The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, August 13, 1920, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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New Axminster and Brussels
jflftt .-p. ' t WE HAVE WITH US I
2m et a.. .rg -. rsi ! mai ukraaHH
sTaTaTaTaTaTaTaTaTaTaTaB tarw .Tr-aTaT :TaTaW v n law wwwpwm
. aSBHSBIBBBBBBr 'bW Ltr Mk r 'U -2. u
BL If hi mst : m'
ALICE JOYCE 'WiHB iSfflfen, ( np
1.1 3CCHC Prom t.flWIWm 'Well, you nlnt .0 many after nil. JL J
, VITAGRAPHS MfP JlHflwllS' " faul tlie Oltl I'i'llcnn nil lie flnp- :z:7M Vfy T
Rl iltr Suorhntf D""l,c'5! fMu'' KTPVs'WfiM' l"' ' "''' '"m,nr i-nion on
i i XihwinHrcztf&u
i Oldttt Known Written Cod Hat Rt
J J cently Bttn Translated by Eml.
nnt Frtnch Scltntltt
I'lotlM IIU hMTtlll'k IO
for i:ni l4-n 'rimn I2
n W-rk.
Whrit In nld to ln Ihe nldcnt known
written code of law In the world.
NiiIiiiihii prolnilily nhttilnlliii; I lint if Hniniinir-
1 11I1I by nt lniwt l.HO jears, linn bem
' iliMiitored In part among Hip hitherto
. iiiitrimnliiled rlny tablets from Nlur
I nt ili MnUornlty nt I'l'imiiihiiiiln mu-
Whllo Niizlmova wax lit work on i The llnmmiiriitil code wn prepared
her Intent screen production. "Tim' ""' "" . I.. ml n illnniteriMi
Heart nt n Child," Charles' Hryimt's n,,m" ;'" '"" H.'u '' Inrgr
,..! I f ..... .w,v..l l.v Prank "" ' r,,"rl' 'l'lrern.
.. , ., ,. . ,. .. Tin' lnw. Jiim trnii'lntfil dy
lln.llil lllll livllllfttl. 1.tlP.l kltir Vtm . "
' ' "l ... .VfliHI of furl, ili-iil with
i-i-m-u mi aiiirntiiin lor n immiiun ,,, (lf ,r..,t nrnm. r. i.tnlx. rlKlitn
In lu-r rompniiy troin u mini to nniii' (,f tnr umniii who dim- lioriit rlill-
ti-il tiy Alitr
ln. luuiiln Dm piitin im tli innut vt-r-riitlln
n-rlorin-r In tln worlil. "TIim,
lliiirt u( n ClilM" mIkiwh ul tin- l.ll'-i-My
TlH-.ttrc'Hiinilny. ,
Tim wrlti-r of tln upUllr, ncconl-,
ItiK to hU own upiirulnnl of IiIn nr-,
rinnplliiliini'litii, cotilil iloulilit In
"liiMj.ilpu" fur a cliniilvlruii.
ilnn in tln-lr iniialiTn, punlnliini'iil fur
niliilliry. itp.
(ini- Inlrrt'Mliic mnltite tirnvlilm Hint
riniiil mux run fur tlirrv yinm In
iir a mnn ma tnkrli iimt n IikU'c
llii' nuni-r iloi'H lint Lniiu- lmv n man
HI.-I-. Till I" iKimi'Mlint itkcuri' nml
inny tm-iiti tlmt nil ri-nlnU tr- fur
Hint tirin, In nny i-wnt prnxrl
rmilil not lit lilli or li- ImtirniH-rl)
Id to In lil li'tti-r
"I. ninuT K. (illmurl do horoby nn-! ,,H'
Ply n u iinin1ruriiinll pn'rl. ' with' - ,M rn- Jl)'nr "" rl'H'lN-n to l.rr
...... .k. i ! ...;?.... ....
v. ..r ..,.,. .....v I An.n.llnr.. ' " ""' " ni-'l'... "ir
"' ' ' i frii-
I iuivi. inri-i yi-arn fxperK-nri', mirn
iin llurkvr. tlckt-t mct-nt, lilnck-furtt
iiml IrUh, I Imvi' up to ilntt Kwi-iln,
ft Irlnli Joki-ii nml run ko tliroiiRli I
rnmlc ntnKi- nti-pn unit run repair rim
llini'K kn-ni-ry nml inn Miinufurturi-ri
Mrchtinlrnl nrenrry. ,
rntlnfucllnn nil llirmiKh nml wuuMi
"I uli-o ny that I K.irruntre kooiI ,
ini'iilliin Hint I run iiinkn up for'
Commie Mack .fitce nml uiiini all u i
rouml thi-lt-tii rim do hi-ml ami hnml j
HprliiKri. Hhoulilxr hprlnKn A front I
kiiockn. I I'lirlonti n li'tti-r lic.ul for
nhlcd you rim hck ultli lit coni
piiny wui with for thu tlmn 1 hern
out until thrni wi-i-kit npu. Wu huit
tmil lurk nt hlnmloii hull.
"Wo burnt out.
"I lout flvo rontlmvM to ilny Only
own I lilurk wIk ft t Hmi-iId outfit
Hhlrh I Iiml nnt with the rompuny.
Hail I tukt-'n thvin ulong Ihi-y nilnht
ho Koni'. I huvu hi-i-n Ki'ttlnK $12
per wi-nk, hut woutil work for Ivdh.
1 miuri' you wo Kitt know fall out.
I iiIko my 1 run koI for you n young
motion woman who will work
rhiup for you ami would ray vho Ik
n inorral airl and banjo player at
that mid nho can nlnK Commie.
"I rntnain youra In Honcity In
dlulry A nobrulty,
"Mr. Klmvr K. Ollinon-."
nml If the mnlt-r miirrleil ttn
lute the children leciilin.- lctltliniile.
A CltMined Ad will loll It.
Indian It Model 8oldltr.
Armnnllntu ilint he im n Ciermnn
iy nniM-d (ldl l.inilur, Chm-tuw lie
illnn, to he mnile a hern nml Inrldeii
Hilly to he choen a a iihhIi-I Aiuerl
inn mildler fur a Hirtriill inuilr In
hmiK iipon the wnllH of the French
lYilernl 1'iillillnc.
I.iniilnr. In nnr dnjn n fnremnn nn
n miiih near Cnlvln. Oklu.. lenriied
from Idle rumor In ttlw iielirhlmrhood
Hint he un" ni-cuceil of helnc n GiTinnn
M'y. He lliiliieillutely eiillcteil nml In
ihe ioiiim' of n hrlllliilit nr record
n r liil for hrmery. IHirlnc the en
viicemint fur thlcli he iih ill td ln
i-upiiiriil to mitfhliie Kun mid IK '
prlMiiierx. mnunlni: it mnihlne emi for '
three liil) nfter Die remainder of hi
rreiv Iiml lieen killed. Downrreiix, the
I'teiiili nrtH, picked ikui l.endor n
hi. Idenl of n typical American Kdldler
mid mnile n pnlntlnj; from him which'
nnw j:mcei the wuIIh of the French
Federal lililldlng.
Twice Miiumleil nml twice pnnceil.
Lendor tun hern doing vocational wnrk
nml only recently hroupht home III"
lirlde to MrAldter frcuu Oklahoma
(liy. Wichita lien con.
Mlm Zonule W. TonillnHon U pur
chuslnic agent for the IllrmlnKham.l
Ala., Hallway Light I'owcr com-,
pany. Shu began her bualnemi cur-,
eur In 1870 an a telegraph operator.,
i Mid Month Specials I
' '- l'r
"Well, you alnt no many after nil,
eh'" (find thu Old pelican in he flnp
I p'-il Into the old familiar position on
the Nlnrhonrd etlKu of llin wnoti-i
liankel. "Ileckon they took a hutful
ol wind out a your iuiIIh that time, I
eh?" Ami ho emitted n Horlen of'
rnucuoiiii MiumU ludiciitlvi! of In-j
watd Juconlty.
"Klgiireil you wan part of n iitnK-
w..r(.n. .....l....j.llH .III l... ...u..u .......
'.'ft'. iM-.iirMiiin nil iimt irjinun llllill
linnded yen Hid UkK'TH, ch7" ho con
lliiut'd. "Wake up, buddy, wake
up! Hit up and take your ruudlclm:'
You figured you an ulttlnic li'.-hlnd '
n pdi hum) but you conntvd the pip.
wroiiK on u ccuple of 'c-m, uon you
' mrely did put too hlch a value on
"i-Mt. Why. there'll plnreu on thel
mum line wnere own tne mil K truinn
, don't Mop, iinli'HH they're flugged,'
thut'.n holding better than this cen
null man dealt you."
"Iniuiiiiuch an you hare no vas) '
Inten-ntii nt ntuke." wo mode tllgni-!
fled rejoinder, "It Im eny for you .
to fee humor In thin nltuutlon. Hut
It In a iiiont M-rlouii mutter. It will i
be rectified, however. Steps have I
almidy been tuken to cull attention!
of ihe o-nniiH officials to the grave
InJUBtlco which Iiiin been Inflicted
upon un by ullpihod, carelenn and .
Inefficient" j
"J uit ko. buddy, Jtmt no. I-et'ii
ilemnnd n recount. H'h rellevin' to
the ficlin's when you've been hand
ed ii lemoi to turn It ever In your
1 liiindn n few tltnm before you uek
It. hopln' it'll turn into un orange
You know how many botx In holdln
good fut political John today tlial
nutlet ztd Into 'em by -ihovln' tho
other guy out en n ivcount. There'll
n darn night fewer than ground
floor poker gumt-a In Klamath Falls
nlnce the moral crunaders tangled
with the uncommon council."
"You think, then." we queried.
"that we tnunt Irt-ar thin burden of j
humiliation, have our nhame flaunt
ed In the face of the entire world,
suffer helplsly and without pro
tent "
"Oh, you can protest all you wnnt
tc," comforted the ancient one
"There's no law against it, now that
tho war's over. Since tbo Democrat
him taken to runnln' for office again
the gag ruleVoff,"
"Hut surely thone men at Wash
ington, when they find thit an egreg
ious error has been committed to
the ewrlnntlng harm of nn Innocent
community; surely thoce broad
minded public servants will bo nf-
fected ify our demands for Justice,'
wu argued.
"Huddy," said the visitor as he
carefully stretched ono wing and
then thu other preparatory to flight,
"anything Hi ill's started has a chance
of affecting something, somewhere,
somehow, sometime. Hut thena'd
be more hope of break In' up the
devil's sideshow by flyln' a celluloid
biplane through his private territory
and bombardln' the old boy with
balls of tlssua paper than of Influ
encing a government department
head to recedo from any stund he's
taken. That would be an admission
of fallibility, my son, and even If
you'd never looked further thnn both
sides of Main street you'd hnvo ob
served, If you was capable of that
nxertlon, that some men never mnko
a mistake"
THE rich, warm tones of a fine rug enhance and enliven the charm of a room,
especially when they match the colorings of Other decoratives and transform all
into a harmonious whole. The beauty of a tastefully appointed home is more a
matter of nigs and decoratives than of architecture and our stock of fine Ax
minster and Tapestry Brussels rugs is one of incomparable charm.
There'i a group of Axminster Rugs, size 9x12,
values at
that are truly remarkable
Others $5.00 to 115.00.
Patent Leather Pumps with buckleturn sole.
Were $10.00, now 7.85
Black Kid turn, one eyelet tie, were $10.00
Now $7.85.
Kid Oxfords in black and brown, turn sole,
low covered heel, were $9.00, now $7.65.
A few small stees in canvas, now marked $1.95.
Z l'i-
The Bootery
718 MjUu Ht.
Ilureaftor tho Herald will publish
-ho moan and maximum tompora
.urea and precipitation record as tok
en by the U. S. Reclamation torvlc
stntlon. Publication will cover the
day provlous to tbo paper's Issue, up
to 5 o'clock of that day.
""i"""1""" "nnm1 z:muijuaiiiiiiiiiMii,t.ii..iiiiiiiiiu
J S s.v .SV
Max. Mln. clpltatlon
AUf. 1 90 07
Aug. 2 85 53
Aug. 3 89 52
Aug. 4 87 61
Aug. 6 &p 61 ',
Aug. 6 82 51
Aug. 7 96 62
Aug. 8. 87 62
Aug. 9 82 51
Aug. 10 , 88 63
Aui. il II l
July II . , It 59 ..
V -
utinra("bwu")ltrMthji ISM
UaM sniauU on ciuhltt at aar
When you
just run your Hoover over
It beats ....
as it sweeps
as it suction cleans
as it straightens nap
as it brightens colors
and prolongs the life of
allyour rugs and carpets
Also it "dusts" dustlessly!
Rtrv your Hoover nowt Horn dtmonitrm
tiont without obligation
Double Blankets
Excellent cotton double
blankets, sizes 64x76 inches.
In grey, tan and white, with
borders of blue and pink.
Window Shades
75c and $1.20
At 75c there Is a vtry good
window shade of strong green
fibre shade cloth. Furnished
with a dependable spring rol
ler and all tho hardware nec
essary to attach It to the window-frame.
At 11.20 may be had an ex
cellent shade cf green curtain
cloth, complete with a strong
spring roller and all the neces
sary fittings.
Our China
and Crockery
Is amply stocked with an at
tractive assortment of conven
tional patterns.
All our seta of dishes come
from' "open stock" that U,
sets may be made up from reg
ular stock and replaced if any
pieces are broken. , '
The quality of our china
ware Is cf the best the prices
ar reasonably low.
gay co1orings,-unique-desigm
the incomparable decorative.
THE lovliest expression of modern decorative art, beautiful, yet inexpensive,
Cretonne has won an enviable position of high favor with the elect of interior
decorators. Dainty Cretonne hangings in the bedroom; richer colorings in the
dining room and library; gay, bright designs in the breakfast-room, make the
home glow with cherry color.
35c to $1.50 yard