The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, August 23, 1920, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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I' '
The Point
Makes the
The Tetnpotnt Pen
has the point that
won't weaken in the
strongest hand or
strongest ink
Due to a special
hardening process
which also give3 the
gold pen a steel-like
hardness and flexi
bility. '
Writes at first touch.
The famous Want
Comb Feed auto
matically regulates
flow of ink for any
Air-tight chamber
prevents "sweating"
end keeps pen moist
for instant writing.
Tfcc Tcrfcct rotated
A fitting writes rente
to the Evtrsharp Pencil,
made by the tame con
cern. Made tn both Elf
Filling and Screy Joif.t
styles. Prices, $2.50 and
Coras end try it. Learn
hew different and better
apamcaabe. '
Star Drug Store
Fifth and Mala Streets
NEW .YORK. Auk. 23. America
will pay tribute to Jenny Llnd on
October C, the one-hundredth annl
versary of the birth of the Swedish
Nightingale, whom P. T. Darnum
brought to thli country In 1850 on
her spectacular concert tour ot near
ly two year. The centennial It to be
commemorated throughout the mu-le-lovlng
world. In Sweden, In Eng
land and in other countries where
the tang, fitting plana are under way
to honor the greatest singer of her
time the fine, noble-hearted .wom
an, whose charity was as rare aa her
Her 'admirers In New York city
will celebrate the event In an unique
way. They will give aa historical
concert reproduce the first concert
Jenny Llnd gave in this country,
bringing back the stage picture and
atmosphere ot that memorable night
ptomber 11. 1850. The same
psaaaaun will bo given, i no procecus
ot llejconccrt will bo given to tho
Mimo charitable Institutions to which
Jenny Llnd gavo tho proceods ot tho
original concert.
Frieda Itompcl will appear In tho
rolo of hor famous predecessor. 8ho
will wear an exact copy ot tho gown
worn by tho nineteenth century diva:
will sing tho same arias, and play
her own accompaniments to tho same
group ot songs on tho same piano
Jenny Llnd played them a piano
autographed by tho Swedish Night
lngalo on tho night of her debut.
Tho centennial concert will bo
given In Carneglo hall on tho evening
of October 6. Castle Garden, tho
sceno of Jenny LInd's first American
triumph, has been transformed Into
tho Aquarium and thus is doprlovcd
of the honor of housing -another
memorial audience. . ,
It Is contemplated to hold a cen
tennial exhibit, however. In tho old
circular building In llnttery park
from October I to October 10. Jlany
of Jenny LInd's personal belongings
and Interesting rollcs associated with
her tour hero will bo shown. Tbo old
concert grand piano will have its
ploco of "honor.
On tho afternocn of October 6, ttje
park commissioners of Now York city
will present to tho Aquarium a mar
blo bust of Jenny Llnd and a portrait
ot tho famous singer, both made for
her when sho was In this country.
Other American cities where Jenny
Llnd sang arc arranging to celebrato
tho day.
Jenny Llnd was born In Stockholm
ot humblo parents. Sho sang from
childhood and famous teachers be
came Interested lu her. At 12. hor
vnics entirely failed. Four
Chestnut In Which Washington Is
Said to Havs Hidden Cellapsss
t Yonkere, New York.
Maybe there's no truth In the tra
dition that George Washington once
hid In the hollow trunk ot the great
chestnut tree that until recently stood
lit tiie front yard of Charles V. Coy,
Yonkers. New Tork. Hut folk there
nbout believe he did, Just as they be
lieve that the tree was 700 or 800
years old "when It died n few years
ago, and wns the oldest and biggest
tree of any variety not only In West
rhestvr county but In New York state.
The trunk, which was about W feel
tall and about M feet In circumfer
ence, neconllng to Mr. Coy, whs cut
down by tho department of public
works of Yonkers. and Its ilNuem
bored remains carted away. Said Mr.
"Before It died Hint tree produced
the biggest and swivlVst-tnstlm;
chetnutH I ever saw. After lit death
it vine Hint covered u iniuie u un
an object of beauty, Junt as Its vast
slxc and age made It un object ot mi
miration. "The top wns broken ofT about the
time it died. 1 never knew ll exact
height. Hut 1 do know Hint it deal
of tradition had crown tip nround
It and that It commonly wni ntted the
largesr tree In this part of the country.
I nm sure It was the biggest lu this
Two Forms of Insecticides Necessary
for Successful Protection of
Plants and Foliage.
Do not woste your time spraying
purls preen oi lusocts that suck the
Ju!ce from plants and follase, such
ns lice, creen. black and white aphis
yara or ilv. inenlv bur. roil snider and scnle.
later It camo back and her romark- PJ. tlinistlng their proboscis Into the
nblo career began. Her Ilrst operatic raf or stem, for they are not nnect-
role was Alice In Meyerbeer's
crt le Diablo." Having neen ac
claimed In her own country and In
Norway, she carrieu ner coaiH
ed by stomach poison- They must
be destroyed by contact Jstfectlclde.
Tliose In powder fonn wf by clos
Ins tho brenthlng pores In the Insect's
skin, or In fluid fonn by being no
lo tho continent and to England. j Fortetl through these pores, the Ainer
She was probably tho mo'st talked-( Cnn Forestry .Magazine points out.
of person In public llfo In all fcuropo The beet contact insecticides in pow
h,.n itamum. without having seen
her or heard her. persuaded her to ' tobacco dust.
mako a tour ot tho United States. No
sooner was tho contract signed than
tho now Inipressarlo, according to his
autobiography, 'began to prepare tho
Cletraq iL4
V tractor tggjra
Wnecteon Ifsch lh,
Cletrac wiy-ukc Ices powct
der form nro hellebore, slug shot and
The bet 111 lluld fonn
nre nphlne. blnck leaf -10, fish (whale) I J
oil soap, nicotine ttoiincco exirncw.
keroene, ml.clble oil and lemon oil.
Infects that eat tlanta.ifollage, vege
tables, fruits, flowers, etc.. whether
public mind for the reception of the ,uc beetles, worms, caterpillars or
great songstress." i'C nre more quicuiy anu cneciu-
Tho steamer Atlantic that brougni any ucstroycu wiwi u ooisoinmi iu-
her to this country, was saluted at macmc in.ectici.ic iuoih arsenate o.
.... , , .. ., .i..,j lean, pans green ir ueueinirr. urr,
Sandy Hook and again as she plowed .. , direction, ore
up tho Narrows. Forty thousand, fo ,.,, n, to be mnnM, tn vege
peoplo assembled at tho landing and tnton nmj , ontna ufe. l.cs poI-
on the surrounuing ucni u " sonnus sininacnic nnu comnci lu.t-tn-
. FACTS NO. 549.
The cost of operating a
pleasure car on good roads
Is estimated to be $100 per
year less than the expense
to operate on bad roads.
One hundred times 7,000,
'000, the number of cars In
this country, makes a pos
sible saving of 1700,000,
000 per year If all bad
roads were paved with
her. Triumphal arches marnea ner
pathway. Crowds surged around her
hotel and clamored for her appear
ance. Auctions for the sale of tick
ets brought thousands ot buyers.
denln, a hater "a Mad Hatter" thoy,
called him paid $225 for the first
New York ticket. His unheard of
extravneance ma do him famous. The
kerosene emulsion, slug
cldes are
knot. etc.
Boy "Policeman" Gets Results.
Hill el be, formerly of Indlnnapolls,
Is motorcycle policeman In the Lo
rnnxport police department. Ilotlr the
you ns nnd old know Hill because of
his record ni a tnmer of seeders.
A few days ago the driver of an
highest prce paid for a single ticket automobile permitted the motor of his
was In Providence, where the bit of ' mnchlne to run while he went Into a
..).,, .l n. Unni-Vnri ithvrn to . siwre. mien hc mine um nc iuuiiu
Colonel Ross for $650.
The Cletrac Meets the Rush
You're .faced with a short season, loads of
work, unsettled weather, horses soft after
winter idleness help scarce and costly,
'Put a Cletrac on the job! Push It to tlic limit day anil
night if necessary. It speeds up plowing throws the soil
over in well-pulverized fciirow slices that jiold the moisturcf
and lessen seed-bed work later.
After plowing, the Glctrac ricles tlic soft earth with" a ligHt,'
6ure tread prepares the secd-bed in the fast, thorough wax
tha-produccs bigger crops.
Come in and look this tractor over. Sec 'for yourself ha
sturdy construction. Let u show, you what it .will do for,
you on your own farm.
This Tractor is now on display on garage floor.
The Nightingale gave about 135
concerts In this country more than
35 in New York city. Everywhere
audiences fought to gain entrance to
a piece or paper in toe front seat or
the car. On the paper were these
werds: "You are pinched for permit
ting the engine of your machine to
run over IS minutes. Rill Zerbe."
The driver of the car went to po-
tbe concert halls. Everywhere they, lice headquarters to pay his fine and
stormed her with applause and
everywhere admirers and charity
seekers besieged her. Extra concerts
had to be given to satisfy the throngs
and Jenny Llnd herself added
more extra concerts for charity.
People prominent In public life,
paid her great honors. Mayors and
governors presented their compli
ments In person.,
Jenny Llnd broke her contract
with Darnum with 55 concerts 'yet
to sing but the great showman and
the. Nightingale parted friends. While
visiting In Boston, she was married
exhibit the evidence that he had been
caught. On being assured that the
paper presented had not been pre
pared by Zerbe, the driver of the ma
chine recalled that he had seen n
small boy with a broad grin on his
face Mnndlng near when he stnrted
tounrd the jxillce station. Indianapo
lis News.
Electricity to .Locate Metal.
Tho Idea of using current trans
mitted through the earth ns a means
of locating metal ores Is familiar, the
belief being that the greater conduc
tivity of these metalliferous regions can
be clearly Indicated, nnd the area
to Otto Goldschmldt, composer and mappcti out, say tho Hdentlnc Ameri
can. The location of oil deposits,
which according' to the Electrical He-
pianist and shortly thereafter re
turned to Europe, In 1858, she took
up her residence In England, where
she died In 1887.
There Is no record of Jenny LInd's
voice. But the Journals of her time,
tho few llvlnr nnoaln who heard her
- --- , ro WHICH II
nd' those to whora-the memory has for oil oil
I mvmulv wlfl
been handed down all tell tbo same
story "It was worfderful!"
"" V"""""" ---------- nnnn-u-u-imT-juvuuinjuuum.
Western Floral Shop
' living and departed, flowers
re the l3gl:al, natural tri
bute ot esteem and affection.
Being Nature's loveliest gift
to man (except woman), you
cannot show your feelings in
a, tenderer way than by
means of floral gifts. Choose
from our large and beauti
ful array, Bet pieces made
to order,
410 Mala St.
rH"itrT:r " ' ' i Ti-j-m.v.--u.
Tj MgaMMaMHaaaHBaB
view la now being Investigated elec
Irlcnlly, presents a converse problem.
In this cuku the Insulating properties
of the nil diminish the current, and
oll-beniing regions are deterted ac
cordingly. In view of the great depth
to which It Is often necessary to bore
thut'unl) exists slmultu-
neously with nn almost oil-free area
above the method would seem to
have limitations, but It has doubtless
possibilities In dealing with surface oil
That Decided Him.
George was In a despondent mood.
"But, Mabl, dear," he said, "marriage
Is out of the question Just now. You
seem to have forgotten that I'm a poor,
clerk on a meager salary."
"Ob, George, doa't let poverty Interfere-,
with our happiness. We can live
on one meal a day, If necessary,"
"But you know nothing of household
duties, sweetheart. Why, you can't
even cook." .
"Indeed, I can, love, I bare kept it
secret from you but the time has como
tor pay confession. George, dear, I got
a certificate from domestic science
school thi'ee months ago."
Tho young rasa gssped. "Hy( dar
ling," hs said, "eesae to my arm's. It
hall be as ye wish on mU
day wtH be men thus Much."
Up at Lake Tahoolt has been said,
thero Is moro geography to tho squaro
Mile than can bo found In equal area
anywhere else on the round earth.
You are ready to O, K. that state
ment when you sea "Tho Valley of
Tomorrow," which Is at the
Liberty theater Tuesday, and which
tho producers announce was filmed
In Its entirety nt Lake Taboo and
along the Truckee river.
The majestic peaks, towering trees
and rugged undorbrush of this lovely
glacier lake furnshed atmosphere
ready-made to the director's hand
and the cameraman's lens, Tho set
ting Is particularly approprlato to
tho story, which is ono of clash and
'conflict throughout.
' A long series of scenes shows tho
forest at night,-lighted now by tho
flickering torches, "now by .the blaz
ing watch fires ot a pursuing mob. In
these scenes the camera has caught i
the very spirit of the drama, with the J
giants of the wood casting wiera
shadows across the grimly stern faces
of the avengers.
You are kept guessing all along as
to the outcome.
William Russell as the young
mountaineer; Mary Thurman as the
.Ifl ho In.n.- Paulino Pnrlev nn a
for the practical dairyman.
Light running and close
For Sale by
Phone 381 J 202 Main St
I ...... ....................... .....i . r .jl n. jii.ii.l J
delightful little Miss Simplicity of
tho mountains; Fred M. Malatesta
as the Italian singer wno betrays
her. and others, mako up a cast
that Is worthy of the drama.
Done with more Imagination than
the average picture, "The Valley of
Tomorrow" goes whirling up in a
'crescendo of tensely dramatic hap
penings, gives you a walloping kick
In the emotions, and leaves you all
smiles over Its happy ending.
'ALBANY, Ore., Aug. 23. With ev-
ergreen blackberries no longer re
garded by the farmers as a post, prep
arations are being made to handlo
t least 500 tons of tho fruit at tbo
Albany cannery this season. Work
'will begin on them as soon as the
present rush of loganberries Is out
of tbo way,
PORTLAND, Ore.. Aug. 23. Tho
presidential election has been given
precedenco this year in planning for
tho annual food show held at tho ar
mory by Portland morchants, and tho
dato has been moved up to tho week
following Novembor i.
A classified Ad will aell It.
That wlthlu few days
wo will have on display
the best Barrio a ran I to
Monuments, as woll as
ono of raurblo, and wo
Invito you to compare
thorn with any others In
the west. Tbeso monu
ments are unexcelled, and
Investigation will dem
onstrate the truth of this
Klamath Fail. MarbU A Granite Work
U-org D. Griixle
. A