ji PAOH HHVHN THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON HATUHDAY, AVUVHT JM, ,lMf L i J, J t000044.41 ANOTHER CARLOAD OF Watermelons ARE HERE AND WE ARE SELLING THEM AT rl He lb Cheapest nnd Beet Melons You Ever Bought REMEMBER, THIS IS THE STORE THAT KEEPS PRICES DOWN ASKS FAIR ML -- - I Ui..rintr.i rnun .iimnm .i.mrmii) for rflnB ,cdfiil credits to thin Nothing roiild bo morn alien to lhojor , ny ,,. ,,, ,, )1R,ninto rlKlitful iiiirimwHt u( tlio fc.li.rnl ro-' ,,tll,noill ,,. HH ,,, t1(.ri,ror nurvo.net or In sharper c.mfllrt with nr Iivn,, would, lie to protect tlio uusinos wisnomaim rmr-pmy ".ii n,pHOIlln, aiininnl (ll0 K..L.nill singling out of tho nulmnntlvo Indus try for drnxtlc restriction of credit Kor tlio link (i of tho principle Involv ed, nn well nn tho vnitt practical In terests ut stuko, It In grently to ho hoped Hint tho fodnrul pmervo hoard will In nowlsn counti'iinnco, much less r.'commund, any policy to thin effect. A rumor U abroad, however, that tho reglonul bunk havn rrcrlwd suggestions, If not axpllcl Instruc tions, to cut niitomotlve credits to tho bono and marrow, leaving tho devel opment, Indeed tho vwry life, of thin great provlnco of Industry and com- YOIR NKW HUIT will stand Inipectlon and command approbation If you hnvo un tailor It for you from our oxclunlvn fabric In our accustomed auporlor ityle. Wo guarantee n ported fit always. Tho wearer of a suit mndo by tin ban always tho satisfaction ot feeling blmsolf perfectly dressod. CHAS. J. CIZEK ' MERCHANT TAILOR S18 Main Street iiTii:mi whiting 1-3. MJ- t 1A f BTJsT Klamath Falls Marble A Granite Works . George D. Grizzle Prop. to? & niiirrii tiitliilitMntv rrliittlml Tltnt r I sponsible head of t ho nation' flnnii- lot nffnlnt should tnku hucIi a posl- 'tlnii In nlnicmt untlilnkiihlo; rertnlnly. tit could riml no support, Imt only roiidotimntimi, from tho discerning runk nml ff II. Tlio only conceivable Justification nml to chock tlio extravagauco which breeds Inflation and di.ngerouN In stability. Hut assuredly no compe tent Jtirtk'o wculd nsslgu motor ve hicles nnd machines to thnt category. Tho most casual nbiorver known that motor trucks nro an essential ns rail way curs, and that ttuctors nro an functionally Important as plow horses or farm wagons In tho country's pro ductive life. Nor Is It measurably different with tho passongor car, that Indispensable means of modern tra vel nnd communication. Theoretic ally, of course, tho doctor could ro vert to tho doting Dohlln or his nn- cuttors, tho commercial traveler to tho dlrga ot tlio country "back" and tho furnier, who now saves prlcotess hours and gains nll manner ot advan tage by his nutomoblle, could go back to tlio Arcadian Jog of ox-cart or mulo. Thoorotlcally, wo say: but If In fact tho automobllo and Its kin dred machines wero suddenly whisk od out of our dally life nnd labor, what an aching hollowness there woutd bot What gaps In business and social currents! What failures to function and connect! Years ago a very grandslre'i past. It soomn, though really nut n score or so of sum mors the automo bllo was regarded as a luxury tor th tow. Today It Is n necessity for mul titudes, a sourco of livelihood for two million American workers, tho fore most promoter of good roads, tho bunlshor ot solitude and loneliness from unnumbered farmsteads, tho brlngor of rural health and freedom to families onco pout In cities, tho foundation of tho world's-largest sec ond Industry, ' There Is scarcely n field of tho country's productivo In terests that does not profit, ono way or another, from tho ma'nutacturo and snlo ot automotive machines. Particularly generous Is tho south'tt sharo ot Alicso bonofltn. For, as a FORGET I That within a tow days wo will liavo on display ' tlio best Uarrlo Qranlte Monuments, aa well as ono ot murblo, and wo Invito you to compare thorn with any othors In tho west. Thoso monu- tnonts are u'noxcollud, and Investigation will dom- otiBtrato tho truth ot this stateinont. wYltur In tlio Momphln Nuwti-Hclmltiir points out, oven If thorn worn not nn automotive factory, nssomblliiK plnnt or iiiiIun ui;uncy In tlio south, still tlio untoniohllo iiinniifiictiiror would hn oihi. of hur hunt patron. For ox- nniiile: "Tlio cushiony In tlio nirH tiro padded with cotton. A court por tion of tlio li'itthur coinos from Hid itouth; morn of It would hu used If mori) cnlllo worn produced luiro. Tim wheels nml bodies nro mntiu fncttir.nl from tlio choir out hard woods In tint noiitl Anloinolillo tops ur.i maito of cotton nml olotli nnd u patented iiropiirntlon, boiiio of tlio Iriiiirdlotils of which nro prniliicc.l In tho south. .Tlio up holstery, innis nml enrpots nro ifwtlo prlti'lpully from cotton. Tho tlrun nlnno i-oqulro morn limn throo-o,unrlers of :i inllllon IiiiIch of cotton nniitinlly. Tlio gnxnlliio Hint provides tlio motlvo power comi'N from southern wells. Tho clioHnttt of tho iiiitomolillo la matin of nluol, nml tlio lament mills In thn country nro lorntod In our iivlllhlierlm: Hliito of Alnliumn " It U porllneiit to atlil Hint Home of tlio must Niilmtimtlnl nml promising of nutoniolillo muntifm turlm: pluntH, nn well n numerous wrencles unrt nn sciuhllng utiiirUirn. nro established In tho south, nml that Atlutiti. Ih tho router of tlio great Industry for thin region! To hnmitrlng tlio credit b In own of a business with which t'.io commoii Interests nro thus vitally bound up, merely hecnuiin persons hero nml I burn nro extravagant In buying auto mobiles, would ha nn unwlno anil un fair nn to ntop tho grinding of grain hccmiHO curtain foolish damsels H'luumli'r their pin monoy on cream titrtH, or gluttons now nml then gorge cmsclrcs on hot cs!:cs. I.ct the prodigals hu rnhuke.l an lovoruly as common senso nnd public ronsrienco can apply tho rod; hut let not tho rlghtn of n grent prosperity-breeding Industry ho trampled down In thu process. NOTJCi: TO t'llKDITOIlH In tlio County Ccurt of tho State ot Oregon, for tho County ot Klnmath. In the matter of tho estnto of Jllrniii 0. Chnmhorlln, decerned. Notlco Is hereby given by tho un dersigned, administratrix ot tho es tatn ot lllrnm C. Chamberlln, da conned, to tho creditors of and nll persons having claims against tho snld deceased, to exhibit such claims, with tho necessary vouchers, within six months after tha first publication of this notice, to tho snld administra trix, nt tha office ot Wilson 8. Wlloy, Attorney at Law, Odd Fellows' Ilulld Ing, Klamath Falls, Oregon, which said oftlco tho undorslgnod selects nn nor placo ot business In all mat tors connected with tho said cstato of Hiram C. Chamberlain, deceased. First notlco published 10th day ot August, 1920. LAURA E. CltAMilKHLIN, Administratrix ot tho Estate of Hiram 0. Chamberlln, deceased. Aug. 10-17-24-31-7 XOTIC1J INVITING I'ltOPOSAI.8 TO MAKH BTRKKT IMPROVKMKXTH. Pursuant to ordinance and order ot tho Common Council of the City ot Klamath Falls, Oregon, notice I heroby glvon that proposal will bo received by said Council tor making tho Improvement designed for Wash ington St. from First St. westerly to Ewauna Boulevard. Bald Improve ment to bo made In accordance with plan and specifications ot the City Englnoor and for ono ot the classes ot Improvement mentioned In said plans nnd specification nnd tho or dlnanco ordering said Improvomont, which said ordinance No. 617 was adopted on tho 9th day of August, 1920, and approved by tho mayor on tho 11th day ot August, 1920. Bald plans, specifications and es timates ot tho City Englnoor being on flla In tho offlco ot the I'ollco Judgo and In tho offlco ot said En glnoor. Tho proposed contract will bo let In ono contract, and the time In which tho samo Is to bo completed Is fixed by said ordinance on or bo foro October 15, 1920. Rids must bo filed with tho I'ollco Judge for submission .to tho council not later than 8 o'clock P. M. ot tho 30th day ot August, 1920, and tho bids will bo consldorod by the Council lmmo dlatoly thoroafter at the council chnmbor In said city. Each proposal must bo accompan ied by a corflflod chock on soma res ponsible banking Institution in an amount oqual to S per cent ot the nggrogato amount of the proposal, tho samo to bo forfeited to the city by tho successful bidder upon falluro to enter Into contract and bond for tho faithful completion ot the said Improvomont In accordance with tho plans nnd specifications therefor. Tho .City of .Klamath Fall reserv ing the right at all time to reject any and all proposal. The award to tho successful bidder la hereby mado contingent upon the sale ot the bonds that will be autnorixed lor providing fund for making such Improvomont. Tho plans, specification and es timates nbovo roferred to embrace and nrovlde that the proposed im provement may be made, using bit ullthlc, oil macadam or cinder mao adam pavement, and bids. are Invited for each class in addition to grad ing, curbing, drainage and cement sldowalks. A. I bHAVlTT, Police Judge ot tho City ot Klam ath Fall, Oregoa . Dated: August 11, !! . .j, NOTION TO TAXPAYER You nro hereby notified that tho Hoard of Kminllzatlon will nttond on Heplembcr 13, 19Z0(thc second Mon day in Hiiiitoinhcr) nt tho county judge's office In tho oldest court houso, and will remnin In sosslon for thirty dnyn from thnt dato tor tho purpose of oxamlnlng tho assess ment rolls for tho year 1920, and correcting nil errors In valuation, description or finalities of Innd, lots or other property assessed by tho as sessor. It shall ha tho duty of nll persons Interostod In appear at tho tltno nml plana appointed. All protests against valuations flxod by tlio nsscssor must bo filed with tho board during tho first ten days of said session, j. r. i,i;i;, Assessor of Klamath County. C-ll XOTIC'IJ INVITIXO l'ltOI'OKAKI TO maki: hTiti:irr imniovkmknth. I'ursunnt to ordlnnnco nnd order of tha Common Council of tho City of Klamath Falls, Oregon, notice Is heroby given that proposals will bo received by said Council for making tho Improvement designed for Cth St. from I'lno nt. to High St., 7th Street from l'lno to Wnshlngton fit. and High Ht. from Cth to 6th streets. Including Intersections. Said Improvements to bo in accord onco with tho plans nnd specifica tions of tho City Engineer and for ono of the Classen of improvement mentioned In sulrt plans nnd specifi cations and tha ordlnnnco ordering snld Improvement, which said ordln nnco No. f,20 was adopted on tho lCth day of Aug.. 1920, nnd approv ed by tho mayor on tho 17th day of Aug., 1920. Snld ptnns, specifications nnd es timates of tho city Engineer being nn filo In tho offlco of tho I'ollco Judgo nnd In tho offlco of tho said Engineer, Tlio proposed contract will ho let In ono contract, and tho tlmo In which tho snmo Is to ho comploted Is fixed by said ordlnnnco on or be foro October 1G. 1920. Illils must Ihj filed with tho I'ollco Judgo for submission to ttia council not later than 8 o'clock I". M. of tho 30th day of August, 1920, nnd tho bids will bo considered by tho council Immediately thereafter at tho coun cil chamber In snld city. mch nroposnl must bo nccompan led by a cortlflrd check on somo res pomlllo banking Institution in nn nmoiint equal to C por cent of tho nggrcgato amount of tho proposal, tho same to bo forfeited to tho city by tho successful bidder upon falluro to enter Into contract nnd bond for tho faithful completion of tho said Improvement In nccordanco with tho plnns and specifications thorofor. Tho City of Klamnth Fnllls ro sorvlng tho right at all times to re ject nny nnd all proposals. Tho award to tho successful bidder Is horoby mado contingent upon tho sale ot tho bonds that will bo au thorized for providing funds for making such Improvement. Tho plans, specifications ana es timates nbovo rcforrod to corr'a and provldo that tho propon-l Im provement may bo mado, uslnrr nil- ullthlc, oil macadam or concrete pavement, and bids aro invited tor each class In addition to grading, curbing, drainage and cement side walks. A. Ii. LEAYITT. PoIIco Judgo of tho City of Klam ath Falls, Orogon. Dated: August 18, 1920. 18-28 NOTICE INVmNO PROP08A1H TO MAKE STREET IMPROVEMENTS. Pursuant to ordinance and order of the Common Council ot the City ot Klamath Falls, Oregon, notice Is hereby given that proposals will be received by said Council for mak ing tho Improvement designed for Main St. from Spring Street easterly to City limits. Bald Improvement to be mado In accordance with plan and specifications of the City En gineer and for ono oi tno classes ot Improvement mentioned In said plans and specifications and the or dinance ordorlng said Improvement, which said ordlnanco No. C18 was adopted on tho ,9th day ot August, 1920,t and approved by tho mayor on tho 11th day of August, 1920. Said plans, specifications and es' tlmhtcs of tho City engineer teing on fllo-ln tho office of tho Police Judgo and in tho office ot tho said Engineer. Tho proposed contract will bo let In ono contract, nnd tho time In which tho sumo Is to bo completed Is flxod by said ordlnnnco on or be foro October 1G, 1920. Dlds must lm filed with tho I'ollco Judgo for submission to tho council not later than 8 o'clock P. M. ot tne sum day of August, 1920, nnd the bids will bo consldorod by the council Immediately thereafter at the coun cil chnmbor In said city. Each nronosal must bo accompan ied by a coitlflod chock on some res ponsible banking Institution In an nmnnnt annul to B nor Cent Ot the aggregate amount ot the proposal, the same to be forfeited to the city by the successful bidder upon failure to enter Into contract and bond for the faithful completion ot the said Improvement In accordance with the plana and specifications therefor. The City ot Klamath Fall reserv ing the rlcht at all time to reject any and all proposals. The award to the successiui oiaaer is uercuj mado conttngont upon the sale ot the bonds that will be authorized for providing fund for making such Improvement. The plans, spocitications ana es timates above referred to embrace and provide that tho proposed lm- ulltnlc and cinder, on macaaam and clndors or concrete pavement, and bids are Invited tor each class In addttlon to grading, curbing, drainage and cement sidewalks. a. l. LBAVIIT, Police Judge ot the City ot Klam ath Falls, Oregon, Dated. August is. i. 1141 BUSINESS CARDS NSAV'VSVMVMM Klamath Falls Cyclery Wo handle tho best In our lino, such M Motorcycle, Ulcycles, Part and Accessories, Goodyear, Pennsylvania and Diamond Tiro and Tubes. Tho bouse ot the two and throo wheelers, Includ ing Harley-Davldson Service. O. E. BI0MARK IIS . ttk St. Klamath ran MWWWMAVWWWWMWVWWWMW JSffs PHONE 39 327 MAIN STREET t. o. cTii:niionx Civil Engineer anil flnrveyor Offlco C17 Main Bt. Pltoncnt Omco 109, Re. 19&I O. K. FEED & SALE STABLES Under new manage ment Best care taken of all stock placed in our barn. Horses, harness and wagons bought, sold and exchanged. siasiMMssasA DENTISTS Dr. E. G. Wisecarvcr phone tun Dr. P. M. Noel PHONE 4 Over Underwood's Seventh and Mala Street bwWWWWW0WW0AA0WA000Wt M i. WWWWMWWWWWMWWWWW KLAMATH AUTO SPRING WORKS We Do An Kaae of Sftta tC New Oae Made to AIX WOBX GVAJLUrXBXD Phoa 9M.Y ei7 niotil A. ,' ' WWWWWWWWWWWWWWMW EX-SERVICE MEN, ATTENTION 1 The regular meeting of Klamath Port No. S, American Legion, will bo held at 8 o'clock p. m., at the CUT Ball 1b Klamath Fall, on tha aeeoad and fourth Tuesday ot each month. AU Comrades aro In vited. Thoso desiring to Join tho Poet mar secure application blank from O. K. Vaa Riper, Fred Nicholson, or I. h. carnasan, ait ox cuasaaiB .. FRRD NICHOLSON. Secretary. WESTERN LABOR ' BUREAU The only place where you can get help and the only place where you can get a job. jj, 1034 MAIN ST. Phone 477-J NEW CITY LAUNDRY FINISHED WORK FLAT WORK ROUGH DRY "Put Your Duds In Our Suds" PHONE 154 Comer Main and Coat FA1RVIEW TRANSFER Prompt Service and KoasooaMo Rate, also Special Rate oa Oat ot Towb Trip Phone 260-R GILT EDGE BUTTER 65c Purity Brand lee Cream f Oo q.t. Fresh Ranch Eggs 6Qo dos. Milk Cream and Fun Cream Cheese GILT EDGE CREAMERY 0mA PROFESSIONAL CARDS MWWVWWasiAlVMVMWWVS FRED WESTERFELD DENTIST Phono 434W. X-ltny Laboratory liooml Dldg., Klnmath Fall mammwvmmmMmmmmimwwmmmm DR. 0. A. RAMUO Dentist L O. O. V. Dnlfdlaaj PHONE 01 AMMMWWWMAaAAAAAAWMMWWMiW Offlco Phono 177W Res 177R Dr. H. D. Lloyd Stewart Physician and Hurgron Whlto Uulldlng Klamath Falls Oregon VVMw DR. F. R. GODDARD Osteopathic Physician and Surgeon Office and Residence Phones 321 I. 0. 0. F. Temple E. D. LAMB PHYSICIAN AND HUUGKOXf Phones 17W Rooms 1 and a 17R Whlto Building DR. T. C CAMPBELL PHYH1CIAN AND SUROEOaT I. O. O. P. nuildiog Phone 200 Residence Whlto Pelican Hotel Residence Phono C. DR. L. L. TRUAX WARREN HUNT HOSPITAL Hay Phone, 41)7 Night Phone, 003 SAW MILL ENGINEERING A CONSTRUCTION CO. Designer nnd builder of mod era saw mill, pinning mills -and bos plant. Dredging. Pile driving. Phono 466-W Office Corner Spripg and Oak, , Near 8. P. Depot I am bow prepared to furalsa Shasta 8and from the Hooy, Cant sand and gravel pit, ta.aay ouaatttr that may bo desired by eomtractorr and builders. ALT. GRAHAM. Let Your GLASS trouble be Mine i; C E. STUCKEY Re-Glazing and Cabinet Making Phone 47TW Eleventh and Pine Klamath Ledge New 132 ' LO.O.F. U Meets Friday night of each week at I. O. O. F. hall, Cth and Main street. H. H. Ogle, N. O.; W. C. Wells, See rotary; W. D. Cofer, Treasurer. Ewauna Encampment No. it, I. O. O. P., meet Tuesday night ot each week at I. O. O. F. hall. Harry Loucks, C. P.; W. D. Cofer, Scribe; Fred Bueslng, Treasurer. WILSON ABSTRACT COMPANY 817 Male ARTHUR R. WELSOST .. THE ARCADE HOTEL 108S-S4 MAIN BT. PHONE 4774 The placo with homo comforts, cleanlne, plenty of fresh air and bo lnsldo rooms. Everything sew from top to bottom and rate to meet row DR. a A. MASSEY Fourth smi Mm efts. Ib WarrB Hmnt MoiptUl. Oft FkOM 4IT Ho rkOM Mel CVJ J - -''-'"tWHJv''