THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON TUsWDAT, AVqOT SI, ! L )L ivK ,- HAI.M nv TIMIIKIt KMMATH INDIAN IlKHKllVATION I1ITTI1H HPIlAmiM UNIT Healed hid In duplicate, marked outililu "lllil Lltllo Bpragini Unit," and wild round io the "Huporlntond rnl, Klamath Indian Hchuol, Klumath Agency, Oregon," will bo rocnlved until 3:00 o'clock P. M Pacific time, Wednesday, October 27, 1020, timber on about 3,600 acres on (or tbe purchase of tlm merchantable flpraguo lllver In townships 34 and SB Houtb, Itsnga I Host, Willamette Meridian. ThU unll la estimated at 40,000,000 feet II. M., mostly west ern yellow pine of which about 6,000,000 feet li on about '410 acre of approved allotment, and a to which Repnrnto approved contrnci with the Indian ownera mar prob ably bu nindo. No bid will bo Ac cepted for lvi than $4,00 for yol low and sugar pli.o and Incense codar, and 11. 00 for other spcclos durlnic thu porlod of tlio contract ending March 31, 1024. Price ub sequent to that ditto will bo fixed by tho Commissioner of Indian Affair for thrco-yitar period. Knch bid must stato tho rate por M that will bo paid far oach kind of timber dur Inn tlio first contract period ending March iJ I, 1024, mid must bo ac companied by n curtlfled chuck on a sulvunt National Hank drawn In fa vor of tho (Superintendent of tho Klnmnth tnitliiii Hrhnnl In tlm nniminl of $10,000.00, Tho deposit will boj ath Indian flchool, Klamath Agency, Washington, I), 0,, August 10, 1020. OATO BRLLB. CoiiuiiUalonor of Indian Affairs, 1st pub, Auk 10 Th. ft Sat. 12t JAI'ANKHI! MOHKI8 HIIV ABOUT ItlHINd TOKIO, July 24, (lly Mall).- Modnrn Japanenu art I endangered by luck of model. An unusual gath ering of 90 girl model and moot of tho prominent aculptor and painter wa held to try to solve thu question of tho demand for girl to pone. Tho art school udvortlsod and received only seven niiswar. Of tlirno seven applicant only four woro willing to pone In tho nudo and nnno of tlimn remained very long. Thny receive a sniary ranging iroui izj io r,u a month and arn expected to do two or throe two-hour Hitting a day. CimEINTO con, OCT. 29, AT SUIT LAKE TILTKII I'AltMHIt "I'lltKI)" IIKHLIN, Aug. 3, (lly Mull). Count Minister, who wun first oiiuor ry to thu former king of Haxony and slnco ha hald nil Important portion In tho Itepiibllcnn mlnlntry "7or ntcrl- or sui.uuu.uu. Tlio iirpoyit will no cuUur lttll loc UIIimBry dls returned to unsuccessful blddori, but . , retained a liquidated damage If) """" Tno explanation given on nenair or the government for hi dismissal I that the count had mild In public that Ilorr Hchwarz, hi rhlnf, tho present minister for agriculture, for merly a metal turner, "didn't know anything about agriculture" only In lot respectful term. the successful blddor nhnll fall to t'Xecuto contract and turnUh satis factory bond for $1C;000.00 within HO day from the acceptanco of hi bid. Tho right I reervod to waive technical defect ind to reject any or all bid. For cople of contract, regulation, fuller description of, the area, and other Information, apply to tbo Ruperlntendent of tbe Klsm- II L .1 - Ai-l.-- ...J. 1 IX Iloforo an aoroplano li considered prfect, It ha to paia through 200 tests. A CUsiiSii Au iil Nil H. W mm SBBk, .BLaiaw .eaa' ' M BHaiBW k VsBBBBBBBBal TSmT 'I EaLftAmaaaaBSJaM ' YOVR NKW HVIT will aland Inspection and command approbation If you hava u tailor It for you from our exclusive fabrics In oar accustomed superior style. Wa guarantee a perfect fit alwaya. The wearer of a ault made by ua ha alwaya the satisfaction of feeling himself perfectly drossed. CHAS. J. CIZEK MERCHANT TAILOR 518 Main Street AT THE THEATERS Louis Uennlion'a latest rolcaui. "High I'ockets," begin with a mys tery, develop In a mysterious way, and ends when the hero ho brought to light all tho shrouded Incident from which tbe story grow. "High rockets" will be presented at tho Liberty Theatre tonight. The opening of tho story show the finding of n man' body by the federal marshal, "High Pocket" Henderson. He soon tearna that the man I a rancher from' tbo east, and later dis covers a reason for'tho murder when he come upon a gang of cattlo thieve In the act of rebrandlng the murdered man' cattle. Out on the ranch, the dead man's slater I trying to run the ranch alone, waiting for the coming of some one to take the plaeo of her brother. However, "High I'ocket" Induce her to come to town and tako a position In tho general store, whero he will bo able to watch over her. When all -chance of proving the guilt of tbo men whom "High Peck-, et" suspects seem slim, the murder ed man' twin brother arrives In town. "High l'ockot" sends tho brother to tho gang's hangout and watches a they cry out at tho appearance of the "ghost," and' begin to accuse each other of tho murder. Tho culprits meet tbelr.Just departs. X X Lake Co. Stock Ranch Sacrificed 320 acres in the Fort Rock country, im proved, 9 miles of fencing, house, water sup ply, level land. Worth. $6,400. Will sell for half. Here only for a couple of days. Act quickly. C, B. PIERCE, at Hotel Hall , Green Slabs Thla Is good wood If bought early and drlod. Do not dolay your orders, a you must buy early If you want cheap' wood. Fuel will be higher next winter than last, a feed, labor and freight ore higher. We are prepared to glvo you quick service and the best, of wood. Our prices are cheap ,on block, wood also. Order now and bo propurod. 1 . O. Peyton & Co. 410 MAIN. ''WOOD TO BURN'' PHONK B85' Tho Initiative ho been taken by tbo California Cattleman's Associa tion for tho calling of a Western tntc Conference to solve Joint problem of tho Industry. Tho big gest of those problem I that of Imurkutlng cattlo at a fair prlco to tho producer. And tho tendency among cuttlomen I decidedly tow- lard co-oporatlvo marketing, which (bus proven so successful among (fruit growor. uavia J. moainry, nccreiary oi tho California Cattlemen' Assooia' jtlon, ha written to association In tunny other state of tho West, pro posing Hint (tin Conference bo hold Halt Lake City October 28th, 29th kind 30th. It I suggested that of Acorn of thn following stato associa tion attend: Arizona, Colorado, California, Idnbo, Montana, NuviuM, New Mexico, Oregon, Texas, Well ington, Wyoming nnd lltuh. In hi letter Htollery write: "Tho above named, wbllo ropnj Minting In nuntber onu-fourth of tbo Htatcs. run nearly one-third of tbo (cattlo In tho country, although In population they comprise but about ono-tcnth of tho Inhabitant of the (United Htatcs. "Tholr contribution, tbercforo, to the .Nation' food supply I tremen Vlously In excess of their own re quirement. "Kach season there Is a scurry to tho Kostorn and Mlddlo Western xnarkot of surplus rail In, unit until bow no concerted effort has been hiada to guago tho demand and fur nish tho supply to more nearly ac cord with It. "It la this thought which prompts Ithe suggestion by tbe California Cat tlemen's Association that a confer ence of all of tbo officers of the cat tlemen's associations of tbe twelvo itatea mentioned bo called within tho near futuro to give consideration to and It dcemod practical act upon the following suggestiens: 1. A plan of action whereby the seasonal surplus supply of cattle front the various states can be 'gauged. 2. Tbo preparation of a schedule (by which a mkire steady supply of tattle would enter the varloua East- lorn and Middle Western markets. "3. National legislative matters pertaining particularly to Federal flnnnclal aid. "4. -Knacttnont of States or Fed kirsl legislation toward the eradica tion or tuberculosis In range cattle And the elimination of tubercular tattle entering our markets. S. Action tending to withhold Jrom prima cattlo markets half-fat cattle and feeder. "C. Prevention of glutting other state with feeders. "7. A closer co-opcratlon ba twecn tho states association with respect to food and other conditions. 8. Kffort to re-establish the branch offices, of tho United State bureau of Markets. I "9. Policy of, a campaign having h It object stimulation of beef consumption." It has been realized by cattlomon thnt no ono stato could solve Its lo cal problem without tho co-opcra-(tlon of other states whoso cattlo fcomo Into competition. For In ktnnco: Nevada, Utah nnd Arltona cattlo bnvo an Important Influenco on tho California market. California Icattlo havo Influenced the Portland muirkot by a number of Hhlpmonts Ithl season. California cattlo havo como Into competition with other Btntes at Omahai Kansas City and tivou Chicago. Out of thU confer unco It Is hoped will como n doflnlto program whoroby each stuto can ills 1)080 of Its surplus cattlo at reason able prlcos without injuring tho hiurkot tor othor Htatcs. Marketing unquestionably will be tho most lm- IFMONETSflG T m TIKE ITS BUSINESS CARDS Hays Itackache Is lga yosi tteesi eating too snack have When you wake ut with backacha and dull misery In the kidney re gion It generally means you have boon eating too much meat, says a well-knownauthority. Meat forms nrle acid which overworka the kid neys in their effort to filter It from tho blood and they become sort of paralyzed and loggy. When your aianeys goi siuggisn ana clog you must relievo them, like you retlove your bowels; removing all the body's urinous wasto, oiso you nave a back ache, sick beadacbo, dizzy spoils; your stomach sours, tonguo Is coat ed, and when the weather Is bad you havo rhrjimatlc twinges. The urino Is cloudy, full of sediment, channels often get sore, water scalds and you aro obliged to seek relief two or three times during tho night, Klthcr consult a rood, rcllabla physician at nnco or get from your phnrmnclnt about four ounces of Jad Halts; take a tablospoonful In a glass of water before breakfast for a few days and your kidneys will then act flno. This famous salts Is made from tho acid of grapes and romon Juice, combined with lltbla, snd has bcon used for generations to clean and stlmulato sluggish kid noy, also to neutralize acid In the urlno so It no longer Irritates, thus ending bladder weakness. Jad Salts Is a llfo saver for regu lar meal eaters. It Is Inexpensive, cannot Injure and makes a dcllght- rui, onorvesccnt ntnia-water drink. j WWWMWWMMWWWMW j Klamath Falls Cyclery IWa handle tbe bft la our line, saca as Motorcycles, Dieyeies, Parts and Accessories, Ooodysar, Penasrlvaala and Diamond Tires and Tikes. The house of tho two aid three wheelers, Uelid iBg hUrlsr-Devldsoa Serrlee. O.B. m fc est at. aaasasj. "iTiTslVi 'u y UVtrtAAATiaAA' PROFESSIONAL CARDi MswswMsMAVMAMMMArwVwVMiMiWhl ; i -7 FRED WESTERFELD raxruri" ' Phone 4I4W. X.fUy Isihsrsiory MSSBBsfliTTSsSaBSBBBBBSSBBBW JJ"JJJjj-nrinnnnruxnjxaAAAJUusf 327 PHONE 39 MAIN STREET J. O. CTjEGHOKN Civil BsMjriaeer aad swrejror . Office 617 Mala M. Pfcoaesi Ode 1M, He. 10U NOTICE MINIMUM FEB DILL ADOPTED IIY TUB KLAMATH COUNTY MEDICAL SOCIETY, SEPT. 1. 1920. Office ealla S3 In r; 1borstcr work extra. Resldcnco calls, day $'4.00; night, 8 p. m. to 8 a. m.. IB. Proportionate increase for extra members of tbe family. Special emergency calls or absolute quarantine eases, so to 100 per cent Increase. Mileage $1.50 per mile. Proportion ate increase for bad roads. Consultation or advice by telephone, $2.00. Consultation 110.00. Vaccine administration $3.00 per dose. (Jeneral anesthesia $15.00 and ap. Ordinary confinements $50.00 aad ap. i NOTICE TO CREDITORS H BSSf ill r flMWWlMMMMWWMSJ at Daatiit O. O. F. pavoraei Va1lsVt 177R ! wart i Office Phone 177W Res Dr. H. D. Lloyd Stewart Phystrlaa ait4 n arises White Building Klamath Falls Oregon wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwf O. K. FEED tft SALE STABLES Under new manage ment Best care taken of all stock placed in our barn. Horses, harness and wagons bought, sold and exchanged. DR. F. R. GODDARD Osteopathic Physician and Surgeon Office and Residence Phones 321 L O. O. F. Temple r DENTISTS Dr. E. G. Wisecarver psora sm Dr. P. M.Nel mom a Otar Hi E. D.LAMB PHTHCXAN AND CMOsO PfcoaeslTW 17R Reowtel sad 1 White DR. T.C CAMPBELL PHT81CIAN AND I LO.o.r,i RssUeaee WhIU PaMssss Pheewf. DR. L. L. TRUAX WAKRKN HUNT HOssTRAtj Day 4sW Wlsjsa portant subject considered by tho jeonforence. PLANK nURNRD BY BACKFIRE OF ENGINE MAU8HFIELD, Ore., Aug, 31. The Washington, Oregon and Idaho company's plane that has been oper ated horo for the past few weeks by Lieutenant Brlggs, burned on the Marshfleld landing field when tha onglne backfired. Lieutenant Brlggs and his assist ant had started the engine and were going to Myrtle Point. They had a tiro otlngulshod and succeeded In putting tho fire out once, but not! until the machine was half burned. . All that waa left of It was the tall, which thoy chopped off, The plane was fully Insured. In tbe County Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Klamath. In the matter of tbe estate oi Hiram C. Chamberlln, deceaaed. deralgned. administratrix of I'-n en-1 tata of Hiram C. Chamberlln. - ceased, to the creditors of and all) norsons having claims against tno said deceased, to exhibit such claims, with the necessary vouchers, within six months after the first publication of this notice, to the said administra trix, at the office of Wilson 8. Wiley, Attorney at Law, Odd Fellows' Build ing. Klamath Falls. Oregon, wntcn said offlco the undorslgned selects as her Dloce of business In all mat tura connected with tbe said estate of Hiram C. Chamberlain, deceased. First notice published 10th day or August, 1920. LAURA E. CHAMBERLIN, Administratrix of tho Estate of Hiram C. Chamberlln, deceased. Aug. 10-17-24-31-7 flA0mA00AAAAAAA0m000 JssllJal KLAMATH AUTO arums wuiaava wa W 4bsb1 sBSksBsMaaw1 Wm aaVajassMj aasMBassjsr satNew oaaa lassie as Oraaa vSSHsBsssassaasj AUb woax SAW MUX raCMNKosHsKl A ooNMimjcnoN oa. Vi WSSX SH SSSSSBSSSBS VW. UBERTV HATINRBS Two completo matinees every af ternoon at the Liberty, starting at 1:10 and 3:30. 27-31 ESTRAY ' Camo to my place, known as the Will Humphrey ranch on the Merrill road, Sunday, August 29, 1920, year ling bull, black, dehorned, unbrand- ed. Owner may have same by paying costs. Phono 1SF2. F. W. sexton. 30-1 WILL CUT CEDAIt EX-SKRVICS MEN, ATTENTION! The regvlar meetings of Klamath Post Mo. 1, American Legion, will he held at 8 o'clock p. at., at the City Ball la Klamath Falls, oa tbe second and fourth Tuesdays of each month. All Comrades are in vited. Those Oselrtas to Jola tho Post may secure application blanks from O. K. Van Riper, Fred Nicholson, or I H. Camahan, all of Klamath Falls. niD NICHOLSON. Secretary. 8.P., I asm aow areaarei (a raimaaa Shasta Band from Ua Hear. Cam, aaad aad gravel att, la any sjaaaHly that may be desired aaatrartatf aadhalldeta. Abr.mAHAit. WESTERN LABOR BUREAU The only place where you can get help and tha only place where you can get a job. 1034 MAIN ST. Phone 477-J Let Your GLASS trouble belfiha C E. STUCKEY Re-GUiinf and CahiaMt Making Phone 477W Eleventh and Pisa : i ' BANDON. Ore., Aug. 31. Ono of the finest stands of white cedar on! tbo coast la soon bo to logged by O. M. Wllloughuy & Son, who havo Just procured machinery for operat ing a logging camp and sawmill in the Rock creek district. They have a tract, containing 1,000,000 feet of timber. STOPS HEADACHE, P1.JPGIA Deal safari Oat a dbae pack , of Dr. Jamas' Xesdsoks Prolan. NEW n LAUNDRY FINISHED WORK FLAT WORK ROUGH DRY "Put Your Duds In Our Suds" PHONE 1S4 Corner Main and Conger CX-X& Klaaaatfc Udffa Ntw 132 LQ.Q.F. I A HaraM Waat Ad wttl seM tt You can clear your head and rellove a dull, splitting or violent throbbing headache in a moment with a Br. James' Headache Powder. This old time headacho relief acta almost magi-', rally. Send some one to thetdrug store noyr for a dlmo piu-Ungo and a few mo neiit after you take n powder you will wonder what bccnluo of Uie head che, ncurnljjln uml p-ilii," Stop suffer B It's ueedlebs. p ifj you get what .ou ask for. v FA1RVIEW TRANSFER Prompt Serrlee aad Rates, also Special Rates oa Oat of Town Trips Phone 260-R Meets Friday night of each week at I. O. O. F. hall, 5th aad Mala streets. H. H. Ogle, N. Q.; W. C. Wells, Sec retary; W. D. Cofer, Treasurer. Ewauaa Encampment No. 41. I. O. O. F.J meets Tuesday night of each week 'at I. O. O. F. ball. Harry Loucks. C. P.; W. D. Cofer, Scribe; Fred Bueslag, Treasurer. WILSON ABSTRACT COMPANY MTl GILT EDGE BUTTER 65c Purity Brand Ice Cream 0o qt, . Freak, Ranch Eggs 0c dos. Milk Cream and Full Cream Cheese GILT EDGE CREAMERY C saM'aK: "f THE ARCADE HOTEL 10SsV8 MAIN ST. PHONE 477-J The alaee vrtth hoaaa ceaafarta, deaaliasas, awaty at fraaa asr aad ao laslda rooms. top to yot Cverytblsujt aow bottom aad rates to v L, DR. G. A. MASSEY Foartk aad Psaa Sts. In Warrsa Haat Rosattal Oft. Fhoaa 417 Kss. rktMlIlL I, 3- vs ' v i 9,-l P v