9 4, II tAOM six THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON 1 AMD'S CLASSIFIED COLUMNS FOR SALE RmI Estate WOn BAMO-Mowe ead lot. 478W. 1'hOBQ 1-1 FOR BALK A. few goed loU on ' paresaent 4n 'a' fast growing dU trlet; fram f2o0 ta $4t. Lota with la 4 block! otrWMt Pelican hotel $100 up. LoU wKhJa a block of 6th 8L paToraont fill and ap. Lots on Stato Highway huMa- ot city llratU 1175 and up. 8m W. M. Montellus, with Klamath Development Co., 1S03 Main Ht., phono' 1. S-tt FOR SALE lr owner, 5 million foot tlmb'or on Upper Klamath Idxkc, at retr low figure Wrlto K. T. Flsk. Whlto Pollcan Hotel. Klam ath Falls. 31-t FOR SALE Hy owner, a coxy four room bouse on pared street, two blocks from Main. Vory reasonable. 330 X. 11th St. 31-4 FOR SALE Hy owner, 20.000 acres Sections 1C nnd 36 In I.nko and Crook counties, at our own price. Mnko offer on any 640 acres or more. Wrlto K. T. Flsk, Whlto Pollcan Ho tel, or T. 11. Watters. 620 Main St. 31-4 WANTED IS men for Highway work. 15.00 per da and up. Ap ply Pelican liar Boarding Houso. 38-4 affl.V WAITED Line up your Job tor the. winter. We seed twenty raon now. Oood wage. Eight hours; steady work B1GLAKE3 BOX CO. SStt WANTED Woman cook for ranch. Good wages. Address Bos ?, Mer rill, Oregon. 37-5 WANTHD To rent or lease 4 or 5 room unfurnished modorn houso. Lawrence K. Phelps, caro Houston & Phelps. 23t( WANTED 2 nowsboys at tho Her ald ofllco. 27-tt The New City Laundry wishes to announce that they will be closed all day Monday, Labor Day We will call for laundry on Sunday and your laundry will be returned on the usual days the last of the week. We thank you for your pa tronage. New City Laundry Phone 154 5 Main M HIIAAAAAiAAAAAAii AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAa MAhWWMWWMwOWMWWVWVVWWVWMM FOR RENT OR LEASE FOR SALE Miscellaneous t'BKI GAIt IIA1U1ALM Ono lBSOiUalbohm. good condi tion; ono model 90 Ororland. now paint. Al condition; ono modelD 45 Bulck C, Al condition, new paint; 1 ono Bulck Bug a snap: one 2V4 ton truck, a bargain. Wo can handle your used ran. METROPOLITAN OARAGE -cor. 11th and Klamath. Try us for aerrlce. FOR RENT Nlco sunny bed room, southern exposure, overlooking town and lake. Might rent two or thrco rooms (or housekeeping. Would prefer someono who Is com panionable and congcnlnl, a loror of books, music nnd tho groat out ot doors. If afraid of hill to climb. don't apply. Phono 26SR. 3-4 The Kellogg apartments for leoso by owner. Apply at 813 Pine. 3-i0 OFP4CE ROOM FOR RENT Call 30S South Fifth street. , 3-tf AIRDALB PUPS for sate. Excep tionally line strain. Your chanco to get a good dog It you need one. 1433 Wolfcrd Are. 3-4 FOR SALE Ono Ford, 1918 model. E37 North 10th St- 2-9 FOR SALE 1920 Reo, used only C months. Bargain It taken at ace. Box 47. Herald Office. 2-tf PLACE ORDERS at once Wild plums, 16 lb. cases, ,$1.50 per rase, f. o. b. Lakevlew, Ore. Lloyd's Cash Store. 31-9 AUTO TR8CK Just the thing for a drayage busi ness or for hauling farm produce; four speeds. Pneumatic tires, one to two tons capacity. Must sell sr trade; Earl Shepherd Music Store. 30-tf HAY FOR SALE About 15 tons ot oat hay at 15 a ton. Frank Moor land, tt mile south Altamont corner. Phone 15F22. 3-7 FOR SALE Ono brand new fi-ton logging trailer. See Max Wels. Ctb St., near Ewauna Box Co. 30-tf FOR 8ALE Dandy restaurant prop 'osltlon. paying grocery In connec tion. Big snap. White Lunch. 3-4 FOR 8ALE Folding baby buggy. almost new. Call 1234 Lookout EL Phono 223W. 31-4 WANTED WANTED Contract grain. Havo three Apply 1203 Mala. for hauling 5-ton trucks. 3-7 for rent Now atora room. cor. 9th and Klamath Ats. 65x108. J, T. Ward Co.. 814 Main. 15-tt FURNISHED ROOMS for rent. Newly renorated, new bedding, hot and cold water, rates reasonable. Home Rooming House, 920 Klamath Are. 31-7 MISCELLANEOUS 93.00 ROUND TRIP $2.00 For last of the season excursion to Rocky Point on Upper lake, Sunday and Monday, Labor Day, boat leaves the landing at. 8:00 a. tn. For further Information inquire at West ern Transfer otflce. 1-4 DRESSMAKING- and .1021 Washlngtor. plain sewing. 1-8 PHONE PEYTON for wood 535 PIANO LESHONB Mrs. Osborn. pianist at tho Mon- dale theatre, will take a class In music. Inquire at box office of Mon- dalo theatre. 1-7 assmv ' KlsssssVl VIK5 4SflsssssslU UssBssssssssssx TSjCVsssssssl W-SSSSSSSSSSSSSSB I SjBSBBBBBBBBBBBBB SIMPLEX CREAM SEPARATORS for the practical dairyman. Light nuining and close skimming. For Sale by GILT EDGE CREAMERY COMPANY Phone 381J 202 Main St 1 - ..-. "irsjiryyTnrusrnnruyvn HAI.M OF TIMBER KLAMATH INDIAN RESERVATION LITTLE 8P1U0UH DMT Sealed bids In duplicate, marked outsldo "Bid Little Bpniguo Unit." and nddrossed to thu "Superintend tint, Klamath Indian School, Klamath Agency, Oregon," will do rocoirou until 2:00 o'clock P. M Pacific time, Wodnesday, October 27, 1930, timber on about 3,000 acres on for tho purchase of tho merchantable Spraguo River In townships 34 nnd 36 South, Range 8Easl, Wlllamutte Meridian. This unit Is ostlmatod nt 40,000,000 feet II. M mostly west ern yellow plnn ot which about 6.000,000 feet Is on nbout 480 acres of approved allotments, anil ns to which sopurnto approved contracts with tho Indian owners may prob ably bo made. No bid will be ac cepted for U1 Hum $1.00 for ol low nnd sugar pli.o and Incanso cedar, nnd 1 no for other species during tho period of tho contract ending March 31, 1921 Prices sub sequent to tb.it ilnto will bo fixed, by tho CumiulsJloiiur ot Imllnit Affairs for throe-) ear perlodi. Knch bid must statu tho rate per M that will tin until for each klml ot timber dur ing tho first contract porlnd ending March 31, 1921, and must bo nc, rotiiiiiiilmt liv a certified rlinck on a sohent Natlounl Hank drawn In fa vor nf tho Siinerlntumlont of ttioi iKItiniath Indian School In tho amount' lot $10,000.00. Thu deposit will bo) 'returned to unsuccessful bidders, but' lotulned its lliiuldntvd damages ltj dm successful blililor shnlt tall to, oxueuto rontrnct nnd furnish satis-1 factory bond for 110,000,00 witiun 60 days from tho accoptanco ot his bid. The right Is resorted to waive technical defects 'anil to roject any or nil bids. For copies of contract, regulations, fullor description ot tho nron. nnd olhur Information, apply to the Superintendent of the Klam ath Indian School, Klamath Agency, Oregon Washington, D. C, August 10, 1920. CATO 8ELL8, Commissioner of Indian Affairs. tilt pub. Aug. 19 7h. ft Sat. 12t CENTRAL AUTO SERVICE ' Call as any hour day or night for prompt service, carefal, o lite, experienced drivers! high class touring cars for out ot town trips. Bsggsgo stored fro for 99 days, lleasonablo ratos for city and out of town trips. Call us on phono G 13 for prompt service. CENTRAL AUTO SERVICE ROBERT S. FRY (leiiernl limirnmo, Investment Tel. 501-J 1367 Esplanade KLAMATH FALLS, ORE. T A clnsslflod Ad will sell It. FOR SALE ' Three stores, all paying. Location. Al. ' Must sell owing to other business. See 1008 Main St. AT THE THEATERS Where a man uses his brains to arrive at a conclusion, a woman uses her intuition. Instinctively she knows or feels that which a man reaches only through logical reason Ing. But the mystery ot "Ono Hour Doforo Dawn," In which II. II. War ner will bo starred ot tho Liberty Theatro next Sunday, will baffle a man's brain and defy a woman's In tuition. , "Ono Hour Ileforo Dawn" I fur from being tho usual t)pv of murder mystery, for herein hypnotism pl n pramlnont part. The question of whether or not II II. Warner, as the hero, committed iho murder wit Ho under a hjpnotlc spell, keeps the audience guessing at every turn. 'bono 400 It a Crestil n-729 Main St. Cttmllca . PASTIME Alnutt MiNMley, Prop. Cigar, Tobacco, Moft Drinks, Peel and Millard Harbor Shop In Connection Ollt MOTTO "Courtesy and Her v Ire i. t A Classified Ad will sell It. ;MMMIIMIMMllllllliMiiiiiiiiiiiiittataaAv44 HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPIONSHIP I' LADY BARBER SHOP- at Chlloquln, Oregon. -Now open 28-11 CITY GARBAGE When you want gorbago removed call 10F-23. Printing. Stationery ana office supplies. Pioneer Printing and Sta tionery company. 126 Main St. 9-tf .WANTED To buy, light team, wag' "on and harness. Must be cheap. F. C. Miller, 1900 Block, Oregon Arc. 2-4 WANTED Board and room with re' sponsible family, for '12 year old girl. Must furnish references. E. I. Fitzgerald, Chlloquln, Ore. ,3-7 WANTED A good girl or woman at the Marshall House at once. 1-7 Tbero are a number of boys and girls thai wish to attend the Klam ath county high school and work for their room and board or get outside work so that they may pay for these. Anyone wishing to. employ high school students will please communi cate with Mr. Goets, principal of the high school. i 31-4 I "I WANTED YOUNd WOMEN FOR TELEPHONE OPERATORS NO EXPERIENCE REQUIRED. SALARY PAID WHILE LBAWHNO. APPLY omm OPERATOR PAOtriOl TMt PHONE AND TssLsWRAPH CO. NOTICE OF SALE OF IRRIGATION DISTRICT BONDS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that sealed proposals will be received un til the 20lh day of September. A. D. 1920, at the hour ot two o'clock In the afternoon, for the purchase of Two Hundred Thousand Dollars (200,000.00) worth of.bonds of the Langell Valley Irrigation District of Klamath County, Oregon. Bald bonds to draw Interest at tbe rate of six per cent per annum, payable semi annually upon tho first day of July and the first day ot January of each year until the maturity ot said bonds. Scaled proposals will be rocelved by tbe Board of Directors of said Irrigation District, and should be di rected to the secrotary ot the Lan gell Valley Irrigation District, care ot Ferguson, Fletcher ft Mifflin, No. 16 Loomls Building, Klamath Falls Oregon. i The Bosrd ot Directors reserve the right to reject any or all bids offered. A. L. WISHARD, Secretary of the Board of Directors of Langell Val ley Irrigation District. A-14-S18. NOTICE TO TAXPAYERS of the Northwest Houston Opera House Klamath FalU, Oregon LABOR DAY SEPTEMBER 6, 1920 8.30 SHARP 24 Rounds of Boxing Bli 5S1 r -QLssBssssssWsLrvt .&? l- - i Hi f; I SsssssssssssssssfssssWdtkssssBstl M 3W i sf WssslssssSsssssssssssS IWsVsK sssWsWsw. it i jMflTT 'I in " yEWWssfcijsOssssi ' , Wr' f SHPsssssVlLlliVsSsit'nssssI flRflnV .. .XsslsssW'sssssssssI Jsst '.ssssslHl? r r. xflsKVsssssssssssssssssssssssY ssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssH HSBBBBBBBBBBSr''1 SSBBBBBBBBBBBBBB' BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBsV sssssssssssssslst. ' sssssssssssssssssssssssHsVI ssssssssssfi-hssssssssssssssssssssssssfifc. ' ssssssssssssssssssssssssssssf ssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssHsssk. ssss ssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssft . '" bssssssssssssssssssssssB ' .sssssssssssssssssssssssssssssUi 4ssssmsfev JCH jssssstfssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssH WILD HILL HEED V 41 '9- Vftr II p I Yon are hereby notified that tho Board ot Equalisation will attend on September 13, 1920(tbe second Mon-If Judge's office In tbe oldest court bouse, and will remain in session for thirty days from that date for tbe purpose of examining tba assess ment rolls for the year 1920, and correcting all errors In valuation, description or qualities of land, lota or other property assessed by the as sessor, it anau be tbe duty of an persona Interested to appear at the time and place appointed. All protests against valuations fixed by the assessor must be tiled with the board during the first ten days of said session. J. P. LEE, Assessor of Klamath County. SMI Wild Bnl Reed vs. Earl Ritchie ' Northwest Champion Klamath Falls, the Pride of Oregon i VMMM)VMWM Special event, Bobby Wagner of Seattle vs.. Kid Hartley of ' Yreka, six rounds. Also two rattling four-round preliminaries. sssjssssssssssssssilsssjsjsssssaajsi General admission, $2; Reserved seats, $3; Ringside $5; war tax included. Ticket now on sale at Jewel Cafe and Rex Cafe. FRANK SMITH, Matchmaker ' SOOTHING QUIETUDE FOR ITS PATIENTS la ono ot sny hospital's biggest assets and the location of this hospital makes It especially desirable from that Tlewpolnt. Only abundantly capable graduated nnrn-s ire em ployed, snd this fsct, added to oar unequalled staff of physicians aa excellent hospital equlpmuul lusuroe oar patients unsurpassed service. STAFF DR. E. D. JOIINKON DR. O. II. MERRYMAN tTR. T. C. CAMPBELL ' DR. GEORGE I. WRIOHT DR. E. D. LAM II, DR. H. D. LLOYD 8TEWART Klamath General Hospital MINERAL BATHS i Dr. Maad lagersoll Hawley OlropractJo Physician First National Bank Bulldlog Entraace, Room S ASHLAND, OREGON ALL KINDS ot tin and sheet Iron worse, vea tllatlag and warm air tseatlag done at tho Shannon Plsuablasj simp, xo, ioaa Mala a. L. N.HAINES Phono au ! Klamath-Bend Auto Stag A ",y .ut0 ,e wrrlca la bow operating botween Klamath Palls and Bend. Offlces Rex cafe and Met ropolltan Garage. C. I. Roekard Phone -276-W. l t Klamath Dye Works Phone 408 OUB CLEANING, PRESSING AND REPAIRING WILL MAKB-VOUR CLOTHES LOOK LIKE NEW HATS REBLOGKED Goods) Called for aad Deli4 4S1 Mala Street KlamaU. s-.tu JIS3L. Feed Your Chickens ,f;r Soiay- Murphey Feed & Seed Store i24.;so. 6th a. Hue 87 - i ! viiy. u 4, RflW n -.n 1 1 tfrsarMMrtaasBsi itwswssipsreisswsfsissp"