Friday, augiht ik, imo, THE EVENING HERALD. KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON PAGM HU HERALD'S CLASSIFIED COLUMN FOR SALE Real Estate FOR SALI3 Uy ownor, a coxy four room house on paved street, two blocks from Main. Very reasonable. N. 3:0 11th St. 6-H ' Modern D-rooms and bath, built In feature, full basement, on pave mont, 3 blocks from Main. Lot G2x BO, with garage. 13500; terms. A I.SO Corner lot 52x70 adjoining, $1200; terms; or will sell both $4500. An excellent Investment for the homo eekcr. Chtlcote & Smith. 633 Main, or owner, Louis Iloldlschar, Matin, Ore. W FOR SALE Ono ImproTed lot, good nml cheap. See 1008 Main St.l 2-14 WANTED NOTIt'K TO PROPERTY OWNERS ON CONOKlt .WBXUK THAT THKV HAVE SO DAYS FROM 1ST of this noth'H iv which to fii.k ai'i' tionh to iay assessm i:th in ti:. annual 1nstai.j.mkms. Notice Co mm ati Ktaiimtli is hereby given that Council of the City Fulls. Oregon, did by tho of or WANTKD Position ns phcr; 737 Ninth St. stenogra-12-15 WANTKD At once, two experienced o.wvw ...v... ..v........ ....,... , ..... .,....'...., ". ... . 12-17 "iimnnco io in. iiuiy iiuupioti un uu .nil 01 August, ivzv, npproveu oy tho mayor oil the 2nd dcy of August. 1920, declare tho proportionate as sessment upou each lot, part of lot, block and acreage property found to bo benefited and liable for n propor tionate share of the con of Improv ing Conger Atenuo from westerly lino of Main St. to California Aw- nuo, Including Intersections. Tlo property so assessed by said ordin ance Is all that property lying adja cent to said parts of said street be tween tho abovu mentioned termini ami extending laterly to tho center of the respective mocks tying adjacent to said parts ct said street so far as WANTKD Girl to caro for 2 small children. Call 1153 Main St. 10-12 Steady work wanted by man and wife; man to work; woman good cook. Uox K.. Herald. 9-14 WANTKD Woman cook for ranch; good wages. Address Uox 7, Mer rill, Ore. 7-13' WANTKD Girl to do amateur ko dak work. Experience required Call at Herald office 5-S" WANTKD High school boy who wants to learn the drug business. Steady work until school starts. Ar rangetnenta made for after-school work. Star Drue Co. 13-14 WANTED Girl room. White to work Lunch. In dining 12-18 WANTED Womsn to do washing. Ironing, and cleaning. Phone 136. 12tt WANTED 30 cords of four-foot body wood, to bo cut from live trees. Hlrvl Baking Co., Klamath Falls. Ore. 12-1G FOR SALE Two swell little co lonial cottages one-halt block from tho White Pollcan hotel. These re re-built houses, but are Just like new; have bath, toilet, lavatory, hot and cold water, cabinet kitchens, closets, beautifully decorated, ce dent walks, etc Arc complete and Just the places for young couples who want to be close In. Prices are 3,250.00an d I2.500.ou; terms; ALSO FOR 8ALE One of the best large corners on Klamath Avenue. Just the location for a tine garage. Price 115,000.00; terms: ALSO FOR 8ALE One of the prettiest residences on the high school hill, has 7 rooms, furnace, tire-place, garage, extra largo lot. trees, lawn, and owner will sell furnished If de tred. For appointment and partis lars see J. T. WARD CO. Ml .Main St. 12 A REAL I1ARGA1N 6 room house west side of river, 4 lota Improved with shade trees and bearing fruit, chicken yard and garden. Owner avs sell now for $1,500 cash; -ALSO-Modern 5 room house near 11th St., Price $3.C00. $1,500 cash; terms; . lost One spotted pig between ALSO I Mller nI1i ana Norln Riverside. 50 X 104 -corner lot. on Sixth street. ( pnone 135 12-1S price 4,ouu, nan casn, wwwwwwwwwwwmwwwmmhwm 50 X 100 on Sixth street, price 13,250, half cash. PAUL ItOGAIWUR. Swanson nulldlng Phone WANTED 2 aid office. newsboys at the Her-27-tf iMMWVMWVWWAVWWMMMMWMMNi LOST AND FOUND NEW AND 2ND HAND furniture. 123 Sth street, phone 135W. 10-14 ( K. It. Reames and Estate, of Alex Martin, deceased 078 05 Hay Telford 103.01 II. C. Telford Estate . 293 41 Harry Telford 531.03 Harry Telford 450.12 II II. Hnrgus KMilto if 14.05 Jackson Klmlmll r.29.78 W. M. Duncan 74o.0d Mary Telford 1090.53 J. C lleach IMitto .- 570.53 J. W Slomenn 1075. S5 Cal.-Oregon Power Co 2212,51 II. A. Alford 551.23 W. W. Flnloy & Nancy Flnloy 73.81 W W Flnloy & Nancy Flnloy 147 OS I J. D. Watts 39.47 Carl Adams ..- 41.70 Carl Adams 4 4 70 J. O Pierce F.stato 221.39 W. W. Flnley & Nancy Flnloy 457.SS Kilo Lee 30 62 Kmlly A Humphrey... . 280 11. P. F llrown ft W. K. llrown 286 69 Agnes Plorco 2222.11 II M Mntinlm 314-1!? Published by order of the Common I wwWWVWWWWWWWWWWWIIWWWWMAMWMWM Western Floral Shop f VILA i mm t mL.mmmmm4&Ttf) msms"--- f r FOIl YOUR LOVED onus Ihlng and departed, flowers are the I glrul, imlural Irl bull) of esteem and affection, llelng Nature's lovollest gift to man (except woman), you cntimit show your feelings In a tenderer way than by means of floral gifts. Oil J from our largo mid beauti ful array. Hot pieces mailo to order. 4111 Main HI. WVMVMWWWWWVvVMMWWWMVWMWMMVMWMMAAMMAAAAMAM inj nroixmni imnrovoim'iu oxionusi ?."i l'JC!,id',lli..i:r?.ririL0l,!"i,0 Council under' authority of section! quarters of tho tour blocks abound Ing any Intersection Involved In said proposed Improvement. That tho DOCKET OF CITY LIKNS has been made up at pro vlded by section 268 of tho Charter, and the following is a list of tho names of owners of tho property, by said ordinance, so assessed as afore said, and as shown by such Itond Lien docket, together with the total amount so assessed against the prop erty of each owner; and reference Is hereby mado to such dockot of CITY LIENS for a detailed description of each lot, block, part ot lot or block and acreage property so assessed. Further notice Is atso given the respective property owners so asivss- 269. ot the charter of said city. Dated at Klamath Falls, Oregon, August 3rd, 1920. A. L. LEAVITT. Police Judge ot tho Oily ot Klamath Falls, Oregon. Aug. 3-13 NOTIt'K Notice Is hereby given that sealed proposals will bo received by the Board of Supervisor ot the Klamath Drainage .District ot Klamath County, Oregon, for tho BIG JAZZ DANCE AT OPEN AIR PAVILION TOMORROW NIGHT Largest dance floor between Portland and San Francisco SPECIAL JAZZ MUSIC COME! Everyone Invited COME! Ulds to bo opened I contract as agreed August 14th. 1920 C It DE LAP. Secretary Klamath Dnlnagu Dis trict. Klamath Fulls. Oregon. July 19-Aug. 12 484 12 fVsMWWSWW FOR SALE Miscellaneous FOR 8ALH One sew Oldsasoblle, express body. 4-ton track. Ono new express body Hoffman two-toa truck. On used 4 -cylinder Studebaker teurlag car. Oaa used Overland touring car. WHITE PELICAN GARAGE 6-tf r FOR SALE Edison Diamond Disc phonograph, with records. Phone 111. 12-14 FOR 8ALE 3 stores; paying bus iness. Will aell or trade. See 1008 Main St. 12-16 FOR RENT OR LEASE FOR RENT Redroora; phone 317R. 1143 Pine. 12-14 construction of tho works for tho reclamation of .the lands within the boundaries of laid District according to the plans and norlflrntlons annroved b tha Hoard ed and herein below mentioned thatinf Hunorvlsors and which am now on tt.ifh miAiitiinnt fa .In., nml nnvatil.t '., - .t. ..1.... .. .I... t-.. ... .. .v. .-.......... ... .u hmu '..;.... v. U ui mi, uiiiiu ui iiiu r.tiKiiii;.r ui and will be delinquent from and after the District who Is Mr Don J Zum the expiration of 20 days from tho ' at No. HI S, Fourth Street, dato ot the first publication ot this Ktnmnth Falls, Oregon, notice, (said first publication Willi said proposals will bo received up be on tho 3rd day of August, 1920) 't the hour of two.o'clork In the aft The property owners o n?esied -moon of the 14th day of 'August, mmt cither pay In cash or nuke and ,. 1). 1920. nt the office of tho under file with tho Police Judgo of said city .n-no.i in the Court llfuso In tho Cltv their applications to pay such bsoih. 0f Klamath Falls, Oregon. menis in ten annual installment'. Proposals are des rod on a cash wunin (no -v uays ueginning unit husls am a so on a basis of accoDt- ducod to use on asliej. TMH s a tho first publication ot this netice: ianco of the Ilonds of said District at froauont occurence throughout the Amount Assessed nir. countrr. You can't brine back the Namei Against Property, The Hoard of Supervisors reserve i hay, but you can recoer Its onulva- Allen Sloan $ 10.83. the right to reject any or alt bids notllont 4n dollars It you havo had It In- Heirs H. II. Hargus Estate .. 661.351 satisfactory to tho Hoard of Supor- surcd, and dollars can buy more hay, K. L. Klllott. ...... ... 300. S7 visors, )lf your bay Is not Insured you loin Alien aioan.. ... . .. . Bk. 1IG4UIV9 UKU AIH.U V. Alex Antone Chas. I. HAVE VOC I.NM'liri) YOUIt HAY? A spark blown about by a vagrant breoxo, an nlmott unnotlcoable smudge, a small blast which rapidly devolops Into an uncontrollable fire, and your hay crop, raprenentlng months of care and hard work, l ro- mmmM00wwwwAMW6 "SAY IT WITH FLOWERS ('lit I'liiwrrn anil Plant In lllpl.iy Window nt 1040 Main St. Hut IIiiiim Near Mill- Srliool iiii(i.vs maim: KLAMATH FLORAL COMPANY Pliniin ililT.M FOR RENT New store room, cor, 9th and Klamath At. 65x108. J, T. Ward Co.. 834 Main. 15-tf FOR RENT Room only. 1109 Pine for St. gentleman 13-17 THE USE OF tnea commas U) aake money for yon s,sttsjtaisssli-taisslt MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE OR TRADE Columbia Sport car; terms. 327 Main St. 12tf FOR SALE 1500 Monroe) roadster, Al condition, self starter, electric lights, new top, tire tubes, and other accessories. Inquire Upp's Jewelry Store. 12-13 FOR SALE Coin business wlU bo sold for less than Inventory. If you have about tlMOO look this up. Will claar 910.000 this summer, and the possibilities are unlimited. A wonderful, opportunity for man and wife. J. T. WARD CO. Pkone 37S 834 Main St. 10-13 FOR SALE tOO tons of hay, this year's crop. Also have pasture for 100 hand ot cattle. Apply to W. H. Oaddes, Eagle Ridge. 8-14 Will party who took a child's wagon from the old Meadow Lake mill site please return sitae. It It Is re turned there will be no names men tioned, but If not, the party trill be prosecuted to the full extent of the law, as we know who took the wagon. MRS. GERTRUDE BROWN. 12-16- Printing. Stationery ottle applies. Pioneer Printing and Sta tionery company. 118 Main St. t-tf For all kinds ot carpenter work call S37J. Let. mo estimate your build ing. 12-14 32 20, The successful bidder will be re- hoavlly and Inredeemably. Tho cost MJU IVU IU UVLIU..I M Idlltl.t.U I UUDUtUI IIIVUIUUIU IIUIIMIIU,, ,.V U H Ill- Martin, deceased 579.63 In tho amount ot twenty-fire Per cent. sure your crop In a company that Is 661.36 1 of the Contract price conditioned that prompt and reliable Jamot H. Drls- 40.33 1 he or tbey will complete the said. coll. Room 4, Loomls uulldlng. Prarle Roberts. &y&t010H j" -I Mf4 j PHONE PEYTON for wood 535 CITY OARBAOE When you want garbage removed call .10F-23. FOR SALE OR TRADE Steam threshing outfit, In first class con dition; a bargain. Box L. F Herald office. 9-U FOR SALE 1 Buick and sne 7-pas-enger Studebaker. Imperial Gar age. tf "NEW AND 2ND HAND furniture, 123 8th street, phone 135W. 10-14 NEW AND 2ND HAND furniture, 123 8th street, phone 135W. 10-14 4WWVvmm0000Wj000 DANCING INSTRUCTIONS, Moose Hall, 7 to 8 Monday and Thurs days. Special Instructors for ladles and gentleman. Box "O," Herald omce. 10-14 MONEY TO LOAN If you need money for building Durooses. Improvements, or to pay off a present loan, call at this office and talk over the Efluttaoie pun. a limited number of losns will be made on well located residence property within the sewer district. You can pay it back In small monthly install ments covering a long period of years. We represent the Equuame Savings t Loan Association ot Port land, and can promise quick service. Our charges are reasonable. CHILCOTE & SMITH 633 Main St. 12-14 SUIT CASES AND BAGS We save you money. See 1008 Main Ht. 12-14 FOR SALE: Cheap, second-hand Dodge touring car; good rubber, fair mechanical condition. Address T. 8. Hutchlngs, Algoma, Oregon. 11-18 FOR SAIiE BY OWNER I 5 room house; lot 60x150, frost jnroof collar, garage, chicken house, lvoo4 shed, work shop. 1811 Manxa- aita. Hot Springs Addition. 10-18 I July 18-I3-30-8-13 In the County Court of the State ot Oregon, for tho County of Klamath. In tho Matter ot the Estate of Suds Ponlna, deceased. Notice Is hereby given that the un dersigned, has been appointed the ad ministrator ot the above entitled es tate, and all persons having claims against the same, will please present, properly, verified, with vouchors at tached, within six months from the date of this notice at the law office of H. M. Manning, Loomls Bldg., Klamath Falls, Klamath County, State of Oregon, that being the place this administrator has chosen to transact the business of this estate. Dated May 8th, 1920. HENRY HOTCHKIN, Administrator. The Aladdin's Lamp of Business AS THE PHONOGRAPH BRINGS ALL THE WORLD'S BEST MUSICIANS AND ENTERTAIN ERS TO YOUR HOME AS THE MOVING PICTURE SPREADS VIEWS OF ALL THE WORLD BEFORE YOU WHILE YOU SIT IN AN EASY CHAIR S'AS4SSSAAaiVtJvfVVWSgf(H)( s,ssssMN-JSwwMsasssdi)Smf SOOTHING QUIETUDE FOR ITS PATIENTS Is one of any hospital's biggest ansts and the (oration of this hospital makes It oupeclally dvtlrable from that viewpoint. Only abundantly capable graduated nurses art em ployed, and this fact, added to oar unequalled staff of physicians and excellent hospital equipment Insure our patients unsurpassed service. STAFF i DR. E. D. JOHNSON DR. O. H. MERRYMAN DR. T. C. CAMPBELL dr. oeorofi i. wRiairr DR. E. D. LAMB DR. H. D. LLOYD STEWART Klamath General Hospital So the advertising colums of this newspaper bring to you the news of commerce and Industry, of merchandise and service. Tho advertisements are the shop-windows of the world's wares, passed before your very eyes, that you may look and know whore to get tho full hun dred cents worth of every Do yon read the advertisements regularly every day? If not, you're overlooking the best friend of your pocketbook! Take time to read tho adver tisements always. The very sdvertlsement you miss may bo tho ono that will savo you tho most money and awinuung dollar! tinio and disappointment. So Read the Advertisements All of ' ' '''' So Read the Advertisements All of 'Em! ' ' i , : t ' " ' iilm1AmAmfi1 MINERAL BATHS Dr. Maael lagsnoU Hawlsy CfOropracUe Phetcta First National Bank Building Eatraaee, Room' ASHLAND, OREOON ALL KINDS of tin ui sheet Iron wottt, tilaUag a4 warn a don) at tho Shannon Shop. No. 10M Main L. N. HAINES Phono SM Klamath-Bend Auto Stag A dally auto stage sorvlce Is now oporatlng betweon Klamath Falls and Bend. Offices Rez cafe and Met ropolitan Oarago. C, I. Ituckard. 1'bone 276-W. ,. "l-U Klamath Dye Works Phone 408 OUR CLEANING, FRESHING AND REPAIRING WILL MAKE YOUR ' CLOTHES LOOK LIKE NEW .HATS REDLOOKED Goods Called for and Delivered 4S1 Main Street Klamath Falls Z7 Murphey Feed & Seed Store 124 S. 6tk St: . P1mm87 'M 'j. Feed Your Chickens