MfcW &m PA(1H NIX BATUItDAV, AUGUST M, J 1)20 THE EVENING HERALD. KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON M 41 I. II stt 'If 4 HERALD'S CLASSIFIED COLUMNS FOR SALE Real Estate SAROAIN- near high 5h school. Innulro J"(t. Ward & Co., S34 Main. 16-tt ntroct. FOR BALI 1 Improved lot 7C X 97 U. Nob Htll. Ideal location. Closo In. Snnp. Sco 1008 Main St. S4-30 FOR SALE Well liullt. modorn 9 room liouso on raved street, closo in, flncit vlow In city. Good Incomo from apartment and bed rooms, bo aides owner's apartment. Might fell furnished. Very; reasonable. Call at 634 N. 8th Bt. 25-31 FOIt BALK Good houso on parod strcot, 83 per month Incomo be sides a nlco place for family to live. Frlco $4;S00. Robt. 8. Fry. phono 601J. 136T Esplanado. 37-30 t FOR BALK By owner, a coxy four room houso on paved street, two blocks from Mala. Very reasonable. N. 330 Eleventh. St. S3-I8 IMMMMWWWWWWWWMWSW FOR SALE Misceuaneout FOR SALE Round oak dining tablo; ire bed and springs, 3-4 alio; oak dresser. 111 Bast St. 17-30 FOR SALE-riemlsh giant rabbits. Phone .35. 35-30 PIANO FOR 8ALE 1350 cash. Call SOU. 37-30 FOR SALB A whtto Ivory wicker baby buggy, C26 Main St. Phone 309J. 23-2S FOR SALB 6-foot binder, first class coadltloa; cat about 30 acres. Frank Zumpte, Malln. 37-30 FOR SALB 30 Wlnrht-r rifle long octagoa barrel, full magaxlno, doublo peep sights, fine condition. A bargala. 634 N. 8th St. 25-28 FOB BALK One 112 Chevrolet touring car: extra tiro and shock absorbers. A real bargain at olght hundred and fifty dollars. f CENTRAL OARAGE 21-31 ONE FOUR HORSE Team, harness and wagon; three colts. Will sell for $400.00. Inquire at camp ground y O. K. bars. 27-30 FOR SALB One new Oldsmoblle, express boay, S-4-ton truck. One new express body Hoffman two-ton truck. One used 4-eylInder Studobaker touring car. One used Overland tonrlng car. WHITE PELICAN GARAGE J, 6-tf WANTED WANTED A Urge kitchen cup board. Address Bos 314, Herald .office. 37-31 CONTRACT TO HAUL LOOS miles front Klamath Falls; mile and half haul; roads Al; good price paid. Inaulre at the Smoke. E. J. Jenkins. 35-38 WANTED Woman cook for ranch, Good wages. Address Box 7, Mer rill. Oregon. . 17-S EXPERIENCED Hand Ironer want ed. French Hand Laundry, 123 N. 4th St. 24tf WANTED To rent or lease 4 or C room unfurnished modorn house. Lawrence K. Phelps, care Houston Phelps. 33tf WANTED By September 1, two housekeeping rooms. A. B. Jones, care California-Oregon Power Co. 27-38 'WANTED 3 aowsboys at the Her ald office. 3T-tf -GREEN LUMBER GRADER Phone Lamm Lumber Co., Modoe Point. Oregon. 33-38 TARD FOREMAN For Beading. Phone Lamm Lumber Co., Modoe 'Point, Oregon. 33-38 MISCELLANEOUS STRAYED Red bull, brand FV on left hip. Mark crop of both, ears nnderblt In left. Please notify Frank Van Sokotack, Merrill, Ore. 17-38 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY Com plete vulcanising plant for sale, In cluding stock. A gold mine for a hastier. Reason for selling, other In terests. Box KL Herald. 36-28 CITY GARBAGE When you want garbage removed call 10F-23. FOR RENT OR LEASE UNEXPIXTEDLY called to tho coun try (or short time. Cannot do sow ing till I return. Will then put no tlco again In Herald. Corner Fulton & Worden, 24-2S CHIMNEY SWEEP Pipe nnd fur nace cleaning; leaky roots re paired. Do It now. Konncdy; phono 477J. 23-28 Printing, Stationery and office supplies. Vloncer Printing and Stiv tlonory company. 126 Main St. 9-tf PHONE PEYTON for wood 535 Warren Hunt Hospital A thoroughly equipped Institution affording unexcelled facilities for the scientific treatment by hospital meth ods of medical, surgical and obstet rical case. The new and modern flroproot build ing -contains prtvato rooms for bed and ambulatrfry cases, completed equipped examination and treatment rooms, Roontgen Ray, clinical and research laboratories. STAFF WARREN HUNT, M. D. L. L. TRUAX, M. D. QEO.. MASSEY. M. D. LOCATION FOURTH AND PINE 8T8., KLAMATH FALLS. ORE. TELEPHONE 497 AMBULANCE SERVICE .NOTICE OF SALE OP IRRIGATION DISTRICT BONDS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that sealed, proposals will be received un til the 30lh day of September. A. D. 1930, at the hour of two o'clock In the afternoon, for the purchase of Two Hundred Thousand Dollars (200,000.00) worth of bonds of the Langoll Valley Irrigation District of Klamath County, Oregon. Said bonds to draw Interest at the rate of six per cent per annum, payable semi annually upon the first dsy of July and the first day of January of each year until the maturity of said bonds. Sealed proposals will be received by the Board of Directors of said Irrigation District, and should be di rected to the secretary of the Lan gell Yalloy Irrigation District, care of. Ferguson. Fletcher Mifflin, No. 16 Loomls Building, Klamath Falls Oregon. The Board of Directors reserve the right to reject any or all bids offered.. A. L. WISHARD, Secretary of the Board of Directors of Langell Val ley Irrigation District. A-14-818. NOTICE . Because of the high cost of bottles and labor, after September 1, 1930, we will make no deliveries of milk or cream where there is no bottle and ticket out for deliveries. All tickets must be paid for In ad vance. Unused tickets will b re deemed. " KLEEN MILK DAIRY E. L. French, Prop. MILK PRODfTCnRB' ASSN. 2 -'18 Everyone Should Drink Hot Water in the Morning Wash away all stomach, liver, and bowsl poisons before breakfast. To fool your best day in and day out, to feel clean Inside; no sour bile to coat your tongue nnd sicken your breath or dull your head; no consti pation, bilious attacks, sick headache, colds, rheumatism or gassy, acid stomach, you must bathe on the in side like you bathe outside. This Is vastlyy more Important, because the skin pores do not absorb Impurities Into the blood, while the bowel pores do. To keep these poisons and toxins woll flushed from the stomach, liver, kidneys and bowels, drink before breakfast each day, a glass of bot water with a teaspoonful of lime stone phosphate (a It. This will cleanse, purify, and freshen the en tire alimentary tract before eating more food. Get a Quarter pound of limestone phosphate from your pharmacist. It is inexpensive and almost tasteless. Drink phosohated hot water every morning to rid your system of these vile poisons and toxins; also to pre vent their formation. 9E TEA KEEPS WHEN MIXED WITH SULPHUR TO lli:iN(!S ll.Xt'K ITS IIEAETIKUI. Ll'STHE AT O.NCE Gray hair, howeor hnndsomo, do notes advancing ngc. Wo nil know the advantages of n youthful nppenrnuco. Your linlr Is )our charm. It make or mars tho face. When It fades, turns gray nnd looks streaked, Just n fow nppllratlonii of Sago Tea and Sulphur enhances Its appearance a hundred fold. Don't stay gray! Look young! Either prcparo tho reclpo nt homo or get from any drug store a S0-ccnt bot tlo of "Wjoth's Sago and Sulphur Compound',' which Is tuoroly tho old time recipe Improved by tho addition of other Ingredients. Thousands of folks recommend this ready-to-use preparation, becauso It dnrkona the hair beautifully, besides no ono ca.n possibly tell, as It darkens so natur ally and evenly. You moisten a sponge or soft brush with It, drawing this through the hair, taking one small strand at a time. By morning the gray hair disappears; after an other application or two, Its natural color is restored and it becomes thick, glossy and lustrous, and you appear years younger. SPECIAL ATTENTION Two complete matinees every af ternoon at tho Liberty, starting at, 1:30 and 3:10. 27-31 1 The ctraordloar ruin hats worn by tho country women of Korea are often moor than scrcn feet long by five feet broad, and fully protect the wcaror from a wetting. They aro mado from a combination of thickly-woven horse hair nnd a very tough, fibrous plant that grows In Korea. laaAimA My neighbor lets weeds grow in his garden, he lets his house rua down, and all his family look patched. My neighbor decides many important things; and he is sure all things would be all right if they were done his way. My.neighbor decided long ago that advertising was waste ; that he would never read it because he did not want any one to tell him what to buy. My neighbor may be right. The moon may be made of green cheese. But, as I see it, My neighbor is no neighbor of mine ; he just lives next door because he was born fifty years too late. My neighbor spends as much money to live poorly as I do to live well. As most of my money goes to meet living expenses, I want all the good things it will bring me. Advertlsomonts toll me all about these good things. Advertisements give me the opportunity to compare all'varletles of tho things I would buy. Advertisements help me pick the best for my purpose and my parse. IWWWWMMMMWWWWMIMMMVMMMVMVMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMVVM USED CAR BARGAINS Ono 10 in Pord Motor Junt ouirlmuled Ono 1017 lord Touring t good condition Ono 191S Pord Touring good condition New Ford Speudntor now body, Junt morhnuled, onu-ninn top, ventilating windshield, nuw fenders Ono 1918 Ford Delivery Al condition, new tiros Two 1918 Chovrolnta Ono 1920 Chevrolet noarly now Ono Model 95 Overland a bargain FORD ACCIMSOIUEH Demountable wheel sets at torn than now Ford whcols; centrifugal water circulators that keop your mo tor coot, and many other good things for your Ford. KLAMATH FAI.I.H AUTO CO. 11.17 Main THIS IS Till'. LESSON: INSURE YOUR 1LY "Ton Thousand Dollar Hay Crop Burned; No Insurance" How often you have road head Unci llko tho abovo. Do thoy mean anything to you? Do not Instances like this teach you Hie value of pro tection tho nocosslty for adequate ly Insuring your crop as a safe guard for you and your dependents? Fires start easily, especially In hay stacks, nnd thoy aro Impossible to quench attor thoy havo finite tho slightest headway. Is your hay In sured? If not, see mo, and let ma company In existence Jas. Oris coll, Room 4, Loomls Illdg., City. Phone 438. 00W00ww0m0At0Wi0i00i00mmm My Neighbor I will not argue with my nolghbor. Ho may bo right; but, personally, I would rather be1 myself than be my neighbor. I know reading advertisements saves money for me. 720 Main Ht. Ciimlloi PASTIME Aliititt ,t Moodej, I'mpt. Clliuih, TiiIiiuto, Soft IIiIiiUn, 1'ikiI mill llllllmiN Ilnrlicr Shop In C nnertlon Ol'R MOTTO 't'ouitey mill Ki'iWrc" ATTENTION MASONS Thoro will bo n special mooting of Klaiuntli l.odgo No. 77, A. I'M A, M. on Mondny oumlnit, August 30, for tho purpoio of work in mo M. M. degree. Ily order of tho W. M. C. C. CIIITWOOD, Boo. 27-30 NOTICE TO SHEEPMEN llao two thousand fine wnoled yearling uweM for sale. These, aro u ro nil welt bred ftnmtioulltols. Al o In tho market for ono to two thousand old ewes. Address J, Sla ter, Klamath Palls. Phono 380. 23tf LIBERTY MATINEES Two complete matinees every af ternoon ut tho Liberty, starting nt 1:30 nnd 3-30. 27-31 'AND SOME HAY WirLli RUN AWAY AND Gin MARRIED" Wo wonder If jou, reador, ever aid this So soma tlttto girl, ur lmd It sild In Jim Nellie and Jlmmle are Junt like nil first lovers oven ns you and I. Wu will see each other In them We'll laugh at them we'll sorrow with them we'll thrill with them because they'ro human thoy'ro ust (Irinith, thb muster, has made them so In "Tho Greatest Quoitlnn " At the Star theater Sunday nnd Monday. mjwWWWWWWW' jmtm Phono 400 liu t'lvnni CENTRAL AUTO SERVICE Cull ik nny hour day or tiinlit for tuumpl Hurylrn, earofiil, po lite, experienced drivers; digit clinw touring nirs for out of town trip. lliiKgago stored froo for 90 dii)n. Iteiinoiiiililn intim for elly mid out of (own trips. Cull us on phono 513 for prompt nun Ice. CENTRAL AUTO SERVICE IMTILIY Htriood to my ptaro ntiont a month ago, n bay innro 8 or 10 years old, liriillded on left shoulder WU, Also brown filly about 3 years old, nnd a chunky liny horse 3 or 4 years old, branded Inverted A. Ownor limy hnvo same by paying tor keep and for this ndvortlieuiimt. Robert H. Fry, next to Outer Bros, brick yard. 20-30 FOR SALE Three stores, nil paying. Location Al. Must sell owing to other business. See 1008 Main St MMHMMWWMMMMMWMMMMWM "SAY IT WITH FLOWERS " Cut ritmrrs anil Plants In llUplity Window at 1040 Main M. 1 Hot House Near Mills School DESIGNS MADE KLAMATH FLORAL' COMPANY Phono B37-M MwwVwVwwwwWlwwwwMSnB SOOTHING QUIETUDE FOR ITS PATIENTS Is ono of any hospital's biggest assets and tho location of this hospital makes It especially drilrablo from that viewpoint. Only abuftlantly capablo graduated nurses are em ployed, and this fact, added to our unoiualled staff of physicians and excellent hospital eiiulpment Insures our patlonts unsurpassed service. STAFF Dll. E. D. JOHNSON nn. a. it. meiiuyman Dll. T. C. CAMPBELL nn. aKoitaB i. wuiqiit DR. E. D. LAMB DR. II. D. LLOYD STEWART Klamath General Hospital MINERAL BATHS Dr. Mead UgersoU aUwley OalroBvacUe Pkjraletaa First National Bank Balldlaf Entrance, Room ASHLAND, OREGON ALL KINDS of tin and sheet Iron work, tea. tllaring and warm air acatlag dona at the Hiiunnua Planning Shop, No. 1038 Mala Bt. L. N. HAINES PUono KM KUmath-Bend Auto Stag A dallr anto atna spi i. ... OOaratlnc halanam VI..1V m.,,. and Bend. Ofllcos Rex cafe and Met ropolitan Oarngo. O. I. Reokard. Phone 178-W. ir-tf Klamath Dye Works Phono 406 OUR CLEANINO, PRMMfNQ AND RBPAHtlNQ WnTJj MAKM YOUR CLOT LOOK LIKE NEW HATS nSBLOCKBD Ooods Called for and Delivered 4.11 Main Street Klamath Fall -'( Murphey Feed & Seed Store Y i 124So. 6th St. Hue 87 I-. l I. CCU lUUI vllllllvllu Buy your feedfrom 'j'.,..,i.i,. -fA'aaryTi ft.. I -t HjJ Venn rL!af.lri.tto If you want them to lay.