WAam SEVEN THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON Thursday, heptemiikr 9, 1MM Quitt jMotors Purring under the hood whllo ttio car itllilcn alone, responsive Instantly to uvory demand for power or iloxlblllty, thf In a result that you can attain with tho aid of CorrectLubrlcatlon. More than half tho motorists of tho Pacific Coast use Zurolene. Our Board of Lubrication En gineers has ntudled your pnr ticulurnuikcofcarand provided for its Correct Lubrication with iJcrolcne. Get tho Zerolcne Correct Lu bricatlon Chart for your car at your dculer's or at our nearest station. Uno Zcrolcne for Correct Lubrication. m sTTs'')st2sTmTmv m XsSSffy "HBMHPbhstt'' - 31 T'mmvali v- STANDARD OIL COMPANY (Ctttfsnlt) A erode, for each jypc of engine SAGE TEA TURNS m m dark IT'S fHlANDMUTIIEIl'H RECIPE TO IIRINfi HACK COLOR AM) LUH. HIE T) IIAIU ' That bonutlfui, ctcu shade of dsrk, glossy hair can only be had by brew ing a mljturo of Sage Tea and Sul phur. Your linlr li your charm. It make or mars tho fncv. When It fade, turtiH Krny or streaked, Jtut an application or two of Sago and Sul phur enhance! Its appearance a hun dred fold. Drn't bother to preparo the mix ture; you ran cot this famous old recipe Improved by tho addition of other InRredlcnU for CO centa a lane bottle, nil ready for use. It Is called Wyeth'a Sngo and Sulphur Compound. This can always bo dependod upon to bring bnrk tho nnturat color and lus tre of your hair. Everybody uses' "Wyath's" Bags and Sulphur Compound now because it darkens so naturally and evenly that nobody can .tell It has been ap plied. You simply dampen a sponge or sort tit-inn with It and draw this through tho hair, taking ona small strand nt u tlmoj by morning the gray balr htm disappeared, and after an other miDllcnllnn It becomes bea tl fully dnrb and appears glossy and lus sue Twenty-one stakes with an aditod nionoy vnluo totaling $100,000 will foaturu tho annual wlntor race moot ing of tho Cuba-American Jockoy Club which Is to open at tho Havana track noxt Thanksgiving Day. LOST TRUE (JAI.VI25TON, Tex., September 9. Searchers after burled silver on tho mainland opposite I'oto Island, 18 miles southoast of Corpus Chris tl, Texas, probably aro doomed to disappointment, In tho opinion of Dr. J. O. Dyer, n local writer In histori cal and scientific subjects. Tho ruins of troasuro lookers began with the discovery recently of 26 skeletons, popularly believed by many to be those of members of tho crow of a Spanish treasure ship which found ored off tho Texas coast early In the Eighteenth century. No record ,1s nvallablo of any such wreck. Tho "llfo" of a sKoloton burled In tho sands of the beaches of tho constul country, Dr. Dyer points out, Is not ovor 40 years. Ho says also tressure ships from Mexico to Spain wero discontinued after 1830, partly bocauso of the activities of Jean Uffllo's fleet of buccaneers. Even before that time tho Span lards trlod to avoid excessive losses from storms and Laftlto'B fleet of buccaneering vessols and CO Span lards transported loss than 20 tons of sllvor bullion to tho vessel. Then, tho current rate In Mexico was ap proximately $10 troy pound, Tho most valuable of all Lafflto's prizes, tho Sevllla, carried only $150,000 In specie I.afflto's captured troasuro, acc ording to tho records extant, was bti rlod In throo caches. Two of. thoso wero located on Galveston Island and tho third on a small Island to tho oast, which was completely washad away during a storm In 1829. Green Slabs This la good wood If bought early and dried. Do not dolay your orders, m you must buy early It you want cheap wood. Fuel will be higher next winter than laat, as feod, labor and freight are higher. We aro prepared to give you quick service and the beat of wood. Our prices are cheap on block wood also. Order now and be prepared. O. Peyton & Co. 110 MAIN "WOOD TO BURN" PHONE) BIS GIVE CREDIT TO PHOENICIANS Scientists Oellevs That rises Erected the Immonia Monoliths Found In Various Placet. fllnnt tiKiiiolliliH Ktmi'llfig strangely mIoiiii In iimiiy plnccH on tint glnlm when ilNrnvercil by Intrepid explor ers mill uilvi'iitiircrs during the recent centuries, nro lielns referred to tin tint Kri'iitcM mysteries of liiiniiiii history by arc'lieoloKlMts, who tiro now trylnrf lo determine uhut race hullt tlicin. They ere xcnltereil In fnr-dff places. They are monstrous pieces of rude sculpture Tliey are Imllt of terrifying stoini blocks, some welKliliiK us much as H.V) tons. In many districts when; tho great iseinorlnls stand tliero urn no stones of such slxe to be found, mid corir.e- iliiently tliey must liuwi hviti trans ported from places far away, Tho moot f iiiiiiiiii of tlieui nre tin; crom lechs in Kiicliiml, Others lire found In western Kronen, northern d'enniiny, In Diiiiimrk, Afrku, MiidniriiHcnr, Anln, from Mt. .Slim I iiml the CiiuniNii lo Indln; mid miiiAmu Hie mont won derful mid mysterious of nil nrc thou found on lonely Hunter Maud In the I'ncllli1 ocean, M. I.evltre, a French nrcheiilodNt, believes tliey wen erect ed by lli Phoenicians, as inoNt of them hnve been found near rivers. Some students lire Inclined to believe lb I'lioenli'lnns rent-lied America by tlm lut Atlantln, n Irgi-ndnry eontliirnt that now Is sunken somen here in Hie Atlantic, A footprint, the Phoenician mark of death, has been found carved In runny, while a rolled snnke, another murk of thein: navigators also Is found. CUSS OF ITS . BUSINESS CARDS CLEANS 1 YS If your Hnrk hurt or Illnddcr bothers you, ilrlnk lots of witter "GHEE" MUCH USED IN EAST Concentrated Form of Butter Fat Em ployed In Preparation of Al most All Dishes. Ghee Is briefly described as clnrl- (led butter. Cow's or buffalo's milk Is submitted lo a process of churning and boiling which yields a concentrat ed form of butter fnt considered to be entirely free fmm curd, whey or wa ter. Tills product keeps better than ordinary butter, but has a taste not usually appreciated by Europeans. Al though commonly associated with the diet of the Jlrltlsli Indian, ghee Is used as well throughout tho lied sea dis trict by the Arnbs, Somali, Itrltlsh Indians, and other nntlre elements of tho populntlon. In a minor way glee Is used medicinally and ceremonially; but Its principal uto Is In the preparo Hon of fiMMl, and no nntlvo meal In this part of the world Is truly relished unless chen Is generously used In some form or other. It Is worked Into the dough for uatlvo bread, and the bread Is fried In ghee; or Inordinary bread Is used the pieces broken oil to be eaten arc first dipped Into a cup or vessel of hot ghee. It Is used In the preparation of all meat dishes, and of many vegetable dishes. Some natives, particularly the Arabs, boll It with milk and drink tho mixture. - , When your kldnoys hurt and your back fenls sore, don't get scared and proceed to load your stomach with a let of drugs that cxcllo the kld noys and Irrltato tho cntlra urinary irnci. Hoop your Kidneys clean Ilka you keep your bowels clean, by flush ing thorn with a mild, harmless salts which removes tho body's urinous wasto and stimulates them to their normal activity. Tho function of the Kidneys Is to niter tho blood. In 24 hours thoy strain from It COO grains of acid and wasto. so wo can readily understand tho vital Importanco of keeping tho kldnoys nctlve. Drink lots of water you can't drink too much; also got from any pharmacist about four ounces of Jad Halts; tnko n tablnspoonful in a glass of water beforo breakfast each morn ing for u fow days and your kldnoys win net nno. This famous salts Is modi) from tho acid of grapes and lemon Julro, coblncd with llthla, and has been used for generations to clean snd stlmulato cloggod kldnevs: also to neutrallzo tho acids In urlno so It no longer Is n source of Irrita tion, thus ending blnddor weakness. Jnd Halts Is Inexpensive; cannot Injuries; mnkes a delightful efferves cent lllhla-watcr drink which ovory ono should tnko now and then to keep their kldnoys clean and sctlvo. Try this, nlso kcop up tho water drinking, and no doubt you will won der what bocamu of your kidney! irouoio ana oacxacno. f A-MM-l-)MMMM-WMW-MV-MWWWwm--MW Klamath Falls Cyclery Wo bandlo tho best In our lino, such as Motorcycles, 'Olcycles, Farts and Accessories, Goodyear, Penn-ivlranlA Brwl ninmnnil TIAti 5 and Tubes. The house of the two and tbreo wbedort, Includ ing Harlay-Davldson Service. C. E. BlfiMARK US S. sHk 8c. Klamath Fall ssssWMSsSMtVseassvss x PROFESSIONAL CARDS FRED WESTERFELD DENTIST Phono 434W. X-IUy Laboratory toombiJlldg., Klamatb Fall DR. O. A. HAMBO Dentist I. O. O. F. IlaJIdlag ff FHONK 61 V-sM-nit-M-A-stsks 327 PHONE 39 MAIN STREET -t. o. CLtcanoiiN Civil Engineer and rinrreyor Offlco G17 Main Bt I'honest Office 1M, Rca. ltftl NOTICK TO TAXPAYEII8 You aro hereby notified that the Hoard at Kquallsatlon will attend on September 13, 1920 (the second Mon day in September! at the county judge's office In the oldest court house, and will remain In session for thirty days from that date for tho purposo of examining the assess ment rolls for the year 1920, and correcting all errors In valuation, description or qualities of land, lota or other property assessed by the as sessor, it shall bo the duty of all persons Interested to annear at the time and place appointed. Ail protests against valuation! fixed by the assessor must be filed with tho board during the first ten days of said session. J. P. LEE, Assessor of Klamath County. 2C-11 O. K. FEED & SALE STABLES Under new manage ment Best care taken of all stock placed in our bam. Horses, harness and wagons bought, sold and exchanged. Office Phone 177W Res 177R Dr. H. D. Lloyd Stewart Physician and Surgeon White Dulldlng Klamath Kails Oregon rfwwwwwwMMMWweJ DR. F. R. GODDARD ; Osteopathic Physician and burgeon Office and Residence Phones 321 I. O. O. P. Temple E.D. LAMB PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Phone 17W 17B Rooms 1 and 9 White BeJldiasj Ths Beard In History. The beard, ronildcrrd n'stgn of mnn hood, was stroked for the first time In I'amdlse by Adam, If tradition Is to be believed, and has had a strange.' part In tho world's history of vanity and fashion ever since. History says tho kings of Persia plaited their beards with golden thread, and that tho winged bulls of Assyria also had beards. Saladln's son, Turkish his torians say, wept for fear when he saw tho shaven envoys of the Cru saders. Itazors made of flint and oyster shell were used In prehistoric times when man cave way to tho first de mands of vanity. The greatest ben efactor of barbera'ln tho world's his tory was Alexander tho Great, who shaved himself to preserve bis youth, and had his army shaved tb prevent tho enemy seising their beards. lie set n fashion that was followed by tho Greeks, tho philosophers by pro fession alono being excepted. This custom adopted by him has come down through tho centuries. Pssrl Poachers, To see the pearl fisher at work there Is no need to go to the South sens. In tho first fine days of June ho mny be found by burn or loch In n doxen parts of Scotland, says n cor respondent. He Is UHimlly of tho tin ker class, and his outfit Is of the sim plest a water telescope made of wood and n bit pt common glass, and a cleft stick to pull up the mussels. In any one of which ho may find a small for tune. These mussel-pearls from the Ythan and Telth und other Scottish streams fetch good prices; one was sold not long ago for fully f2ft0. Pearls are found In unnadn mussels also, some of them of considerable value. Jlut In Canada there Is little or no private ownership ot waters, so that our pearl fishers run no risk, as do, the Scots, of being arrested for poaching. Montreal Herald, , NOTICE OF BALE OF IRRIGATION DISTRICT BONDS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that sealed proposals will be received un til the 20th day of September, A. D. 1920. at the hour of two o'clock In the afternoon, for the purchaso ot Two Hundred Thousand Dollars (200,000.00) worth of bonds of the Langell Valley Irrigation Dbtrlct of Klamath County, Oregon, said bonds to draw Interest at the rate of alx per cent per annum, payable semi annually upon the first day ot July and tho first day of January ot each year until tho maturity of said bonds. Scaled proposals will be received by tho Hoard of Directors of said Irrigation District, and should be di rected to tho secretary ot the Lan gell Valloy Irrigation District, care of Ferguson. Fletcher & Mirnin. no. 1 Loomls Building. Klamath Falls Oregon. The Board of Directors reserve the right to reject any or all bids offered. A. L. WISHARD. Secretary of the Board ot Directors of Langell Val ley Irrigation District. A-14-S18. With tho exception of the floor, every pleco ot timber used In the construction' of a church recently completed nt Santa-Rosa, Calif., was cut from ono tree a giant redwood, 18 feet In diameter. The tree pro duced 78,000 feet of timber, besides a largo numbor ot shingles. rAMMMMMMMIMMWMMMMMWWWMMMMW DENTISTS Dr. E. G. WiMcarrar FHONR MM Dr. P. M. Nod raoira 4 Over UskAerweweTe i Ben UlWWIWK DR. T.C CAMPBELL PHYSICIAN AND STTRGROV LO. O.F.I Residence White Pelleen Hotel Residence Phone I. DULL TRUAX WAKREn'hUNT HOSPITAL t Day Pfcoste, 47 Night Pheste. MS AAa60W0VWV&VWW KLAMATH AUTO SPRING WORKS WeDsAIKlastje te New Owes) ALL WORK OT, PknnM.T IT WIHj Aw. I SAW BULL ENGINEERING CONSTRUCTION CO. Drelgners and beHdere of BocV era eaw snllle, pUsdac tsills aad bos BfaMte. Dredging. Pile (Mnae Phoee4M-W Office Corner Sfsrls and Oak Near 8. P. Deyot O EX-SERVICE MEN. ATTENTION I The regular meetings of Klamath Post No. S, American Legion, will be held at 8 o dock p. so., at the City Hall in Klamath Falls, on the eeeond and fourth Tuesdays ot each month. All Comradee are In vited. Thoee desiring to join the Poet rmay secure application blanks from o. K. Van Riper, Fred Nicnoisoa, or T. H. Caraahan. ell of Klamath Fella. FRKD NICHOLSON. Secretary. I am now prepared to farslah Shasta Sand from the Hoey, Cam.. sand and gravel pit. tm any anaatlty Khat may be desired by eeatraetorr and builders. ALP. GRAHAM. BEGIN MOT WATER MENflONG DP TOO DONT FEEL RIGHT ays glaae of hot water with phosphate before breakfast washes out poteens. Ostrich Telephoning. " When the egg on the ostrich farms In California aro on tho point of hatch ing, n curious topping of the shell may bo heard. Tills the keepers call "tele phoning." The sound Is cuused by tho chtcka Inside the egga endeavoring to break out. Those, which cannot easily emerge are assisted by the mother 'lrd, which will sometimes break an egg from which the telephon ing la heard by pecking It carefully, and will then aid tho chick to get out At the Pasadena farm the eight of a boy riding an ostrich as he would a pouy may sometimes be seen. y If you wake up with a bad taste, bad breath nnd tongue is coated; It your head Is acking; It what you eat sours and forms acid In stomach, or you are bilious, constipated, nervous, sallow and can't get reeling jusi right, begin Insldo bathing. Drink before breakfast, a glass ot hot water with a teaspoonful ot limestone pnos phate7in It. This will flush the pois ons and toxins from stomach, liver, kidneys and bowela and cleanse, sweeten and purify tho entire alim entary tract. Do your Inside bathing Immediately upon arising In the morning to wash out ot the system all the previous day's poisonous waste, gases and sour bile before eating more food. To feel like young folks feel; like you felt before your blood and mus cles became loaded with body Impuri ties, get from your pharmacist a quarter pound ot limestone phos phate, which Is Inexpensive and al most tasteless. Men and women who are usually constipated, bilious, headachy or have any stomach disorder should be gin this Inside bathing: before break tut. ' WESTERN LABOR BUREAU Ths only place where you can get help and the only place where you can get a job. iX&A 1034 MAIN ST. Let -Your GLASS troubles be Miie C E. STUCKEY Re-Glaxing awl Cabinet Making Phone 477W Eleventh and Pine Phone 477-J CK Kkatath Ledge No. 131 LO.Q.F. NEW CITY LAUNDRY FINISHED WORK FLAT WORK ROUGH DRY "Put Your Duds In Our Suds" PHONE 154 Corner Main and Conger ! Meets Friday nlcht of each week at , Tl. O. O. F. hall, 6th and Main streets. n. n. ugie, n. u.; w. u. wens, sec retary; W. D. Cofer, Treasurer. Rwanna Encampment No. 46, 1. O. O. F., meeta Tuesday night ot each week at I. O. O. F. hall. Harry Loucks, C. P.; W. D. Cofer, Scribe; Fred Bueslng, Treasurer. FAIRVIEW TRANSFER Prompt Service and Reasonable Rates, also Special Ratee oa Oat of Town Tripe v Phone 269-R WILSON ABSTRACT COMPANY B17MaJa ARTHUR B. WILSOR THE ARCADE HOTEL lOae-M MAIN ST. PHONE 4774 The place wtta hosae const arte, cleanliness, plenty of tender the English, common law no one has a right to name in mo sea. This was decided by the courts a hundred yeara ago, and an attack on that decialou at the beginning of this century failed to upsot it, the higher court .deciding that In the strict legal sense one could fish in the sen but could not not bathe. I s ' A classified Ad will sell It. BveryUUstg bow from bottom end ratee to pnrkatbtTBsti tor DR. a A. MASSEYi roast aadnaeOte. la Wema 'Haat' Ot&raeaaelT teH r it i :