The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, August 23, 1920, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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Tlmt Deslgnsttd In Simple Fashion
Journsys and Distances Told Olf
by "Sl.ept."
Thn American Imllitn of early days
rtikoned limit liy lmt lln-y nillcd
"sleeps" mill "iiiimiiii," Tln liuHim'
"sleep" rrfi'rri'il to n miii in mm tiny
of !M hour mul III "moon" In
(lie white iiujii rmiKlily iiml Impiopcrly
mils it month, Tin I;iiIIiiiim Imllntl i
the tiiiiiii liimr h) it nt I lie i'rlluil!y
upward. To liiillniti' tho middle of llio
first tiiilf nf fln OnyllKliI period 1
o'clock h- pointed tiimnrd inliluiiy
between llio linrlron mid the xcnl'h
nixl to liiillciito inlil'iiriiTii'Miii ,1
Captain find Mm. Miirlon Nino
nru (In) panmtii of it ten unci a liulf
pound liiiy, iixrn yesterday inornlnic
lit tlio Klmiiulli (lunnrnl liiiMpltnl.
'. I-'. Trlinlilo mid mm- rottirnod
Vunloriliiy from Diamond l.uku,
wliero Ihiiy Imvu boon camping.
('. Ilowmiin was In town thin morn
ing on iiuittura of business, from IiIn
ranch near Merrill.
Mm. T M, Wlllliiiim Ik lioro from
Kvoreit, Wimlilni'lon, unit In stopping
nt tliu Wlillo I'lillrnn hotiil.
I I'lt'iillm: In ii cllv visitor from
crloiU-hi) pointed toward llio PI'-i U'cimI. California, to.ltiy.
silo iiiiirliT. Mo H.if tl' i-nMcrn ... w i.,.....,.,. IirrVo.l v,.inr,inv
horlroi ... "Minrl..." nml of the west- , "' W. Joli iihoii nrrlvo.l yrMnnliiy
itii liiirlrnn iiM'"siinset." """' x',',""ri '""I ' reglHtiirMtl ill
JmirnejN in,,) distances between dlf- J1'" W,,l,w ,'ollcl,,, ,",l"
fcrent point with mi'iimiiiil In J. II. Maupln Is hero on business
"sleeps." 'I Inn. w lien lin iiinlerloi.k from (Iriilme, California.
In It'll how fur lie Imd trimWd or In
till how fur inn- point wim from me
olln-r, llio olil'tlmi' liiilliin tiiiltl my
n certain number of "sleeps." drillim
rll), n "sleep" In thlK sense i'orri'nHiiii
nl to somethlni: like .'IT, mile- llio ill w
Innci' ii mini rnnlil em it In ii tiny, Irnv
t'lliik' nt mi ordinary pace on foot.
Hmii'iiT, It "lit not unusual for men
Mm, K. 0, DeChalnn has J it nt ro-
turned from n four weeks' sojourn
to Clntmlmr HprliiKM, California.
Mm. I.'iirl l.onuy, who has liccn vi
siting nt Algnmu for a short llmo,
ri'turnuil till inornlnK l lir liomo
In Ulchfleld, California.
Mm. Wlllliim Tiitliiim, of KprliiK
rnrrjllu: Important mentri to mikr field, Tennessee, who tins been vlnlt
twice IS tnllrn or more In u slngl' 'J I
hour period.
Ntw York Landmarks Going. '
Tht1 "downtown" section of New
York It losing one of IN liuntiiinrkii
ly tho ili'inolltlon of lin Kastorn hoiel
tn ninko rooiii for nil olllio hulldll'?.
I nit with Mm. Wllllnm M Duncan
unit family thin minimur, left on thu
trnln thin mornlntr.
Mr. nmt Mm. Anion I'ollvku nml
chllilri'tt lift this mernlnr: for their
homo In Knn Francisco nftor n two
weeks' lslt with Mm, I'olivknVpar
Por ni'iirly n liiimlmt )nim ll Inn tenia. Mr mul Mm. (J. (J. Ilncuc.
Veen llit fnorllt hoaii'lry of Atm-rlnn
KMifnrltik' folk. "I mtiiil ) Johnny"
O'ltrlcii, ui'll known for hla priullco of
hlpplni; nnn to I he l.nlln-Aiiii'rlcnn
romilrli'. coiicimMiiI inniiy of hla Mil.
litliti-rlUk i hi'llli'n In till" hotel, uhlih
hi' mitilo lil hcnilipinrlirn.
Onr of tin- friilnri-a of thla liiilhl.
lllC w lt hrnni" of nolhl tiinhoinny. I
In 1V.-J, when ll hik i-on"lriiclul, cur.
Cora nf ailppllra crr friillrlllly
MilppH from Now York to South
American fHirta. mul when u nliirn
rnrco ronhl not tn rcuntl iniihoicmiy
wna hrtnieht hack, "crtlnc tho puroc
of hold enrso ami tinlliint. TIo-m- rnr
Mr. mul Mm, A. M. Whlto Inft on
tin train thin morning for Wttml, of
ttir u two lu n' hmtliit'HH vlalt hnro.
Hnm liotmril, nf Moilfonl, In hnro
for a nhnrt vlalt with frlonda. Mr
Irfoinaril wmi an tmplo) of thu llulil
win llnnlwnrc company Inat i'iir,
nml la wnll known nmoni; tho younK
cr nt of thu city
Mr. nml Mm (Irani Nolaon mnilo n
trip to Orator l.nko ycatrnluy
Champ McCollum anil hla ion,
Dnvlil, worn vlnltnra In Klaninth
KalU Haturilny from thulr ranch
en. i ro miM chcnply. mul rrc oflrn II"'1U uar WorilMi.
umi In tho conMrnctlon "f Nv York II. C. Imclii. of Tho Dallca, la In
lnillillni: of f luil it'rloil. , town Unlay on uinttora of huilncaa,
Mr, and Mm. IMitar Johmon or-
A Hiavy Cult. rlvcil luit tilnht from thulr home
I hnil had n mlMimlrrilmiillne with In Mcdford, for it short vhtlt horn.
my rmplnir. mid whwi I Iniliditl In They nro atnpplnt: nl tho Whlto Pol
my rvnlennllon I told him In ory c., imt
plain Kncllkh what I thnncht nf htm;
he, nlo, poliilliiK out n few fmilta tin
thnnsht I hnd. A few nionlht later,
after nnawrrlne n hllnd ml for n pint
tinn, t receded n reph' iininlm; n iline
for mi iippnlnlini'iit. My umiio m ihnt
time tii'lni; mi ceelliii;ly coiinnon
one. It wni not recoKtili'eit : neither old
1 recognlio him. n ho hud ino-eil hla
oftld' nml ihmiced I he tlnn liiune.
Upon Ih'Iiie nthered Inlo Ihe oltlce I
met tny former eiiipln)er fine to fate.
Wu wert' liolh ipeethletot, nml I did
not catch my hreath until I had Imck.
rd out mid "lift III mi elevator K"lii
tlown, Chlrnco Trlhmie.
Throiidh n bit of mJilntcrmutloii
tho Herald printed a atntnment In
tho liaua at Auituat 19 to tho of
feet tlmt ilarold dray had arrlvod
frifin Medford to tnku over tho man
Rouiont of tho Maion-Khrman com
pany. It van learned today that
be wan not to inccoud K. II, Juffur
on. tho pronont ajenoral maniner,
but la to bo offlco manaxer of tho
local offlco.
J.( 8 Foley la hero from Jackson
ville, Klorldn llo In n KUet at thu
Whlto ivllcnn hotul.
T A.4HfTloy arrived yeaterdny
from Uend. nod Ii itoppln's at tho
W'liltn I'ollcan hotul.
(Irorxo V Oraco wna In town on
Hnturilny to mnkti final proof on hli
homeriteud or idRhty ncrea In tho.
Tulu lake ilrnlnud landn. Minn Hatch'
alio filed final proof on Saturday for
40 acres of tho Tula lako bottom. I
Hho reporta that alio rnlsn 28 tons
of alfalfa on seven acres of this land
for tho first cuttlm? O. V. (lluck
and Wlllmott Crandnll nclrd aa wit
neisea for both Mlsa Hatch and Mr.
Mr. and Mm. Charles V. (llllott
of Dorrla luft thla mornlnic nftor n
short visit here with Mr. und Mm
Karl Smith. Thoy wero at ono time
residents of Klamath Palls.
V. K. I)oo left this mprnlnx for a
fow days' buslncaa trip to Itoddlns,
Mrs. V. V. Hawkins , of Aluoma.
loft thla mornlns; for a visit with
friends In nichflold, California.
A''" r' mill "-
tv' ... r t. rjTssssssssm
HBfrfTiiT?" 'j!yiffTP?WlsB'ssl ssssl A '
('MMnrt riiniKtriiijtli OulflU IJMIH.55
Your rholco of oak or muhoRfiny
cnto"! with six Hi'lertmnti of music nnd
All llecord Itvprndiitir, Cash or
terms If necessary
Vim nt Ion VlrOiln sJi&I.OO
Worth n dozen nf thu higher priced
"Mall Order Ornde." lluy ono now!
Trodo It In on a Inruer ono later
.Musician-.' Tuhle Vict tola
Tho largest typo with power full
motor, puro tone and automatic stop.
Kay to move, around. Hear this
one ull woods.
Ilehr lln.H. Dainty firand fKI.I.CM)
Hero In an Ideal linhy Orand that
fltn In tho npaco of nn upright piano
Hot Weather
We have nearly fifty pianos and player
pianos, also nearly one hundred phono
graphs in stock. It is too many, too large
an assortment for a town of this size. We
wish to move a substantial number at once.
Some goods are considerably reduced while
the standard price instruments are offered
on more convenient terms than ordinarily.
Increases of from 25 to 40 in freights
about September 1st does not look much
like big reductions but as the only Klamath
music firm which buys in carload lots we
have many inducements to offer you. Call
at once and let us explain for school and
classes in music start soon.
Klamath Falls' Only Exclusive Music House
507 Main St
Itebultl ITsetl I'lniiot
Prices vary from $225 100, S.1C0,
etc. Hotter look them over or holler
still, hear tho tono of thi-ao Innlru-
bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbmbbbbbb! '
HpecUl 910.1.00 Ciwii
Equal of any $250.00 size. All Itocortl
Playing; Phonograph. Standard
Motor, etc.
" ., , tJ.-." . rm-rsMsst
i?lV?lt5' " sssssssssfilissMs flPHfB
Tailk Kgjs.11 ir
flWiWVm sbbbbbbbbbbbbKIssU LslB
l TIT " L J"irT T "" "rmrir"T r mtr
Senator and Mrs. Warren Q. Harding on the poreh of tbolr hoa
In Marlon. O. The neoablloan nominee for President is wavins: a
greetins to tat.aaUittilMUc crowd (aUtred to wIUcm Uts soilfleaUoa
UTaannnlM ' i 7? - .
B VtLT J .
SSSSsMlll ll ll ll rfi II
rnHstL-J J
&W BrJ'
MHasj.j-'' & - X-HJ
ajhNjMfissaaB'"7 MVfl o
Ml iBMilBv ' 'U'
V w 9.
V iBl. i It
iaiiasm lU
Huliurluui (.'iilhunx-n AO.1.00
Somo Player and the biggest value In
Amvrlca today In a standard raako
Special Player SS Note. Baldwin
make In Al condition, but used
Lyon Healy Orand. A tone that
lingers In your memory. Use up
rights taken at a fair valuation
Dr. 0. A, Massey and family re
turned yesterday from, a camping
trip to Diamond lake,
C. II. Parker waa a county seat
visitor from Merrill tbts morning.
W. U. Sanders, a florist from Ash
land, Is attending to matters of bus
iness hero thla week.
Mrs. Joe Moore, Olen Deals and
family, Mrs. Nellie Ellis, W. F. Tur
pln, and Mrs. Nellie Kline niudo u
ploasure trip to Crater, lake yester
day, (TheyMoft Klamath1 Kails early
In tho morning nnd returned homo
last night. A stop was niado at Fort
Crook for lunch last evening.
Judge and Mrs. T. Doollng, of tbo
U. S. district court of Northern Cal
ifornia, who baa been spending a
month with W. K. Drown at bis
camp on the Upper Lake, returned
to San Francisco yesterday.
Wm, H. Smith, for tho last six
months employed by the City Trans
Tor company, a former employee of
tho Southern Pacific company, re-
rosumod railway employment this
morning when ho accepted tho Job .st. John.
as local warehouse foremun, In tho Tho treaty of sale by which the
placo of Charles Foster, who lakes islands wore transferred from Den-
btbltlon removed by local legislation
rum-making baa already been re
Islands are
United Statea prohibition laws. Pro-
niDiuon uirecioouonamson re-!the haryMt w, 5 p MBt
fused to permlfthe' shipment of al-,th . . 1919 $, ot .,..
HOOD IllVP.R Dr im'Vi
f, however, the Virgin j,,,,,,,, on tno apple crt)f j uu
feeling the force of tbe,year hMe taken 'anofter.JampV tha
en nrohlbltlon laws. Pro-! . .. . ....
pasi iwo weens, ana u is now inoagni
cobol to St. Thomasfrom here to be,ay BOod qua,ty fag looked foc
used In tMtaianufacture ot bay rumwaru t0f nnd ProParaUoB9 are behlg
unlesa, , nianuiacturers bind thera-ltaade for neavy elport 0UtlBeM,
selves tol denature their product soi ,
SAN JUAN, P. n July 30, (Dy
Mall). Probably the only nlace un
der tho American flae where Drohlbl-'
... . .- :. ... l
lion is noi now in lorce is in me ir- gj
gin islands where, until congress en-i
acts now laws, the old Danish laws
romsln in force.
Tho colonial council of St. Croix
has Just passed a bill repealing for- In the County Court of tbe 8tate
, . ,... .... ... ..... 1-..1 of Oregon for Klamath County.
... .. .c....uu .v . .uU ,n ,ne Matter 0, the EgUte of
which .provided for local prohibition George C. Mitchell. Deceased.
until a, specified period aftnr thoi To J. C. Mitchell. Den C. Mitchell, Hereafter tbe Herald will pnbliah
ending of tho war. Blmlttr WiU-i-"'' ; , mean and asaxlaua tempera
tlon is ponding In the colonial council ,. Mrta McFadden and I A. M. tnres and preclpltatloa record aa tag,.
for tho Islands ot St. Thomas and Collier, guardian ad litem of Qarrl-en by tbe U. S. Reclamation aerrlet)
ALBANY. Ore. Aug. 23 A large
that It cannot bo used for beverage
purposes. Tho manufacture ot bay
rum Is one of the chief Industries ot cement ,tructure with trackage front-
Thomas and St. John. afe u now j tne course "of 'construe-
, J tlon for the fruit association here.
iThli wBrnhniiM will nraellCBlW
double the carrying capacity.
tbe position ot. claim clerk. Mr. Fos
tor has boon 111 for a few days, but
'returned to work this morning.
1 Mrs. Harry Orr. ot Gazelle, Cal
sister-in-law ot a former county
'Judge ot Klamath county, and Mrs.
William Smith of Anderson, Cal..
lire guosts of Mr. and Mrs. M. A.
Callaghan for three or four. days.
J. D.' McCarthy, representing tbe
'Burroughs adding machine company,
Is In town this week In the Interests
'of his .company.
W. K. Drown is a visitor horo to
day from tho Upper Klamath lako
'attending to matters ot buslnetim
8. O, Johnson la in Klamath Falls
on matters ot business tbls wook,
from San Francisco,
O visit '
Tho votoran Pat Regan, who went
out to Oakland from tbe National
league In the hopes ot prolonging bis
pitching life, tailed to make good and. trade In an Important by-product ot
has been given bia release by the sugar when they were forced to
mark to tho United States provided
that laws In force at the time of the
transfer should remain In full force
and effect until congress enacted spe
cial legislation for the Islands. Tbls
haa not yet been done. In the mean
time the constitution of the United
States, In all of Its provisions, is not
appllcablo to the islands and tba
eighteenth amendment has no moan
ing there.
As a war measuro tbo colonial
councils, the local law-making bodies,
passed prohibition acta to bo en
forced during the war. As a. result
St. Thomas', whore champagne sold
for a dollar a bottlo and other liquors
were equally Inexpensive, and the
two other islands gradually bocamo
dry, Merchants In St. Thomas whoso
business la largely that ot supplying
ships stores have contended that
prohibition was one of their groatost
handicaps while tbe sugar makers in
tit. Croix were deprived of a lucrative
son Claude Mitchell, a Minor.
Oreetlng, In tho Name ot tbe State
ot Oregon.
You and each ot you are hereby
cited to appear in tbe Court Room
of the above entitled court at tbe
County Court House at Klamath
Falls, Klamath County, Oregon, at 2
o'clock p. m. on September 18, 1920,
at the September term ot tbls Court,
1920, not less than ten days after the
service ot this citation upon you, to
show cause, it any exist, why this
court should not make an order to
sell, aa prayed for in the petition,
filed herein, licensing and empower
ing Leslie Rogers, Administrator
with the will annexed of tho said
Afttatn. tn Rflll nt firlvntn nflln. linnn in.
the terms prescribed by tbe Court.! A.. lt 91
real estate, to wit:
Lot n Dlock 84. In Klamath Ad
dition to Klamath Falls, Oregon, ac
cording to tho duly rocorded plat
thereof on fllo In tho office ot the
county clerk for Klnmnth, County,
Oregon, togother with tho tenements,
hereditaments, and appurtenances
thereto belonging or In any wlso ap
pertaining. This citation Is Issuod pursuant to
an order ot the above entitled Court
made, and entered in tho above en
titled estate and matter on the 7th
day of August, 1920.
0. R. DeLAP,
(SBAL) County Clerk.
station. Publication will cover tan
day previous to the naptr'a Issue, up
to 6 o'clock of that dag.
Aug. 12..
Aug. 13...
Aug. 14..
Aug. 10..
Aug. 16..
Aug. 17..
Aug. 18..
Aug. 19..
Aug, 21
Aug. 22-
Maz. Mia. ciplUtlon
90 67
85 63
89 51 .
87 61
80 61
82 61
96 82 ,
87 62
82 51
88 53 .
91 61
98 69
100 64 ,
98 64
97 61
93 62
84 48 -76
44 f
84 47 '
87 62
n "i
(Accidental breaking of, tbe tuer-
momotor at tho reclamation service
station will prevent further temper'
aturea being given nntll It la ro
- nr mimmlm i , ,! - n ,
Oakland najugaaseat.
eaaa4 making rum. With war pro-
Aug. 10-17-24-21-7
nlaced. A new ona baa basn ortarad.V
i i 1 1 '