The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, August 24, 1920, Image 1

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    .' ki
: A V
oWf &- IEuntot9
Fourteenth Year No. 4006
Price Fire Cents
"nvi B r: o'
ti:.vm:hhi:i: Govi.'it.vou
'i:utii'ii:h hiti-iuih;
DAYTON, Aug, 24. Governor Ccx
today gnvu out it statement declaring
Im would "prove" IiIn chargim regard
liiK tli" iiiuKriKuiln of Hut Itopabllcnu
campaign funds, lln nlnli'il ho would
present t lilt Inforiiiiilloii In mi ml
dress Thursday night ui Pittsburgh.
nahiivillk, Aug. 21-
Krnnk M. Thompson, nttnrniiy
Kitrmnil of Tunni'snco, iiuniiunc
ml today Unit Governor Koliorts
thin tiiornliiK lniil certified Ten
nessoo's ratltlrnllon of the suf
frage iimetidmrnt mid Inul mint
tho certification to Secretary or
Htiidi Colliy.
CHICAGO. Auk. 34.- Chairman
Will I lion, inul Georgti Wlillu, chnlr
iiinii of I tin republican mid democrat
lo natlnunt, commRtuna, rosNctlvc
ly, thn treasurer of each committee,
mid tint treasurers of senatorial mid
congressional commutes lira ordiiri'd
lo appear before tliu senate commit
ten Investigating campaign expend!
lures Inn 11 next Monday,
Thn riiiiuiillli'ii directed Chnlrman
Ken) on lo link (iuvrnior Cox either
to appear or to send it leprenciilii
tlvn to prou'iit miy (ivlilencn hit limy
linvii to Riilmtmitliitn hi charges that
tlm republican nr rnliiliiK $!&.
UUO.OUfi riimiuilKU fund.
ChlorJustlco I.nrmilvri, of thn
state supremo court, agreed to-
ilny to review tho proceedings
In tlm Chancery court which Is-
( sued 11 tiunporiiry Injunction,
preventing tliu certification to
Wushlnglon of rnllflnitliiu by
tint legislature of tlm fodoral
suffrage amendment.
PORTLAND, Aug. 24. Imtnodl-.
.to 'atlon of work by tho CaHtor-;,.,. f C0mTIlnrC0i
'nla-Oregon Power company on tho,, . . .
.r Z'Unk rlv,,r ' ' ' ui'r Klnm- ir"m.a tr"' lo C'
i litre mm
E. H. Hall, president of tho cham-
roturncd lout wook
California. Whllo In
nth Country, which it u fro,i Bnn ''"""Cisco ho dovotcd much tlmo
would flood 10,000 acres of govern-,!" thn "ocur,n of "" M r
inent land, and conservation of wnlor Kla",n,,, K"11"' Tho c"n'"''er of
for 30,000 acre, as proposed In thof,mm"rco na" "ccn ncllvo)r working
linker hill and 7C.00O acres nt Turn'0" iMn ,ro')0'l"Ion '" "me tlmo,
lake uro thu domunds mndo by the I""1 wUh U, "tlon ' 'h"
American IrIoii, department of Oro.1'"1"1" of Mr- """ ho wn" a''10 to
Hon, In protests telegraphed to llif pre"tnt tho matlor ,0 tTl "lc'nlln
department of tho Interior by O. t.ano ",lch tt mannor thnt iho Promptly
(loodell, state vice-commander of tho Kran,e'' an WIMonal supply, which
IrKlon. V"1H "hipped from, tho roflncrloi last
Lcmuol Ilolls, national adjutant of'Kr,'lay"
tho Amorlran UKlon. andJohnTay-i Tnl" nd,,'lona uPP'r. wltlefc
lor, chief counsel of tho leKlon t a,noun,H ,0 nbout 7C0 ,,arro", wl"
U'Hhlnglon, I). ('.. have been ,.""'" iomo tlmo this week and will
formed of the fight Imgun by Klum-i''" cn,lnuc'1 "nl11 ''10 "HuBtlon Is
nth nost to nre.nrv,. thn int..,n.t.f w,,r" nrly normal. As stated by
NOMK, Aug. 24, Four Unlt-
cd States army airplanes flying
from Mlncola, Long Island, to
Nome, arrived hero yesterday
ovonlng. Tho actually flying
tlmo from New York was 55
hours. Tho roturn will bo start-
cd In a few days.
J. P. Wells, city superintendent of
schools, today announced the follow
nig list of teachers as those who will
havo chargo of tho city schools dur
ing tho coming year. The fall term
opens September 7:
Central School
Allco Dlackford, principal; Mrs.
Mattlo I. Carr, eighth grado; Miss
Nelllo McAndrews, seventh grade;
BONDS, S48.D00,
III ex-servlrn ninn u-i.n t.v ,,, ' clmmher of commcrco In a pro- "C,"D --". "' Bi
l"rX " KMh Fal". Wayn Kt'CM' MVCnlh aDd 0,8bth
,liil rights of setllimicnt on the land renulred Kradc"' Ml" 0raco Pcnrco- lxt,
4 ,'n question. In a reply received nt i" "an ', " or J' rcnu"roa ... . M . f,h ..,,..
(irty'statn lien.tnnnrinr. in inrii,.n.i t,r. ' nunt of gasollno, b till roce ved Krauo' Mr" t,cu Mrim, nun graue,
" siato iicadquarlern In Portland from . . ., .. ..' ,. ms Mnudn Miller, fifth nnri ith
Ni:V VOIIK, Aum 2t Until "Will
I lays and (icorr.o Whltn, republlca-i
and democratic nutlonnl conunlttej
I.IHllt'ltNK. Ireland. Aug 2
minting or .Nationalists' property
hem lontlniiiMl until after last mid- Mr. Taylor, It Is asserted that tho'Up ,0 tho ,rci"onl ,lm0 C4 '"!r ccnt
night. AmoiiK tho bulldlnrs dotrnv. ,nii.., i.. i .!,.. .. ...i.u ,i...ioro than It did last year. Tho
. .. ...... .... "- -- - " ... . ,.,,
'il huh inn
Virtually a
men. resiiectlvelv have exnrrssud ",wn ,n tUn taCn "f I-yaHt reprisals
mr inn iniiruer or I'ollcv insixictor
Hweeney Huiiilay.
B iiu iUi,uNiKii in-.iiuy mnucr pas neen taken up with tho i
Catholic parochial hull. f interior department, and a decision iKrow,h of Industries In this section
II Nationalists have left from Secretary Payno la cxpccto, ," ccn so pronounced and so rapid
readiness lo uppeur before tho ronate
campaign expmullturn cmumJItre,
From J. II. Carnahan, commander
of Klamath post. Vice-Commander
noodell rocolvpil tho following tulo-
IIKI.KAHT. Aur. "4 Itlntlnv u..l
renewed here last night. In tho mosti "Senator Cbamborlaln anitnon-
wore col-.resentntlve Slnnott have sentstranr
menacing districts there
jllslons between Unionists nnd Hlmi
Felners, with shooting and stone
throwing taking place.
The regular Wednesday tUomketV
forum meeting of the Klamath coun
ty chamber of roiniiitirco has been
postponed Ibis week owing to the
fact that tint sK'itkers will bo un
able to arrive befnrn Saturday, at
.which dulu thu forum will 'ho'hvld.
The speaker this week will Incfudo
Senator McNnry and Cougresamen
Slnnott and lluwley.
The chamber of commerce I. send. whn Wi , io
Ing a delegation tomorrow to Cres- ',.., FrUc .,, y
cent Inko to ini'vt tho largo delega- ii..i,i. ,.,.. ... .. .
..... . , (llltchlo, the Oregon demon, prnnco
tlon from Kugeno. who will ncrom- to , , of ,
pany the congressional party that far, ,,,,, cy uMJf (
for the purpose of Inspecting the ,,, w g(,0 , b ,, of
.road between hvn, and Kugrne.'con(o,t ,, w, fu h
Klnitifilti rnillitv Im Unrutiu u-llli 1ii.
.... ..., ....n " ror lllrr fnni! U human nuturo ev-
ARE CN 0 f
messages to Secretary Payne calling
for Immediate cessation of work by
tho power company on tho Link rlvor
dam until tho question of protecting
government land nnd conserving wa
tor for 105,000 more acres can be
settled finally.
"The power company Is working
with feverish hasto to complete the
dam lie fore action can be taken to
protect our Interests. Immediate pres
sure Is Imperative If tho situation Is
lo bo saved for tho bora of tho
that It has been difficult for tho of
ficials to realize tho big demands
unless they wero on tho ground.
With tho big crops on tho Tula
l.ako to harvest, and crops In vari
ous other sections to bo taken caro
of , It would seem that tho action of
the chamber of commerce In this
matter Is timely and valuable.
gone for tho purpose of opening this
road ns a fuluro highway.
Idenced when they kissed good-bye to
their do-ro-mu at tho box ofrico win
dow. Mntclunnkor Frank Smith tins tied
Hearing of contempt chargos
up both boxers with contracts that ngnlnst County Judgo II. !!. llunncll,
amount to something more
more "scrnps of paper," but there
local dealer In sporting goods who Is
than' Commissioners Short and Fordyco. "' nnt"l outing companion. The
re IslOskar Huber. IiIrIiwov contractor. J .Uptons camo up tho coast to Kurokol
---.-. , -
Miss Maude Miller, fifth and sixth
grades; Miss Pauline liond, fourth
grado; Miss Anna Mao Johnston,
third grado; Miss Marjorlo Dolrell,
third and fourth grades; Mrs. Mollle
Holding, second grado; Mrs. Golden
Lincoln, first grade; Miss Ella Cal
lahan, first anil HArnnrt rraifi. -J
Illvcrslile School
Mrs. Chloo Wood, pi
palsy Cole, eighth grad
Klamath county water contalna a
fresh finny surprise for L. S. Upton,
Sacramento sporting goods dealer,
every time ho comes back, and he's
been coming year after year for the
past 10 years. Yesterday ho return
ed from the annual vacation amonc
the lakes, and declnres that Diamond ,mth erades; Mrs. Mayo B
lako trout aro tho best nnd gamiest f11"1 am second grades.
specimens of tho whole plicatorJal Special Touchers
t rlto. "ss Eve''n Applegate, music;
Mr. Unton was accompanied by hl5P"0,,orl c,ar' manual training;
son. Lauren, and J. U. chambers. MlM Fann'o Virgil, home economics.
Mnri Kin. i. n r...,..ri. i.t ii, i a real Hcrnp III run ii it t In ii with It nt w. Vonrinnn. iii..mnt .-..rir... n a ami crosseu over 10 uranis rasa. n.
-'" ..... -,... ,n .1.1...W ...I.. -----. ... ....... ,.., ,,..,, Mv.u. . w. .. I ... .
tho clean-up fire thnt lins been bum-1 "'"' "'"' ",,,ro H K'"g to ho n l.olghton, contractor's superintend- Asnmn(1 u,ey Pckea UP Mr- Chnni
Jng forsomo time In tho Aspen Inkn "w,1 H"1" "ot-lo" when thoso hlgjent, nnd tho stuto highway commU-' bor ana tno ,r, pas8cd 10 ,,aysl
Uind Itock cn'i-k regions Is now ln!,,"',, fac" l',,cl1 "tller "H'Hio nll-lm- slom-rit. was begun this morning "ong tho Hoguo river, nround Crateri
tlrely under control. Thoro hnvo.',,,r,nnl ,la' Judgo Kuykendull's court. M winding up on Diamond lake!
boon no limber losses from this fire. ' Y,,u'v Junt got to ndmlt t lint a number or witnesses wore on Sl""ln'- j
In splto of Its appearing lo Im rather Hml,1,y ""' comim-ndnlilo Judgment hand mid It appeared that the oum-' Mr- l'n,on "' " took u,u u'st
n bud one. Mr. Kimball said thlB ' w",,, 1(' mn,u' " "Mlgatory for ench 'imitlon would Inst nil day. ,Mr. trout on n fly. ever tnken In Dlumond ,
morning that It burned down tint' ,,,)x,r t"-"Kn to rontlnuu Hid contest Huber was not In court. 1)0fcniin,H l"ko. which Is Just opened to fishing I
to thu end of the
represented by Wilson S.
'after Mocking flvo years ngo. Others'
Ordinances authorizing sale of
bonds for tho Improvement of Con
ger avenuo; Klamath arenuo from
Ninth to Eleventh streets; Pine
street from Eighth to Eleventh, and
Washington street from First to
Third wero Introduced at tho meet
ing of the city council last night and
passed to second reading. They au
thorize bond sales as follews:
Conger avenue ... .... $15,tii
Pine street . ... ... ... 13,800
Klamath avenue ..... ............ 7,810
Washington .. . 11,284
Had Councltman Upp not been ab
sent the ordinances would have been
passed as emergency measures last
night. In his absence, however, tka
council lacked the" necessary three
fourths vote for emergency and the
measures will bo up for final passage
next Monday night. The council ad
journed to that specific date, which
Is not a regular meeting night being
tho fifth Monday of the month.
Gambling Law Passed
Tho amendment to the anti-gambling
ordinance, providing for revo
cation of the license of any propriet
or of a public place that tolerates '
gambling, was adopted.
The ordinance establishing side
walk grados on Ninth and Washing
ton streets was passed.
Action ob Permits
Application of John Kunts to con
duct a set of games at Klamath an
dghth streets, laid ovsrfroaa last
hreek, was denied.
,-The application' of J. p. Breatom
d P. Martinez to caMait'tka Ross-
room lag house, ibtfKala'Btreet.
rmerly .Managed by Mrs. Etta
Moon, was granted. 'The applicatlea
was-maile las( week and -laid orer.
Louis Robblns was granted a per
mit to build a dwelling house only ob
his lot on the easterly end of Hals
street. There was a protest against
his building operations last week,
because he remodeled an old barn.
;Dr. A. A. Soule and other neighbors
declared the building was Insanitary.
Robblns wanted to build a cowshed
also, but was denied permission.
G. C. Lorenz was granted permis
sion to cut the pavement In front ot
tho now Evans building to make
sewer connection.
Permit was granted Oscar Shlvo to
movo a dwelling from lot 2, block 10,
original town, to block 51, Nichols
addition. (The location Is on Ninth
street and Mr. Shlvo has tho founda
tion for his homo practically com
Ilulldlng permits wero granted to
Roy C. Cooper, three-room house,
block 7, Fnlrvlow addition, $500; F.
L. Applegate, tlirce-rcom house,
Milock 110, Mills nddltlon, $500; R.
WARSAW, Aug. 21. Tho cap- A. Perkins, addition to homo on
Drew, seventh crade:
McAndrows, slxth'gradwrW
D. Johnston; fL"1rriMte: Miss Ger
trude Parker ,d,,rderda;5'uVB
Loretta. Jou. '&??1MJlBi
Pearl Dcmerest.-raecond grade'
Grace Karrand, first gridr-,, j
Mills HcboM -,
Mrs. v. C. Ezell. DriaalBaf. aavia
"And' eighth grades;, Miss Kathertne
McAndrews, fifth and sixth grades;
Mrs. Agnes Swoboda Dryan, third
and fourth grades; Mrs. Frieda Dry-:
ant, first and second grades.
Pelican Day School
E. E. Lambert, principal, sixth,
novcnth and eighth grades: Mrs.
Sadlo Lambert, third, fourth and
mountain lnstoml of mi im.l tliern " no u" ' srneiiuii'il leu U,ro
wnsn't imv liiit ilmlier in Mm truck rounds, oven though ono of thrm wilov. Robert II Chnvnn nn iin ,,avo ,J0" IB spoons but Mr. Up-'ture of Prsasnysz, CO miles north of Eleventh street, near tunnel. $550.
Tim ntiiv otimr i.i- rin. lu .. r hIiouIiI lone IiIn head long enough to nffidnrit riinri-ini- ,tnf.m,in.,to .m. ton wiiiitod to cxporlniotit with a fly. Wnrsaw, nn Mtnwn, 75 miles north- Firo Chlof Ambroso was nuthor-
tho old Potter mill near Pokognmii.
cnuso him In foul thu other fellow. Uin-rimi nf u n.n.m i,ii,.., , Ho lauded nn olglit-pnundor. Tho (west of tho capital. Is reported in tho lod to contract for kalsomlnlng ot
Of courso Wild Hill and the demon ,or tho proceeding Is based, was pres- l,urt' 01",thor luniled 27 fish from Polish official statement Issued last tho now of flco of tho -flro department
imvor lmvii been pnrtlul to that fonl-'pm wlt, j, jj cnrnnhnn. his counsel. ''Inmonil luko, ranging from threo to nlgtit. Tho bulk of tho fourth Soviet In tho city hall.
ten pouiiiis. ,nnny, anu tno cntiro tiilrd cavalry .
mi UAttD no vmvuc
pou3 uvibCRartkViQ Goucnwiw.
intt voccAvn" vrikit wp &
rra ouor ao uocvv
,qkx tm! -vmpc AiD por rrovi tu'i
UOKlOOrtt-i. 5 VI tti rtrrpfft. "'(
-tWtV'i'i VOVW
jum sum. oiii mo aiiriipi musiics in ciioyno charges that dofemlants.
two fights on tho last card Iioip lm.'ftr 1)cll,B ccmmaniloil by tho court
lily utmost niiythlng Is ll.ihlo to ,0 ron80 IU,(H ot ,,nmnB0 allll treimM
hnppen In n prize ring, and Smithy 0II ,,, ,,r0UHoa, ,ir0UK, ,vch n
'kiivh hn til irnlni? tn lrlvn fliflit iintrnna ...
, -........,...-...............-!, Kwl,y )H ironiK const ructeil, per
"1'vo fished In many streams nnd corps, havo lwon surrounded by tho TROPHY FOR BEST
lakes," snlcl Mr. Upton, ntul I novcr Poles, tho statomont said.
saw nuythliig llko It. . I novcr met
gamer fish nnd Insect food Is so plen-; LONDON, Aug. 2 1.-
- mtv
L mm
1 r i
Kim f- 'iu m
uitt ttM IsaVJ
onks.X4 isassi
VS-Fv iaassi
' i aaVVM Dasssl
LasPsK sssssssssbV
iuiid-i . ,, liuntliiK n ml fishing nffordcil hero Is hnro be
M- ! , r, C'r'rntl1' former county Jubo , f , tourtata'orlnnd.
ltr(1. o Klnmat I. county. .,, foml a stroke w ut, ,,,, , , ,, ,, u .
(((1(, of paralyslji n.i.l I. critically III t his ,n)e8 ,, n , wh , fl, I0N,
Great Urltaln Tho central labor council, through
ii run for their money oven If ho has ' ...., ,,., ..,.-. ... .... ,,., i,i ,.. tltul thnt they can't help bolng fat, 'nnd Italy will refuse recognition of Its Labor day commlttco. has secured
to fracluro n couplo of rlbi nnd a t0 w,uj0P u,,0 ,H ,allll ,, taih'A hcuvy fallow- It's wondorful. I tho Russian Soviet governmont It It a handsomo solid sllvor plnauo,
custom or two while making the nt- l(, ,,rovtdo moans Xor Irrigation wntor, "If ' woro n rcslt,0,u of Klamath doos not withdraw Its domund, pre-mcunted on an ornamental slab ot
toinpt. Ho, If n foul occurs, and the (() t)ow acloss (l0 r0i(1 ' ' j county I'd mlvocato conBorvntion sentod ns part of tho poaco terms nt native wood, ns a trophy to bo award
flghlor fouled Is uhlo to rnnllnuo the i 'oarly nnd lute. Tho trout nro plcntt- Minsk, for n prolotnrlnn army In Po- cd for tho "best showing" niado by
milling, It will bo "on with tho bout" .-ot.u:u roi'NTV II'IMIP m ful now but Just ns soon ns road con- land. This has been decided upon by any unit taking part in tho Labor
nun IK" i iiiiih win inn no (.(nn ci it'll
to iiinander homo nursing woll found
ml grlovnnecB In their think boxes,
Reed nnd Rllchln uoed no 1
iluctlou to western fight fans.
has boon In inoro flstlo .oiigngomouts
thnii'U(ru nro notchos on William S.
ITnrt't) movlo gun, mill Itltvhlo Iiiih
climbed through tho ropes ottoimr
than Lillian Russell hna boon mar
ried, iiml Unit's going roiuo for any
lloth big i an n hnvo ngrood to
train publicly several days beforo
tho big day rolls around, and tho
public will thus ho onnblod to got
u protty good lino on tho boys.
Rltohlo up poors to bo In flno fl;;lit
' '.I.. .... . - ( ..- . . I." .
CRITKWLLV ILL .S1IL.M) ,lul"nH "'" "''rou mid news ot ino rrumicrs lioorgo nnu uioiiitc, who tiny parnito, beptemusr ti.
iiiiuiiiiK nun nulling nuorucii uero is unvo oecu uieeiing ni i.ucorno, wuz-i invitations to participato in tno
contest liavo liecn mailed to all tiusl-
Inoss houses In town and Boveral nc-
nly n llttlo whllo to fish outa j LONDON, Aug. 24. dormany hns.coptanccs aro already on file with tho
lako. It takes years to replenish it. .shlppetl supplies nnd ammunition to Labor day commlttco. It Is clearly
liomo In Ashland, according to word
ri'colved this morning by his ilaugh
tor, Mm. Charles Do Lnp
lATfu Tlt T ,i. Inft . n..An n- ...I.1.....1
-"" 1"'' ,V'1 "l u"1" "" """'""".'.lion fncllltlea
planting fish
I'd bo villi 1 11 IT for cilttlnir tho limit In Soviet rtus.iln. nrcnrnlm- tn thn rnr-lctlmilntml flint rnmnnHIInn tnr thU
111 wo nl11' tor '"creasing tho propagn-, respondent of tho London Times, i trophy is open to nil, nnd not con
ns did I.ovi nnd Clyde Griffith, sons
of tho stricken man.
Up "to thrpo yours ago, whon-ho
moved to Ashland. Mr. Griffith had
lived horo for years.
drlvo 'em backwards elonr out of
sight. So, thoro you nro. Thoro Is
n big tight looming up lu tho horlzln
ing fettlo, and snys ho tools equal and, with tho othor good ovonts thnt
to tho task ot knocking tho frocklos
off Chnm,ilon Jack Dompsoy. Reed
snya hu might not bo nhlo to rollovo
tho champion of his frocklos, but he
Is coeksuro thnt ho Is in shape to
will be Included In tho Labor day
card, tho ontortalnmont is euro to bo
Just a llttlo bit hotter than anything
that has ovor boon Jorkod oft In this
nock 'o the" woods,
to tho utmost nnd who Insists that Leon Trotsky visited
In overy nvntlablo.onst Prussia rocontly.
HOOD RIVER, Oro., Aug. 24.
Kifteou thousand dollars Is bolng
spont this 8iinmer in ropalrs to tho
warehousos of tho Applo Growors'
association. Ifhls will greatly in
crease tholr capacity.
Tho population of soma of tho bor
oughs of London contains twice as
many women as men.
LONDON, Aug. 21. Official dis
patches from Warsaw today say that
tho Poles havo capturod 03,000 pris
oners, 200 guns nnd 1,000 machine
ASHLAND, Oro., Aug. 24 Poar
picking Is now in progress In tho
Roguo Rlvor valley. Tho greon fruit
aro bolug preparod for shipment by
fined to labor unions. In a word, tho
souvenir Is to bo awqrdod to tho en
try, whothor a union, a business
Jiauso, flont or other unit, Award
iwlll bo made by an Impartial com
mltteo consisting ot several porsons,
only ono ot whom will bo a member
ot a labor organization.
' Keen rivalry is bolng manifostod
-and olaborato arrangements being
Smado for possession of tho award.
OREGON Tonight and Wednes-
the flvo packing plants of the Ash- day, unsettled weather; probably
land Fruit and Produce association, thunderstorms In the raountalaa,