tire was to tie or band
the wheel together. As time passed,
the original meaning of the word has
been lost sight of and now the tire
Is the part of the wheel which touches
the road and stands the wear and tear
of travel
England and her possessions, ex
cept Canada, spells the word "tyre,"
No less an authority than England's
own Encyclopedia Ilrttannlca Is on rec
ord with the opinion that "thla spell
ing is not now accepted by the best
English authorities," yet "tyre" per
sists. In some of the Spanish-speaking
countries, such aa Chile and the Ar
gentine, tires are known aa "neumatl
cos." In Mexico they are "llanlas."
In other places where Spanish 1 the
language, notably Cuba, the correct
word la "gomaa." In Brazil, where
Portuguese la spoken, the name hi
The French have the short name
"pneus" for tires." This la a contrac
tion of pneumatlquea. In practically
all the Scandinavian countries the
Danish word "gummrlgtnger" rubber
ring la used.
- Making a Citizen.
You make the citizen by giving him
Intelligence. He must learn to see
things as they are. He must also learn
to see the possibilities and rise In
power to put them to the test. There
Is no place for the coward In the march
of progress. We need men, "brave
men, who dare while others fly." And
this means they must have brains and
brawn with which to fight life's battles
and hold their own In the world. And
to Intelligence we must add constancy.
It avail little to be brilliant If you
haven't the power to stick to your job
until you make a success of It Per
sistence will help you win, when you
put your head to work. These are the
first things In the making of citizens.
The home and the school must work
together to produce It Grit
Mdrksh Tires today
ml 25 less than they
did in I9IO
and give approximately
100 greater average
Compare these prices:
(Adjustment 'Basis:
Silvf.htowh Cords, Booo3fife
Fabric Tires, 6000 Miles
3Q x 3 25.45 19. IP
3Q3 33.85 23.20
32x4 48.65 36.80
344 65.35 53.15
35x5 1 82.75 6S.3T"
Goodrich Tires
Best in the Long Hun
v ,
July wns originally the fifth month
of the Homon year. In the Allien 'cal
endar It had' a complement of 30 days.
which was reduced to 31 and then to
30. nnl It stood thus for many centu
ries. At lenzth Jullrji Caesar restored It.
to 31. He felt a personal Interest In
July, o It was his natal month. After
the death of this great law-giver and
reformer Marc Antony changed the
name from Qulntllls to July, lu honor
of Caesar's fnmlly name, In order to
note that as tho sun was most potent
at thl tlino so was Caesar the most
powerful potentate who had ever lived.
Our Fnxon nncextor culled July "Hey
Monntli" hecnuso they usually moved
their huy at that period of' the year,
Chicago Journal.
Black Hoi of Calcutta.
This niune was given to an apart
ment In Culcutta In which nparty if
English were confined on the night of
June SO, ITrti. Tho garrison of the
fort connected with the English fac
tory nt Calcutta was captured by the
Nawab SlraJ-ud-Duulu, who caused all
the prisoners tukuu to bo confined In
a room 18 by U feet 10 Inches. Tills
cell had only two windows, obstruct
ed by a verunda. Of tho 160 people
who spent the ni,ht In a horror of
thirst, heat und agony from pressure,
only 23 survived the experience.
Natural Explanation.
"Why Is It that tho dark homes In
a political convention always keep o
quiet J"
"Because under the circumstance.),
the word with uono of them can be
WASHINGTON, Sept. 10. One of
the most interesting exhibit of the
thousands in the world war collec
tion now being gathered at the na
tional museum la the "Order of Bat
tle" map used by General Pershing
In directing the movements of the
American forcea in France. The
wall map, 8 by 10 feet In alze, to
getber with the walls, floor and fur
nlture of the room In which It hung
at American headquarters a Chau
mont, was transferred to the museum
by the war department at the request
of the general.
The map was brought to Washing
ton and Installed In the museum by
the sergeant and three enlisted men
of the headquarter staff who kept It
corrected and guarded It throughout
the war. At Chaumont the map,
when not In uso, was concealed by a
sliding section of wall which I In
stalled In the same manner In tho
Tho map shows in a vivid fashion
the exact situation at the hour tho
armistice was signed with reference
to Jlio strength and location of all
divisions, both enemy and allied, on
the western front, tho corroct battle
line, the names and location of com
manding officers and locations of
headquarter and army boundaries.
Thcro also Is a considerable amount
of dotalled Information regarding the
American divisions, as for instance
the percentagea of fresh and tired
troop and the length of time the
various units bad been In tho line or
In reserve.
The war collection has already as
sumed such proportions aa to raako
necessary so mo new arrangement for
housing It. Many of tho exhibit aro
now crowded Into the ground floor
of the new national museum building
while other are In the old building
and a few of the artillery plecea are
in the open air awaiting the construc
tion of suitable shelter. William
DeC. Ttavenel, the director of tho
museum, aaya congress probably will
be asked at' the next session to pro
vide a building for tho collection
which Is of great historical value.
The alrplano exhibit Includes all
' type of American and French planea
j used extensively In combat, pursuit
'and bombing work abroad and soy
I eral specimens of captured enemy
I machines. There are also on exhibi
tion many type of alrplano inotora.
iln addition to the world war aviation
section tho museum contains tho or
iginal Langley and Wright models.
Tho collection of American army
modlca! equlpmont, furnlshod by tho
war department, Is practically com
plete and Includes tho various typos
of operating and- X-ray equipment
used In base hospitals and field and
advanced base stations, a largo vari
ety of surgical Instruments, ambul
ances and military dental equlpmont.
Ono entiro section of tho collodion
Is devoted to exhibit showing tho In
ccptlon and development of tho gas
mask. Othor exhibits Include tho
great 0-lnch searchlight used In tho
field, tbo field artillery, machine gun
and rifles of the uniforms, field
equipment and medals of general of
ficers, subordinate officers and pri
vates of nil tho allied countries and
Germany and Austria. There also Is
a collection of articles manufactured
entirely of paper by tho German.
These Includo paper, twine, paper
ploth, feed bags, artillery packs, wa
ter buckets, blankets, kit bags, sad
dlo bags, canteen covers and knap
sack. Many other exhibits aro being re
ceived dally from the army and navy
and the director hopes to mako tho
collection the most complete world
war musoum In exlstonco.
In tho city of Ilrusnols an exhibi
tion of snow statuary Is given overy
winter by tho art student, who
transform ono of tho public parka
Into a natural gallery, and display
specimens of their work which ara
really remarkable.
The playing carda of tho four
teenth century differed materially
from tho pack In use today. The
Venetian pack, for example, consist
ed of 78 cards 23 of thorn marked
with emblems of various kinds, and
66 with numeral, divided Into four
suits of 14 carda each.
ssssssssssKassssrssssssssVMl i A isssssssssaiissriissssssssssf I
SwBssssssssssV''sssssssssssss7aWsrlssssssssssssF?lL''slmsssT '
sti!ssssssssssssssssssssV(IHt TSGwSSS&M&MrWlk
IHKillsssssssssssssslFPJlssssr' - BKSSImlfwSsk
j"TjBBBBSfafrTS..ilrV' i ffiPri TBBBnFffTTWiflri sMpBElgj.SSdghMJBBJBJ
Which, we take pride in announcing, contains
one of the largest, classiest and most serviceable
shoe stocks with which the people of this city
and vicinity have ever been favored, is now
open to the public, and we invite you to come
in and look it over, whether you buy or not. This
department adjoins our grocery department,
facing Main street. Competent shoe salesmen
will have charge of this department salesmen
who know the necessity of fitting a foot per
fectly, and who will provide you with the class
of shoe you want or need. We can serve you
righ't. , '