PAflK KIVK THE EVENING HERALD. KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON SATURDAY, Audus at. IBM t y MMMMWWWVWWWMW MAMMMMMAMWMWVWWWVWMWWWWWMW ssbbbssbssssssi SIMPLEX CREAM SEPARATORS for the practical dairyman. Light running and close skimming. For Sale by GILT EDGE CREAMERY COMPANY Phone 381 J 202 Main St. Society 'l - n--l-i--rvvv-sPsjv-yvvy AMAAMMMMIVVWWVWWMMyVWWMWWVWVWVWM CLUB CAFE SUNDAY DINNER, $1.00 1 Chow Chow India Kollsh ItlXIHIlKH Icril Melon. Willi Crvatn of Chicken, with lllco KIHII Steadied Chinook Hulmnn, with Egg Hauco . KNTIIKKH Choice, oti Chicken, with KgR Noodle linked Hunnr Cured llittn, Candled Hweot llulKlun Hare, Haute, Hunter Hlylo Fried HptlnR Chicken, with Corn Fritter VFXJKTAlll.KM Muihed I'otatoe-, Creamed HI fled funs HA LA 1 1 lettuce, nml Tmnntu Salad DKMHKHT VnnlllA Ico Cream Cottage Pudding Manilla Hauro IIKVKIt.MlKH , Iced Tea Cotreu or Cufu Nolr MWVMMWWWMWWM0NW0MWMMMMMMMWWMMMWMM rrES CHIEFLY IN MEMORIES Itepy LlttU Pennsylvania Community Hat But On Rsally Buiy Bea ten In Ui Yar. Within Hie limit of the city of 1'hllndelplila, )et separate from I lie iminlclpiillty proper, In the little til lage of llilRtlclon. Unlike It linine. It la a sleepy ruiiiimiiilly, peopled tnintly hy reilrrd farmers. Ilustlclnn la replele with historic lore. Old Hill Tll. TV Union hotel In rrllc of the duy when llrltlnh and colonial troops nerran Hip country. Ono sleeping chamber III the undent Inn mntntns n great fonr-inter lied In which, so the hlstnrlnn of Hid til lage y, vncu tipt "Mad Anthony" Wii) n. Htorle of midnight rnlda hy Ilrlt lih ravnlry patrol, duel fouicht be tween the young bloods of the Quaker city In a groe In luck of the Inn. nnd choita of colonial soldier Ktnlkliig through the lone hrtll(of the structure, arc toM with great giixto hy Hill Tllyer. Tho Union hotel linn heen handed down from father to win In the Tllcr family for nearly two icn rAlea, Hut there la nno time In thu yenr hen llumleton really liuatle. That la In the month of September, when thu tmiihrootn season open. At sun rise doicn of men nnd hoy may he seen plodding through tho dew-laden pnsture field, armed with hucketa nnd haaketa. Knr the fertile field In nnd around Bustleton yield many bushel f mushroom, which are sold nt tho vnrloua markets In Philadelphia. CITATION Tim nowa of tho murrluRo of Miss Kdna Mnn Murrltt to Ralph O, Hwitlm, of Van Nuys, California, July 23, h Just been received hy Mr Hwnlm'a hrottier, It. I,. Murrltt, (if thu O, Hmlth prlnllnr. company. VniiRlin Merrltt, thu hrldo'a broth er, who wn an ompliiycit of tho Link lllvar Elnctrlc (ompitny inat year, acted n h heat mnn, and Mini Until Johnson, of Alabama, wn brides maid, Thn lirlilo wn gowned In whlto chiffon with n bridal veil of tulo, and mIki carried n shower hofUt of nrrlililn and sweiit peax Thn groom I nn employeo of tho Htandnrd Oil company, and will ho Btulloned In Van .Vuy, nnd nffer AtlRilst 1 tho ynuni: couple will bn nl homo to their friend there. "Ilobblo" Itynu wax tho gonial hot of n launch party Wednesday evening, on Lnlcn Euwnun Thn par ty loft tho boit houii) In Mr Ityan'a apend boat at ft 30 o'clock, and nftnr n plenrant ride stopped on tho Inland for Hiippor While part of trie-crowd pr'ipnred tho Hiimptuoti repast, tho reat went fishing, nnd hnd audi Reed luck that tho final count allowed n total of twelve firm flnh, Mr. Ryan' Riiest were: Tho Mlna E. Hulllvnn, Ivo Mcl-oughlln, Cecelia McMnhon, nnd Mr, lint Mo lllnea, Frank F Kvnn. Fred Wy Rant, and Kttner ilradley wwwni,,,vvv lmAla0l01)00 BRUNSWICK PATHE columbia Aeolian vocallion EMERSON OKEH EDISON ' VICTOR PARAMOUNT GENNETT GREY GULL LITTLE WONDER Can Your Phonograph Play All These Records ? a in i Mil' ''''' CS:'''fiilllaiaaBBllB- MERELY OF VALUE AS GUIDE In thn County Court of tho Btuto of Oreenii fur Klainiith Cnunlv. In tho Matter ot tho Ktato of! OrorRe C Mitchell, Decenacd. I To J C Mllcholl. Hon C. Mitchell, I (Ivno limmon, J, II. Mitchell, Flcdn Murcon, Mary Ann I'ltney, Inu Flan-i nKun, Myrta McFaddcn and A. M,, Mil hit, Kunruian an mem or unrri aon Claudo Mitchell, a Minor. OreetlnK. In tho Namu of tho Stoto of Orcron. You and each of you aro hereby clteil to appear In tho Court Uoom of thu above entitled court at thu County Court liouao at Klamath Falli, Klnmnth County, Oroxon, at 3 o'clock p. in. on September 18, 1920, at tho September, terra of thla Court, 1920, not Icaa than ten duya after tho aertlro of thl citation upon you. to ahow 'cauao. It any exlt, why thla court ahould not mako an order to aoll, aa prayed for la tho petition, filed herein, llcenilnc and empower InR Lealle Hocera, Admlnlatrator with the will anneiod of tho aald eatato, to aoll at prlvato aale, upon the torma preacrlboil by the Court, the followlnR deacrlbod landa and real eatato, to wit: Lot 4 In Hlock 84. In Klamath Ad dltlon to Klamath Balla, OroRon, ac- cordinR to tho duly recorded plat thereof on fllo In tho offlco of tho county clork for Klamath County, Oregon, together with the tonemonta, hereditament, and appurtenance tnereto neiongina; or In any wlio op pertaining;. ' Thla citation la laaued pursuant to an ordor of tho ubovo ontltled Court mado and entered In the ahovo en titled enttttu uiid matter on the 7tb day ot AURuat, 1920. C. It. DoLAP, (SEAL) County Clork. Auk. 10-17-24-21-7 STAR THEATRE yivvvvv'iV'Y iiii iirTii""f lm'r'Yrwynntjfxfnfxfx JH i!U SUNDAY and MONDAY Constance Talmadge in " In Search of a Sinner " And It's a picture for '"Laughing Purposes Only" - i ii m- ALStJohnin "TROUBLE" One of the best comedies ever shown Continuous show Sunday afternoonand evening H ' ' " A ' fc Th Past, t Rtvcalcd by Hlatery. Vorth WhIU Only a It PoInU tht Future. The dlllon of nil hlMory Into nn elent, medleinl and modern, like the ilhlnlon of all Caul, In ii part of the Hloils of knowledge of eery one who lin eiiJo)el I lie ii(lantnte of (illicit tlon. ' 'llie atntument would aiim to ndmK of no fiieMlui. I'erliiip It I n ren anniible u tlWI4on of hMnry n can be hud without the exp'liillture of too iiiiuli lime nnd tlioiiht. At leant It Jiu (be iiilaiitni;e of xlmplU'lty. U It, !nmeer, the whole Imthl It I true If )on mil) mean by It that ei'rtiiln period ot blyry bewail nml ended nt a certain tune, but It Im not tnie If you menu tlnit the state of mind that belni:ed to undent hi lory ciiimmI to exln at the full of the Iloinnu empire or thnt the diameter of inrillevnllHin Mopped with the (Ha rm ery of America. The world la modern In time nnd In outward appearand , but nntlijulty nnd the Middle use are not yet done with ii, nor will they be for lone. They hnc left their Indelible mnrki upon our thouclit. our aoclal cuitom, and (volltlcnl Inatltutlona. What la really modern In the world la like the toucuo nt n glacier penetrnt InR down the mountain alopc. The ma from which It cuuie la far be hind, mntlnc o alowly that It does not aeeu to move. Only thl ainall pcnlnula projecta out Into the un known. In u. all that hna been la rtpreaented. It hold ua back and yot It polnta ua forward, for htitory I Miluelexa unleaa It la a guide for the future. Milwaukee Journal. THE "EYE" WORM OF AFRICA Oangeroua Paat That la Apt to Bo In. flletad on the Vlaltor to tho Congo. Kery one who Uvea In central Af rica nny length of time aonner or Inter become affected-with tto fllarln loa, a worm which la about two Inchea In length nnd the rIic of a hnlr. It larva la auppoaed to be tuk( n Into tho body In drinking water, and, when Incu bated, It wnndera through thu body for n long period. At one time It may mako Ita Vrexence known In tho fore nrm or tho back of the hnnd by a pain le awelllng. At nnother tliuo Uie aamo Indlcntlon nppenr In a leg or about tiro lips or forehead. Mlnlonarlea tell uie that I have sev eral of them In my body, although. save for the Indications described, they havo cauaed me little or no Inconvcnl--ence.-Tbo worm Is supposed to end Its career In tho eye ot the victim, and In Africa Is commonly called "eye worm" because of this tendency. It then pro duces Inflammation, and, unless skill fully extracted, It sometimes ruptures tho delicate membranes, frequently causing great suffering and even blind ness. The natives take It out with a bam boo splinter. But If the worm breaks In the eye, tfce virus Is liable to poison the organ completely, frequently with the result of loss of sight. European aunrenni. however, find little trouble In removing It successfully. K. L. OirQ ner In the Century Uagaslne. , Among American statesmen of late yoara there have been Innumerable golfing enthusiasts, as well as tennis players, baseball fans, horse owners," and devotees of other branches of sport and. athletic?, but strange ' td aa'the list of the outstanding, fig ures in public afalrs will, be scanned In win for the name of, one' who. has heen active as a yaehtsman. If you have never owned a phonograph, you may not, perhaps, appreciate just what being able to play any record means to you. Those who have "phonograph experience" who have owned other instruments show an instant appreciation of the Brunts--wick versatility. In fact, most of our Brunswicks are going to such critics It is the kind of a phonograph they have often wished for. They know that some records are "lateral cut" some "hill and dale." They know that some are played with needles, some with diomands and that each has its advantages in certain types of music. They know they have often wanted certain records they have heard at their friends' homes, but could not play them on their instrument. If you love music, why restrict your choice? - - If your phonograph doe not play an) record, you uru not getting yodr money's worth. Only with a Ilrunswlck can you choose tho beat from adl libraries hate your favorite song the way YOU llku It. Only with a Ilrunswlck can you mako a good record BETTER. It was DKSIONKD not adapted to play all record. There are no attachments, nothing to take off or put en. Wo can TEM. you that It plays all records I1KTTER, but you must prove It to yourself use your OWN ears-;- , your own judgment boo the wonder ful round wooden born. It costs nothing to see If we aro right. We want you to actually find out about the beautiful qualltta op tho Ilrunswlck wo want yon to actually SEE the Ultona, that plays ANY record with a single turn of the hand. Wc want you to actually HEAR it and form your own conclusions! of how well It docs It. You buy only ONE phtnograpb you plight as well be sure. Square Deal Drug Store Safety Service Satisfaction nTU-iTi rruri.JTJarfaaa'aiaa'M AT THE CHURCHES No rhaasrs will be made la this column aalesa the copy la at The Kvenlojt Herald office by B o'clock Friday evening. Sacred Heart church, corner ot Eighth and High, Rev. Hugh J. Mar shall, Rev. J. J. Walth. Bummer schedule, June 19 to Sep tember 12: Klrst mass at 6 a. m., second msss and benedlctton, 10:30 a. m. No evening services. e e The Christian Science society of Klamath Palls holds services in the lower room of the Library building, corner of Third and Main streetr. every Sunday morning at 11 o'clock, and every Wednesday evening at X o'clock. j 1 The subject lesson for Sunday: ?'Mlnd.", The Sunday achool session la from :45 to 10:46 every Sunday morning. ' The free reading room and fre lending library Is open from' 1: 30 to 4:. 10 on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. First Baptist Church, corner Wash ington and Eighth. 8unday school at 10 a. m. Preaching at 11 a. as. Prayer service Wednesday at 8 P. M. Every socond and fourth Wednesday evening will be devoted to missionary work. D. Y. P. U. Sunday evening at 7:30 p. m. all to attend these services. - First Presbyterian Church, corner Slash and Pine streets. Rev. B. P. Lawrence, minister, 437 Third street. Phone 411. 10 a.'m., Sunday school; George Qrissle, superintendent. Methodist Eplacopal Church. Tenth and High, Rev. 8. J. Chanoy, pastor, 717 Pine street. Phone t)7W, N1 . Christian church, corner 9th and Pine streets, C. F. Trimble, pastor, 917 Pine street, phone nos. 374, 475. ' Emmanuel Baptist, Eleventh and High streets. Bible scboo,-10 a. m. Prayer meeting Thursday, 8 p. m. Women's Home and Foreign "Mission ary,, society meets first Thursday, of each month. "" classified Ad will sell it. City Minus Cafstarlasl .Ilueno Aires bus no cafeterias for women nnd only one In n modified form for men. The first one for girls In the city Is soon to be opened by the T. W. C. A. The only steam table In Buenos Aires was discovered by Y. W. C. A. necrctarlea In the storeroom of a pi company. It hnd been sent fro.n nglnnd for n food exposition nnd neer used after that. It Is now In stalled In the Y. W. C. A. The cafe teria when opened promises to draw a ciowd for wore than ttie usual reason. NO. 11801 TREASURY DEPARTMENT It DM. "My dear str," said the salesman, courteously, na be handed his custom er his package and no change, "yon will And that your suit will wear Use Iron." ' And sure enough It did. The min hadn't worn it two months when it begnn to look rusty. New York Cen tral Magazine. Ten rounds has been fixed as the limit for boxing bouts in Ontario by the new Provincial Athletic commis sion. Grand Rapids appears to have everything its own way In the race for the Central league pennant. Office of Comptroller oHhe Cur rency. Washington, D. C. Jaty. 30, 1920. Whereas, by satisfactory evidence presented to the .undersigned. It has been made to appear that "The Am erican National Bank of Klamath Falls," in the city of Klasaath Falls, In the County t Klamath and State ot Oregon, has complied With all the provisions of the statute of the United States required' a ebe com j plied with before aa association uau oe aawonxea (o csnassaence ine business of banklui; . ! Now therefor I, Jaffa Skeltoa Williams, Comptroller ot- the Cur rency. heresy certify Ifhat "The American National Bank of Klam ath Falls," In the . City1' f Klamath Falls, la thu Coufety of Klamath and State of Oregon.- la authorised to commence the aeineoa).uf banking as provided In Section Fifty one hun dred and stxty-alae et Uie Revised Statutes ot the United lutes. In tesUaony whereof,', witness my hand and seal 6t office this Thir tieth day ot July. 191fc" v JNO. SKELTON WILLIAMS. (Seal) Comptroller ot the rjarrency. Aug. 1 3-20-17-3-10-17-I4-1-8-1S. A classified Ad will eell It. BHBSSSseSsaBaBESBSSSSS- 0m00t0WmWWWWWWWWWWWW The Rex Cafe Special Sunday Dinner $1.25 Casaba Melon " RELISHES Ripe Olives Pickled Beete BOUP Chicken Soup, with Rice ' SALAD Crab Salad, Mayonnaise FISH v Boiled Salmon, Hollandaise Sauei ' ' " (Steamed Potatoes) v rt . v ENTREES iy' ',; Choice et: ,..,,. One-halt Fried Spring Chicken, Maryland Chicken Fricassee, with Dumplings " -'- ' - Mashed Potatoes a DESSERTS New Peas Vmmmmm flhnlfft n9 Vanilla or Strmwberrv Ice Cream Sp 1 u a Blackberry Cobbler jf; ' .' Cafe Nolr , i 6fiMAMtitim6iii)6aemAAAAAAAiitm0a0