The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, August 24, 1920, Page PAGE EIGHT, Image 8

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TVfiMMr, AtfqUlf M, IMS
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Captain nnd Mrs. Kay Reed havo
arrived from Oakland to lunko K 1 1 ni
nth Palls their homo. They worn
Mr. and Mrs. ftlng IJrlro aro tho residents of this city sovornl yenrs
pnronts of a baby girl, born at their
homo on Ninth alroot Sunday morn
Ins At 8130 o'clock, lloth baby and
mother aro doing njcoty.
A son wns born yesterday, to Mr.
nnd Mrs. Rudolph llschofr of I.nti
gell Valley.
W. W. Coon, suporvUor In tho cm
ago when Mr. Heed wns Interested
In tho garage business.
K. 1'. Dunk wns In the city yester
day from his ranch on tho tipper
Iako, whero he Is spending his va
cation. Mr. nnd Mrs. W. M. Davis and
children left this morning on tho
w r !. ,l.u -.. .. .,.... '" tor huroKn. uaiirornin, where
t... iw. .i ,1 ui.. , 1 , thoy will mako their tuttiro home.
has been at tno.Klanuith Agency fori .. ... ,,, ,
.!. i t. . . Mr. nnd Mrs. Charles Itoberls hnvo
tho past two weak on business con I . , . ., , , ,
.. .... . .. ., "j . . . 'returned from n three or four weeks'
neclcd with Ms department, expects .,.,.... .
. i - m. . vacation trip to Seattle, Tocontn nnd
to leavo Thursday. ,,, ... ., , :. , ,
' ' Marshflold, whero thoy visited
Miss toulso Uondrlcks. teacher In ' (r0nils.
the Chemawa Indian school, nnd who! Mrs." Nettlo Kills left this morn
has spent tho past two weks here In ,ng for ,,,no ,Ul,K0( whcro no ,,Innil
inn interest ot mat insiuuiion, ten on ending tho remalndor of tho
on tho morning train. "summer.
Mr. nnd Mm. Merle Fisher and w c 1)nllon wnil a collnty ,ont
daughter. Illolcn. of South llend.v,8ltor yMlcrjny afternoon.
Washington, who havo spent tho past Dan nnd 1!,vo rjskey woro In town
ton days on a visit with Mrs. Fisher's yesterday from their ranch rh Swan
parent. Mr. and Mrs. I'. K. llannon.,1ako vn,cr on builneM.
returned to their homo this morning. B ,,. K1Uott atu, fftm,y haro .
Dr. and Mrs. W. If. Oaddes and turned from an extended automobile
rnmtiy aro Visitors In Klamath Falls i,r,, tn California.
from their homo at Kagto Kldgo to
Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Goollcr and son
Fred left yesterday for tho Yellow-
stone park. Thoy will make tho trip
In their car, and have set no dcflntto
date for tholr raturn.
A. C. 8oale of San Francisco, ar
rived last night" and Is stopping nt
the White l'elcsn hotel.
D. W. Ryder of tho Long-Dell Lum
ber company Is here from.' Texas on
mailers oi Dullness.
L. II. lcvy( arrived last night from '
San Fraacisco'and Is registered at
the White I'ollcan hotel.
Charles Moore has returned from
a short huntlacaad fishing trip. ,
Mark Wv Aatbonr Is a visitor here .
irom oan rranctsco auenuing 10 ous
Iness matters."'
Mr. and Mrq. W. K. Scehorn were
passengers oa the morning train
bound for Kareka, California. They
will visit there for a week or ten
days before retarding home by way
of Reno and Auaaville.
Joka and Dorothy Willy are tour
ist visitors la Klamath Falls from
J. W. Siemens loft this morning
for Portland whero ho will spend the
week attending to busfnes matters.
J. I). Johnson has returned from n
vacation hunting nnd fishing trip.
F. A. Hutto, who Is In clinrgo of
farming operations on tho Klamath
Indian reservation, was in town this
morning on his wny to San Fran-
II. J. Tlchnor was In town last
night from his ranch In tho valley.
I faBBtix:?.,Xj.--'jt;l . I
JISrsTTTTr' , ; ,,-. ' I
133. One hundred years ago this
month Dr. Frank James astonished
the world br cllmblnr to tho ton of
Chicago'. ' Pikes Teak. 14,109 feet above the
Mrs. Alma Rloomquist Is here for 'sea. Since that time 2,000,000 per-
Cabinet Prmnogrnph Outfits (UIH..VI
Your cholcn of oak or mnhogany
rases with six -.elections of music and
Alt Record Reproducer. Cash or
terms If necessary
a short time froi
land, California.
her home in Oak-
W. 8. Hart, of Bacramento, came
sons have mado the trip, and today
Colorado Springs Is celebrating the
anniversary with ceremonies all
along the 18-nUle serpentlno auto-
Vacation Ylrtrola S3.V0O
Worth n dozen of tho higher priced
"Mall Order Grade." lluy ono now!
Trade It In on n larger one lator
In last night to attend to business
connected with Ma property here. mobile highway to the summit.
Charles W. King of the Weed Lum
ber comaay Is la the city today from
Weed, California.
Miss Margaret Magnlre, who has
been hero' visiting J. F. Magulre and
family, returned this morning to her
home in Ooston, Massachusetts. She
was accompanied by hor two nephews
James 'Jr. and J,abn. James will
enter Harvard for the coming year.
Lieutenant Zcbulon 51. Pike Is
credited with the discovery of the
mountain In 1806. As hardy a pio
neer as was the discoverer, ho de
clared the peak was Inaccessible and
none dared to doubt It until 1920,
when Dr. James, a member of tho
Major Long expedition, succeeded In
the attempt.
Major Long christened the moun
Musicians Tabic Vlrtrola
No. IX, sr.i.oo
The largest type with power full
motor, pure tono and automatic stop.
Kasy to more around. Hear this
one alt woods.
Ilelir llru. Dnltity (Irnnil M 1.1.0(1
Hero Is an Ideal Unity (Irmul that
fits In the spneo of mi upright P'""
Hot Weather
We have nearly fifty pianos and player
pianos, also nearly one hundred phono
graphs in stock. It is too many, too large
an assortment for a town of this size. Wo
wish to move a substantial number at once.
Some goods are considerably reduced while
the standard price instruments are offered
on more convenient terms than ordinarily.
Increases of from 25 to '10' , in freights
about September 1st docs not look much
like bie reductions but as the only Klamath
music firm which buys in carload lots we
have many inducements to offer you. Call
at once and let us explain for school and
classes in music start soon.
Klamath Faili' Only Exqluaive Music House
507 Main St
IMmll! IWd PIiiiidn
Prices vnry from I22r $.100, 1.150.
etc llettnr look them over or better
still, henr the lunn of tlieso Instruments
Hpm-UI tll'.l.lMt CaIi
K'ltial of any I2&0.00 sliu. All Uncord
Playing I'lionnKruph. Hlunilard
Motor, etc.
Shoes ,
i For Boys
and Girls
During the growing years from 2 to 1G the feet
ore' acquiring permanent form. Shoes either Shape
or Misshape them. The Shape of the Shoes depends
upon lasts upon which they are made.
. Buster. )?rown Lasts are models after physically
perfect feet for every size and age from 2 to 16.
Buster Brown Shoes are only shoes made upon
these perfect lasts, which give to those shoes their
correct foot-shaping qualities. Buster Brown Shoes
consequently keep the growing feet in perfect shape
during the developing period and bring them to
maturity free from tortured bones, broken arches,
weak' feet and other painful foot ailments.
'Buter Brown Shoes are so carefully made, and
irom sucn excellent learners, tnat they outwear or
dinary shoes.
. We 'carry Buster Brown Shoes in narrow and wide
widths. We have a lame stock of bovs' and crirls'
school. shoes in new fall styles.
Exclusive agents for Buster Brown Shoes
B ". 1 1
SnsssfJ'M.. iey- M,,
fgnsnll I
fj DlBnT 'V
Huburbaa tiulbsaaurn 1303.00
Some Playor and the biggest value In
America today In a standard mako
Special Player 88 Koto. Ilaldwln
mako In Al condition, but used
Lyon & llenly Urand. A Innn that
lingers in your memory. I7m1 up
rights taken nt a fair valuation
tain James peak, but tho nloncer
plainsmen persisted In giving It tho
name of Its discoveror, and Pikes
Peak It has remained.
Tho history of tourist travel to
this famous spot of tho Rockies has
been that of tho dovolopmcnt' of
highway transportation. First came
a bridle, path in 1S73; two years lat
er a wagon road was built, and In
1801 a cog wheel railroad was con
With tho development of tho nuto-
molillo Industry camo tho demand
Tor n motor road, and In 1910 mo
present motor highway, winding
.around tlio mountain In devious
currcs, with precipitous rock walls
flush against the road on one hand,
jnnd deep ravines on the other, was
icomplett'd nt n cost of $"JOO,000. It
'lias nn avorago grade of 7 per cent,
(and i maximum of 10'4 per cent. I
It wja 20 feet wide except nt tlio
(curves, which woro extended to fin
Tlio llurmeso baby girl leads much
the samu kind of llfit as her brothers
houso. Apply HI Pine St.
tho sowing club of.nnd wears very much tho same kind
FOR BALK Six Jersey cows, tlirro
Just fresh; others coming fresh soon.
All good winter milkers. Boo L. Sut
ton ranch, first houso across R. R.
track from Miller IIIII school.
Tho ladles of
Sacred Heart church will spend0' BarnienU, and, except on featlvo
Thursday afternoon nt tho homo of I "cfnlom'. ""fit her facets powdered,
Mrs. Martin Qrocno on tho Merrill
FOR SALIC Extra good pair of
mrirw unvfin nml Inn vnfim old.
Henvy set of brltclion harness, good nfternoon.
3 k Inch wagon. Sell cheap If taken
road. Tho automobiles will leavo
tlio assembly room of tho church
promptly nt 1 o'clock and they urn
c,Auro to bo filled to overflowing, for
I Mrs. Urceno's reputation as a hostess
nssurcs tho ladles of a ilollclitfiil
soon. 1213 Plonsunt Avo.
P0SITI0N WA.NTi:i)-AH exporl- T,,. w,ve" of Cn"'"""" " fMof.
onced stenographer. 737 lth St. "lV0 formed u Domlnlon-wldu organ-
2I-2C Iratlon for co-operation nnd cdiicu-
hor hair nlnborately colled, and her
arms bedecked with Juwels, sho Is
allowed to run wild mid do vory
much as slio idoasoN.
A classified Ad will soil It.
UNKXPKCTWJLY called to tho coun
try for short tlmo. Cannot do sow
ing till 1 return. Will then put no
tlco ugnln In Honild. Corner Fulton
fcWordon. 24-28 ,
tlon In tho pruvoiitlou of firos.
Three stores, all paying.
Location Al. Must sell
owing to other business.
Sec 1008 Main St.
feet for tho greater rafoty of tho mo-,'"C0,
10 Wants to work for bonrd
go to school. Ilox 24, post-2I-2C.
Peak Is eight miles in
FOR BALI; Improved lot 7fi X
nn IWV3. -ou inn. nieni locniiun,
nlr lino from Colorado Springs, nnd
tho greater part of tho mountain ls
controlled by Colorado Springs to
safeguard tho city's water tupply, '
In April, .1919, a government war
tank attempted to climb tlio peak,
but wns blocked by snow drifts. A I
Closo In. Snap.
Boo 1008 Main St.
a m:w o.m; kviiuv oat
caterpillar tractor
month lator a
Inutdo tlio oscout.
'Walking races, burro races, mo
torcyrlo nnd automobile races Imvo
boon hold on Pikes Peak. Tlio first
ulrplano to cross tlio peak was flown
'over tlio mountain on August 3,
1019, piloted by Aloxundor Lundrum
(of Colorado Springs.
Tho record for motor over tho 12
'miles from Crystal Crook to tho sum'
',.. .- ...... ." ... .. '1'. f. .
mil is noiii uy jiaipn Jiiiiiiorq,iwno
made It In 18 minutes nnd o sec
Next Septembor tho nutomobllo
hill climbing contest, discontinued
during the war, will bo resumed. An
airplane raco. from Denver around
Pikes Peak nnd return will featuro
the event.
RANCH FOR SALE Walton much,'
Vi mllo south of Altumont cor
ners. Dost runch In county. Frank
Moorland, Merrill routo. Phono
1CF22. 24-27
- i i i i i ,
Ni:V HOOMLN'il iieuhi: Just op-
I encu ni uzu murniuu avo, unueii
Tho Home Rooming Houso. 24-2C
KXPi:iili:.VCi:i) Hand Ironor want-
i ed. French Hand Laundry, 123
N. 4th St. Zill
LOST On Main St., logger's hand
tnudo shoo, fiUo 0, Ioavo lit Mc
Donald's Peel Room, Reward.
WANTKD Woman to holp with
work for rent of housekooping
rooms nnd somo wages, 741 Wal
nut. . . ' 24-20
in I
VS. t I
ml I 'U ' f at
me i m istaaaBai m
H. ,9 ,1 '' Pikes Peak and raturn will rnntiirn
U?-M - ' tho event. o. F. TRIMDLG.
All tho mombors of tho Christian
Church aro requested to bo prosont
at a business meeting at the Baptist
Church Friday ovonlng at 8 o'clock.
JIOdKIt I). TOItltl'V. siiui in,
This excellent picture was made at Lake Tahoo and
n- Tj-ifJ?0,!81"1' WILLIAM RUSSELL
Big Bill" thoy call him You remember him in
"Six Feet Four"
Theda Bara (She of the Dark Eyes) in
This is Theda's latest picture and admittedly hor best
Our curly headed Irish star Mr. J. Warren Kerrigan
sbsssssBb?1 "T -'
HBMr" - -
MlkaBB-ffjUssssaBllJJLJ?!! I -T--T . .- " , ,