ifVVf lr l MOM TWO- WWIAT, AUOCHT 1, INt THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON CONSTANT NOPLE MMy$5 N H I JJ t A YOl'll NKW '! Srtll slam! Inspection and commabd approbation It you hnvo us tnllor It for you frorp our exclusive fabric In our accustomed .superior style. We guarantee n perfect fit always. Tbe wearer of a suit mad by us has always the satisfaction ot feeling himself perfectly dressed. CHAS. J. CIZEK MERCHANT TAILOR 518 Main Street USE AUTOS FOR CATTLE RUSTLING ItEOINA. Bask.. July IT. (By "Mall.) The motor car It heems. has achieved another success by winning its advent Into the rattle rustling business. Tho old npd well known practice of cattle rustlers when they used to drive their stolen herds be fore them, Is now n thing of the past. A few days aco three calves were stolen from herds near Bengough and spirited acrois the International border In two motor cars. Three of the rustlers were arrested on this aide of the line and two others In Montana and are now awaiting trial. 2 CONSTANTINOU1.E, July 7 (Ily A Mall.) Constsntlnople nuw com-l" A bines all the frenxy of n new mining! it camp and a world seaport. It's "the' j end of the trail" for nil the llnlknn - 3 states and everything west ot Sues! & ob the Mcdlterranetp. Caucasian oil1 g Houston Ooera House HEADACHE STOPS; n N E Dr. Junes' Headache Powdert give instant relief Cost dime apackaf. Nerve-racking, splitting or dull, throbbing headache-yield la just a few omenta to "Dr. Jamas Uelduhe Fow sVra "which east only 10 rents a pack age at any drug store. It's the quick est, surest headache relief in tbe whole world. Don't suffer! Relieve the agony and distress now! You ran. Million of men and womri ? tuie found that besdacbe and tii'ur.ilgia asisry is needles. Get wbst you ik for AWMUMMMMMMMMMM WOOD The wise buyer has bis slab to the heater In the back yard drying, and has plqced an order for bis winter needs of blockwood. Our prices are right and our wood Is the beat to be bad. Note our new location. O. PEYTON CO. 419 Main St TOO LATE Death ooly a matter of abort time, Don't wait until peine and acbee become incurable diaeaeee. Avoid painful coneequencee by taking GOLD MEDAL 'tbe world's sundaid rstnsdj for kidney, tver, bladder and uric add trdublos tbs National Remedy of Holland sines 1656. Quarantttd. Tbtec sizes, all druggists. !aab far th nux Ctli Mol oa vary has ad txc.pt at liHttloa men, Donetx JJasIn miners, Antnol Jan sheep and cattle kings, Greek War millionaires and Sjrlan mer chants rush to Constantinople to pop champagne In proof of their success soldiers and allors of bnlf a dozen nations swell the population and add Jo the cosmopolitan aspect of the streets and pleasure resorts. Under Allied occupation the city has become a wilder place than It was under the Turks. There are no. civil courts. None of the Allies de sire to nsume responsibility for re-i forma other thn.n are necessary to safeguard life. ItnlUn. French and British troops co-opernto with the Tnrklshk gendormerie In keeping or der Ilut everybody's Job Is nobody's Job. Consequently Constantinople Is n very wide-open. town. Midnight ( clos'ng Is enforced pretty generally, but until that hour there Is little In-J tcrference with dance halls, gnmb-j ling dives and redllght dltrlcts un- 'less murder Is committed. Lendvllle and Ooldfleld In their dlizleit days never offered nnythlng I wilder than certain sections of Con- Istantlnoplf where Jan bands vie with Neapolitan orchestras and tslgane singers In their efforts to at tract wayfarers Into the beer tun nels and dance halls filled to over flowing with the painted women of many nationalities. ' Half a doien summer gardens of-' fer vaudeville programs wbteh at-1 tract thousands of renons every night who seem to have far more In terest In the drinks nnd restless crowds than In the Russian prims donnas and bare-legged dancers whoe art Is usually as meagre as their attire. Turks, Arabs, Redon Ins. Egyptians and Assyrians, gnr-, geously clad (n native costumes, el bow their way among Cossacks nnd j Georgians whose uniforms are firt more brilliant than their recent mili tary achievements. I Conl black French colonials, re- splendent In red fezzes and green khaki, mingle with Sikhs and Pun Jibl wblse long hair and many-col-ered headdresses are wrapped In sombre .brown. Civilians, soldiers and sailors from all parts of the world are hopelessly Jumbled to gether In Constantinople crowds and are so busy looking at each other ( that tenors from the Petrograd op-', era, naughty French singers from , Monmarte and Austrian nrong-Jaw. e'd ladles claim but slight attention. Constantinople itself is a grand pageant every day. Its main thor oughfare. Rue Grand Peru, Is more fascinating than any scene whoctn producers can ever hope to stage. I Camei-drivers lead In their patient trains. burdened with charcoal. through the maze ot streetcar,' shrieking army motorcars and car riages, piloted oer the rough pav ing at breakneck' speed by Turkish hostelers who crack their whips and shout constantly ' at high pitch to pedestrians who venture off the nar row sidewalks. Turks mounted on tiny donkeys move Indifferently through this maelstrom. Occasion ally Turkish peasants drive flock ot sbeep or turkeys Into this swirl of traffic and serene oxen draw heavy carta along at a pace so slow that drivers ot military camions curse them In ten different languages. The narrow, crooked streets, of Constnatlnople are lllsulted to motor traffic and the slow-going fatallttlc Turk, Is little Inclined to change his pace. Consequently there are many accidents and the Indefference, .with which foreign military cars are driv en has done much to intensify Turn- huh hatred of foreigners. 20 TONIGHT ! FUN MAKERS -20 t Y Y Y t Y Y Y t t Y Y Y T Y Y Y Y Y I 4 Y Y Y Y t t Y Y Y ViyVwwwVwVwVwVwVwVwVVwVwVMwVwVwMwVwwwVwVwVwwVvrV u ' Gay eties of 1 920 VMWWMwWMIWwVw vWWyWMMWMAArVMIMMpVMt THE MUSICAL COMEDY SUCCESS OF THE SEASON U SHIP AH6Y 77 ll0lll4 A BEVY OF BEAUT IFUL GIRLS, WITH Richard Darling AND A SUPERB CAST Including . Ruth Florence, Ruth Felcher, Dick Lee, Herold Rayiftond, and "The Dixie Trio" "Harmony Bugs" uirJ i jjTKnfrvrumvnjTjvftrijnfJriSLrLnr ruuinririmi "arir" rw"" -- -- -- aaMa .- . f-y -n-i-i-in n nr ruLnrir juLnnruLri.r ji. inn. i. r s PRICES: Lower Floor 55, Children 22. DOORS OPEN 7:30 CURTAIN 8:15 ixxiimx '"CHyl IIMIIIIII. LIUM SHIPMENT NUDE SINN FEIN COURTS TRY MANY CASES DETROIT, Mich., August 10. A barge loaded with fresh water fish from the Detroit aquarium a( Ilelle Isle Is enroute to New York City by water, marking inauguration of ship ment of fresh water varieties by this route. Tbe consignment, In charge of iapiain wuuiimua uruui, ujiiieu . males army uuicer wuu is uireciur uii DUni-IN, July 16. (Hy Mall.) filnn Fein courts in Ireland continue to extend tbe area nnd nature of their operations. Among the cases lately tried have been rases of Html and slander, of Judicial separation of the unhappily married and of seduc tion. These were on the civil sldu. On tbe crlmlnal'tlde all sorts of of fenses are tried. Aa rule the per- (sons charged think It safer to turn rup and tako their chance of punlsb- Hut In mpKt rases they do not get any option in the matter. In a MA.NV I'.UIl VINltoiW to tho 1'iiclfic and hack,u guests of I the Canadian government und news-, WW. SAN FKANCISCO. Cal.. Aug. 10. Sixty delcgatcM aro expected from Approximately 150, 0U0 visitor New Zesland, six from South Africa, (are expected to attend the California four from India, threo from Nuw I State Fair lo be held at Sacramento Foundland and one each from Ja-.Sept. 4-13, according to Ceorro Col- malcu, Ceylon, Kgypl, the Straits Settlement, Honkong and Malta, Twenty Canadian delegates will attend. Huh, secretary of the California Tractor and lm)lement association, which Is to have an exhibit at lv?o fair. J A number of Canadian pulp and paper companies are using airplanes and hydroplanes for reconnaisiance und photographic mapping work. A Classified Ad will sell It. i '' ' SIIII YOUK CABINS or parcels by our transfer service. That will ' Inimre that thoy will be carefully handled und that they will always reach boat or train on time. We don't believe In any last minute ship ments. We always get there in plenty of time to make sure the goods we carry will not be left behind. Weitern Traiufar Co. 410 Mala Ht. m. tlollA IdIa NfiHAslltm Iss lnlunrlfl .. .. .. 4.. -.,.. .-.v.. j County Clare tbe per- for tbe New York aquarium at Bat-' . . w n ,. .,.,. tery park. On tbe return trip salt , water fish will be brought from New '"! " '" "IMC "" ,"". iu l...l..ll.l The fish being taken to New York , represent 20 different varieties found In lakes aki rlverx of the Cen tral ststes. They are making their Journey In large woden and metal tanks, Into which air Is pumped through bass wood plugs by means of a gasoline engine. The barge on which tho tanks were placed Is equipped with two out-board motors and Is being towed by u gasoline, yacht. Three thousand gallons of son charged was a local magistrate, accused of trespass. He Ignored tbe summons and refused to recognize 'the Jurisdiction of the Sinn Fein court. The volunteers captured him and carried him off to an unknown destination and the military aro now guarding his house. The Sllgo Asylum Committee Is n real radical on Sinn Fein. It has Just decided that the Sinn Fein flag shall be permanently flown over the asylum. They have vested In the Irish Volunteers the task ot convey ing lunatics to tho Institution, nnd left the power of committing luna- tea wiuur jor use in me uijuutiuiji . .. n, i,, ..ii,.i . , .... . . . . . .lies ill um oinii r tun iiri'iiiuiiwu mo- at . Hollo Isle will be brought to Do- , octor trot on the return rip. Kerry Couniy council has decided Captain Orant, who formerly was advertlsementa in assistant d rector of tbe New York i . , , ,,, . , ... . the local papers unless they ngreo to aquarium, was the first to trans-' .... ' . ,. ... ' .. ,. ,. u. .... . P'lhllsh reports In tho Irish language t7" 'r.:'",rj ':."' '7. ,:,,, the Coaneir. proceedings. crv iuia, IMUA1IJ6 iuu njy u avav MAKIN'O STIIIKEH .IMI'OKHIIILE "Labor Is becoming convinced that it is going too far." "Yes, the men are beginning to realize that if they haven't Jobs they won't be able t ostrike." Buffalo Kxpress. I'REHH (X)NVHNTION VANCOUVER, B. C Aug. 10. Newspaper men from all parts of the British Empire are to attend the Im perial Press Conference to be held In Ottawa October 4-7. After tbe meet ing they will journey acroaa Canada They work naturally and form no habit , They work naturally and form no habit They -work naturally and form no habit They work naturally and form no habit 1 SSI fitorcw ufdy ASK smsssmmmI J L32?k3vr;VH ? STAR DRUG CO x 1 '