trm, m. s-HtfaLln tAAVi NiNAViVSiSimWW te ftufpntt OFFICIAL PAPER OK OFFICIAL PAPKH i Kl .AM, VI II FALI.H KM MATH COUNT wWWWSWVf Wv "I-Wlconth Ynr No. 3994 KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, TUESDAY.AUGUST 10,' 1920 Price.Five Cent or ! A ffy HC iiU EE! EHUUM SEFTBBEH SHI i f i- 1 I .ildir ifir ntmi-nrnMon, i.ii iiii.rl liilmr in 'i to! ills IiK""( releliia' uver yr, ill nssed at Inst Ii. I.I in. i i .1 meeting of Hi" Inti r cOutull T ii r.illowing irngseripi of pror-ml-Iim'i wtiB by ilia rvcrxury of ihn (oiineilt Tin. labor count II mm Monday. AuRiikt 9, nml ilrow up plana fur a ct'lnliinMim' In I if held mi Labor ilny. It wns ituiiDiinrml dial a Hpeflal train will In) run fruin Vnit, nml tin. Tlmberworkor' union of Hint town will nltund III ii hnly. lirlnxliiK tlii'ir brass linml Otlnr fe.ituri.-t will be n iiuruiln of 1 1 unions, speeches mnl literary eiir In t In rorii - noon in the nfitirnoun sport nfi various kinn. mm u Iturwimll game aro scheduled. Tin celebration will terminate with a iancn. lammoth opmi-alr Tint t-niiunllliii) in cliarxn roportu that many Knorou ilonntloni Imrn fcron riicvUnd from local huxlnxmi Bouni'i. with iniirx Klfla promlsuil. Ktcr)llilnj( Kit ' It la planned to have tbla e.ili'bra. tlnn n unliiuo ono, In that ovorytlilnit will Im free, no chars lolng madn for nhy of (tin attraction! nchxitulml No uxploltatlnn or rommerrlallsm In fl vonnerllon with this day' festivities. (today, will be filed ltli the luUrtatljcvn"U1'' will ho countminnreil by the laborjcommercii comiiil4lon soon, It was! In addition, ho calls attention to niuwmntit, whlrh has inaile himnlvii plans to offset any attempt to profit on the tunny hundreds nf visitors etpectiiil to ntlund. A circular iHliir bnlng prnpareil for tho vo'rlniis unions' pledges the commute (n pr;i t-rvr a b? riMebra t ton, nml contains the clause "If It's official It's free, no concessions will lie granli'd or given endorsement by the l.abcr day romiultlee " New OrKMnlmlliins It was riiorleit to thn council that tlio Typographical and Plumbers' I unions have recently peifected or- sanitation, and will be In operation In the next few da)s, upon arrival of their charters. Prenlilint llesltrns C K. Purker, president of the labor council, tendered his resignation, ef-i fectl Immediately The acceptance was iinnulmous, and 11 special nieot-loni, Ing Is called for August 13 to elect u successor, Owing to Important husl-.hlm. lie was brought to the Warren ness engagements, Mr. Parker wui.llnnt hospital jesterday. It Is re unnblo to finish Monday's meeting, ported that bo I doing well and will which was bundle. I by K. It. Calla han, of tho Painters' union tiiii:vi:h t.irr :iimhn) IIAUIi IN l.i;Vi:i.ANI(wy ''own the tnuk was clear. I5o carrying mall from San Francisco ar-," 1 iforo ho returned, however, u lnrge,"''l hero luto yesterday after a run . Cl.KVI'LANO, August 10 Three ihoulder had rolled from tho hlUsldo,of four das, It hours and 3 mln- Miandlts early today entered Hoi llerK-j01 ho track. He failed In n'on It utes. nien'H Jewelry Htoro, In tho heart of 'n "'o dnrkueus and struck It nt full! r- thn down town dlsttlct. shot nml er - Inusly wounded two employes, loot ed tho safe of Jewell y mid ill.imondH, ot im istliunlil aliio nf $.10,(101), nnd oscnpud Hi .111 automobile. MICKIE SAYS DONt CX PEEJGO lf US f 1UCMS 50)?., IN tVt' vWEB. MP, oow; .VC6. N OOMJ NVWde. 1VV NONftVOfc je5T PVUNT V t SPftSee wpv ..rmH!' pn -. "tu to U..M I re Bsw vVH r" II i Bswav i nTsl i .! j-nin "ir .? -JirSiC jtrrriOLtV . ! J. 0 mm Hi.i.iuMt..v:j I mJOli.Ur u; OHIO IIOI.IM COM'MDliH. OhlOi AUK I'J. Ohio ifitlay' voted I i pt "i 0 i iinitl.lttt.n Id eompl-to tin- ii'1'- I SS Ik hiiadrd Iy Li0VriO( Cox iim I liiMt), it. yljfo- oatoUS purl I tinlllitixii In a pi unary olwllon for governor, Prilled MMifn 8"tii"r inmliM h r tifi '! upi i ! i "it i ii. i 'Hint) iffi i. - i CHICAGO.' Aug !' Th- railway Inlmr board !inn..-. (lni-.ii n durisinu Increasing lli iiki of tit ployeeri of the American Italluu) Ex 'ptcss company $3o 000 ono n year Eighty thiwiiind linen unprovided 'ifiiil iiiyiiiiiii iiiii'ii imiuuviill'll iy itfjiK'fLfMo.onQ.oon rnii- f wnB .K ri nffiiflc.l. Tho for liy IKrJHWif .iiiuO.ono.OOO rnll-' wuy nward InriVouclFvo to May I, 19to. An inrri'ino ainountlna to 19 conti1 11 11 hour, will kIk inomntnKxrM ami otlmr train nurvlcw nmployonn an la criin (Sf $38 40 a iiTcntli' All othiir .nmploycxfi will rucolvn ou Incruavn of $33 ill a month ' WASHINGTON. Auit !. Use- IWQRE PAY FOR i EXPHESSKI amiiiemlatlona that express' ratoi 'hii!jrnl,, conihlned, kIvo a population of Inert-used $30,000,000 to absorb tuo 'wane award announced ut Chicago compre-iannounced today by the general !........! .1... k .1 n-n i.ifuiivM 111 inn fiiuuriuai, iauviuy c,x presi company. Thrown from a railway "speeder" when It collided with n boulder on SECTION-WIN MEETS MIS HIP the track between Chlloquln and Al- Com,,a,1r "'"'H". compiled from goma, Albert Comet. Southern Pa-1 "Kurcs covorlng tlio ntlro nation, clllc section foreman nt Chlloo,uln.'l,,ow ,,iat Ihoro a"o 'Ivo Individuals suffered severe concussion of tho 1 ,0 cncl1 Phono, nml tho ratio has been bniln and laid unconstlous by tho l'""'' wor out very nccuratoly In .side uf the track from Saturday 1 comparison with actual population night until Into 8tindny afternoon, 'Inure. when ho waj found by fellow work- J who had become alarmed by hls,CROSS CONTINENT long absence and gone In search of rerover. The foreman left Clilloquln Satur day afternoon on tho "speeder" formal nutomobllo trip had been cstab.'Craler Uko hoto1 and Dlroctor Algomn. to get tho mall. On the lUhod, when u llvo posongor machlno Mher of tho national park bureau' i,l"" - '' - Tho car wna tossed clear of the track by the Impact nnd Comet landed hem! foremost PARKER RESIGNS AS LABOR COUNCIL HEAD (J r Parker nnununcod today tUil bo had tcmlored bis resignation oh ipresldont of tho central labor coun- i ..,,. ,. . .in" iruiuni .mv. Him win not ensasn Jll.J:J2. -r -uslues,. hi. Plans being .. .iv...ilui,i It Is expected Hint a Hiiccessor wl II bo . ....., v;.. ... . a"ivi.ii iiiuuilll., I-null niKni, Mr, Parker was elected president ot tlio labor council when tho or ganization was formed last Saptom her, bo ho has held tho offico for np proxlmntoly a year. WORK lUIHIIINd ON &IHM3 MOUNTAIN ni.Ii II. II. ICdmomla Is In tho city to day from tho Radillo Motintnln Lum ber company's mill at Sprnguo river, llo ropoits that tho rush ot construc tion la still undorway and ovory ef fort Is being mndo to hnvo tho plant In oporntlou by Septombor 1. TKNNKHHKK OONSIDKItH .. HUFFlUOi: 1UTI1TCATION NABHVILLB, Aug. 10. A Joint- resolution, providing for thn rntlfl cntlon ot tho federal woman sulTingo nmondmont, was Introduced today In both houses at tho Tonnoesoo log- lalnturo. It wont on tho tablo until tomorrow. OFIWIffl- At'Wnt lo fii'irrx w trrauntSf' PonTlMNJ'-'Atiir 10 -Th Mt KIiiimi'Ii Full i-ipiil tln " "wfc IJurliwfty rotiHiifrori t ttil morn I1.11111 hi'.l ii.iij, 1,' 1 h.. Klamttti ln' nritl&n onrouncMl it t unit lt- (niiiiiy rli.uiilini of ronimcreo la a iil-Rr'm tn 1 Ii 'llr'-( i-ifflf rrnnJi at Vhlilnnion. Vh tliram rads: Olrooicr of Cofihuj, ; . . wmlilngton, I) C: ' (Jf fli-lal " oefwug aa nunoiin'ogd Mlvna KlmnHlh Kfllln 1.801. Wo huvo ever 1. 000 ri'KUtercil otorH, mnl 1,3:3 chllilron of school ri(utd S(oiii of pnopln furnlHli affi davit 1 hat they ttrii not I'niimor iilml City directory bIm'k tinmca nml nililri-riHcn Imlli utlriK ovor 9.000 pioplo Nu mo procpiluro In oriliir to rocelvn u ro-rcimuii. KI.AMATII COUNTY CIIAMHCIl OK COMMBKCK, v ri itnii nM..i.iUMi """" City of hlamnth Kail.. V K. Ilruinlimhurt?, actlnc mayor. T I. .Stanley, incretary, who haa lin InvfutlRatliii; tho rcgUtratlou roll ami school record, points out thnt "" "Kures given In the tele- "PProximaiuiy u.auu, or ouo more 1,mn n(l''l hj tho government In addition, he calls attention to ",0 'act "mt "",ro aro children illfiilur srlinul nf.. nn.l linl-jrmtn Hi "" - -"." . maximum school ogv and majority not tnken account of In these figures, Soviet government In any pcaco con bnsldes tho nuintwir of non-registered illtlons Is entitled to take Into ac voters. County Clerk Do Lap ostl-'cunt tho fact of attacks made by the K-1I04 tlio percentage of voters whokSoles upon Russia and that those at- did not register for tho primary elec- tlon at 25 per cent of tho masculine and 40 pur cent of tho fcmlnlno ellglbtes. K. T. I.udden, telophono company manager, states there are more than 1,200 phonos within tho city limits. D17V"iDri 1 rvvxrrcirsrrx Kt-LOKD LOWERED . NKW YORK, Aug, 10 Announco- ment was made today that a now un- umtiai ruworu ir 1110 iranscontineu wh;i. 11. l.Mi;itlT CHA.MIUS OW.VKItSllll' Prank nut has sold his Intotost in tho Wot Hnd UrjOcory lo Henry that It would bo up to the peoplo of Hehnoldor, who has been In tlio em- Portland nml Oregon to sen that ado ilo of the tlrm for some time. Tlio ' 'junto hotel facilities wore maintain store will bo owned by Mr. .School. lor od nt Crater LnKo. lJQclopuiout nt mid Sam l-'rmicls, tho latter having been axsoclnted with Mr. Rlst. For . ,1. . .. . .... ... . i sontowhnt unsettlod. Ho will, how vor, contllll, a, a wlont f KUm ...,. J.-.IU CAItH COLI.IDK Duo to hla Inability to bring his car to a stop A, A. Llskey hud a nar-ltho row escape from a. sorloua accident lima strenuously objected to bolng do yesterday afternoon whon ho collided 'prlved ot tho management ot tho with tho big tank car of tho Stand ard Oil company nt cornor of Fifth and Main streets. Ono of tho front wheels ot tho Llskey car was smash ed' und tho axlo nnd fendor badly damaged. Tho tank car was, not dnuingod, No ono was hurt. KLAMATH l"OHT WILL KLKOT OFFIOK1LS TONIGHT, Klamath post, No. 8, ot tho Amor lean Legion will oloct oftlcora for tho coming year nt tho regular mooting tonight. Dolognto to tho Astoria convention will nlst report tho ro- buIIh nt tho couvv (Inn. All mom- he-i r,i-o urged ti ir."'' ot tonight' i In tho Import ing nnd attend. siaif nnnnn I tfullHL) "BBOKE" 1'i IF PH8IBMIN '' in fliiondal jflrtUi. h:ilrt)in ' ' " (l 1 l.m il to uik? ttie finan- , .a,. W-blle W Thunnlay. wiiD ths eommikHion wflLuiMt with .,,,, ' , . ion.mltti'1 Of innkr, tnfiri'liantFi, itute nml ity offlofaN to il'mrnx fu turn ork. It wiih no lit It won IiVmI) that noma roa.l work nwnrdu woulil ho inado Intir this (if'rrnoon I I'AIIIS, Aug, 10 Tho nuwlana ,iaH. captoreJ tU8 town of ciocha- 'now.f thui1 cuttnK ,hn Waraaw-Dan- tiK raway, nccordlnr? to report from tho French military mlnnlon to Wanaw, received by wlrelesi today. LONDON. Auk 10. ' I am still hopeful for peace" were tho opening, worus or i-remier i.ioya uvorces an - noiincemmt In tho Houe of Com' 1110ns today, with regard to tho Rus- ao-rollih crisis. REDS GUT R I L mm LIHC IjUMMII I.loyd George declared tho Polish attack was untustlflpit In thn nnlnlnn - M "' the British government, that the lacka were delivered despite warning of "'0 allies to Polund. The Soviet, ' declared, was entitled to demand such guarantees as would bo exacted by anX Power agalnsMhe reopening of tho attacks. PARK THE STILL PEiS PORTLAND. Aug. 10. Portland ,., cltlxen oro ready to go ahead along , progrcsslvo lines for Crater Lake as )a n- ..-.- -w . ...... nv .... UOn as tho present controversy be - , . ,,, ..,., settled, doclares H. II. Van Duior, president of tho Portland chamber of commorce. j On tho occasion of Mr. Mather's recent visit to Portland with tho np- propnniions committee ot tho ua tlunnl hnuso of representatives, the' ' park director announced that ho". would oust l-arkhurst. and declared Crater Lnka as a sconlc resort would lrtually conio to an ond unleaa tlio . . - .- . n . i . .. . poupio oi ureson proriueu iiio nocos- hotel ho' threatened Following his nnuounccmont, Gov ernor Olcott declared that ho would Inppoal to tho peoplo of Oregon to !tako care ot the Crator Lake -sltua-I tlon and President Van Duzer stated thnt tho Portland Chamber ot Com- merco would back such n move. In meantime, howovor, Pnrkhurst hotel and tho matter Is unsettled. "Govornor Olcott, as I understand It, has hold off on' tho mnttor until Dlroctor Mathor and Mr. Pnrkhurst could sottlo their controversy," said Mr.' Van Duxor, "and as Boon as that is dpno I bellevo tho govornor will tako stops along -progressiva linos and tho Portland chamber will got solidly behind any undertaking which will look towards hotel dovol optn'ont nt tho park," IOCATi OOUPJ.K WKD John William Swntsfagor nnd Miss Ida Koslng wore married yes terdny by Rov. C. F. Trlmblo. Roth 'aro residents of Klamath county. VIW.MMVWH q KHTIOV l)Vl. K1.V AJ.bVi:UKI . h PQriTE, ftirt'atia. An-? l'i If a bolt of tlgh.nlni? 'liioll otrlkn Ihia tent tonlKht, : ' "" ' M Im re ily ( t Tlmbr, an d a roarfresit- P Hon of Pr' fi'th(Hli irowd Inn a tent at. fljirintttlle. nx V niloa north. 0 hvt- l nlaht Ouuidi? a atorm w threat- -nln." A fw teornxntx lamr a Uli ef. I'a-btnUiK cntrd the . . ---V.. &...i .. J ;:: A , ., ,. ,, . ., . . ' burned the RV Mr. Timber snd knortrd down igany w r- shippers 4 ..,.., Whistles will toot for Klamath Kolla tomorrow At 10 minutes be- foro the hour set for the member ship forum of tho Klamath county chamber of commerco whistles will romlnd members that it Is time to drop their work, grab their hats and start for the White Pelican hotel where a fine 7S cent luneh wilt be served In the cool main dlnlneroom. The dlnlnir room will bo turned over to the members tomorrow for a real . "pep" mcetlna;. There Is a real tlrao In store and no member should miss the meeting. Do there at 12:30 prompt. The meeting will bo over In Just one hour. Phono your reserva tion to the secretary at 538 before 10 a. m. so that you will' be sure to have a plate. Tho "Twn o'clock" club of the chamber started out' this morning to secure additional now members and reports Indicate spfendld "results:" Tho -committee"- on Information and statistics will held a meeting this week to check up on the progress of their work. Calls at the chamber are becoming more numerous! every day from peoplo whoso attention Is being directed toward the wonderful oppor tunities. In this section. It. W. Tower, chairman of tho fish and gamo committee has called a meeting of his commlttco to transact some Important business In conncc- tlon with tho preservation of tho gamo In this district. Tho treasurer reports that there I",u " "J"0 a ow woo navo not called In responso to tho notification that tholr dues are now duo and par- . .... iuuii uuva uid uuw uuj anil 'hlo at tho First National bank, I T J A wholo family of Jinxes conspired Venter. IllV nflArnnn. in intn-fnm ...1.1. ' -....-..,!,.. " fc """'.'." 7 . "".. w"r"mB" ol lnc Warren Hunt hospital's motor oqulp- mont. It started when tho ambu lance, answering nn omorgoncy call, struck n bad piece of road, whore street construction Is underway on Pncltlo Torraco, nnd disarranged Its Inward workings so Hint It enmo to ,n standstill. Finding his first nld .attempts fruitless, tho driver sent in I an S. O. S, by phono. I Dr. Mnsiov nnswnreit lint .Tlnr N'n. 3 rodo with hint and ho broke nn axle. Dr. Hunt took a try nt It but the third Jinx wns right on' tho Job nnd beforo ho reached tho stalled ambulanco 'ho stripped tho gears on his car and camo to n stop. Dr. Trunx, in ranking tho rounds ot tho lumber enmps, had tho samo run of luck and his car was hors do combat whon noeded. With all tho big cars victims of the jinx clan, a last appeal was mado to Frank Robinson, tho hospital's pharmacy manager, who recently In vested In a small "bug." Tho bug, truo to typo, sklmmod over tho road that proved a pitfall for tho lnrgor cars and, with thrco tnxlcabs hur rlodly pressod Into sorvco, invod tho day. The patient missed nn nmhn. lanco rldo but landed In tho hospltnl snfoly. WEATHER KKrortT OREGON Wednesday fair, west arly winds. niMfiirn iinnflin I u urn n n un RIB D RICH W S USUA iOUKTHEIBW ST SESSION OF HIT? (NHL I :). . r.ilm an.l ibIh nmrkrni tho pro- f'-liinr-i tt e'r council at Inst nlifhtV wtlon Mayor !5lrulilo ll wii.o c njlng trip anJ'C. K. fft-kstnjitik(ify nrailHnr nf. I'ttZSZw. M A, , t.iin. Ji liberations. ,: tnq C cour. Tb petition of proporly cWricrs on High street between Sixth and Sev- luntli. for narrower paving and sjilo- v.alks in tho Improroment of tho block, was denied. They asked tho paving bo cut fiom -10 feet, ns pro nosed, to 25 feet ond tho sldowalk J from six to fhe feet, becauso of ex cessive cost of material. Hum It Condemned Tho barn at tho corner of Payno alley nnd Klamath avenue was con demned as a nuisance, on recom mendation of tho health board. Ta police Judge wa Instructed to notify Mitchell, Stavers and Lewis of Port land, the owners, and R. E. Smith, local agent, to move tho barn and clean up tho premises within IS day. Mark Howard, assistant to the fire chief, was granted a two weeks' vaca tion, beginning August 23. Improvement Ordiaaacas Ordinances specifying the Improve ment of Washington street, from First street to Ewauna boulevard. and Main street, from Spring street oasterly to the city limits, passed to third reading. A similar ordinance on High street, between Sixth and Seventh, passed to second reading. The ordinance vacating a portion ot Lakeview street passed to third reading. The vacation la. on petition o(.-4a KHnk- povslovBiont , com pany, wliflhi-JMrVIUjtfcat the 'portion to be vacated, about a block at tha extreme northern end ot LAKoviaw street. Is rarely used as a thorough- faro. Fine to General Fund An ordinance provldfag that all fines collected for violation ot city ordinances be paid Into tho gcnoral fund was Introduced and passed to second reading. Heretofore fines have been paid Into tho street fund. Antl-GanibUnj; Amendment The ordinance amending the exist ing anti-gambling regulation by adding a revocation clause to tho ponalty imposed upon proprietors ot public places who permit gambling on their premises, passed to tho sec ond reading. KnUrgo Police Station The police chief was Instructed to havo work dono which will add an adjoining room on tho first floor ot tho city hall to the present station,1 giving tho pollco department two rooms whero thoro Is now ono. Will Alleys Resolutions wero adopted for tho paving ot tho alloys on either sldo ot Main street, between Fifth and Sixth, streets. Resolutions were also adopt ed establishing tho grades ot Ninth street between Grant and Prospect nnd Washington. botween First street and Ewauna boulovard. miUdlug Pct-iuIN C. U Reckard, private garago, Nichols addition, $400; Bosslb M. Goble. four-room Jiouso, lot 13, block D4, Second Hot Springs addition, $600. TcrnUt IjiIiI Over Louis Robin's application tor permit to build a frame houso, bam nnd woodshed on block 5, Williams addition was laid over a week. A protest was filed against tho pro posed building by Dr. A. A. Soulo and others ot this neighborhood, assert ing that It, was planned to uso lum ber from an old barn and to uso It for construction ot 'a human habitation waa an "offense against hygiene de cency and humanity." , , Tho protosta asked that tho build ing, which thoy claimed has been startod without a permit, bo stopped, tho barn condomnod as a nuisance and removed, nnd.the premises where It stands thoroughly cleaned. MAItKKT REPORT . PORTLAND, Aug. 10. Shoe steady, oast mountain lambs $fl.B0 'and $10; other quotations stoady and I unchanged. ' 4 - r -nf! '! i ii 1 HA