PAQR THflKH THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON fiATtRDAY, AUGUST T, 1 T -' ) ft( II. 0 1 A MMMMNWXWMWWWMWMWVWMWWWVWMMMMWWWWWWMWVW Bi I HHf rrt fciilU Uii EgEEEgEEEEEHMgfl LINGERLONGER LETTY, with Charlotte Greenwood, In the Chautauqua Building, Ashland, Oregon, Friday, August 13. ......... -,-f- i - i - Mg omestic A ,, fr ., .,., HuZS" JELLY MAKING ONCE YOU In scurlng fruits for imiklng Jul-, Iv. lirniMir.. It...... .MM, .... ' ' ' .. -. aomvwhat uiider-rlpo. Thu Jolly, making quality In fruit Is known ns pectin and Is present when tho fruit Is either ripe or Junt turning rlpo If tho fruit Is ovrr-rlpo tho pectin dis appears, nnd It will tin Imposslblo to nukn satisfactory Jelly This pectin Is somewhat like gelatine, as It dis solves In boiling liquid an if stiffens upon cooling Thn fruits best stilt ed for Jelly making aro currants, plums, quinces, crabapples, grape bXL .w a and apples. Those fruits will makci pressure of thn bulk of tho fruit on a perfect Jelly If not used over-ripe it lie amttll end. Hang the big so tho Fruits In which pralnls lacking must bo combined with those rich In this Jelly-making quality. Thn nov ice In housekeeping usually shirks from Jelly making, but If rules aro carefully studied and only a small quantity attempted at ono time the process will bo found Tory simple and tho results satisfactory. Oood Jelly Should ftataln Hliar of Mold A good Jelly should be bright In color, and clear. When removed front tho glass It should ratlin the nape of the mold and bo tendor nough to quiver without breaking. Whon making currant Jelly use from two to four quart of fruit for one utensil. A greater quantity takes too long to briag to the right heat and both' the color and flavor f the Jelly wilt be Impared. Wash If the Wood Dealer Sold Service Wo do not sell current; wo doesn't It? Well, aiipNiso tho wood dealer sold service instead of .wood, ho would tend to our furnaro mid Jour rmige, tako nvtiiy the anile nnd clean tlio flue. You would buy much beat. Now )iiu buy no murli lliilit, although ou pay ncc)nllni( to tb,o current you consume. Hut tho service performed for ou by llii company at tlio Hiibitntjonn and power plants. That I what wo want to glvo you efficient service. It la the aim of this company to havo noiio but satisfied customer. No matter what It Is, tf you liavn a grievance, or are (Unsatisfied about )our bill or do not understand our rates, plcaso couio la aad aeo us or write u about It. , If you have aay suggeNtloaa to muko, we will gladly avail oar aelvea of thorn aa oar aim la constantly to Improve our.aerrlce to you a fast a the development of science aad humaa ability permit. California-Oregon Power Company - iri - irrrrwWi..wnrinrirLni'Lrui ji. Jcience Department C&juliiciid to' Mrs.flckDc Gmf Domcstir Science AJreefar Sfierr. Flour C. iriiiirn.iiitfaioijtiiimumwraiiwm ,. .,...M,,:r-r,A IA JOLLY THING KNOW HOW fruit well, remote stems and dlicard nil I. ,.t..l U-I.l. ........! - ,....v. . ...... n.,i fruits, such as grapes and currants. use no water, Cut hard fruits Into1 small pieces and uso about three cups of water to each pound of fruit Conk tho fruit slowly until tho Juice begins to flow, then crush with a Mooden potato mashes. As soon an the fruit Is tender ro mure from tho fire and pour Into a Jelly bag to drain. A pointed three cornered bag Is best, as It lets the Julco drain from tho corners with the I Julco may drip. When nearly nil the Julco bus been strained through tho bug may bo squeezed. This last Julco which bus been squeezed through tho Jolly bag should bo kept by Itself as tho Jelly mudo from this Julco will not bo as clear as that which has been nllowod to drip. If the fruit Is ovorcookod It will pro duce a cloudy Jelly. Iiuc Ctxiklim TVniN To lmtny IVctla Measure tho Julco, and for each cup allow three-fourths cup of sugar, The sugar should bo placed on shal low pan and warmed (lightly In the oven. Reboot thn fruit Juice, and wheu It reaches the boiling point add the sugar Immediately. Cook rapid ly about five minute, removing acuta aa It appear. Long cooking 111 darken the jelly and tend to T sell M-rvlco. Ttiut sounds odd destroy tlio pectin, which will cause thn finished product to ho Iom firm. To (Ictornijnrf whop iho Jolly tin rookod sulllrloiitly, drop a teaspoon of tlio syrup on u (old pinto. If tlio Jolly stiwio Is t cached thn nyritp will thlcki'ii dllKlitly In u fow sec onds, Ituinnvo from the flro nt onto ami pour Into hot, strrlllrod Jolly glasses nnd not imldu to cool. Cool iih rapidly "An poshIMq to avoid dust, which will en u no mould. Whon cold pour mollod pnrnltlno ovar tlio top, rover, nloro In a cool, dark, dry plaro, .felly iMrrinrnti-t If Hloird Too lont Jolly deteriorate In color, toxturo kind flavor If stored for a long period. Whon Jolly lit iioft and syrupy, too much miliar him linen mod, or the nyrup linn not boon cooked long enough after sugar was added. If toiiKh or stringy, too little sugar linn been used or tlio nyrup wus boiled after tlio Jolly stage had been reach- (.(I The cleaner tlio fruit that is, of stoma or loaves, tho brighter and clearer tho Jolly will be. Prepare glasses boforo making tho Jelly. Af - lor washing woll, place glasses In a pan of cob! water, set orer the Are ind when boiling point Is' reached allow to boll minutes. Just boforo filling glasses with the boll- Ing syrup set them upright In a pan of hot water, placing a thick pad of cloth In the bottom of tho pan. This method of handling glasses will pro- tent brvakago t Jellies and Jams That En liven the Daily Menu Cut mnt Ji-ll)' I'Ick ouir currants, stem and wash, discarding ull tho Imperfect fruit, place In u prexxrtlng kettle, crush, lug slightly. Cook slowly until cur-' rums uru ienuor. i uur iiuu J'-- "ag und strain Measure juico onu r"1,ujt' Wn,'n bolll,,B l,olnl U r-,ach on ana iioaiod sugar, inreo-iourius cup to each cup of Julco and cook rapidly about tlvo minutes, whon tho rup'may bo tested by dropping olberrcl whon tho JuIc)J drawn 'Himiinful nn a cold nlalo. If tho lolly .... ..... . .. . . ' ..." ".. atugo Is roacliod, rumovo rrom the ,,. , r ,, . ,, hn. i.iiv planes. Cool, pour melted paraf Itlno over the top, cover and store In a cool, dry place. (irupn Jelly Itemovo the grapes from tho stems, wash and put In a preserving kottle ovor a slow tiro and allow to simmer until thu fruit is tender; then pour Into a bag and drain off all the Julco. For each cup of Julco allow 'three fourths cup of sugar, lloat sugar In the oven. Ilrlng grapo Juice to the bolting point, then add hoated sugar mil let boll until a little of tho s)rup wilt Jolly when dropped on a cold Plato. I'our Into hot glosses and cool; pour nwlted parafllne ovor the top, cover and store In a cool, dry place. Currant nnd llaopbcrry Jelly Use two-third currants to one- third raspberries and proceed as for currant Jelly. Apple Jelly Wipe apples, remove stem' and btossomti and cut in quarter. Put la a1 preserving kettle, cover the fruit with cold water aad cook alowly un til fruit la soft. Poor Into a Jelly ha and drain. Measure Juice and allow to boil about' twenty minute ' then add the ( heated sugar, allowing three-fourth' cup to each cup of Cottio in nnd find out about .our Jtadgot l'lmt. It organizes your spend ing, Mikes it easy for you to Edison. 'switijr" a New We'll show you how, KUraath F1U Music House Geo. A. Wirta 1SI 8. th St. "Klamath Kail "' " N s Julco; then boll about five minutes. Hklm boforo and aftor adding sugar. Tost anil, pour Into hot Jolly glomes. Applo Jolly may bo used as aliovo for fruits which lack poctlu, Applo Mint .felly Follow applo Jelly formula, adding a fow loaves of mint to tho apples whllo cooking. t'rabflpplo .MIX Wiuih nnd stom tho fruit and, If rather largo, cut In halves. Cover' with boiling wntor and took until' tender. Pour Into Jolly bag nndj drain. Measure Julco and sugar, ill-1 lowing tlireo-fourths cup of sugar to each cup of Julco. Ilrlng the Julco to tho boiling point, add sugar; boll until syrup Jolllos. I'our Into, hot glaxxoH; cool, and then pour molted p.trairino over top. Cover and store. llum JHly Holect under-ripe plum; wash and cover with boiling water and cook until tendor; pour Into Jolly bo and drain, Use equal measure of sugar and Juice, ftttlbhing as for other Jellies. 1 ' j Kliubarb Jam Cut off ends and remove strings of jsklo, but do not completely peal the 'fruit. Cut In Inch slices, measure! "d coyer with an equal quantity of I sugar, iet stantj several bourt; then bolt about thirty minutes after the boiling point Is reached; then allow to slmmor gently for thirty minutes more. For each live pounds of fruit add tho grated rind and Juice of a lemon and one-fourth pounl of blanched sliced almonds. .Strawberry Jam ' Hull, wash and drain berries; place In preserving kettlo over the flro and let heat very slowly until barrios aro soft; add sugar, allowing threo-fourtus pound to each pound of fruit. Cook until thick and store , i, hiinHliuio SrwlxiTl- .,, ,, ,,, ,.,, i,i i 1aori! pounig of gugar ag h..n.i M.t,..i j .i..i..i ..,.- u '0 SOI OVOr 106 nrO 10 COOK twenty minutes after boiling com mences. Turn the berries Into agate pan or eartheuwaro plates, cover with pane of glass and set In tho sun. Lot stand two days, stirring two or three tlmei each day. Store without reheating In Jar or glasses. The time of cooking may be cut Comfort .'$ H. . OPEN MEETING Tor mill and factory workers, loggers and all others employed in the timber' industry in Klamath Falls and vicinity Opera House Saturday, Aug. 7, at 8 p. m. SPEAKERS Harry Wood, Vice President, and Phillip Holden and Harry Call, General Organizers, International Union of Timberworkers, affiliated with 'the Amer ican' Federation of Labor. The speakers have a message of special importance for the timberworkers and all people of the city of Klamath Falls. Everybody is cordially invited to be present. Good speakers. Good music. Admission free. EIGHT HOURS FOR WORK. EIGHT HOURS FOR REST. EIGHT HOURS TO DO AS WE WILL ... .... down to ten minute If the fruit Is to be left In tho sun a day or two longer. ' EAT LESS MEAT Take a Class of Halts to Flush Kid. ncy If bladder bother you Eating meat regularly eventually produces kidney trouble In some form or other, says a well-known authority, because the uric acid in meat excites the kidney, they be come overwerked: get sluggish; clog up and cause all sorts of distress, particularly backache, and misery In the kidney region; rheumatic twinges, severe headaches, acid stom ach, constipation, torpid llrer, sleep lessness? bladder and urinary Irrita tion. The moment your back hurt or H HURTS Cfamliiiess-Reasonable Rates The Central Hotel 4 arfaiSssaastVsslas f(sMaitVVVjjjBjM New Throughout W THESE DAYS OF HIGH PRICES THE AVERAGE CITIZEN WILL BE GLAD TO FIND. A PLACE TO LIVE THAT IS WITHIN HIS REACH AND WHICH FURNISHES EVERYTHING THAT HE COULD WISH FOR A GOOD BED, A CLEAN ROOM, PERFECT VENTILATION. THESE YOU WILL FIND AT THE CENTRAL HOTEL. SEV ENTY ROOMS IN THIS GREAT HOSTELRY ARE NOW READY AND THIS NUMBER IS BEING ADDED TO' AS FAST AS THEY CAN BE FIN ISHED ANp FURNISHED. SPECIAL RATES MADE TO PERMANENT ROOMERS. NO BETTER SPRINGS, MATTRESS OR BEDDING ARE MADE THAN THOSE FOUND AT THE CENTRAL HOTEL. J. J. KELLER, Jr kidney aren't acting right, or It bladder bothers you, get about four onnces of Jad Salt from any good pharmscy; take a tablespoonful la a glass of water before breakfast for a few day and your kidney will then act fine. This famous (alta Is made from the acid of grapes aad. lemon Juice, combined .with llthla. and has been used for generations to flush clogged kidneys and stimulate them to normal activity; also to neu tralize tho 'acids In the urine so It no longer Irritates, thus ending bladder disorders. Jad Salts cannot Injure' anyone; makes a delightful effervescent Ilth-la-water drink which millions ot men and women take now and then to keep the kidneys and urinary or gans clean, thus avoiding serious kidney diseases. Motor baskets ot many colors, neat, roomy, and pretty, are Jut what "milady" needs when she goat shopping. The Johnson Furniture company, Main street, sells them. Prices are right. 6-tt A Classified Ad wlU Mil It Mai 1 v "v -. N i if u Manaf r. '-;! 4 '4 I !nWWf n.TinrrMi.irr ui '-) iv vllfii It Wi i . its'.