The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, August 13, 1920, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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    panic rmtn
The livening Herald
Otr Editor
Published dally, except Sunday, by
Tie Herald Publishing Company ot
Klamath Falls, at 115 Fourth Street,
To nti) In the maintenance of tin
New York Mnte hurge ennui, n elm tine!
sweeper bus been devised, not here
tofore demanded by the const rmtloti
of tin- oliltr cmiiiK writes tlonlon I'
l.i.J .t .h. t,n..nmr .I.Kt.m.' ""'iison ' lopumr jieciiuiiin .Mil pi
atfc Falls. Ore., for transmission thrul ','"' A ""' " u " "'
fa malls second-class matter. j dlstutbed by revetit excavations us
rum? uteir iiniuriti siui'e:, me iieco 01
Clalmtd That It Will It of Vaat Inv
portanc In the Maintenance
ef Bargi Canal.
The Associated Press In exclusively
entitled to the use for republication
of all news dispatches credited to It.
or not otherwise credited In this,
paper, nnd also the local news pub
lished htreln,
ritllt.W, Al'til'ST lit, 1 1120
Hope Followed Despair When Return.
rg Ooufihboy Discovered Ccpy
of Famous Sea Story.
- T rnme aboard the transport reviling
my luck, says llobert Palfrey Utter
ID the Hevlcw. My locker nnd bed
roll were In France and I had neg
Ireted to hid them good-hy; I had
nothing hut musette and kit bap. In
which I had been living for a month.
Tlie limping old Mudjekeewls was the
sthtihhlcst tub In the ten Ire. slow, de
told of comfort. Her engine look n
day off every week. Her smoking
room vvn given over to clacking tyie
wrltcrs which manufactured colored
tissue iiaper order for the decoration
of the main companlutiwny. The white-and-gotd
music room i uo place for
one who ns constitutionally linn Me
to derive solace from craps r poker,
tlut when I discovered that the ship's
library bad survived the ravages of
war, I began to see the hand of provi
dence. A I reviewed the backs of the
CU-odd most respectable, volumes In
tough hmwn calf, my locker and bed
roll "fell from my back and began in
tumble, nnd so continued to do till I
thought of them no more. I mis free
as air In spite of the livery I wore." I
tossed a polished copy of "Mr. .Mid
Elilpman Kasy" luto my berth, cast off
my shining greaves nnd bniss-mouM
ed regalia, ililuued myself on the T
Iron that ran across the top of the
tote room. swung my legs over the
edge of the berth and dropped after
them. 1 cloned the port hole to the
deck and tlie summer night, dlxed
tobacco and other necessities In the
wall pockets, started the Ore In a well
crusted briar bowl, and forthwith I
was In company with nn old friend
whom l,hadanot teen for years Uly ll
rclock bafv evening Mr. Jack "Easy
' was safe on board his majesty's sloop
drtilglug will become less, liivcstlgu
ttiiliM. however, show that within one
year ulllrlent material may be de
posited within the vnitiil to make the
nvnlluhle depth of water consilient
lily Its than the tr scribed 12 feet
An example of this wits found In the
chnniiel tast of Oneldn lake. This wus
completed In a full l'.'-foot depth In
IIHCI. .vet. In 1117. It was so whsIicII In
with and thnt It was necessary
move IhciisiimN of cubic yards of till
To aid In the locating of obstruc
tions In the cnmil the state engineer
has designed a novel channel sweeper
and bent builder have leen aWed to
submit estimates a to the com of
these so that throe of them ma be
plm-ed on the ctitinl.
The new swieper consist of two
boat, emli IS fivt long mid 0 feel
wide. These are placed IS feet apart
and Joined hy timber. An operating
floor SO feet long and fi feet wide will
be constructed near the stern, and
suspet.ded from tld will be a tXl'Hiui.d
rail. "0 fret long, held by two clmltts
at each end.
Last Resort of "Locked Out" Sen-ln-Law
Only Served to Make Mat
ters Worst.
Ills mnther-ln-lnw Is deaf, "thick o"
hcnrlnV as they snld In the old days.
lHhcr-ln-lnw went to the movie the
other evening nnd. before leaving the
Contention Mad That New Hampshire
Had th Earliest Periodical In
the United States.
I clnlm thnt the oldest periodica' In
the United States Is the New Hampshire I
llitr.ette, published weekly at Torts
month and founded In I ".Ml. the next
In age being the Week!) Mercury, pub-
llshed at Newport. It, I., and founded
in ITMv. "Ueiijaiulii Franklin did not
I'otiud the Saturday Evening I'ovt in
any other pner In IT'JS. The l' tin
sylvntilu (lunette was founded In IT'JS s
hy Samuel Keliner, who did not make I
h financial success of It and sold It to
Franklin. It was first rolled The I'nl
vernl Instructor in All Arts and Sil
etices and I'eiius.vlMinla (iatettb. In
his aiitoblograih.v Franklin sns of
Ketmer and the Cniette: 'He begin
his paper, lion ever, nnd after currying
It on thtet'-u.unrtcr of a jenr, with al
mot ninety subscribers, he offered It
to me for a trltle; and I. having been
rend) for some time to go on with It
look It In hand directly: and It proud
in a few ycurs extremely profitable to '
me.' "
Samuel Atkinson anil Charles Alex
ander combined the subscription llts
of the Pennsylvania Curette nnd the
Hee and Issued the first number of the
Siilunliiy livening I'ost on August 4.
IS'Jl. nnd the (iaiette and the lUe went
out of existence forever. Thomas Cot
trell Clarke was the llrst eelltor of the
I'ovt. All old iiewmH-r directories
give lS'Jl ns the Jear the I'ost vvn I
Independence, Comfort, and ExtrclM
All Provldtd in New Chair Pro
pelled by Eltctriclty.
A new era of Independence, comfort
Results of Imbibing Barrel of Horn
Brew Disastrous to Moral of
Sedate Old Cow,
Milk, that mild nnd healthful bever
age beloved of the young, usually held
la light etcrm by the nntlprohlhltlou
1st. bui
lt happened not long ago since .Ian
10 In itii tnlnliie iiiiiiii of Sand Coil
w., . v. 111,1. (till,, ,',-,, V lf.-flll IIH", -
house, renuested Hint If the .ith..r"l'e. Montniin. A "Itohunk" miner's
memlKTs of the household vvnt out ' 'Jf''- appnreittly seeking to ke-p her
the key. he left In the mall box. The . 'o"1 nl"' muster In good humor, mixed
others did go out and the key wns J n barrel of home brew giiuritntevd to
left In the designated place. When develop n real kick, and set It out In
they returned the key was missing "'i" Jnrd to ferment. A neighbor
cow linpi'omil along and tustiit.
One tnste led to nnnther, and flnnlly '
the burrel was empty. Hut not so the
cow. She was most decidedly and sat
Isfnctnrlly "full." Anyway, bossy wns
fighting drunk, and she started out to
clean Up that mining camp, and suc
ceeded nlnmt completely. Hut she
met her Wellington In Deputy Sheriff
Adnlphson. The cow charged the
sheriff, who dodged.
Then bossy suffered from the hnllu- i
clnatlon that has allllcted humans un- '
tier slinllur clrcumstiinces. She gave ,
evidence of seeing a multitude of
Sheriff Adolphsons, and finally tiring I
herself with aimless charges fell down !
and asleep. When she uwoke next day J
her "Jug" was over. Hut It Is retried I
that her milk sold at n premium for
several du)n among the strong men of
the camp. Wall Street Journut.
Mother-in-law had locked the door nnd
carried the key Inside. She wns seen
sitting near an upstairs window, rend
lug. The doorbell wns ning until It
ran down. The tel phone did not reach
beritjBrs. Those left out In the cold
, cold vi world were In despair. The
neighborhood hud leen aroused by the
noise made In attempting to make
mother-ln-lnw's defective hearing. take
spark. She rend peiirefully on.
Finally Mr. Soti-ln-I.nw had a hap
py thought. ' lie would try strntegyi-Ile
turned the hoe on her window.
Mother-in-law thought It was rain
ing, got up and rioted ull the upstairs
windows and went hack to her bonk.
Strategy had not only failed, but hud
tightened the barrier of sound.
It wns not Imrticd Just how those
outnlde got Inside. Indianapolis News.
Low-Cost Mileage -Get It in
Goodyear Small Car Tires
There is no economy in buyin st
called bargains in tires offered at sen
Rationally cheap prices when a
well-made tire delivers mileage at a
considerably lower rate of cost.
Add the time and trouble occasioned
by frequent replacements and it is
fully apparent why tire users, seeking
real mileage economy, are not attract
ed to very cheaply priced tires.
The popularity of Goodyear Tires, of
the 30x3-, 30x3,2-and 31 x 4-inch
sizes, is based on the fact that they
are built to deliver exceptional mile
age at low cost and consistently do so.
If you own a Ford, Chevrolet, Dort,
Maxwell or other car taking these
sizes, goto yourncarest ServiceStation
for Goodyear Tires for true Good
year mileage, value, economy.
sU"w r
a rxv,'TL. v.yi'oS
ptea-:Sr ygz2))
ffnr KjK32: v
30 x 3'A Gootlvrar
Doublr-Cuie Fsbt
All-Wcatlitr Tread
30 J'A Goixlvcar A4cn
Single lAirc Fabric, ?15v)
AntliklJ Trcud
Goottyrnr Heavy Tourlit Tul-rs cit no
nuxr than the price u are to pay
for lube, of lr merit why ritk cottly
caing wltrti tuth sure pivlrc
tlonii available.' 30 x 3'ilie 50
in walmrproof tag
ilrd nnd Main
Tlre, TuIm-x, Aeriorle
"Deadwood Dick" English Born,
nirlinn! Ilullock. known as "Dead-
and exerclHe Is promised to Invalids ' wod Dick," was born at Cornwall
fl.. ..,. ., .. .. . .? . . I C-nl...l u. ...... ..(.. ....u
III un electrically-propelled chair that
Is now being made hy a Brm of turci
ca I engineers In London.
In npenrunce It Is little more than
a very comfortable, luxuriously-suspended
bath chair or Invalid- car
riage. The propulsive motion Is elec
tricity. It l silent, travels a distance
of over twenty miles on a slngle
cburge and bus four spetd. ranging
from a crawl up to Ave mll per
The control Is snld to be so sim
ple that any person, no matter with
what disabilities, can sit In the car
riage nnd start right away, nnd II
Is fitted with reverse on alt speed.
II Is only necessary to hold the steer
ing lever with the reft hand and P"'
ly push over the controller handle
with the right hand. The usv of the
carriage renders an Invalid Independ
ent of chair man or attendant, and the
cost of upkeep Is said to le trivial.
Knglund. some eighty years ago. At
the nse of twenty-one he came to
America and at length drifted to the
West. For n while he worked in the
mines In the ll'uck Hill country. At
that time miners there were greatly
discouraged and vexed by the nnusunl
activity of bandits. Despcrndoe i 'it
erating Individually and In groups
were holding up stages running h
nveen the mining country and the
settlements In the Knst with such reg
ularity that chances of getting their
sold shipments through werejsllra.
Ilullock suw In this situation an op
portunity to do the miner a good turn
and himself, too. to earn a good live
lihood and to enjoy no end of thrills
and adventures. So he laid uway his
pick and shovel, armed himself with
a wicked-looking gun.uud ehiburked In
tlie business of hunting "road ugents."
Ammonia by New Procts.
An epterprlslng American hn ae- )
cured from the Indian government n
concession for the utilization of S00
horsepower of the Mnnnore cascades
near Tend, about seventy miles from ,
Home, nnd maintains that he can turn
Ford fiarnce I'M Ko. Oth Hi.
Our (.'OOIIVI-.'.U: Stuck Couiprisrs only
;tOv:b:lOt:t!, Tire, Tubes, Acrorle
I2IH Muln HI.
Tires, TuIhs, AixeMMirlea
-If Main HI.
KjiIIiI nnd I'neuitintlr Truck Tltra and Airrsssorlea
U4HI Ton I'reM Menrlco
out nitrogenous plant food for the TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY 'F0" SAI.B A good homo nn one of LOST I'urplo broadcloth coat, bo
Italian fanner at u cost as low as "'" wy best comer lota In Klnnuith tween Klumath Fulls nnd Merrill.
lira per kilo (equivalent to W.0S8 ner XO. IIWH fniw- 't iu five lurge roonut on rhonn 107. 13-H-
Dound. with the lira taken m its i,nr TIll.'AHUItV IIKI'AHTMK.VT irt floor, nnd three small rooms on
exchange value of J0.1KI).
that the fulls are
Ing not less than
These are the cuscudes over which . np..w.m.,,i m h.. ,,n.i..r.i...i i. t,,.uifrnm Mnln ini,i Prim ( nni
Byron waxed so eloquent In "Chllde been mnile to uimeur ih.a "Th Am. .11.750 on very easy terms, liok nl " A.NThU ) ounK man ileslres rotint
Uarold's Pilgrimage." Alfred I'. Den-1 erlcan National Hank of Klumnth H today. CIIII.COTG & SMITH. 033 "d hoard with prlvulo family,
Irn taken nt Its liar TIll.'AHUItV IIKI'AHTMK.VT f'rt floor, nnd three small rooms on
r0.11). in. M Klee of Comptroller of the ' KJ-tu V. SAI.B-llrund new Ford do-
iTr0frZr w..w.... roi'-i-iy 30. mo irwaurjirpr,:,;," Krou-r-- ,? jorsei.wer Whereas, hy satisfactory evidence! lolh streeU, loaned four blocks ttru"u'
ids, coinmercial attache of the United Falls," In the city of Klumnth Falls,' Main St,
Htotes embussy In Home, reports to the"11 " County or Klumuth nnd State
depurtment of commerce thut the onl) ,ot regon. has compiled with ull the
Ingredients In the ammonia ure water. I P,r1?lll1lom! . of ,ho1 Valu,u "' ,hu
nir m,.i ..iiw-trin nur. ' United Stutes required t obo com-
Among tbe Filipinos women ot
even tbe highest social rank seldom
Paris aocletr women send thelrl'eP " bedstead, but prefer too
pet dogs to a school where they are "oor 'ring on a petate, or mat,
taught to bark properly, to bow In ! ' provided wJtn a long bolster
greeting and farewell, to pick up a r pillow, and tbe conventional no
fan dropped by their mistress, andis(Jul10 netting.
to walk with proud and prancing I
ateps. J A Herald Want Ad will sell It
Reality of Disease Germs.
Ileplylng to a protest from Lee
White, publicity department of the
Christian Scientists', against remarks
on tbe Jcuth from diphtheria of u girl
under Christian Science treatment, the
Journal of the American Medical Arso-
piled with before un association
shall he authorized to commence the
business of bunking;
Now therefore I, John fikellon
Williams, Comptroller of tbe Cur
rency, do hero by certify tbat "The
American National Hank ot Klum
ath Fulls," In the City of Klamath
Falls, In the County of Klamath and
State of Oregon, Is authorized to
llox 90, Herald. 13-H"
nation says: -nau tne nine-yearoiu i commence tho business of banking
in oven uuneu uenenui a loan 01 as provideil In Hectlon Fifty One hun
bricks, even Mr. White would haveldred and sixty-nine of the Kevised
suggested, we believe, that before glv- , Statutes of the United Stutes.
Ing the injured child 'Christian Sel I In testimony whereof, witness my
enco' treatment 'absent or 'present' i '"""J "n1 """'l f office this Tlilr--the
bricks should be removed. What U'cn,Inv,,Jl0yo?A.,!UJls,1?.2.?.'
.Mr. Wlilii- fulls In reiillri. In Mini s . ?."" "" " wii.UAmn,
Her big sensational production of the race track.
Klebs-I.oelller bacillus Is Just as ma
terlal an object us u brick. .It does .
tnaterliil damage. It Is true, not by Its.
Hiitienui wi-iKiii, oui oy loo eijuiiin
Comptroller of tho
Inn ll iiimbieewr1-
'TIHTi'K nnil trndnr-npnir-WV
, position, Phone 43W, 13-19
WANTKI) 3 cut-Off and 2 band saw! At the nn. nf lflO vinr n untni.n
men, and C boys for general work rrnldlnir In I lie iov.ii nf Munsflntii
In box factory. Writ., or apply As-, f , , "'', ln n, "'" "' MBn"''
soclated llox & Lumber Co., Dorrls. i --KlnnI. went on an airplane flight
, 13-19 and then wanted to loop tho loop.
" ' In earlier life thu former Queen
WANTED Woman, wno wants u'Amallo of Portugal wns renowned
n riffrl aa vril" Inn ar infeass wi IuiIh Hub.,
for two small children' and help do, un nU,lt,, nlul ' ""ll considered
the hcuse work small bouse, llox"10 'n0t Mperl swlniimir among tho
W. O. W., Herald. 13-171 women of Eurouenn rovallv.
Mrs. Henry II, Harris, widow of
t,hu noted theatrical inonagor who
was lust with thu Titanic, Is to bo-
FOIl SALE If you are looking for
u real harguln In n cur for $800,
see Chus. Sllva, 230 Main Street.
A Classified Ad will sell It
13-14j come active us u play producer In
I ner own name this mason.
Hank, Mann in a burlesque on "Dr. Jekyl and
Mr. Hyde."
Olving Him Room.
"flraclouHl I didn't know you were
going away."
"Yes, tlie doctor has ordered my hus
band to atop smoking, and I'm going to
mother's for the first few wesks."
Judge (New York). ,., . v
i I . ...s m
Simple Telephony. KOIl SALE 3 flrst-clusH cowa. young
An Interesting development In tele- nnd good, Heavy milkers. Can bu
phony Is u nuw three-vvlre wall net 'bo seon on vacant lot next to Mr.
which oneriiteH on two orillunrv iiryiBoLnp'H on South Itlvcraldu road.
cells, says the ScMlHIc AwerltuTi. The i C1"B0 '" lhono 258VV'
telephone Itself Is built for the us.
and pleasure of joungsters. Thu In
stiillutlon Is very simple, us the tele
phones fasten to the wulls with two
screws and there Is nothing more tech
ulcnl for the boy to do lliun to follow
simple Instructions In connecting tin
wire with the posts on each telephont
box. The set will operate up to l,(x
feet, Instead of the usual 100 or iO"
feet, If two additional dry cells nie
WANTED Assistant cook to work
In cookhouse; or n man and wife,
man to work In woods or sawmill.
Phone Mrs. (Joodnor. 11F13.
FOR SALE Pleasure launch. A
real bargain If taken at onco. See
James M, Watklns, Jr. Phono 38R.
WANTED TO BUY Second hnnd 2
or 4 Inch centrifugal pump; also
2S0 or S00 gallon tank. Ames M.
Watklns, Jr. Phone 38K. 13-10
1 rvAcrw iMi?
WiBBLsV (Jb& sbbbbbL Wf -sssf sLsafl .iH. M. B .aH T
. . ssssssanmaisBi afjap BfjfB v taaaasTanaisSBl A
, T
We have arranged to haul daily from Med
ford until local conditions improve. Our
margin will cover only hauling and hand
ling and we will be able to sell to the pub
lic at 50c per gallon.
; Diamond Tire & Vulcanizing j
THE PARTY who in sheltering a
black and tan female blood bound
Is known, and will please return
same and avoid' trouble. 34) High St.
707 South Sixth Street