The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, August 30, 1920, Image 1

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    nHiHt-ifiu wn n
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Wat iEutmfng Herald
. - T TTHTf !aLm '-nnMB i M-
Fourteenth Year No. 4011
-v " " ' IA pMftf'.
ROTTERDAM, Aug.30. The Hol
land Pilgrim Fathers tercentenary
celebration begin today and will
continue to Soptembor 3, attar which
others will be held In Plymouth,
tondon and Nottingham, snye the
A memorial service wilt bo hold In
leyden tomorrow on ttia spot where
John IloblnaoB, the principal I'll
rim Fathers llred, alio In tho Eng
lish Reformed church In Amiterdam
and the Bcoti choreh In Amaterdam.
The ofllclal reception of the dele
gates will Inke place Monday, Aug
ust 30 In Uiyden whun the Minister
Van Karnobeck and Do Vlimttr will
deliver specche. The flnl aemlon
on that day will he presided over by
the American minister In Holland,
William Phillip, while Hlr Itoqald
tlrahata, tho llrltlth Mlnliter In Hol
land, will preside over the second
On Heplomber 1 tho delegate will
aemblo In Amiterdam tor which
occailou an Impressive program Is
compiled. On September 2 tho mora
ben will ntakn a boat trip from Ley
den to Delfahaven along the pictur
esque ranal, at the Pilgrim Fathers
went In canal boat spending the
night of August 31, 300 )oar ago In
prayer In Delfshaven. On arrival
In that same little place which forms
now part of llotterdam a memorial
nervier will be hold In the church
and Rome other feitlvltln will take
place In the town of Hottenday af
ter. Delegate will then leave for the
celebration at I'lymouth Hie name
LONDON, Aug. 30. Tho Soviet
force are engaged In a counter of
fanilve agalmt the Pole eat of
Breat-Lltovak and have occupied four
village, aaya the Moscow wireless
announcement Issued yesterday.
WAI18AW. Aug. 30. A wireless
snssaag from Minsk aaya members of
the Polish peaco delegation and those
accompanying the mission, .are be
coming III due to unsanitary condi
Marion Francis, the seven-months-(old
so of Mr. and Mra. W. C. Ktoll,
klled -yesterday morning at the Ezell
Taome on the Merrill road. The little
lono was Buffering from cholera In
fantum and It was of this disease he
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Tho body of Claude Chandler,
who lal night wan taken from
Jail hero by u group of masked
moil, was found early today
banging from a troo about eight
mile wed of thu city, according
to n telophona message to tho
sheriff offlco,
Chandler wu arreted and
Jallod Buturday In connection
with tho (hooting of two offi
cers who attempted to raid a
moonihlno still near Arcadia.
soon BOUTS
lloliby Allen received the decision
In thu main event at Chlloquln Satur
day night In a 10-rouod boxing con
test with Louie Lyons, of Los An
geles. The bout win described by
fans as a fierce and sensational bat
tle, In which thu boy from thu cafe
teria belt fought gamely against
heavy odd In weight.
One Klamath Falla fan said:
"Lyons put up a game fight and do-
serves much credit. The contest was
Just ono fierce rally after another,
but It demonstrated again that a
good little man cannot beat u good
big man "
Allen had the advantago In weight
of 30 pounds, It was said.
In the stinl-flnal Earl Itltchle, who
Is stated for the main event with
Wild Hill ItiHid, Ban Francisco heavy
weight, hero Labor day, stopped HI
Stalnbrook In the third round.
Itltchle showed hi usual speed,
which Is astonishing for u big fellow,
aad ability to hit. j ')'' 1
In the nnen ng bout Kid Harney or
Yreka knocked out Kid l.arry In'the
fourth round Larry substituted fnr
Hobby Wagner, who bad a soru back.
Ho was In poor shape but went on'ot
a momnet's uotlco to save'tho crowd
from disappointment and fought
gamely until exhausted.
Chlloquln fans were satisfied with
the exhibition, was the word brought
back, and asked for more bouts
Matchmaker Smith atarta a busy
week today, arranging for next Mon
day night's contest, nival training
camp are also looking forward to a
atrenuoua week of finishing work
ImlMHttni fnf nlalnllff warn finlArffd
Sat.rday, In tf)tf KUm.!
State bank against , Qui' W,. Ingram
for 1400, with Interest from May 30",-
1820, and attorney's too. Execution
against dofondant's proporty to en
force Judgment, Is ordered.
Judgement for 100, Interest,
costs and fee, was rendered for
plaintiff In tho suit of James Olvan
against Frank llodrlgguex.
Decree quieting tltlo to property
on Eleventh treot. near High, being
part of lot K, F and Q, block 4G,
Nichols addition, was Issued In tho
suit of L. Jacob against E. A. Klely,
W. II. McCoy, W. C. Crlttonden nnd
Frank Moorland reports the ale
of his ranch on tho Merrill roud to
vW. C. Townsond. Tho ranch which
contains 48 acres was formorly
known' as the Walton place. Tho
transaction (nvolvod 914,000, and
was completed last Friday.
HERKELEV, Cal Aug. 30. Tho
California Farm Duronu federation's
wool pool organized to handle the
marketing of tho spring wool clip for
farmors has consigned to dato about
a 'million pounds of wool, according
to W. II. Ilolloman, socrotary. From
tho total amount Bhlppod Yolo nnd
Mendocino counties consigned fully
Tho Peel, for tho spring clip Is
practically closod for tho stute; some
of tho assignments aro as yet in the
sheda in California, but the greater
portion of the .shipments have been
made east.
The commltteo In charge of the
Labor dey.colobratlon to bo hold next
Monday reports that Its preliminary
work has been completed, and an In
tensive week' work remains to be
Every buslne establishment in
tho city has signified It Intention .of
closing on the holiday, and, a Labor
day follows Sunday, 'all persona are
reminded to do their ahopplng on
Saturday In preparation for two holi
Tentative plan Include parade
of all affiliated unions, commencing
promptly at 10 a. m.. from Main and
Spring streets, adjacent to the Big
Ilaslg Lumber company plant. Invi
tations hare been extended to city
and county officials to participate.
The entire afternoon, practically, will
be takes UP by a sports and games
program, whch will consist of over
20 events, and will provide oppor
tunity for enjoyment to the largo
crowd expected to attend. Valuable
prlsea will be competed for.
Two big special events are listed
and great rivalry has already mani
fested Itself. A log-sawing contest
will attract a number of woodsmen
who claim to "wield a wicked aaw,"
and the prises offered will undoubt
edly evoke keen competition. The
tug-of.war, the main event of the
day, will be blttorly contested. Lest
Labor day, the fortune of war went
against the carpenters' union, which
ha since greatly augmented it mem
bership, nd tho earpenter4awear a
mighty eath to "bring home the
bacon" this year, wiping out the atlg
ma of pest defeat. Dut 'the timber-
worker, who oppose the carpenter
In this year tug, have Idcaa of their
own, and are saying nothing, and
sawing wood, (no pun Intended). '.
Several hundred dollar In cash
nnd merchandise have boon donated
by the merchant and professional
men of the city, and the committee
In charge of arrangements is prepar
ing a souvenir program, in wnicn
every contribution will be acknowl
Aa soon as arrangementa aro com
plete, a full and detailed program
v.l be published.
CHICAOO, Aug. SO. The senate
Investigation of Republican and Dem
pe'ratlo' presidential campaign expen
diture! started hero today.
' Tho Republican campaign for 110
will be carried on at total expendi
ture of 38,000,000, according to tesi
tlmony given by Will Hays, chairman
of the national committee, but ho ex
plained that $1,100,000 had been ex
pended by the organization which
went out of office with tho end of tho
Republican national convention.
Hays emphasized that the prcsont
nuttonal committee hud a budget of
npproxlraatoly 13,000,000 und that
11,000,000 of tho total amount ex
pected a pass through tho commit
tee's treasury would bo allocutod
baog to tno states tor siricuy siuie
Hays de'plcd Governor Cox's alle
gations and said positively that no
"big money Interests" had underwrit
ten the Ropubllcan expenses.
Hay told Senator Kcnyon ho
never heard of tho quota list of the
cities Qgvornor Cox net out In Ills
Pittsburgh speech. "Somebody gave
the governor a shoddy list." said
Hays. 1'IIU statements In regard to
the wh.fle quota matter are false
SA.N, FRANCISCO, Ami. 30. For
mal call has been Usucd tor the
twenty-first annual ccnvontlon of the
California 8tato Federation of Labor
to be held nt Fresno, beginning Mon
day, October 4, 1920. The call was
Issued" by (he executive council, Cali
fornia Btftio Federation of Labor, of
which panlel C. Murphy, San Fran
cisco, if prosldent. (
ORRaC-N -Tonight and Tuesday,
During tho abnonce of Mr. and
Mrs. J. II, Short, who wore In Klam
ath Falls Saturday, flro destryoed
their homestoad homo on Cherry
creek, 40 mile north of hero, with
all Kb content. Tho flro started
from a defective stove pipe and Ig
nited tho roof, Tho two amall 8hort
boys wore at home but could do noth
ing to save the place. Deddlng.
clothing, several months' supply of
provisions, record and papers, and
furniture were Included in the con
tent of the house.
Mr. Short estimates hi toss at
1600. There was no Insurance.
Among other paper burned was hi
lire Insurance policy. This is the
second time In little more than a
year that ho ha lost all of hla house
hold goods by flro. Ills belonging
were stored In the lower part of the
American hotel hero when that place
burned last year and he lost every
thing. The life Insurance .policy
burned at that time bnt was replaced,
as it will have to be again.
MUs C. M. Drooklns has arrived
from Portland to take a position In
tho ready to wear department of H.
Ni More'a "Woman Store.",
: Mr. and Mrs. Grant NeUon, Miss
Helen Ouest, Miss Eunice Branden
burg and Miss Florence Kothogen,
who Is visiting here with Mrs. Orant
Nelson from Roseburg, spent yester
day plenlclng on the Nelson ranch
near Keno. They report a wonder
ful tlmo horseback riding and play
ing around on the ranch.
AuKtntlne Donavon, who Is prac
ticing Jaw wlth'W. C. Van Emmon.
loft yesterday for Portland on mat
ters of business.
John E. Walker, Jr., has retarned
from a trip to Portland ana uooie.
While there Mr. Walker attended to
matters of buslneis connected with
30 acres of land which be owns In
and about Portland. In speaking of
tho country up there ho say that the
flower and vegetation of all ac-
crlptlona are wonderful and that po
tatoes planted au wee as ago now
weigh three pound apiece. Mr.
Walker west on to aay that Klamath
county could have the very same
sort of thlng'.here If people wcmld
sat take the trouble to try sheen.
E. r. Brady was In tovnt.laat night
from Derris. California, aaeUett this
aoralar for ChUoe.utn.
Helen A. Leonard I registered at
the White Pelican hotel from Ban
"ll. T. Holden- Is In Klamath Falls
today from Eugene. He la stopping
at the White Pelican hotl.
W. P. Blake la apendins a few-days
hero from Portland. Oregon.
Mrs. J. D. Fay, who has been
spending some time with her broth
or, If. M.'Mnnnlng. left this morning
tor her home In Portland.
Mr. and Mrs. Levi McDonald wore
county seat visitors from their ranch
home In Langell valley yestorday
Mr. and Mrs. Krlckhaua left this
morning for their homo In Missouri,
nftcr a three weeks' trip along me
Pacific coast. They visited Mr. and
Mrs. M. P. Evans while In Klamath
Mr. and Mrs. H. N. Moe, Mr. and
Mrs. William McNonlly and Charles
Grieves made a trip to Malln yester
day to see tho wonderful crops down
there and they were not disappoint
ed, Mr. Moo reported today.
H. N. Poole left on the morning
train for San Francisco where he
well be gone for aeveral days on bus
iness. Jack Corkery will leave tomorrow
for the hills In the hope of getting a
IMoer when the Boason opens Wednes
day. '
Mrs. C. P. Mason, with her chil
dren, Holon and Bobble, are expect-,
td homo tomorrow from a weeks
vlait with friends In tho country.
F. l. Fletcher, of the law' firm of,
Forgnson, Fletchor ft Mifflin, left
this morning for Portland "where he
will spend a week on matters of bus
J. B. Buttler, Jr., who haa been
visiting friends lure tor the past few
itajrs left for hla home-In Monmouth
this mornlnr Tin- Crater Lake and
PEKINO, (Saturday), Aug.-
28. Martial taw has been de-
L dared In Canton, in a move of
tho southwestern military gov-
ernment for the overthrow of
tho Peking government, accord-
Ing to the Asia news agency.
BELFAST, Aug. SO. Rlotlpg and
destruction of property wa renewed
here early today, the Unionist quar
ter being the scene of serious disor
der. Troop opened fire and a
young woman waa critically injnred
and a man wounded. At an early
hour other disturbances had occur
red and maay shops were wrecked.
The troop opened, fire from an
armored car to clear the afreet.
Ship worker, unarmed, were attack
ed on their way to work bnt soldUr
checked the troublo.
Today'a rioting 1 ald by the po
lice to be the worst Belfast haa seen.
Up to 1 o'clock it waa definitely
known that four deaths bad occurred
aa the result of the disorders.
LONDON, Aug. 30. The hunger
atrlke o'f Terrence MacSwlagy, mayor
of Cork, haa progressed o far- that
(even If he took food now it would do
him no feed, according to a state
ment by Dr. -Brixton, prison physi
cian, to Maoflwlngy's wife.
The Klamath county teachers' In
stitute will open Wednesday for a
three Hays' session. State Superln
tendeat J. A. Churchill will be
among the prominent educators of
the state who wilt address the meet-
The Pareat-Teechers' association
has undertaken to provide rooms for
s assay vtsttlsg teachers sad s
committee ha been appointed to list
nil avsllsble quarters. Resident
haviag rooms to place at the disposal
of the association are requested to
aotlty- Mra. Marlon Hknks, phone
248J, or Mrs. E. P. Lawrence, phone
Aameag .speakers, at the institute,
bssHs Superintendent Churchill, will
bo Miss Msude Regsn of Portland,
who will teach a primary grade here
tis year; Miss Catherine Arbuthnot
of the Monmouth normal; Thomas
Gentle, also from the normal school,
and Dr. Grant, lecturer for the Ore
goaullygelne society.
Friday, tho flnal day of the ses
sion, the school boards of the county
will hold a convention.
C. E. Blsmark was the subject of
a serious accident yesterasy wnen
the brakes of tho motorcycle on
which ho was coming down Third
street refused to held: and In mak
ing the turn on to Main street tho
excessive amount of speed caused
tho machine to run Into the curb,
fracturing Mr. Blsmark' leg and al
so dislocating It.
There waa another nun with him
(but he escaped serious Injury and
waa only badly frightened as far as
could be learned today. The Injured
man Was taken Into1 Carl Schubert's
automobile shop and a doctor was
called. Mr, Blsmbrk Is now In the
hospital. '
SAN FRANCISCO,, Cal., Aug. 30
Co-operative agreements tor forest
protection .have been entered into be?
tween Lake, Mendocino and Butte
counties and the state forester by
which the state maintains a ranger
tor the district and counties stand all
expenses of fighting forest fires, ac
cording to a report from M. B. Pratt,
deputy state forester.
From present indications and re
ports, whst Is to be the first sad
largest of reunion of America's
fighting division In the World'irar.
will assemble aroand the bay sttles
st the Golden Oste. Once mora tha
Whls-s-s Bangs!!!" will alng aid
the "when Buddie and I went orer
the top" stories will be renewed, aad
"you remember Gssass Hill" conver
sations, alt to be goas over together
with ths "turnip drive." ,
A circular letter Is being sent oat
from San Francisco to'srery knows
"Buddie's" sddress, f the ceatrsl
committee of the reunion, to , tha
members, their friends snd relatives,
of the (Wild West) list division, to
be held at Jdor park. Osklsnd, Cat.,
September, 21, commemorating the
battle of the Argoane, when the Bins-
ty-flrst received Its first baptism un
der fire. Among the Invited gaeets,
will be General John J. Pershlsf.
Major Geaeral Willisa E. Johastoa,
commander of the nlsety-flrst over
sea, as well sa sit former division,
brigade snd regimental commanders
of the division.
It Is expected that some 30,001
"Buddies," together with their rela
tives snd friends, will be present on
this occasioa; esearsioas from all
aits of California.' Oregon, Wash
ington, Meatsaa, Idaho, Nevada aad
Utah, an being arranged.
Over l.tss ssea tram the 3Mrd
Infantry aleae, wUl bo there. Otasr
salts which will bo represented, some
la fall fares, are the 847th field ar
tillery, tha Mssoalc ambulaacs cons
(Slftjs Petd ambalsaeo eomsaay)
thrStH:4'47th;9ss4BasJilas gaa
bataUlon; tie 3 1st,. 3 2nd.- 314th
infantry regiments, the 34th aad
341th field artillery regiments, the
31th engineers, tae 31th ammuni
tion trains snd ths 31th military
police. All these organisations .will
maintain headquarters In the varloas
hotels and clnbs In the city where
former comradea may gather to re
new old friendships. ?
At Idors psrk s great variety of
entertaiameat w. be afforded a
former fighters la thi form of boxlag
contest asdsr the tirectlon of Wil
li Rltejsla swIaiBiljjg races, danc
ing, band coacertsi aa aerial" clrcaa
participated la by army aviators, aad
a tug-of-war between repreeentstlves
of the 181st aa) Iliad lnfsatry bri
gades, moviag Mstaras or, tae am
slon In trslslng at Camp Lewis, la
action in Fraaes aad Balgidm. aad
Its return to the United Ststes will
slso be shown under the auspices of
the United States, signal corps.. Ths
Red Cross. Y. M. C. A., K. C, Wsr
Camp Community Service, Salvation
Army and other war service organ
izations will maintain huts on the
grounds to assist in the entertain
ment of the former doughboys.
The committees haying the affair
I In charge, are hard at work perfect
ing their plans, In order to insure
the success of the celebration. The
reunion committee, under the direc
tion of 8ergeant Major James I. Hers,
secretary, has opeaad a registration
and Information bureau In room 206,
city hall, San Francisco, where sll In
quiries msy oe soareasea.
Threshing now being done by tho
big Holt combined harvester on the
Caledonia marsh shows wonderful
yields, barley going sa high aa 80
bushels to the acre, rye making IB
bushels 'and wheat, t Is estimated,
yielding 50 bu4her
inn tract was raw iauu jun wo
car ago. Too grain crop is on me
land recently purchased by tho Klam-
atn Mint company, ana is iocuibu
iilght miles above") Klamath Falls oa
Caledonia marsh and Upper Klamath
laketV '
PORTLAND, Aug. 30. All mar
kets steady; choice steers I.S0 and
110; prime mixed hogs, 111.50 and
17; prime Iamb IB and 110; but
ter .69 and 60 seats; eggs, baying
price; 51 cents, y
j i i