.' THURSDAY, AUGUST IB, 1M0 THE EVENING HERALD. KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON PAOH MIX i it !' I I HERALD'S CLASSIFIED COLUMNS r i, ' " " " FOR SALE Real Estate JOR BALK Hy ownor, a coy four room houso on paved street, two lilock from Main. N. 320 11th St. Very rcnsonnble. 17-21 j-OH BALK Pine farm' of 412.25 ncroa for general purposes; oppor tunities for cranberries; tho best of sporting facilities; nlno miles south ot Uandon. Now bulldlngA, woven wlro fencing. Also tho Hotol Kan don for sala or rent. Courtesy to agents. EDMUND CHOKT. Crofton Lake Itanch, Uandon, Oregon, Phono M f.011. 16-21 SEN THIS QUICK Owner leaving town. $2200; 4 largo rooms and bath room, two blocks off paved street; well fenced; barn and chick- en houses. Includes nil furniture nnd chickens nnd a splendid gnrdon Everything goes movo right In, very easy terms. FURNITURK AND LEASE Of good npartment house, well located. 13700. Now, modern G-room bunga low. Good terms. Just off pave ment. A. A. HKM.MAX CO. 406 Main 8t. 17-19 FOR SALE Dy owner, five room house. Leaving town. 522 Lin coln St. 18-21 FOR SALE 7 room houso on thoj high school hill; lovely corner lot; ovoly corner lot; , fully plumbed. on easy term.. largo sleeping pored etc. ,an son iius uii vaaj iutuib. . ittm ....... ...... tmn .. -L k.l.' l 111 ncvein lis tun na f ivv lasu, iwr nnco monthly; , AI.SO FOIt SALE 7 room plastered bun- galow. fully plumbed, wood shed.. garage, barn, chicken houso, and I yard, two largo lots all In lawn, gar-1 den, trees and nowors ana auaiiai all around this property. Prlco is! $"4,000.00; somo terms; AIHO FOR SALK 10 acres near town, all In .-nn -hlch ru urlth !hn nlarn. all under Irrigation, small house and ... ..w,. nH.. rw.H ...... .v ,-.-.., n.la- lrrl-llnn .mull fion nnrl 12 head of good dairy cows, all tor $1,500.00; somo terms; ALSO FOR SALE Comflcto equipment for small restaurant, it sioois with rail, counter, two tables nnd chairs, two ranges, two Ice boxes, cash register, dishes, cooking uten sils, glsssware, wash sink, and every thing complete. Cost about xi.&oo; will sell for $500 cash; ALSO FOR SALE Dandy little 4 room co lonial cottage, close In, for only $3,250.00, easy terms; ALSO FOR SALE Reed going mercantile business; will Invoice much more than U asked tor It. Price $15,000; ALSO FOR SALE One ot the very bst 104X100 corner- on Klamath av enue. Price only $15,000.00; easy terms; ALSO FOR SALE Fine view lot on the high school hill for 450.00. and other good lota In different parts ot the city. J. T. WAITO oo. Phone 375 Central Hotel Dldg. 834 Main St. 18-19 MMMMWMMMM! FOR SALE MioceUaaeoua FOR SALE One new Oldsmoblle, express body. 3-4-ton track. One new exprcM body Hoffman two-ton truck. Ob used ty!lder Studebaker tonrlng ear. One used Overland touring car. WHITE PKLICAN GABAGK ! . 6-tf FOR SALE One 1920 Chevrolet, nearly new and In At condition; a bargain. One dandy Ford speed ater. new body, tpp, windshield and fenders. Car J tut overhauled. Klam ath Falls Auto Co.. 1157 Main St, 17-20 FOR SALEr-Counter stools (or Ice cream parlor or lunch room. 122 North 8th St. 14-20 FOR SALE Household goods same as new. Phone 26 8R or 80. 14-20 FOR SALE Cook store, almost new, Phono 121W. 14tt .FOR SALE OR TRADE Colombia Sport ear; terms. 927 Main St. 12tf FOR BALE 1 Salck and one 7-pas-enger Studebaker. Imperial Oar- a. ti For sale, two new Patbe phono graphs at a bargain. Cash or terras. Wl-tara Jewelry Store. 18-20 FOR SALK Oldsmoblle Foar. cheap for cash. Inquire Bill Lee, Metro politan Oarage. Fine condition. 18-10 LOST AND FOUND IXMT On Round lake hill, a crank haft and spring for a Winston ear, Lhh at Charlie's Place and rseelre wwwd. 11-lf "-? A U Wat Ad wW seel st. I WANTED WANTKD Woman who vantj n homo for llio winter, to holp earo for two sinnll children mid help do tho housowork. Small house Will pay tl.no n day. Hox W. O. W llor ald. 17-20 YEAM3 WANTKD To hai.l limber. Swan tJiko Lumber Co. 17-19 WANTKD A furnished npartmont, by young couple, l'lioito 112W. 16-31 IIKLP WANTKD At pcrlor Laundry. Klamath Su 16-21 " I WANTKD Trucks to haul dry lum per, rnono 539v. 17-23 TllUCK nnd tractor operator wishes position, l'liono 43W. 13-19 WANTED 3 cut-off and 2 band saw men, nnd C boys for goncral work In box tnctory. Wrlto or apply As sociated Dox & Lumber Co.. Dorrls. 13-19 WANTKD Woman to do washing, Ironing, and cleaning, l'hono 136. 12tt WOOD CUTTER WANTKI To cut wood at logging camp by contract. Phono Lamm Lumbor Co.. Modoc Point. 16-21 WANTKD To rent or le,iso. .,...-..,, n -..h " ANTLD . newsboys aid office, . at the Iter-27-tf WANTKD Chorcman, on ranch. Milk five or six cows. Seventy- ",u "- "J """"" u-ui luui.il. .,,. r -"liini. uivkuii 18-23 IMWWMAMWMWMMWWMAMMWWVMMsVMMWWtj FOR RENT OR LEASE JKOK RENT- Largo room, with closet for one or two gcntlomcn. Call 634 N. 8th St 18-19 FOR RENT New store room, cor, 9th and Klamath Ave. 65x108. J, T. Ward ft Co.. 834 Main. 15-tf SVWiNMMWMwiiWsVMMMMMiMV MISCELLANEOUS G1VINO AWAY Lot of lumber for cleaning up let. E. Qullltch. 17-19 LADY DARDER SHOP now open at ChKoqutn. Oregon. 14-20 Printing. Stationery and office iuppIIm. Pioneer Printing and Sta tionery company. 1X6 Main St. 8-tf PHONE PEYTON for wood 535 CITY GARBAGE When you want garbage removed call 10F-23. We are actually telling our goods below wholesale prices, and the ma terial are the best. Our stock In clude ahlrts, fancy rest. 2-plece un derwear, three grades; felt and straw bats, collars, rest b-t bands at 25c. and many other very serviceable ar ticles of wearing apparel. Our low prices will astound you. R. I. Ham mond, an wain st. lett CHIMNEY 8WEEP Pipe and fur nace cleaning; roof repairing. Do it now. Kennedy. Phone 477J. 16-21 New shipment of Aeolian Vocal- Han phonograph records. Try us for records that you have not been able to get elsewhere.- Winters Jewelry Store. . 18-20 m NOTICE INVITING PROP08AI-) TO MAKE HTItKKT IMPROVEMENTS. Pursuant to ordinance and order of the Common Council of the City of Klamath Falls, Oregon, notice la hereby given that proposals will be received by said Council for making the Improvement designed for 6th St. from Pine St. to High St., 7th Street from Pine to Washington St. and High St. from, 6th to 8th streets, Including Intersections. Said Improvements to be In accord ance with the plans and specifica tions of the City Engineer and for one of the classes of Improvement mentioned In said plans and specifi cations and the ordinance bordering said Improvement, which said ordin ance No. 520 was adopted on the 16th day of Aug., 1920, and approv ed by the mayor on the 17 th day of Aug., 1920. Said Plans, specifications and es timates of the city Engineer being on file. In the office of the Police Judgo and In tho office of the said Engineer. The proposed contract will be let In one contract, and the time in which the same is -to be completed is thud by said ordinance on or be-1 fore October 16, 1930. Bids must be filed with the Police Judge for submission to the council not later than 8, o'clock P. M. of the 10th day of August, 1920, and the bids win be considered by the council iBwdittely thereafter at the eonn- ell chamber In said city. Each proposal most be aceompan WANTKD To rent or leaso. 4 or 5 I"" " "T ,"?" ","" I roomed unfurnished house. Sco,?"' ,ai J0,", c. .' J John Yaden. Howlo Oarage. -16-21 " JJ ?''"" led by n cortltlod chfeck on somo ros-l by lot 1. 2, 3 mid M, of snld lilock ponslblo banking Institution In an 16, mid tho Council having tnkon ninoiint equal to C per cent of tho! the samo uncor ndvlsomont nnd find aggregate nmount of tho proposal, nR nnld plans, specifications mid os tho samo to ho forfeited to tho city tlmntos satisfactory, hy tho successful hlddor upon failure nil IT I1KKK1IY RESOLVED, that to enter Into contract mid hond form.ild plans, specifications mid ontl tho faithful coiuplotlon ot tlm said .mate for thti Improvement of said Improveiuent In accordance with tho plans ana specification thoroior. Tho City ot Klnmnth Knllls ro sorvlng tho right at nit times to re ject any mid nil proposals. Tho award to tho successful bidder Is hereby mndo coutlngout upon tho sale ot ttio bonds that wltl bo mi thorliod for providing funds for making such Improvement. Tho plans, specifications mid es timates above referred to omhrnco nnd provldo that thV proposed Im provement may bo mndo. using hlt- - Iulllh,c - macadam or cjincrolo Pavement, nnd bids are Invited for each class In addition to grading, viiriiiiiK, iiiiiiunKU iiiiii i-i-iiu-iu nine walks. , A. I." LKAVITT. Police Judgo ot tho City ot Klam ath Kails, Oregon. Dated: August IS) 1920. 1S-28 HAVE YOU INSURED YOUIt HAY? A spark blown about by a vagrant breoto, an nlmost unnottcoablo smudge, a small bla.s which rapidly dovclops Into an uncontrollable flro. and your hay crop, roprosontlng months ot caro and hard work, Is re duced to useless ashes. This li a frequent occuronco throughout the country. You can't bring back the hay, but you can rocovcr lta equiva lent In dollars It you havo had It In- moro hny. I rou loso noaviiy and Inredcomably. Tho cost or insuranco is nominal Let us In suro your crop in a company that Is prumpi ana roiiauio. James ll. uns- coll. Room 4, Loomls Ilulldlng. 9' RESOLUTION- The City Knglneer, pursuant tt Resolution ot tho Common Council heretoforo adoptodf having on tho 19th day of July. 1320, filed plans. specifications mid estimates of llio cost of improving tho alloy passing from 6th to 6th Streets, parallel with Main Street through the center fnr-ihi.i hn.i of nlock 16, original town of Klam fn,rnnClHtd; '." .- 0". samo being bound- cu on ino northerly side by lots 5, C, 7 and 8, and on tho southerly sldo So the advertising colums of this newspaper bring to you the news of commerce and Industry, of merchandise and service. The advertisements are the shop-windows of the world's wares, passed before your very eyes, that you may look and know where to get the full hun dred cents worth of every dwindling dollar! So Read f ''fir ' k I , .- J alley be, mid tho smuo tiro horeby approved, and , 111! IT KUHTIIKIt ItKSOLVKD, thnt tho Common Council hereby de clares Its Intention to Improve said alley In nccordnncn with the said plans, specifications mid estimates, said improveiuent to consist of pav ing said alley with bltullthlc pave ment at nu vstlmntod cost ot 1, 575,00; nil macadam pavement nt an estimated cost of $930 00 or con crete pavement at mi estimated cost of $1:180. 01), Kald Improvement In either event to Include grading mid rolling snld alley; said Improvement to be 15 feet wide throughout Its entire distance, nnd UK IT KUHTIIKIt UKSOI.VKD by the Common Council that tho nronertr horolnntter described bo.mtinv in nprnr.i-inm uiin iim mtiii nnd the samo hereby Is declared to bo benefitted, to-wlt! Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 nnd 8 of. lilock 16, ot orlglnnl town of Klam-,' nth Kails, Oregon, mid that wild 055.00; oil mncnilnm pavement nt Streets, pnrallel with .Main Street properly above described be. mid nn estimated cost ot 11,030.00 or' through tho renter of lilock 37. or hereby Is declared to be assessed for. eoncretu pavement nt an estimated Iglunl town of Klamath Kails, Ore- ino expense or. sain improvement,! and UK IT KUHTIIKIt ItKSOLVKD. that Monday, tho 23rd day of Aug ust, 1920, nt tho hour ot S o'clock P. M. at tho council chambers ot tho Common Council In the City Hall at Klamath Falls. Oregon, ho fixed ns llio tlmo and placu for hear ing objections nnd remonstrances against llio said proposed Improve ment and the Police Judgo be, and he hereby Is dltvcted to cause notice of said hearing to be published us by Charter provided. STATK OK OKKOON. ) COUNTY OK KLAMATH. )ss CITY OK KLAMATH FALLS.) I I. A. I.. I.envltt. Police Judgo ef: tho City of Klamath Kails, Oregon,! iIj hereby certify that tho foregoing m a duly enrolled copy ot n resolu tion adopted by the Common Council on the 9th day ot August, 1920, do-1 daring Its Intention of Improving! tho nlley passing from 5th to Ctli I Streets, parallel Willi .Main Street. through tho center of lilock 16, or Iglunl town of Klnmnth Kails, Oro gon, and approving tho plans, specif I-1 cations and estimate ot cost sub mitted by tho City Knglneer. A. L. LKAVITT. Police Judge Dated August 10, 1920. 13-21 0mjwwwwwwwwi tivsjaw The Aladdin's Lamp of Business AS THE PHONOGRAPH BRINGS ALL THE WORLD'S BEST MUSICIANS AND ENTERTAIN ERS TO YOUR HOME AS THE MOVING PICTURE SPREADS VIEWS OF ALL THE WORLD BEFORE YOU WHILE YOU SIT IN AN EASY CHAIR Do yon read the advertisements regularly every day? If not, you're overlooking the bost friend of your pocketbookl Take time to read the adver tisements always. The very advertisement you miss may be the one that will save you the most money and ' time and disappointment. the Advertisement All of 1KU "$ INVOLUTION' Tim nilv Hiiiriii-er. mirsuntit iii,iliiilini nf Mm i,iiii iiiim Council horotoforo adopted. Inning on tho thM mu property itliimi ilemrlliml lUlh day of July. 1920, filed plans, ,0, ,) iiomihy Is declaied to bo as HpeilflcatloiiM mid cHtlmnt."i nt tlm Hnssed for llio iixpimso of said lm cost of Improving llio alley paislng movement, ami ............ from 5th to flth Wreels. parallel n lM'RTIimi It KHOLVKI), ttlth Main Street through the center unit Muuday, llio 23rd day of Aug. of lilock 37, original town of Klam- Unt. 1920, at tho hour of H o'clock nth Kails, Oregon, same being hound-' , j, nt the I'niiuell ihaiiibiirs nf tho ed on the northerly Hide by lots 5 to Common Council In the City Hall at 14 Inclusive mid on tlm i-outliorly Klnmnth Kails, Oregon, bo fixed as side by lotn 1. 2. 3 nnd I of said llio time and place fur hearing oh lilock 37. and the Council having' Jectlons mid remonslrmireiL ngnlnsl token the name under advisement llio said proposed Improvement mid nnd finding said plans, specifications! tho Police Judgo be, and ho hvniby mid estimates satlsfortjiry. I Is directed to cause notice of at.ld UK IT IIKIIKIIV UKSOI.VKD, that hearing lo bo published as by Ohar said plans, specifications mid estl- lor provided. mates for tho Improvement of sald( STATE OK Oltl.dON. ) nlley be. and tho tuitiiu me hereby. COUNTY OK KLAMATH. ). npproved. mid CITY OK KLAMATH 1ALLH.) UK IT KUHTIIKIt UKtlOLVKD, I, A. L. Iuvtlt. Police Juilgo of thnt tho Common Council heroby do- tho City of Klamath Kails, Oregon, dares Us Intentl, n in Imiirnvo said ' do hereby certify that the foregoing plans, specifications and estimates,) tlon adopted by the Common Coun- nnltl Improvements lo consist of pavicll on tho day of July, 1920, ng said alley with bltullthla pavo-' declaring Its Intention of Improving ment nt an estimated cost ot 11. -I tlm nlley Passing from 5lh lo flth cost of 11407 00. sad murovemenl I In either event to Includu grading nnd rolling said nlley; said Improve ment lo bo 15 feet wide throughout Its vutlre dlilmire, and UK IT KUKTHKIl ItKSOLVKD hy tho ('oniinon Council thnt tho property hereinafter described bo, CENTRAL AUTO SERVICE Cnli V any Iionr day or night (or prompt service, rnreftil, po lite, experienced drivers; high iIrn touring cars for out of town trips llnggage stored frcu fur 90 days. Reasonable ratoi for city mid cut of town trl. Cull us on phono 513 tor prompt sort Ice. CENTRAL AUTO SERVICE 'En I nnd llio snmo hereby l declared to bo benefitted, to-wlll ,,. l ,.i. I n .1. J. fi. fl. 7. X. 0. 10. II, to t3, 13 mid It, of Hlook 37, original . ...... ,,r inmuiitli Kails. Oregon, mid i ii tl ul v rnrolled ropy ot a rosolu- goti, nnd approving tin plans, speci fications mid ctlmle'of cost sub mitted by tho City Knglneer. A. L. LKAVITT. Police Judge. Dated August 10, 1920. 12-33 VVWMMWMWWwVVMWAsVMAAsVAVMMA( "SAY IT WITH FLOWERS " Cut Khmer nml Plant In lllpliy Window nt IOIO Main Hi, Hnl Hollar Near Mlllt School IIK.SIONH .MADE KLAMATH FLORAL COMPANY I'lioiie ilJIT-M l' I 000000mM SOOTHING QUIETUDE FOR ! ITS PATIENTS Is ono of any hospital's biggest assets and tho lorntfon of this hospital makes It especially deslrnhlo from that viewpoint. Only abundantly capablo -graduated nurses are em ployed, and this fact, added to onr unequalled staff of physicians and excellent hospital equipment insures our patlvnta uus6rpassed service, STAFF DIt. E. D. JOHNSON Dlt. 0. II. MKHRYMAN DIl. T. C. CAMPIIKLL DIt. OKOItaE I. WKiailT DR. E. D. LAMM DIt. II, D. LLOYD STEWART Klamath General .. Hospital MINERAL BATHS Dr. Ma4 lasjersotl Hawley CMfofrecUe Phyststna first National Bank Balldlag Entrance, Room ASHLAND, ORKGON ALL KINDS of ttm and sheet Iron worfc, - til-ting and wans air keatsssj done at the Siuuusoa Ytng Shop. No. 10M Mate M. L, N.HAINES rttoae BM KUmath-Bcnd Auto Stag A dally auto stage service Is now operating between Klamath ralla and Bend. Offices Res cafe and UaU ropolltan Oarage. C. I. Rockard. Phone 37S-W. tj.tf Klamath Dye Works Phone 406 OUR CLEANING, PRMSINO AND KBPAIRING WILL MAKB YOUR OLOTHji . LOOK LIKE NEW ATS REBLOOXKD Goods Called for and Delivered 411 Mala Street Kla-aatfc Falls F i Your Chickens "CSSSfilT' Murphey Feed & Seed Store m?LT iiiM