The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, August 24, 1920, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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    YtnMMr, Avavm u, imo
It (li eVsWaisM"lsss'sr
It Can't Leak.
Because It's Made
in One Piece
AKANTLECi: i: buJIt tike n
bottle all In one piece.
Most hot-water bottles nre
made In (cctiont, then cemented
together. When cement dries
and cracks, the bottle leaks.
Every Knt!lc Hot-Water
Die i moulded of pure soft
rubber one continuous piece.
No ports, patches, cement. Even
stopper socket U moulded In.
And guaranteed for a fult two
years service cr n new Kant
leek free.
Don't wait until your old bag
leaks. Get n Kantleck. Your old
one nay break cpen tcr.Itht.
White Men Planning Complete Posses.
cion of Fertile Islands of That
Far-Away Ocean.
With Kuropo n seething muss of tin
rct nnd discontent and uncertainty,
your llrtttslicr Ik looking to I ho Island
of llio South Paclllc, nlri'iuly owned by
tho empire, n tho next place to go
nnd to exploit, to ue the expression
of n lot of pooplc who do not know the
men nine of tho wort!. Already corpo
rations nre being formed to colonize
the Island, nnd beautiful word pic
tures of the ndtntitngc. of n residence
upon thoin nro being pnlntrd.
Tho truth Is, for some jonra tho
white tiinn ha horn gradually Rotrtin
n foothold In tho region., Tho dellcM
ful picture which ono oo of the nn
the. Rite n llltle Idru of what I
reiilly to he soon In the country. They
are not tho wild, linked people ronm
Iiir nt large, eating onoh other nnd
the iiiltotinrli. Ituhhcr plnnlntlon.
cooonlit grote. phophntc mine nml
oilier Industries lire i.pcrntod by I'll-
ropenn. And school mm churches
nro encountered on every hand, with
the honk of tho horn of tho iiutnmo
title henrd In th slmdo nf the pnliii.
The white limn will not reach the
end of hi roml until there Is no more
country to he settled up. nnd there
nre MM tnt nren to he hroueht tin-
tier hi domnlu. In Africa, nml upon
the llni'd of the sea, ho I setting hi
foot unit clcnrlng up tho Jungle nnd
tnmpicrtng the pent nnd becoming no
cllmiited. Hut the end I not yet;
there I still niuch to he done, nml
the chmices nre Hint the next- few
enr will see im codu to the-ofnr-nwny
places where n beginning 'hn
already bwn nmde. Columhu Dis
Prince's Speech Consisted of Verses
From the Koran, but Audience
Didn't Knov It.
1'OllTliANt). Aim 2S -Tho Pacific
northwest lumber Industry Is facing
Its most critical situation, nccordliiK
to tho weekly report of tho West
Coast Lumbermen's ussoclntlon.
Freight rules, nilversu to tho east
ern marketing of west const product!)
nro effective August 28,
Prohibitive freight differentials i
nRalnst Oregon nnd Washington linn i
bor will nffoct tho nvornr.o Inland I
sawmill In in ii cli tho same manner n .
recent cancellation of contractu af- J
foe I oil tho iivornRo shipbuilding j
Thlowater mills, lint-lug cnrRO ship.
pliiR outlets, will bo somewhat hotter.
off, hut the. Krent majority of mills , '
nro not In a position to ship by water. OXFORD STUDENTS
llieru win uo no concerieu mini-
"Try It Out Yourself"
says the Good Judge u
And you will find how
much more tuttiNfiiction a
little of (his Real Tobacco
gives you than you ever,
got from a big chew of (ho
ordinary kind.
Tho good, rich, real to
bacco taste lifsts so long
you 'don't need a fresh
chew nearly as often. So
it costs you less.
Any man who uses tho
Heal Tobacco Chew will
tell you thai.
Put in two styles
W-1J CUT is ii long fin-cut tobacco l
RIGHT CUT is ii short-cut tobacco
down. Knch operator will prciluco
liimbor, titular tho ndvorso shipping
rates, just ax lang'n. hu can and then
drop out
'iippllriitliiu from O. A. (' men Those
Interfiled notify President W. J.
Kerr nt once.
Oltl-dOK AHIUCUl.Tt'UAI. t'OI.-f
I.KC1K, Corvnllls, Aur 2! Tho nine!
Tt I Interesting to rccntl thnt dur
ing the recent Kuropc nil tour of I'rlnce
I Pel sal of the new kingdom of S)rln,
hi memory of the Koranic terse
siihxi mm in gooi sienu. in imiihiii,
nt n dinner In the Guildhall, the prince,
who uni the cuet of honor, nnd who
knew little French nnd le Kngllh,
Mill stocks nro now ,5 per nt In -""r -" '". i.nnwnii. an 2'..ORn.
excess of normal. The avor.iRo cost l"7 ''. " O. A. C.! J"'' ; )r"' v,c lty wl 1
of innnufnclurln,: Is now In excess of " , can ro, tho coIIor,, recn,. ' r K n,H r. . hi. v i.iy m
i t,r ihnn.ind foot lueiulntlon nnd tho npprova of tin c.""r " """ """ SB!,'U"" ""
$32 per thousand foot. commltleii nf nln.. f ,r il... in,,i. ,ll,,r cr"I' " senson. nccordliiK to
Tho Industry cannot finance pay ""'" " lcctlo.i for the Itho.les , of ,, ,lyur. ThU
roll, and othor re(lulrem(s without "cholars Up To roI this seleCui, ' ' J" 7 ,h.n i,pr"
.. . . .... . ..... the ntml cant must lion iinnr. ininr"""""" ,vl" v" " ,,,n" ""' ""
llipptnR; ami, wuu cum snori nim . . . vlnim neniioii hornuiio of hluhor tirlcoa
frelKht rates raiiRlnR from
til 1? n.,i ilmtianml fnot In funr nf
competlnR woods, restricted payrolls ha ,,1H wqulnllo nualltle. of le.ul
rMnrllv follow restricted ,,r,hlD' "cholnrshlp nnd physical fit
44c to or Kradunte. Irelueen the nRes of 10
nnn sa uctovor 1, 1031. Ho must
Mr. and Mrs. O. W. Howard save
dinner In honor of Mr. Howard's OREGON AGRICULTURAL COL-
fol fti.Aaa tktvt tk al kb If a aAlH.l tkAA T tErt Ft - - - til .. ' te. t
.-. . u..lUu. .. .cnru , icur.. v-orTaiiis, urtg. ii.-ino nino ,vn, , ,K,n (...piy , t. tonM
tlful gifts of flowers. home-making- club girls of Donald, 0f hi hcnllh. Helde him snt hi
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Howard are hero Marlon county, havo tho best homo-, friend nml mentor. Colonel I-nwronco.
visiting from the east and wilt re- making club so far visited by Ivan L. Oxford profeor nnd oriental scholar,
main until after tho round-up In Hobson, of tho United State, depart-,'0 whom he wlils-wrcd n he roo to
Lakerlew. ment of agriculture.
Srhnnrhln T1rn hnVA flnlaliA,1 Ivah kAml nn .nmnlailAn in ...
v." "I'r : :. iitKlV: . " !. nnd the prince nddreed hi
Hcllef I. possible If
nentnl line, file tariff, yielding nec
essary revenue and at the same time
restoring competitive conditions In
tho largo constimlnR territory from
the Missouri rlwr to the Atlantic
However, negotiations to ilato be
tween tho lumber Industry and thu
carrier, with n view to malntulnltiK
existing rompctltlvo conditions, fall
ness. No exnmlnntlnn or Greek Is
trmulC0n(. reiiulred. Appointment thin fall ho-i IIKUMIHTON. Ore. Aiir. 24. A
come, elective octoher, 1021, nnd new, modern jis.uuu moviiiK picturo
carries f 1,500 annually for three housu htillt by local capital, Is near
years. The elecdon committee wnntsiliiR completion nl llermlston.
Each rT,i w'os' nckdc 71 & l W T ,han h,,""",
7, J,n . rolonel Ijiwrencc nodde.1 Ids nent. (lm on tho part of shipper.
Ting. of InstnictlotjJJ'nch won
Walt Jaeobson spent Sunday In beads for oi- BOt. see'"" tho
"Slim" Christian and Frank Tax
ton are here from Lakevlow after the
round-up horses,
once In flowlnc Arabic period, win-
work, 'nine nnnreclntlnn nnd nnnlnue.
reports II. C. ?.alsten stato leader. When the guest of honor hnd re
sumed his sent. Colonel Lawrence, ns
The first woman to bo sent to tho nl Interpreter. me to exprc In Kng
Tlritl.h ira.1". nnlnn rnnor... n. n ' '" prince' sentiments of Krall-
r n Tn,n.nn A .i .i....i i- . i.ti..... ..... . . i tuiIp for hi. reception, -(ind tn olce
i..,S.nZn7.M Ii ; .. .ra, "" ""lcahlH devotion to the principle of democ-
Bly Saturday night. .Federation cf Labor I. Mr.. Sarah A.lrntT flnn nl(M, Ulhh.rlty. It wn
-... nmicu uuu jir. jiurntuu .i.onooy, 01 .-ew orK, tno general not until- many
wen to the huckleberry patch Mon- secretary-treasurer of the
T. I Textile Workers of America
liny day. had gone by
Mn. Jim Walts Is visiting her sis
ter, Mrs. Honor at Drews.
from Bed
in Morning and
Drink Hot Water
Tel: why everyone should drink
hot water each morning
before breakfast.
To see the healthy bloom In your
(ace, to see your skin get clearer
and clearer, to wake up without a
headache, backache, coated tongue
or a nasty breath, In fact to feel your
best, day in and day out. Just try in
side bathing every morning for a
Before breakfast each day, drink
a glass of real hot water with a tea
spoonful of limestone DhosDhata in
It as a harmless means of washing!
i rum ine siomacn, liver, xianeys ana
bowels the previous day's indigest
ible waste, sour bile and to'xlna, thus
cleansing, aweetenlng and purifying
the entire alimentary canal before
putting more food into the stomach.
The action of hot water and lime
stone phosphate on an empty ttom
aeh ii wonderfully Invigorating. It
deans out all the sour fermenta,
tlons, gates and acidity and gives
one a fine appetlto for breakfast.
A quarter pound of limestone
phosphate will cost very little at tho
drug store, but is sufficient to dem
onstrate that those (Who are subject
to constipation, bilious attacks, acid
stomach, rheumatic twinges or whose
akin la sallow or pallid, that one
week of Inside bathing will have
them looking and feeling better ov
ary way.
A classified Ad will sell It.
congress is to meet at Portsmouth
during the second wcok of Septem
ber. Following tho cloto of Its ses
sions Mrs. Conboy plans to make a
tour of some of tho principal coun
tries of Europe 'for the purposo of
making a survey of mill conditions
and of the situation In which the war
has left women workers
United i that Colonel Ijiwrrnrenllowed It to be
Kiinnn miuinc ins irienns inni wmii
the prince hnd whispered to him was:
"I'll recite the terse from the
KVvrnn about the cow."
Thu did the diplomatic profesnr
deceit c tho unnltttncenr of hi. Guild
hall friends. Munsey'. Mngnzlne.
V aVHSy " Tsssi
sssssfaPgftvA (JJkj KPA
sbbbbbbbeTsbbksb1w r
In Mjr Last Day Here
Consult this gifted seer at once.
He can help you solve your problems.
Your life to him is like an open book.
He reads you 'from tho cradle to the
grave. Here in Klamath for a few
days more. Consult him at onco.
Off he Itoora O, Liberty Rooms
Third and Main Ht.
Hours 10 A. M. lo O I. M.
Country's Metlve Energy.
The Rnusu nf a nation's Industrial
mlnht I. the amount of motive energy
which It can command for thu mani
fold field, nf production nnd the es
sential contributory actltltles. We
linve maintained our supremncy In
manufactured output very largely be
cause of the vast amount of power
which we could cnll Into service, Rob
ert. O. Skerrett wrote In the Scientific
American. Modern nation, expend
far more energy than tho combined
muscular uhlllty of their population
nnd beast, of burden. Tho margin Is
covered by the employment of me
chanical energy In tho form of power.
To accomplish the work done annually
In thu United States, would require
the labor of .1,(KX),(XX).(X)0 hard-working
slaves. The use nf power give, to
each man. woman and child In Ibis
country the service equivalent of thir
ty scrVnntx.
Aftoe having been kicked from
pillar to post for many cnrs, tho
roads suddenly find themselves In '
control, and their attitude townrd tho
shipping public I. that of tho now ,
rlqh toward humblo neighbors of les
prosperous days. The old spirit of
"tho public bo damned" Is strongly
In evidence j
If tariffs to bo filed within tho,
next 90 da), fall to permit tho ship
ping of west coast forest products
east of the Missouri river, the west
coast Industry will Institute, legal ac
tion seeking to havo It. lost markets
restored. Such litigation will tako
month, und possibly years, during
which Interval thero will necessarily
bo Idle mills uni unemployment.
East coast markets by way of Pan
ama canal have been suggested Un
fortunately, tho practice of tho enst
coast trado Is to buy In car lota and
not In cargoes. Tho dealer who buy.
a car at a tlmo cunnot handlo tho
throe train loads represented In thu
average, cargo. Thero Is not a port'
on tho Atlantic coast with storage
facilities for handling full cargoes of
lumbor, except tho new Woycrhacus
er yard at Baltimore or tho A. C.
Button corporation yard at I'ough
kcepslo, N. Y, Commercln! dock
spaco on thu Atlantic Is too valuablo
I to pormlt oxtenslvo storage of a low
valued bulky commodity llko lumber.
I Witt these conditions confronting
thorn, west coast manufacturers, dur
ing tho past week have been hesitant
In accepting business which here
I oar-marks of cancellation If not In
for tho practical dairyman.
Light running and close
For Sale by
Phone 381 J 202 Main St.
Why Orchids Were Caged.
Visitor, to the (lower show held re- ftrannlt by midnight August 20
Mill-; In Ibe Royal Horticultural hall M roportln(? ,0 10 Wel)t Conllt
nt Westminster, Kng und, were sur-1. . , ... - ..
prised to find number of rare ortll. I I.umbormen'. association for tho
Id. confined. I'ke so ninny wild nnl-wook ndlng August 14. accepted
mats In the too, within a heavy wire 88,300,356 feet of new business, In-t-agc.
It was explained that as the eluding 54,080,000 feet for delivery
flower represented a new addition to by rail; 12,067,979 feet for wutor de-
Tf 4bsb1bbbbbbbbbbbbbsv
'ill VlssssssssssssssssljttT
or parcels by our transfor
service. That will Insure
that they will be carefully
handled and that they will
always reach boat or train
on time. We don't believe
in any last minute ship
ments. We always get there
in plenty of time to make
sure tho goods we carry will
not bo left behind.
Western Transfer Co.
410 Mali. Ht.
the orchid family, tho grower wn. nat
urally anxious thnt hi. fellow dealer
should not share his triumph. Had It
not been for the cage, an unscrupulous
competitor might have stolen some
of the pof.dery pollen from the
blooms, nnd used It to fertilize plants
of hi. own. Normally adhering to 'the
bodies nf visiting Insect., the pollen
might easily hate adhered to the tip
of the thlers finger. Popular Mechan
ic. Magazine.
" ? " Miwcl"IUr,We
United In Bonds of Peace
In the presence of the chief execu
tives of Ecuador und Colombia, the
corner stono of a monument commem
orative of the happy termination of tho
boundary dispute between tho two
coimtrleK, wus recently laid at the
brldgo of Itumlchncn on tho frontier.
President Alfredo Mnpjerlzo Moreno
of Kcuador nnd President Fidel (Juarez
met hnlf way on the brldgo and greet
ed ench other umld u salute of urtll
I cry und cheers of spectator, of both
uallniiiilltlex. The presidents delivered
adlr--u'H referring to the monument
a ii symbol of peuee nod friendship
livery, and 2,172,377 for Icoal de
livery. New business was 8 per cont loss
than production, which at 74,309,520
feet, was 16 porcent below normal.
Shipments totaled 69,923,748 feet,
which with continued heavy water
shipments, was 12 per cent bolow
new business.
With car supply still holding at
approximately 30 per cent of require
monts, the unshipped balance of or
ders for rail dellvory roachod the
highest point in months a total of
8,163 cars. Unshipped domestic
cargo orders total 83,086,227 feet.
Unshipped export orders, 57,094,703
This Is good wood If bought early and dried. Do not
delay your orders, as you must buy early if you want
choap wood. Fuel will bo higher next winter than last,
as feed, labor und freight aro higher.
Wo are prepared to givo you quick servlco and tho best
of wood. Our prices nro cheap on block wood also.
Order now and bo prepared.
O. Peyton & Co.
410 MAIN
Miss Allco K. Wilson of Ottawa,
tho first woman to bo sont by tho
geological dopartmont of the Can
adian government, is making a 200
rallo trip down the shores of Lake
Winnipeg by rowboat to collect fos
sils for the department at Ottawa.
That within a few days
we. will havo on display
tlx best Ilarrlo Oranlto
Monuments, aa woll aa
one of marble, and wo
Invito you to compare
them with any others In
the west. These monu
monts nro unexcelled, and
Investigation will dem
onstrate the truth of this
Klamath Fall. Marble' it Granite Works
George D. Grizzle
Prop. -