The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, August 26, 1920, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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    t . ' 1
. . -fwiiiwi?nni'.mii. Wllyymniwc;-3t.'X-. - rv .. tci 3k-sx
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mMMTi Acoorr m, its
pagm roc
I '
Tht fcvning Herald
CHjr Miter
PiMlsbed dallr. except Sanday, by
A MeraM Publishing Company of
Falls, at 115 Fourth strMt..
tend at Ua postofflce at Klasa
ask Falla, Ore., for transmission thro
Ik Malts .aa second-class matter.
The Associated Press Is exclusively
entitled to tho uso for republication
of all nowi dispatches credited to it.
or not othorwlso credited in this
paper, and also tho local newt pub
lished herein.
SO. 11801
Office of
Comptroller of the Cur-
Washington. D. C. July 30. 1930.1"
Whereas, by satisfactory ovldencei!
prevented to the undersigned. It hal
! made to appear that "The Am-ij; m. np hpfnw'vnn
erleaa National Uank of Klamath" 1 1 OU1 lines ueiOie OU
Falls," la the city of Klamath Falls. U..v
In Ihs County of Klamath and Stato ',', uu''
-1 Oregon, has complied with nil tho...
proftaions of the ' statute of thei
Uatted. States required t obe com-1'
Piled with, before an association'
Fall Suits
Our Fall Samples
are here, oyer
1000 in number.
Ranging in price
from '
$37,50 up
In nil desirable
shades and weaves
Tailored to your
measure by tailors
who know. It
will pay you to see
shall be commence the,' '
business of banking? j! !
Now therefore I. John Skcltoni
Williams. Comptroller of the Cur-';
rener. do herehv eortlfv that "Tha
American National Dank of Klam-1
t Falls," in the City or Klamath
Falls, la tha County of Klamath and
State of Oregon, la authorised to
commence the business of banking
as prorlded In Section Fifty one hup
dred and slxty-nlae of the RevsfsBi
Statutes of the United States.
In testimony whereof, witness ray i
hand and seal of office this Thir
tieth day of July. 1929.
(Seal) Comptroller of the
Currency. s.
Aug. 13-10-27-3-10-17-34-1-8-15.
A classified Ad will sell It.
Men's Togs
6th and Main Su,
n sKflganBn ijfA
Wb lsilganPS'
v sHfsHnw
192. r.o
MMssMsM , ssseseaaeeast
The greatest advantnge of the old
clothes pledge Is that as far as most
people are concerned It Involves no
change In one's appearnnce or bsblts.
J Tlie proponed tax ,on doctors, law
ycrs 'and dentist eeins funny untH
the tickled public obcis down Ions
enaagb to remember Its echo In the
Oertnnny would be better off, per
haps. If certain elements of her papu
lation could have lieen persuaded to
give up the nenpon-carrylng habit.
It Is satil that 12.000 French war
brides sre coin back through home
sickness. Tlie nxnsnce of war Is be
ginning to be over as well us the war.
gaSJJJjafajBBBBBJBJSfB-Hat BBBl r r W at SB 'T Sn Tatmgfmmgmmmamgmammgtgmgmggm g
: Mfo Wlli i J it W IMMMLssssfilll
aPTfialTI 1 2 fgLl I WnFKLWm--Mu
' aWgsTWliSLLxJ I IfMsm i sVaWlfYIHLagKasfl6isHau
KJ'rkkli L.tsMfsBtrflsr3Wfl I IBlsw taK'9VEH' W dsSlln
'rnlTf 2sassssssHxBml 8 JmmmwyrWkwMkmkmmrswfrl&kWmmmTJnM
K3wEB' Di-H w -'OBtstsWssssssTO
ibbbbbMbbV 9VslfeiiVeBKlsflsRs wkwikWkwP,$BmWkwV mmamTammmWM
mmkWBkir .ssHRHPSsiDl
i is m jM gmwfj
twa isrw'.'nssaasPASFLSBSssssssssnisn
V. X ' . r W KL U
Tf thu man vrWi mitV
blades of grass grow where one
I crew before confers a blessing; on
humanity, how about the man, in
these expensive times, who re
verses the proposition by making
one pair of shoes give the wear
that two pairs jid before? Fred
A. Howard, chemist 'and scientist,
who has been affiliated with the
Massachusetts shoe industry for
more than a half century, is the
man who bears this unusual dis
tinction, in the belief of shoe
manufacturers who have examined
his chemical formulae to increase
I the wearing piwcr of shoe leather,
, and sixteen of whom have just ar-
' rangea to use some or bis processes.
Howard has wrought marvels
with leather. His father and
grandfather were shoe manufac
turers. His final achievement, which
it Is said will cut the nation's shoe
bill in half comes after thirty-five
years of hard work as a leather
I chemist. Yet he savs he has only
begun. He is shy afid avoids being
Interviewed. (
As a youth Howard took up ad
vanced chemistry with Prof. Alex-
ander Bernstein, a leather chemist
of Berlin. Twenty-five years ago
ha opened a laboratory at Brockton,
Mass., for research and tha de
velopment of chemical processes
for shoe manufacturers. His days
and nights since then have been a
tireless investigation of leather
chemistry. He says the questions
raised by leather manufacturers
seem to rest on the most recondite
problems of chemistry and physics.
The whole life of this modest
little New Englander has been de
voted to research.
He has a library containing
more than ten thousand sets of
clippings on chemical research. His
records oft personal chemical ex
periments number several hundred
thousand. His latset invention is
Korite which sounds like a new
kind of explosive but is not. It is
a chemical agent produced after
thirty-five years of research to
double the wearing power of shoe
leather and render it permanently
water proof and pliable. It is said
to be revolutionary in principle,
and in practical application.
"1 think it is a worth whib
work," Mr. Howard says. "Chil
dren are apt to catch cold in slushy
sloppy weather if their shoes leak,
and a shoe bill is a big item to those
who have families these days. The
chemist who devotss his attention
whole heartedly to leather has a
real life work before him."
Mr. Howard once made the state
ment that the workings of the uni
verse, its every chemical and nat
ural phase, can be discovered in a
single nore or learner.
General -
Hont Council Chamber..!
Taxes 1918
Taxes 1919
Occupation tax .;
Koomlng hnuso licenses..
Impounding .
Street - ,
1918 Taxos ..
1919 Taxes .v................
Dor Tax
llond Hlnklng
llond Interest Hlnklng
llrldgn Street llond
llond Sinking
Plro Department
Incidental ..
I.lRht ami Water ...
Pollen Department
Sower 7-..
Sewer 4th Unit llond
llond Sinking
llond Intorest Sinking
Shlpplngtati Komi llond
llond Sinking
Klamath Ave. Kill llond
llond Sinking .,
llond Interest Sinking
Series A 1st Unit llond . ,.
llond Sinking ,
llond Interest Sinking
Scries II 3d Unit Uoml ,
llond Sinking
llond Interest 8lnklng
Scries C 3rd Unit llond
llond Sinking .....
llond Interest Sinking
8erles I) 4th Unit llond
llond Sinking
llond Interest Sinking -
Sorles II 5th Unit llond
llond Sinking
llond Interest Sinking
Sorles I th Unit llond .........
llond Sinking
llond Interest Sinking
Series J 7th Unit llond ...
llond Sinking
llond Interest Sinking
Series K 8th Unit Uond :.
llond Sinking j
Bend Interest Hlnklng
Series L 9th Unit llond ...
Uond Sinking ..
nend Interest Sinking
Series M 10th Unit Hand
r llond Sinking
Bend Interost Sinking ....
Series K Deficit 1st Unit llond ..
llond Sinking .,.,
llond Interest Sinking
Interest .. ..
Sorles P Deficit 3d Unit llond .
Uond Sinking
Uond Interest Hlnklng
Interest ... . ..
Series a Deficit 3rd Unit llond
Uond Hlnklng ....... .....
Uond Interest Sinking
Interest .......-........
Second Street Pill Uond
llond Sinking
Uond Interest Hlnklng .....
Special Fund ,
10th Unit Uond Fund . ...
10th Unit Uond Int. Sluklng .
11th Unit Uond Fund
11th Unit Uond Hlnklng Fund
11th Unit llond Int. Hlnklng .
13th Unit Uond Fund ..
13th Unit Uond Sinking Fund
13th Unit Uond Int. Hlnklng .
13th 'Unit Uond Fund
13th Unit Uond Hlnklng
13th Unit Uond Int. Hlnklng .
14th Unit Uond Fund
14th Unit Uond Sinking
14th Unit Uond Int. Sinking ...
15th Unit Uond Fund .
15th Unit Uond Int. Sinking .
16th Unit Uond Fund ..
ICth Unit Hand Int. Sinking .
17th Unit Uond Fund
17th Unit Uond Int. Sinking .
18th Unit Uond Fund .............
18th Unit Uond Int. Hlnklng .
19th Unit Uond Fund
19th Unit Uond Int. Hlnklng .
March 31, 1930
331,40 01)
Hucolpls Dlslmrstments
Juno 30, 1920
! !
3,790.77 1,446.26 4,004.76
3,223.19 ' 3,333.19
11,829.01 14,708.69 12.132,80 14,415.30
51.30 OD 61.36 01)
82.77 OD 1,533,99 3,009.66 649.44 01)
1,800.38 440.10 60.00 3,190.54-
30.97 OD 676.01 356.00 2K4.04
1.782.65 3,780.40 1,974.69 3,508.36
612.00 100.00 511.40 101.36
208.87 308.87
13.13 011 170.13 157.00
3,133.14 71.67 3,204.81
04.42 OD 6.77 248.74 300.39 Ol)
2,500.74 211.90 3,333.68 378.96
86.65 86.66
70.03 OD 186.64 303.67 OD
9.209.70 1,556.49 1,500.00 9,366.19
2,666.60 OD 568.68 698.73 3,796,66 01)
6,335.97 3,617.49 1,000.00 7,943,46
3,406.59 Ol) 1,258.32 677.48 . 3,835.85 01)
33,34 33.34
6.897.66 1,634.83 3,000.00 6,433.48
632.93 OD 439.74 463.34 666.63 01)
14,371.66 639.30 14,910.80
6,706.65 01) 133,69 1,469.76 8.043.81 01)
3,359.78 307.77 3.467.66
963.39 OD 37.41 218.90 1,143.78 01)
256.68 366.68
,6,677.83 13.38 6,590.11
1,161.47 OD 3.73 600.00 1,768.75 OD
980.83 980.83 .
6.043.90 1,617.89 7,660.79
1,996.89 Ol) 667.96 600.63 1,939.66 Ol)
30.03 30.03
6.467.39 373.37 6,840.76
871.98 01) 63.99 656.33 1,366.31 OD
638.83 638.81
3,643.77 671.84 3,316.61
535.38 01) 304.67 342.44 673,16 01)
.i .
i 335.67 335.67
1,866.03 107.31 1,973.34
377.08 01) 37.38 134.73 , 484.62 Ol)
78.77 "' 78.77
2,083.06 468.67 2,661.73
634.60 01) ( 109.37 13.6.19 641.43 Ol)
8.24 OD 8.24 Ol)
3,034.63 319.99 . 3,374.53
336.79 01) 67.11 129.14 398.83 OD
192.78 '' -' ' 192.78
38.60 38,66
1.827.34 16.30 'H 1.843.64
6,308.02 13.60 6,395,53
78.65 OD 195.00 273.65 OD
3,888.71 , f , t . 3,888.71
870.70 70.7
150.17 OD 300.00 450,17 01)
994.13 OD C1S.14 100.00 476.98 OD
339.17 340.32 . 679.49
18.49 Ol) 63.13 135.00 100.36 OD
87.91 OD 517.03 439.13
396.91 395.91
73.37 OD 60.38 60.00 83.09 01)
7,363.14 1.C03.27 5,768.87
69,70 69.70
319.02 4.18 .' 333.30
1,840.76 1.60 1,845.35
07.29 160.00 83.71 OD
482.73 OD 343.50 ' 1.60 141.73 OD
31.43 13.68 46.00 K90 OD
7.63 OD 183.60- 1.50 " 174.37
3.35 OD 7.34 15.00 . 10.91 OD
55,941.27 . 184.75 ' .65,760.63
!H8.36 060.00 388.35
38,958.98 ' x fa4,925.68 34,033,40
495.95 ' . 495.95
County of Klamath )ss.
City of Klamoth Foils ) . .... t ..... .
I, A. L. Lcavltt, I'ollco Judge of tho City of Klamath Falls, Oregon, do hereby certify thut tho foregoing la
a truo exhibit of tho receipts and disbursements and tho condition of cacti pnrtlcular fund of tho City pf Klamath
Falls, at tho closo of business on 30th Juno, 1930, aa shown by tho receipts und paid vouchers on fllo In my office
and the ledger of said accounts and funds.
Witnoss my hand and tho seal or said city this 16th day of August, 1930.
. A. L. LBAVITT, Pollco Judgo.
Sending one's jolce by wlrelens and
having It recorded Is uddlllonnl proof
that n man never goes so fur but that
tils voko follows blin.
There nre 11,000,000 fnrtns In the
United Stutcs. Now uliut moro Is
needed are a few more husky Ameri
can boys down on them.
"Are sermons Indispensable?" Is a
church Issue In I-ondon uhcru im ef.
fort seems to bu under ny to arrive
tit tho long and short of It. "v 1 'g.
Flume Is no bettor off now than the
est of tho world. The Inhabitants aye
experiencing the pluch of food'short
njjes und profiteering prices. f
A classified Ad will soil it, .
Do you bellovo In free lovo? "Tho
Invisible Uond," starring Ireno Cas
tlo, at tho Star theater tonight, Is a
scroon version of what happens whon
a young husband Insists upon his
"personal liberty" and tho right to
assoclato Intimately with attractlvo
young women of his acquaintance
Tho story centers around tho mar
ried llfo of Ilarloth and Marcla Cros
soy, tho lattor rolo played by Mrs,
Castle. llurleth has an affair with
n coquotto named Lolla Templeton,
which leads ultimately to a dlvorco
botwoon tho Crosseys. Thereupon
the ox-husband marries bis charmor
und discovers that her vluws on "per
sonal liberty" aro tho samo an ho ex
pounded to Marcla, and that she re
serves tho right, (hough ranrrlod, to
consort with other men. In tha end
Lellu meets a tragic oath through an
nutomobllo accident In which one of
her male flames, Infuriated by tha
mnnnor In which alio has playod with
his olfactions, plungos thorn both
over a cliff.
Huntloy (lordon Is Mrs. Castle's
loading man,
Tho averogo annual . moat con
sumption of tho world Is 39 pounds
pur head, yet hath tho Australians
and tho Americans out neuror 180
pounds par hoad.
Clancy Kids
awfwever, tImmIc bat
Advene to Kaviag Ice Creaja
Oatef taeWJastew
Xv o . -i r " . mmm. J2 - j i
sSrP . Ill i rMwBt W -jw . i ' m
J... . ' v jiMKStw rsu. L'uLi" i - l a-r
saBI l" hi' ' W timi&M, S sf-r,, asHaf-- I 1 I -aVSgiasaa
I - u"Km --- - l. J lJsksggaCiljBaC
-...'- L : .. (