The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, August 17, 1920, Image 1

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&t lEuettma Iteralii
omciAL papkb or
Fourteenth Year- '
Price Fire Cm
j omciAL r Ami at
' 1
What constitute u carnival and
whoru I Im distinction Una differed
llnlcs liotwin games 'of iliiiiirn
gamblingand games of skill?
Thnso wtirn question on which much
technical mill lntili( tuul dlsruniiliin j
wn bestowed nt lnt night' council
The Kliimiilti Amusement roinpimy
iirllcl-H not (llcil rnl"i thn
point whim John Kunti, promoter of
thn enterprise, explained thnt Ihn die V I Kramer, aged proprietor of
vires on llm lot nl Kliiinntli und.n small ntnrn on Muln streitt went of
Eighth strict worn not gnmlillug (hi. poiilofflcu. wn taken Into cub
contrivances, but game In which (tnty hint night after I ho pollro hml
each person Inventing Inn rent raided tho premise unit found n
"get something." Home get largo, hiimn-muda mill niul quantities or
prlim nnit some not mini 1 1 ones, but priitni iniinli, hop Kolutlon, mult, nml
everyone gut something, unlit th"' other Ingredient gnnurnlly used In
rnptnlll uf thn enterprising Industry, i browing nml itlntllllm:
In seeking thn council's sanction to Chief of I'nllre Wllnou said there
operate, veto neturul Intoxicated rntinn on
"Gambling lvr ver) one of tie pri'tnlnen Several (imrt bottle
thmn." declared Coiinrllniun llpp.!"1"1 " J" "f cUm nml"'r 11,U,,,
sternly. Ciiuncllmnn llrnil'nljurfi ! w" r,"""i' "'Jl.tliiT Urn sour
took Ihn view llmt spinning whonli ""telling ilvoeftonM nlchohollc will
nml ueh contrivances wero gome !'" " determined by chemical
of chance, but game them bullnl'"ll. No "no on " f,irr, w"
are thrown to knock , nBKUr'lirovn unouith to ntlmntit to twt It
baby" over aro nlhhttlc competitions, ,,,y n""nK'
on a smaller .culo than th.. Olympic) Krouxer explained this morning
games, perhaps, but rtlll games Im "'l "' " n Preparation lin
which thn -kill of thn conle.tunt I. ",,n for "movlnic m nt from floor.,
on trial. ml not hi. luck. " '' n of ll,c"1 '"",,,or,, ,"",,,
Councilman Colvln look thn.
Ilrandcnliurg view of thu ulluatlon.
This led to liinUtlvn drrlKlon to
eliminate thn wheel, and like names
nd Kunlx declured wlllltixness
SUCK Dlllirt'iy 10 inn linn Finn...
said hv'A IIW. to offer prlxs to tho.
nmhryo athletes wno compriru. uui
lf,Uin rouncil
he'd refrain.
declared olhurwUo..
.. ... -L. ...... !........ , .lt.
into mis lOTiuy rnimin-ii .lumn-
man Upp. who had been roving about
thn room Inturvlowlng Into comers,
dropped a small hnmbshnll!
"An you running the games to-
night!" ho Inquired mildly '
Hunts. j
Well," replied tho proprietor of
physical culture. "I told thn boysj
when I luft not to open up, but I
don't know what they're doing. I
left at 7 o'clock," '
"I ii in nblu to tell this council," j
declared Up P. "that nine games are
running down thuro nnd thul soiun
persons hovo dropped ns high
thrtHi or four dollars In half tin.
hour." I
Whereupon sentiment veered und
Councilman llrandenburg declared
h was In ravor or denying tho permit
absolutely. Ho also said tho P'c" , century. Is broken will bo ehoorful. '
should go down and pinch tho wholn tMinK, i0 u,u i rompaules In tho nllnanci Aihitil
outfit H Councilman Upp's arcusa- turritory arfocled by tho hunt. In tho Ordinances authorising tho Im
tlon was truu. Tho pollco didn't, ,,)K C,,m ,, Mt pound or resorvo P'ovomnnt or Sixth street. I'lno to
go. lco had been dnllwred and intlon-'"': Sovonfh street. IMnu to Wnsh-
Colvln moved tho appllcotlon bu IB ,iml rommenced nnd if tho wr.rm '"K'"". " W stroet. Sixth to
laid over it week fur Investigation ' weather hud continued for u few ' WRhth, woro adopted.
Thn motion curried. At II o'clock ! ,,uyH onKr ,!l0 BtUHt would I nvo' Tin. ordlnunco providing that all
lust night thu tents housing tho ,com cuto. Klamath Falls was'"""' Hl,a" ,MJ ml, lnto ",0 Kunoral
me. w.irn dark. Tho dutiro plul- ,,t mnrn fnrliinul,, thun ninst of fund, Instead or tho stroet fund.
form was running.. I
A pormlt to oporuto tho iiunro
ulutform was gruntod by tho council
tJ O. J, (Curloy) Undorwood, who
suld thut hu had gono abend with lis
construction lust wcok, because cur-
punters woro avulluhlo, sovoral mem
bora or tho council telling him
would bo ull right.
Asked U ho wuh Interested In tho,81,pply or Ico from Truckco. This
games, hu suld "ho was nnd ho .)Htem was In flno wnrklug ordor
wasn't." Anyhow, his application
only covered thoTjanco hall. Ho con
tributed lurgoly to tho technical side
ol tho .discussion, howovor, raising
the point that tho Elks carnival had
hnnn allowed to onorato similar con
trivances nnd that church fairs ran"
"fish ponds," raffles and tho like.
What waa sauco for tho gooso should
season tho gander, ho evidently
thought. Tho council said that was
right, that nil gambling was frowned
upon by tho stnto law and would ho
punlthud when detected.
Underwood held that the low
Unto did not constitute a carnival or
yt traveling show, within the
meaning, of the recent ordinance enr
actad by the council. He said thero
were no seats, so they could not be
shows, Thore was no admission
charge, another overwhelming proof.
Kuntx produced a acrap or paper,
an occupation license tor, which ho
paid 10. ' This la undor an old or
dlnunco, licensing games an diver-
'dint neutral liilmr count II Innt I
lilghtwns granted iHirntlnnlfiu by tint
city rouiirll Id conduct u celebration
Labor Day, Huplnubnr (J. I'orntlM-
slun In closn Mil I n I'lro'jt, Intwecn
'Tlilnl nnit Fourth for a si runt dnnro
In Hid livening wiim Included in dm
I permit. A IiIk street puni-tti will
bit I lin feature of tliu MKiriilnit pro-
"lt' not for ilrlnklnK. thin,"nlil
thn chief. "No," milil thn prlnonur,
.. Wm k, y(M( f yI wnk ..
, Mnw bm)( I(( ((ih nn(, I1( ot)(,
that yensl folutlon? Was that paint
ri.11111Vl,r. , ... n.., -.i.i,., ...v,.,!
..w,,Ut ll0i , ,,, nt(n .nr for
fI;y (mn ,0 fr la,(.. ,,, Kruu.
Vfir- ... . L
- "
nnri i . inomnn. i n ieii nun'i
ri)mm.,onur. will confer with I'm
f(,(,nrn, nullornic regard to thu
,roHPCUtlon or Krouxer.
Tm, nulhorltles bollnvo tho prls-
onr ( monny deficient. Among
0ttinr oddities found on tho premises
-wits nn army of pet whlta rats that
ovrrn thu building,
The Indications that I he hot wave
hnil hcM ,ll(1 orthwest In Its
gr, for 10 pBrt weok, ,, wWch
,,pa, n records or nearly hair a
ttm cities, ror tho locul compuny irrMi!llur,"""". " adopted,
ar0ndy anticipated tho demand by
shipping Ico from Truckue.
Notwithstanding tho fact (hat thu
locul plant had moro than doubled '
Its capacity, tho demand early In lhuu,utl
summor indicated thnt tho liianufixc-
"turod supply would fall Hhort, so ur-
rangomonts woru nindo to secure n
when tho big demand camo nnd if,
tho Ico company had boon ablo to ro
euro cars thoro would huvo boon no
shortage hern. Ah It was by pound
ing tho railroad company on tho buck
no great amount ot hardship was
slons. This particular lot or games
was licensed at u dollur each for
throo months. Kuntz said that ho
had only soven ot the games run
ning. Tho newer ordlnanco taxes carni
vals $100 a day, limits their stay
to six days, and fixes an additional
charge ot $10 a day on each aide
show and flv dollars u day for soft
drinks, etc., concessions.
It was suggested in conclusion that
Kuntz should get his $10 back, but!
Councilman Brandenburg thought
there uhould be an Investigation by
tho pollco, end If the gambling law 5
was vlolatod last night, tho $10
would help pay flnos,
liiHiinltiiry comlltlonn In different
pnrtH of thu city worn ilrnwn to tho
attention of thn city louncll Innt
iiIkIiI IhroiiKh toinpliilntu from iov
crnl HourcuH.
('oiincllmnn tlpp nnlil that ho had
reciilveil romplulnt from renlilnntn on
rlarKunt avenuo that thrim ilwolllnga
on that Htrnol worn not connected
with thu nuwor, although In 'ho ew
er illntrlct. Ho aald ho had written
thn nnmeH down but had nilnlnld
them. Drain water from alnliH and
tiilm In running over nclghboni'
promlHeii, ruunlng tho complaint. Oth-
or Insanitary conditions v.eiolcourBO , aMMon lhcro will bo tho
brought out In dlacunidon In varloua
I'luinlilng Not liiMiirrteil.
t. V. I.orenx nalil thero wax n lot
of "hum
plumbing" being donu In
l.abirr and material are so
high that persons aro trying to do
their own plumbing and aro making
a botch ot It. Ho said hu was -.ailed
to overhaul mime or this kind, or
plumbing in a new homo tho other
day. Un found tho plpo connecting
the bath tub with tho newer' was un
Vrotcted by a trap and the houso
was filled with suwer gas.
Tho city has n plumbing Inspoctnr.
Alonxn llaluter, It developed, but bo
raraly works at tho Job, I.orenx said.
Hu has uff.ilrs of his own that keeps
him busy, suld tho plumbor, and al
most always Is out when called to
Imped n Job. In consequence. It
was said, tho majority ot work goes
Councilman Colvln asked for a
list of thn houses whero thero Is latk
of plumbing, or poor plumbing, and
FI..THI -mrr t.uyiu t ihtviiisiiii'. iauj.j
- . ... . .-.... . ... . ml. .
. . .... ...m .. ,i. ., ...-
"" " "" ."I" 1HU
I I iix iiiiiil XrriK Itepalr.
' Attention was called to tho damago
being done by leaky water mulns to
tho pavement nt Serond and Klniu
fltti, Eighth and I'lno and other
places. At Second nnd Klamath It
was said thu entlro Intersection
would huvo to bo roluld. At Eighth
and l'lno tho pavement Is buckling
and In ono spot has raised n cono like
n mlnaturo volcano.
I .! anl.l !. t.- HaII nH I a
ii wrt runt muk iiiu wuiiiuiiiii-."
.. . . '
iv)Uii a unvi twiiiiMMJ in uuuti
I . . . ., i .
.igreement to repair nil damago from
I leaks. Thu council thought some
1 thing should bo dono about it at
onr''' '", V'.'V "1 !T .VT'" " tho wider they radlato bo -
,w",h ,ho Pent. hut no deflnllo
iidimn s nn a u a t
Tho nntl-ganibllnR ordlnanco
umrndilvcnt did not come up last
night, although now In a position for
'""' !" 'ouln '0 council so
rci-KilU Acted On.
I.ouls Robins, whoso permit to
build u houso from an old burn on
East Main stroet was laid over lust
Snooting, promised to ralso thn build
Ing, clean from benonth It nnd moo
It, ulflo to cloanso tho walls. Ho
wanted to put up a cowshed also. Dr.
A. A. Soule, a neighbor, ontorod vig
orous protost. Tho- council was
ngalnst tho cowshod, but ovontually
told Robins ha might move tho barn
that Is to bocomo a dwolllhg and if
It stood Inspection ot the health
board It would bo all right.
Tho application of J. a. Dronton
nnd P. Martlnox to conduct tho Ross
lyn rooms, 804 Main street', tormorly
run by Mrs. Ettn Moore, was laid
over n week for Investigation.
The following building permits
were granted
F. H. Cofer, brick
dwelling, block 66, Nichols addition,
$6,000; L. P. Peterson, private gar?
age, Hillside addition; J..D. Lazon
by, two room cottage, Railroad addi
tion, block S, cost $500; Fred Wyss,
Pfour room house block 304, Darrow
addition, $400,
T, O. Drown was given permission
to move a tractor, through tho city. v
Tho rontriict for tho erection of
tho Sacred Heart Academy building
will ln awarded thin evening to Ilan
dll A Henry. Thu foundation, tho
contract for which wai given to A. F.
(Irahnm. In practically completed,
and It la expected that Work on tho
RUpcridrurturo will Ntart beforo tho
week In out.
Thu Ntructuro will be three Morion
high, and 70 by HO feet In area. It
will have, accommodation!) for the
eight', grade and a full high school
quarters for ono hundred boarders
and twelvo sisters. Thero will bo
rooms for thn teaching or music, art,
sewing, nnd tho gymnasium.
Tho drlvo for funds needed to com
plete this Institution Is progressing
satisfactorily. Tho direction of tho
work Is now In tho hands or Mr. I'aul
T. O'Dowd, Mr. II. V. Bheehan hnv
Ing flnlshod his work and turned
over to Mr. O'Dowd tho carrying on
or tho program mapped out. Mr.
O'Dowd Is well known hero and has
a wide, circle, of friends throughout
tho county who will bo glad to co-op-nrnto
with him In his work. Tho
reports coming In from tho various
committees show that the people aro
generous In their contributions. As
hsoon ns Mr. O'Dowd has all of the
detail mustered, tho local commit
tees will be personally directed by
him. A meeting ot all or tho women
members or these committees will
be held In tho assembly room this
Thu second regulnr membership
forum will bo held tomorrow noon. I
i 12:30, which Is thu regular hour for
such functions of tho Klamath
i county chamber of commerce. Anoth-(
' er snappy program has been prom
I Ised nnd all members of tho cham-
.- it.
bor of co m mo re o aro curncntly rv-
. A .
quested to attend
.... ,
It Is Important that thoso who
wish to attend uhould phono their
roservatlons to tho chamber or com
imerco. No. 538, not later than 10
' o,cIock tomorrow mornlnB. La8t
, con8,aorabU tlmu was con-
sumod arranging for thoso who neg
lected to resorvo their seats. This
wastes tho tlmu of both tho mem
bers and speakurs. Thu forum prom
ises that this wuuk It will start
promptly on tlmo nnd close promptly
on tlmo. Whistles on tho Ackloy
mill and tho Klamath Steam Inundry
will blow ton minutes boforo tho
hour ot tho luncheon. Remember
this and grab your hat and cont and
coma as soon ns you hoar tho whis
tles. Thero Is a discussion on nn avia
tion field, and a talk by n man ot
stato wldo reputation on a subject
ot Interest to overy individual, es
pecially tho business men ot Klam
ath county. Every one should hoar
this. Tho poptomlsts will bo thoro
with a good snappy song program.
The ladifl o! tho Barred Heart
parish will meet this evening at 7:30
at t"ho assembly hall. Alt are re
quested to attendi
STATION; (1KT 985,000
Police Judge Chesobro's court-
room at the Central Police tta-
tlon waa robbed last night ot
approximately $35,000 It-was
discovered today when court
He la bringing It from Langell Val
ley and will ship it up the lake. Ho
agreed o deposit $250 to cover pos
sible damage to paving.
WARSAW, Aur. 17. Iliimilnn
proiiHiiro upon Wnnaw nan been ro
llovuil, ncconllnc to a Pollnh com
tnunl'iuo Juiit Irniuod. Tho ntntement
'roportcd that Ooneral I'lliudnkl dl
i retted thu counter attack that effect-
Wl tills relief.
IXXVDO.V, Aug. 17. Warsaw In
Htlll held by thn l'olca nn far an din
patclic dlncloso. Tho latest soviet
communique does not claim tho cltjf
Is captured,
Itopnrti of the city's rail, announc
ed Sunday by the Times, are unof
ficial, and are virtually discredited
by tho Times.
Sherman Douglas, aged. 21, and
Tossla Ylngllng, 15, arrested by
I Sheriff Humphrey on request from
Sheriff Fred Stickel of Ianu county,
wcro taken back to Eugene this
morning. The couplo were travel
ing In an automobile when appro
bunded. They are said to have, elop
ed together. Dcuglas' wife has
sworn to a statutory charge ugalnst
him. .
Deputy Sheriff George Croncr
came after tho elopers. Ho returned
with them by train. The nutomobllo'
In which they fled from Kugcno Is
still hore. Croncr says It Is owned
by Douglas father.
In his recent bout with Joe Lynch.
Charllo Lcdoux, tho French bantnm
wrlght cham p.m adc abettor Impres
sion on the fans than In any of his
previous contests in this side.
o o
Miss Minnie Freeman, of Anthony,
Kansas, has arrived here and Is stay
ing with her aunt, Mrs. E. M. Chll
cote, of this city. Miss Freeman has
accepted a position as teacher In th?
Malln public school for the winter.
Ilcforo her school opens, Mr. and
Mrs. Chllcoto plan on taking their
guest for a ten days' camping trip
up Into tho meuntains:
N. J. Chapman is away, for a few
days attending to matters of busi
ness. Wilson Wiley, Linn Nesralth, Abe
Collins and George Wood spent tho
wvok-end ut Rocky Point.
'Mr. and Mrs. 11. a. Moulton, of
New York, aro In Klamath Falls for
n vacation visit with Mrs. Moulton's
parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Merry
man, and her two brothers. Dr.
George H. Merryman and Harold C.
Morryman. Mr. Moulton plans on
doing some hunting and fishing
while hero.
Mr. and Mrs. T. G. Bradley and
"family, of Fall Creek, California, nro
In town this week. Mr. Uradley Is an
' official or the California-Oregon
I Powor company. They woro nc
I compunled her by Mr. and Mrs. J. C.
Thompson and children, who aro
moving hero from San Francisco. Mr.
Thompson Is muniiger or tho C. O. P.
I company hero. Ho made a trip to
oau r ruiiilBiu iu uruiK ins luiiiuy iu
their now homo In Klamath Falls.
Judge R. C. Runnoll Is In San Fran
Cisco for a few days attending to
business matters.
C. P. U alloy Is a business visitor
from Portland, Oregon, having ar
rived on tho train last wiht. Ho Is
stopping at tho Whlta Pelican hotel
during bis stay hero.
W. C. Thompson and J. Fidjr nnd
family are Klamath Falls visitors
from Pine Rldgo today.
C. F. Ooddard was a passenger on
last night's train trom Sacramento.
Mrs. Robert Yates Is registered nt
tho Whlto Pelican hotel, from Oak
land, Cal.
R. W. Peters Is' In town on bus
iness from Ban Francisco.
Mr. and Mrs. Leo Houston return
yesterday from an extended fishing
trip to Diamond Lake.
Mrs. E. D. Lamb left Sunday for a
camping trip to tho Lake o' the
Mr. and Mrs. George Chaetaln and
daughter, Meta, left this mnrnlng for
Spring 'creek, where thoy will camp
for a. week.
II. F. Gould, who hasbeeTr-ramping
for a month with W. K. Brown
in the Upper Lak left this morning
for his home In San Francisco. Mr.
Gould Is not a stranger here, .having
been connected with the old canal
company some years ago, and old
timers will readily recall him,
Ono long deafening how,! of Joy, ,
delight, excitement and utter glad
ncss, Issuing from a hundred Infant
throats, grcotod tho onlookers at the j
Hot Springs bath house this morning
from 8:30 to 10 o'clock, when the
chamber of commerce entertained
the youngor generation, betwees the
ages of one and 13 year.
"Hey, you guys, watch me float
on my back." "Wow, I went V
deep that time I almost touched th
bottom," and "Mamma, I-M-I-'ra
cold," were some of the "water
talk" contributed by the .young a
plrants for aquatic honors.
Master Rtchnrd Dllllson, two yean
old, and ns wldo as he Is tall, almost,
was tho oungcst guest of the cham
ber. Ho cut a cunning figure In hi
little bib overalls, where he stood 'on
tho steps leading Into the tank and
refused to get more than his aaklaa
wet. Another gallant little fellow
about six years old, with a dimple oa
each shoulder and two other dimple
in his checks, camo too late and
though his disappointment a waa
great, ho announced that Jt would bar '
Just as much fun next time. Little -girls
with their caps gone and their
hair sopping wet and stringing ha
every direction showed bo much de
termination and spunk that Dr.
Stewart had some ot them swlramlag
before tho morning waa oVer'aad tta
boys were In danger of losing their
Before the water party began Dr.
8tewart lined the kiddies up aad de
lvred a lecture on proper swimming
strokes, methods ot diving and float- ,
Ing. and It was surprising to.aee how
hard the little-folk, who had sever
been In the tank before, tried to fol
low Instructions. The doctor waa
ably assisted by Miss Margaret Smith
who has bad three years Instruction
In llfo saving and expert swimming
at the University of Oregon, and by
Miss Twyla Head and Mrs. Charles
Currln. On the shore Mrs. R. E."
Wuttenburg, Mrs. Henry Ackley, E.
P. Lawrence and "T. J. Stanley kept
watchful eyes for anyone needing
help. Mrs. Ackloy assisted the tiny
visitors with refractory buttons and
hooks. Despite her carefulness, one
little fellow got away with his suit
on backwards.
After 10 o'clock the children un
der 13 years, yielded the tank to
those from 13 up to 16, who held It'
until noon. Thursday morning the,
tank ylll bo open again to the free
iiso of the kiddles and each Tuesday
and Thursday thereatter until school
Mr. und Mrs. Anton Polivka and
children' havo arrived from San
Francisco for an oxtended visit with
Mrs. Pollvka's parents, Mr. and Mrs.'
C. C. Hogue. v
Chauncoy Raymond, an old settler
in Klamath county, who has a home
ttead near Wcmlun. has boon taken
vith a slight attack of paralysis.
Mr. Donald Nawbury Is In town
for a row days thin week visiting his
mother. Mrs. Wilbur A. Jones.
L. S. Sanders, ot Sacramento, ar
r'vod last ulght and Is stopping at
Hi- White J'i'-wt hotel.
j Peterson I a .county s?jil visitor
t'lin hla homo nt Chiloiutu,
T. F. An.iMOti Is rt filtered at ti
"nto Pollen hot-i this week, from
Algomo. He Is hero on matters ot
?'r. and M. S. H. Broadman. All-it
D, and Virginia llnAdm,iii,
km list a h,ere from San Francisco.
Ci morula.
Vxn C. 1!. Storey und children,
o have visiting wl(h Mr
S --'ey's sls':-. Mm. 1. H. HlbKl', of
PC.'ean CHy, returned on the train
tn'r morning to their homo In Chl.'o,
Oi.lfornla. t ' '
Mrs. Da v.i Drmey at;l children
lft this morn'iw (or their new how -h
Stockton, .'Ufnrnfu
Mrs. A. Hiruilon lijft tfU mora
ing toe Texatr ftr an extended vielt
wlth her daughter. Mrs. George
Tyson. -.
Miss Lana Corbln ot Cblloquln If
111 in tho Warren JHunt hospital,
where she underwent anl-operakton
for appendicitis this tBorulng.l I