The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, September 09, 1920, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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    ivuito nvn
TlltltHDAV, HKITKMhltlt , 1M
U 4)
Wilson Wllny rtiliiriimt lunl iiIkIH
from Mnrslillolri wliurn he ollldutud
ii h ill.irli't tliiimly isriuii! cxitllfct Itut
r of tint Klkn, In tlin dedication of
I tin Mnrnlillitlil tumiili),
Mnn Ndnmlth mill Aim CoIIIiih
spent Hiiviirnl tiny at llniky Point.
John II. Hhuwry, suporlntfndnut of
thn Wiirrrn Cuimtrucllnn company,
linn returned from a huMlmnn trip to
Wnltnr Monro him returned 'to-tre'
unin hlii dutlr an profoniior of
mnthmntlr In thn hitch hcIiooI.
I'rofomior Mooro
vocation In KiiKunn vlnltlng hit pur
ontH. II In fntlmr In county school
Ntiintrlnlnnilnnt of l.nnn county.
A Imliy Klrt wuh horn Inst uignt 10
Mr. nml Mm. Wlllnrd Johnson. Mrs.
JolniHon will Imi riuiiiimliril Minx
llutmilc hnfnro Imr warrlngo.
Mm, II. , Jnllny In it county sent
visitor from Imr homo nl tlin Klnrn
nth Agmicy.
Mm, I), llurk nml son, Mlllium,
wont In town yesterday from thdr
houin In llonnnin on liunliu'ini.
J. A. (Jrnnt of flan Francisco r
'rived lout nlKht anil In registered (it
thn While Pollcnu hotel.
Dick Klynn. Mnurlcn MoAullffo,
Tim Hulllvon nml Con Hulllvan nre
In (own on matters of. business from
the rort Klamath district.
Bd lllckson has returned from tho
Kerry patch nml report an abund
ance of berrlt this year.
Mr. and Mr. Thomaa K. Bmlth
left thU morning on the train for
their home In Kugeno after having
lcnt their vacation at Chlloquln
and Pine Wdgo.
Kdwln Cos who al tended tchool
hero leveral year ago wti In town
yesterday renewing acquaintance
with tho people he uicd to know.
Mm. Bcott Howard, who was hero
from Yreka to assist In the arrange-
menta for the shipping of tlio body
nf'ff. If. Rdmonds to that city left
thl 'morning for her home thflre.
'F. B. nutter I a gueit at ( the
White Pelican hotel from Berkeley,
Ollbort W. Allen arrived yesterday
rim hoard of dlroctom of tho
Klnimith comity chntnbor of coin
hutch met last nvunlng In n long
session nnd took up many question
of Importanco to tho community.
Hnvornl guest worn present Includ
lug Dr. A. A. Houlo, Judga Iavltl
nnd K, H, Henry.
(.otter wnro read from various
upeiil hi Humniitrl1"'0"0"" "' ""' '"untry congrnlulnt-
ItiK tho chmnlinr of tho publication of
"Tho County Hplrlt" and offorlng an
slstnncii In any lino needed.
Thn secretary wiih Instructed to
wrlto nil rnndldntcn for officii and
Invito them to attend tho forum of
thn cliamlier nnd plnrn their stand
on pulillc nfralr lioforo thn pooplo.
W II. .Munon, chairman of thondii
rational mid civic committee, tnada it
very Interesting nnd comprehensive
roport on tho rhool situation and
tho report wan ordered filed with tho
iwrretnry nnd to ho published.
Tim petition of resident of thn
from Knlem and I stopping at tho
While Pelican hotel.
Mr. Wilbur Arnold ha been
hern vliltlng nor alitor, Mr. William
Ilea Ktraton, who ha been playing
nt tho Star Theatre and for the
dance hero for thn past year, left
thl morning for Marshiold where
ho ha a contract for 'playing a pipe
organ there for tho nest year.
Mr. and Mrs. Krank Vaughn loft
for their homo In Kansaa City aftor
a vjslt of seven week with tholr
daughter, Mr. It. J, Sheet and fanv
Mr. and Mm. Frits Markwardt
have returned from a camping (rip
of threo or four days.
Kdwln Osborn arrlvod last night
from Han Francisco to Join hi wife
who la pianist at tho Mondalo Tho
at re.
J. F. Mason Is In thn city from Han
Francisco on business.
Mllln addition which wiih presented
ml thn first session wiih reported by
the president who had previously In
ivestlgatea thn situation. Tho city
Iiiih voted bonds hut It bus been lm-
iponsllitn to sell thorn no thai llio pro
posed Howngo and sanitary district
work can not bo done, Tho power
company liuvo agreed to fls nil main
where leakage appears according to
Mr. Ilall'n roport. Mr. Ilnll referred
n small matter of street work to tho
mayor who said that ha would seo
that It wan takftin euro of promptly.
Tho ultimate solution of tho prob
lem, It wuh decided, will "como
through n proper system of wuter
nnd sewage which can only ho tnado
posslhlu by proper bond Issue and
this matter is no under consideration
by thn chamber.
Dr. Houle made n very fine talk on
thn Importance of establishing a san
itary fund for tho enforcement of
Hiinltnry regulation. Thl matter
put In concrete shape by ap
pointing JiiiIko I.rnvltt to prepare
it list of change In the city chartar
In order to secure funds to work
with. Thn plan I to vote on tho
matter thl fall,
Thu meeting was one of tho most
Interesting nnd constructive held for
noma time.
Tlin package of charred letter
found In tho Houston hotel debris,
addressed to Itoland B. Wright-,
Hamilton, Canada, Is tho property of
II. B. Wright who with his wife U
Visiting Mr. and Mm. Marlon Ilarncs
on tho Kcno rood.
Mr. and Mrs. Wright camo here
from Reaford, Delaware, seeking to
locate, and stopped at the Houston
hotel before going to visit at the
llames ranch. Their three trunks
and belongings woro In their room at
the hotel and wero destroyed In tho
Harvey Thorp, tho Missouri welt
erweight, Is hooked tor a bout with
Johnny Tillman nt Dc Moines thl
ii nd' " 'issillllHijsilHB
K91 lllllllHIBsiHiMK.r JyBH ' II t
LCS9 ISvssssLBLSsvs bsW .S A wSS Leg., .BH l
CO. D, Co, HI
The Baby of Yesterday
Time passes so fast that it fairly seems to fly and it may be rightfully said
that "The Baby of yesterday starts to school today."
This being the case it behooves the parents to have Music in the home at
the very earliest opportunity. t
A good playerpiano like the Gulbransen educates the childish ear, is restful
recreation for-the father, and a real assistance to mother in entertaining com
pany and besides can be used just as satisfactorily by your musician friends.
Gulbransen Prices speak for themselves.
rw,"""" 1-irirriiri-ii-innnrtr.ruTjT.njVLn.n-rLTj-L-L-- --- .
' " -- 1, ,i ii 1-1 -n-Lan-n-n.T.-Ln.-u-.lru-i -
M T KlsililBs JilM SIB
I "t ml MF" m
If 4i. lr - M
mil ? lm Mr WmMiatr
mmiV jdflalr w $::f l!
imtmm m'mmr '
T,:. MODEL HATS -v- -'
FOR . ,
II A u t u m n and Winter -i
I Strikingiy Attractive .,
. Unusual and Varied' - 4l !
-' -rsfLssWaisk ttv '
K The favored colorings are Pheasant, Chow, Oriole, 'Gray, t
& Brown, Navy and the always desired Black. : I u:
X Also the Floradora Blouse and Petticoats in the new Autumn
2 : Shades. l
Veils, Veilings, Feathers, Ornaments, Flowers and Ribbons.
T We take great pleasure in inviting you to view this unusual'
T assemblage.
! Gertrude & Company
J 527 MAIN ST.
Earl Shepherd Company
One Business Music Exclusively
507 Main St., Klamath Falls, Ore.
At tho ago o( 4 Mozart composed
a number ol minuets and other
pieces still extant.
With "Babe" Ruth's salary figur
ing out at f 1.25 for every minute he
la In the game It Is evident that "B.
It." stands (or bank roll.
i The New York Yankees seem to
have tho (acuity o( coming nearer to
first place without touching it than
any other club In the major leagues.
Every minute Are costs the people
o( the United States five hundred
A special meeting of the Central Labor
.Council will be held oh FridaySeptember
10th, at which a financial report of the
Labor Day Committee will be rendered.
, SM.i.
Miss Irene Quest, wno competed
In the Olympic swimming contests.
ha donated aet ot medals to be
awarded wlnnera of the. 75-yard dash
in the first annual American Legion
field games, to be held St Philadel
phia Sept. 18.
Anyone owing ue or hav
ing bills against us is re
quested to call at Central
Labor Council Headquarter
over K. Sugarmans and
make settlement
J. J. Joknck,
Was. ataadola.