The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, August 07, 1920, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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    I I
,' i
" l ' ' kA ' ' ,.t , , .,
(MTVMAY, AtiQtTW T,'lfc
The Evening Herald
atjr Editor
Published dally, except Sunday, by
Te Herald Publishing Company of
Klamath Falls, at 115 Fourth Street.
atercd at the postoffiee at Klam
tfc Falls, Ore., for transmission thru
Ifee aalli aa second-class matter.
The Associated Press Is exclusively
entitled to tho uso for republication
ot all news dispatches credited to It.
tor aot otherwise credited In this
paper, and also-the local news pub
Mshed hereto.
w mm
gasoline available for western Ore
ton. Seventh tf all this does not greatly
relieve It not entirely eliminate the
shortage, the gasoline committee of
the Dealers' Motor Cur hki-ocIhIIou of
Oregon Is In the market for still more
gnsotlne fro mlndependent sources
There. Is plenty of gasoline for sale
In the mld-contlnent field. A steady
stream of tnnk cars, to be delivered
during the month. In addition to the(
200,000 gallons In th 26-cur speclnl,
train that Is en route Is on the way
or coming.
This speclnl train of gasoline. In
cidentally, cost the dealers $50.-1
278.85 f o. b. Tulsa, and freight)
charges are seven cents a gallon. One j
or more cars will be delivered at,i
Grants Pass. Itpseburg. Corvallls, Al
bany, Salem, Tillamook, Wheeler, St.!
Helens and Astcrla.
p . Bv W V
Houston Uoera Mouse
Four Nights Only A g 1Q 11 J 13
Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday "S 1V L XU9XU
PORTLAND, Aug. 7. Tho gain,
lino situation In Oregon ery decid
edly Is looking up. There is still a
shortage, but from all present Indi
cations said shortage is on Its way.
First, u solid tralnload pf 25 tank
cars bringing 200.000 gallons of gas-
ollno from Tulsa. Okla., Is en route-angWPr
to Oregon. This gasoline was pur
chased by gasoline committee of the
Dealers' Motor Car association of
Oregon for distribution to dealers In
the smaller towns throughout the
state, and Is coming by special fast
freight; under better than passenger
Second., this Is only part of ship
ments aggregating 250,000 galons,
purchased by the gasoline commit
tee ot the dealers' association for de
livery In Oregon this month. The
remainder ot the 350.000 gallons
will be carried for the most part In
carload lots by retular trains.
Third, the Union Oil company of
California. In an official announce
ment Wednesday citing reasons why
It has Increased the price of Its gas
oline to 29 cents a gallon in Port
land, announced that It Is buying
gasoline for Pacific coast points In
the mld-contlnent Held, and that sev
en solid tralnloads, containing 175
tank 'cars of gasoline, already have
been shipped and arrangements
Kottlty No. tana
In the Circuit Court ot the 8tati
of Oregon for Klamath County.
L. Jacobs. Plaintiff, vs. B.' A. Klely
and W. H. McCoy, co-partners as,
Klely and McCoy. J A. Williams and
W. C, Crittenden; also, all other per-
sons or parties unknown claiming
..... .ink, ,it, ,intp. Urn or Inter
est In the' real estnle described In the
complaint herein. Defendants.
To E. A Klely and W. 11 McCoy
co-partneis n Klely and McCoy, J A
Williams nnd W. C. Crittenden; nnd
to all other persons or parties un
known claiming any right, title, ev
tato. lien or interest in tho reul es
tate described In the complaint here
in. Defendants:
You, nnd each and b11 of you, are
hereby summoned to appear andl
the complaint Ilieu BKninni
i j n. - r i ' -
"' aav ". ---- -- "-- --
you In tho nbove entitled suit, within
six weeks from tho 7th dny ojt July,
1920. the date of the first publication)
of this summons In tho Evening
Herald, n daly and wvekly news
n.. nnMlihtil nl Klamath Falls.
Klamath County, State of Oregon.
and ot general circulation in said
county and stnto;
And you win ibko nonce on
.-.. Mii tn ,nflr nmi Atmwer or.
otherwise plead within said tlmo. the.
plaintiff for want tnereoi win ivi"t
to the above entitled court for the
relief demanded In his complaint'
filed In this suit, ns follows'
For a decree of said court remov
Ine al clouds from the title of the
said property herein described, and
determining all adverse claims of
said defendants, or any or either of
them, or any other persons or parlies
therein, and quieting the. title of the
land described In the complaint
herein, as follows, to-wlt: I
"Commencing nt me inicrsecuuni
of the Westerly line of Eleventh
Street and the Sortherly line of High.
Street In the City of Klamath Falls.
Oregen: thence Southwesterly along
the. Northerly line or itign aireev .
feet: thence Northwesterly at right
angles to High Street 120 feet;
ibence Sortbeasterly parallel with
the Sortherly line of High Street 120
feet to the Westerly line of Eleventh
Street: thence Southeasterly along
.wwwi.wwf..w '''''"-"' .' . mmm
Gaieties of 1 920
A Bevy of Beautiful Girls
, ti t A.
Richard Darling and Ruth Florence
W.WMMMWWWWW .' M' ff.f-'f.i''
ww, - fW.fJf W i...m-
made for additional shipments. A
proportionate share of this gasoline
has been aloted to uregon. tne n- -"-- . EleTenlh Strcc.
crease from 25 H to !9 cents being .,0 feel Jo the pIaeo of beginning;
.. l.., .. . . .- t. E.M-,
"-Mn tenrtine to the company, (c
' cover the cost of shlppfng tflfc gaso
llne by freight. .".
Fourth, the Associated Oil com
pany recently announced 'that It al
lotment of gasoline for Oregon-this
mouth has been Increased SO per
cent over the August quota last year,
Fifth, the Shell company, through
not able to announce definite figures
on August 'quotas; has for the past
several 'months received 50 per cent
more gasoline than during the same
period last year. Officials sajr the
same ratio Is expected to continue
through August.
Sixth, the Standard Oil company Is
now aunplylnz territory In Oregon
east. of The Dalles from, the Utah and
Wyoming fields which formerly was
supplied from Portland. This has al
ready relieved' the gasoline shortage
.east 'of the mountains, though In
creasing the price, and leaves more
and being a portion of Lots B, F and!
Q of Hlock 45. Kienois Auumun id
tho City of Klamath Falls, uregon-,
(Situated In the Southeast q'uarter
of tho Hotitheast quarter of Section
29 Township 38 scum oi uango o
East of the Willamette Meridian.)";
and declaring tne said piainiiu io
the owner thereof In fee slmnle. and
that the defendants, and eacn oi
them, nnd all other persons. Includ
ing said persons unknown, be forever
enjoined and debarred from asrertlng
any claim whatever in or to sam janu
adverse to the plaintiff herein; and
for auch ether and further relief as
to the court shall seem meet and
agreeable to equity.
Thl aummoda ia Dnbllsbcd pur
suant to an order of the Hon. D. V.
Kuykendall, Judge of the above en
titled court, made on the th day of
fni ia?n. and ih flrat nublleatlon
thereof la made In tho Evening
Heruld on the 7th day of July, 1.920,
and the last publication will be made
on the 18th day of August, 1920."-
j. h; carnahan,
c Attorney for Plaintiff.
July 7-H-21-28-4-11-18 .
and Ruth Fletcher and Dick Lee
Popular Prices: Adults 55c and 85c; Children 35c. Including War Tax
tub- urAl'TH OFFICER
Klamath Falls Is growing rapidly
a. vnu.know. Health matters, play
grounds and many things that lead to
wholesome enjoyment are not Keep
ing up with our pay rolls. High cost
of building material and labor are
causing people to crowd and to live
'in on manni-r no a to get along.
This condition calls fer heavier "
. . .. .-.... -.... it.,.. nH which
his families. A health officer hus excellent opportunities to
hard time to be .pleuslng, Peoplo her ability as n comt'dlcnni1
should learn to help anil not resist. ,of Urn hits of tint piny In
Jewel Cafe
Special Sunday Dinner, $1.00
Cold Slaw Ripe Olives
Chicken (Unlet, With nice
Lettuce and Tomato
Fried Halibut. Parsley Butter
Choice of
Fried Spring Chicken, Country Style
. Chicken Fricassee, With Needles
Rcust Leg of, Pork, With Sage Dressing
New Wax Deans Mashed Potatoes
" ' ' "' ' , DKSSEBT 1
Cholee of
. Vanilla Ice Cream
Coffee '
Ice Tea
Assorted Pies
ftu ,
610 MAIN ST.
7Z5, .k. hp. aid. nre civic sickness. The next great develop- Morosco Is sending thn entire com
I believe that my best aids are civic .,,... ,,,. w, tu, he'. '- ...." .,i...if r,nm .i P..1.
Huccess to his uhllity to pleuso' In litis play. Miss (Ire. n wood lift part thereof us may be necessary to
piirtnty ""j " .....' i ..
. iiient. Iifluding attorney's fees, In-
nmi one r,,t nmi cokIs mid cxpeum's of sale,
Letty's I will, In oliedleiic.i to said order of
. . .. ' snlu tinil iiilillrii nl III h tn 11 llin
A health offcler's duty is not so Invesly on W.ose -, . 3, ?;,, 'if Wr-Id.yrtho IMh day
much to suppress epidemics, but to dances" whlih bavo attained Pl''1()f August, A I). 1910. ut thu front
prevent epidemic from developing. ilurity among the high-brow element j,oor of tho county i.iiirt house In the
He Is expected to save the lives of of today. city of Klamath Falls. Klamath
", ' , ., ,. ..j...... . . . . .,. .'County, fitat.) of Oregon, sell at public
bubles, to prolong tho lives of adults,) a large chorus husllly Kowned on , 1( ,,(,., 'una b,.t, m.
and promote the health and comfort helps out considerably und thern arejdur therefor for rush In hand, Oold
of everybody in the community. He'thrca big song hits; "Linger Longer, Coin of thn United States, all of tho
10 improve hociui cuuiiuiuub iany, rweniieiu i.eniur i.una-i
foster physical defects and . 1V" Iin,i Ludder of Lies." Oliver
ffillnwlnir Innfla ami ral
estate, or so much thereof as may he
ni.rPHMurv In anllafv IIij, tialfl Inrlv.
,....m .if fftAn I..M.II.A. uillfc. f,AA
.'- ...VM, W, VVVW. IUKI HUVI 1,11 lll.DIVHfc
. , ... -1 ......1.. 111 ... ,,'' . ...... ,1..: r..i. Ilhereon from Rnliruarv II. lata, trw
....... . .,. .tart n nW or- " Bl11" I'""--""' - pany anil prouuewun .rum ... -,,.., ,-,-.,". -- -
arnuiiui.ui'.i - -- ... , . ,i. ...h . m..--. 1. m . .. . -ri -70 i-. "
-.-- 11 .1. .oj., ua w, ,mv nw... lull llll' 111,,, ... w r. -. mm.
.BHUUIUD. UU U MW .. . -,
A. A. 80ULB.
Falls Health rlub.
Here are Just a few of the linen
that can be taken up. Suppression
and prevention of communicable dis
eases, collection and transmission of
aiwclmens for' dlagncsls und Invest-
gallon; nuUanceH, investigation and
abatement; water supply, milk sup
plies and dairies; sewage and sewer peopj,, jaugh
avBtcmB! slaughter house, uutcner
shop nnd grocery Htoro
all other places that
bakeries und restau
of nubile building
care of child labor; public beulth nIy concern, one Letty, whose cull
nursing, und a long list more. nary nnd homo-making accomplish-
It might bo well It the Woincn'H monta have led her family to make
Improvement club would take up the bur tho goat. None of the other
matter. They might find n cornor members of the family can sew, cook
In the cbumber of commerce build- or do anything except go Into so
Ing, where they could have an ex- clety.
htblt, lecturers and circular dn' All tho male relatives and friends
cleunlng and beautifying the town, 0 the fumlly who went Into the
all of which helps lead to a good crop rmy woro officers, when along
of healthy boys and girls. The fur- comes Jim, who Is just a plain "gob,"
mer puts In much hard work on tho pan 0f face and plain of manners,
cultvlutlon offbls crops, How much ne iove. Nancy; Letty's sister, and
time Is Klamath Falls putting In on ttty loves Walter,. Jim's brother.
Its crop of human lives? What la It so Letty and Jim, the .two forlorn,
doing to safeguard the health and homely personages decide to buy a
happiness from accidents and disease -( 0I p-to-dnte clothes, with the re-
lla rrdn nl hahlfta. bora and alrla. l-i .!. llo nlv flnr-hlWia'a tSornma
Wkat.-wlU tJ,Bnjreat JT.No obtor m0del of, 8rtor1l culture, . Then
wore coma re " up n.,i-.. IBey may morry any aum inmj piwmmm,
A fa-ally 4etor freaawiUy ewea but wind up by weddfnf aacb etber.
Ashland exactly as
In New York City.
wilt be seen lnlBm0untlng to l'lB.10, together wllh
It was presented interest on the principal sum of 1600
Nern: of hiikihkf'h hai.r
ll. Ill-Al. 1'UTATI'. '
Dame Nature gave Miss (Jreon- Oiuliy 1071.
wood a physical equipment for play-1 jn u,,, circuit Court of the State of
log grosnue characters, nnd along Oregon Tor hiainntn i-ouniy. -.. - . :",,", ,.T. ..'... ' .Z i -.w
..i. .!.... .. .-. .mi mnv. T II. Wllkerson. K. W. Wllknrson " f."i?w.. '''"' ""?:
from datu of said Judgment at the
rum 01 o per annum, ana also an
attorney's fee of 11 SO and costa and
disbursements of suit amounting to
1140 30 ami accruing costs and ox-
nnnnf.u nf unlii Thtit ,ln. iih.llf.ntni.
tl.tacHntlnn fif tlui lnnrlii fitwl ,
1 to be sold Is us follows, to wit: Kast
T II. WIIKerson, ri. w, wiianrsun - - -- --
and W .1. Wllkerson. plaintiffs, v.. west '"'er of sou ( .juarlero
will. Hhu will be 0rovenur Mn,irill ,ifotidiint
of July. 1920. wherein tho nbove
numod T. H. Wllkerson. K. W. WIN
korson nnd W. L. Wllkerson woro
plaintiffs und Orovenor Mlnuru was
,i.f,.n,ii.n wtilrh afilil was
duly entered In Volumo 10 page 134
of the Journal ot said court and duly
docketed In Volume 4 page 33 Judg
ment Lien Docket, whnrein the noovo
nnm.rl nlnlntlffa rnrnvnrnfl of the
above named defendants a judgmont
for the sum ot 600, together with
interest at mo rate 01 07a per annum
from February 18, 1916, together
urltk ntt .IffH.n.V1. ffUl tt HfiA RDfl
their costs and disbursements In saljl
to the said order of sale and purauant
to an execution Issued out of the
above entitled court and suit by the
clerk thereof with the aeal of the
court affixed and dulyi; attested by
aid clerk and to me directed, arder-
ing m 10 aeti at puono aact
n.n. -..h..i if, iju.,fllir u
Hertlon 31, township 39 south, rango
13 itnst ot Wlllamutte Meridlun, and
, ... 1 , . . .
wwivv M.,,-n, lunuidur Willi IIIU.IU.1U
IllontH. Ilf.ri,flllnillfilll. lilntl nnn......,.
. , .... ..H.... ... m.(1. .ff M, ,V.-
nnces theruuntd belonging or in any
wise appertaining, und the rents, Is
sues and profits thereof.
Dated July 20, 1920.
Sheriff of Klamath County, Oregon.
Ily OHOAH R1I1VK, Deputy.
July 20-27-3-10-17
llaa n hf . .- .. .- -L, .. ......
vnaw f)wai aaa Hfviiitw vr jivna , -
Few persons nro awaro that the t
traditional horuldlc color of Ireland, ft
Is blue, not green. The green cornea
from tho mixing of the national blue
with the Ulster orange, just as the
nyixing pi blue and yellow .paint
glyes green. ' Whan tho Ulster Or
anjemen Joined the Irish National
ists; calling themselves the United
Irishmen, in 1798, they adopted the