A W .'" T, C'.M.I'ti r ,ir Jlwp i$li lEu wfngjtetstift n. r anaVMaMVaaWhsa HI-! OKKIClAli PAPlilt UK KLAMATH PALLH WyMMW KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON. SATURDAY, AUGUST 7, 1920 Fourteenth Year No. 3992 Price Five Cento 1 ' ", . ,'y r '.'. I nanrtrnai Atam am ll KLAMATH OOtTNTI t "f TELEPHONE LINE L OF Delay In receipt of material In holding back thn completion of the Pacific Tnleplionn Telegraph com pany's new circuit to Yreka. Work on tlie linn It going forward but U bout 30 days behind schsdula. It will bn another month before It U completed. The wires aro strung from this nod mm far as Knno, running on Western Union poles. Between Knno and Warden a crow of IB men Is netting poles, Murh of thn work tf In wild rock and thn holes have to b blasted. Thn erew working on thn othnr and have wires up from Weed to Grass lnkn. Thn rlrcult will Ihi wlmt In termed In telephone parlance, "Class A." that In a heavy ropper lr, double lino, and It Is espected will facilitate Ionic dlitanco conversation greatly Practically all the bussing nnd wlm Interference tbat make direct ronver aatlon with places comparatively nnar. n Portland or Kan Krnncloco. Impoislhlo, with occasional excep tions, will In) remould nnd really Iouk dlstanco conversations with Chica go and Now York for Initano -will bn possible. It In eipected tbat telnpliono COtU; inunlcatlon with eastern pnlntn wl bn frequent when thn Improved' ier'v lo makri It fenslblo Them In con oldnrable Inquiry In rxrd to tho possibility of talking to New York and Chicago. j) a K T Ludden, man iilir of Din telephone office hern, hut thn necessity of rtlttom and re lays, tilth time routing i:0 for tho flrnt thri'i' minutes, and $3. or there houtn, for succeeding minutes, dis courages thn general uiu of this method of roiiiinunlr.illoii Tin roil In no deterrent, when a IiIk business deal In Ititnhed. but thn unsatisfac tory service ha proved no Occa sionally there have been urgent cases but they run only two or three, a year, where thu patron took a chance anyhow. All thin will lo clinngnd. however, when thn now circuit to Yreka In completed nnd It In expected that thn long dlstnnru business of tho local offlco will Increase Kri'atly Ono of thn ncrnnlnnal eastern call caino jenterdny, when n local patron called Chlcugo In H minutes there wan a report hack that tho Chicago party had loft bin hotel and could not ha locuted. KlItH HKI'T. C.I.I.KI A Tho flrn dnpartinent waa railed to tho lllgl-aken Jloi company about 10 o'clock thla morning whan a, hot box '.waa dlacovvrad under the wlamt. and there waa aomo little fear that a fire night atari from It. The fire de tartment annwored the call promptly but found that all danger 'had been verted by tho coaapaaj'a fire fight tag apparataa. KIICKIESAY5 sou oTrKnLo om &klun4Vtt MlWtl1VHU I OOMCUK tHO H W MOMC SKDOHt HKVtKNakrt,tVU. CHMtMkM T tHM WHO Of PvSKVitKCUW.HWTHS 72!P- 6cr0 DLW MIL XVMM$ mynii XY J HWrflGffilllllm I 3SSt 1 vaqiji iu:ta('iimi:nt to ciiuhii cantu revolt MKXICO CITY. Aug 7 --Tho wur dupnrtmmit iimiauiicim that Vii'i u I Indlann will form a largo part of tlio troopn to bo mint ugnlnnt thn l.owur (,'nllfiirnla rnvolutlonlnta led by (Jovurnor 4 Cnntu. Vnrloun nlilpn havo lie tin charalnrod to trannport thorn. Home of thn venaola will ho or mod with cannon to pro-, tnct thn men when thny dliwui- bark. DENVER UNDER DKNVKR, Colo.. Aug 7. Th city In quint today following a night of rioting, In which thren nn-n wore killed and dozen woundid In a clah b"twfn ntrlko nympathlzurn and ntrlkn hreakrrn ! Two hundrvd and fifty wildlern ' from Fort I.ogan took charge of thn Itiiatliin early thin morning, when .Mayor llalley lulled a proclamation turning thn city ovr f thu control of military forffn Klvi' hundred nddl tlnnul triiopn arn nipcrliiil to nrrlvo tonight from Camp Kunnton. Kiinn.iH, In aimwer to n rmiueit from Coturnor iHhoup ,t- ,i PERSONAL MENTION 1 William K llriiun. 1112 I'limi ntreet, recentl) len-hrj a diploma ' I fur roiupleUng u ciiiinu In Htmeylng ikUJ muppliig In the International! jCorri4omlenc nchool I In U niu-j 'ployed by thn U H reclamation nur lc? hern I Fred I.. McNeR of Medforil. dln-i trlct rxprenentatlvn of thu Interna tlonal correapondenru nchooln, U horn on bin regular monthly vlnlt. Mr mid Mm S. C Adam and non. , Itobnrl. of I'lilladelphln, I'a., who1 lint o Iiivii on u pluinuru trip to Crat er Lake and other scenic Hpotn In the' Wi'Ht for thn pant II Vn wenka, left j .Hem tin morning ror san i-rancicoi en route to their home. Mm F C. Fair and non. Kdward, who h.no been shltlng rulatlrus In thin city for ihrvo wenki, returned , to their homu In Albany thU morn Ing I Mr. and Mm V It. I'henegor, of Columbtin, Ohio, hatu been vlnltliiK III. Fort Klamath with tholr non, I Thomas, ami wont to Uorrln thlit morning to vNIt two nonn thoru bu I torn they rottirn home. I Mini Mary t!on hai dopartqd for her honw In Salt I-aka City, after having made an oxtonded vlnlt In thin city with Mm. V. I.. Klbbeo. Mr. and Mm. John J, Johnck left tbla moralag for a abort bunlnou trip to San Kranclnco. Mm. V. F. McKeany and aon and Jamen Vornon, who have been vlilt lag here with Mm. McKeaoy'a broth er, W. M. Martin, for the pant week, left for their home In Oakland today. MIm A. J. Bamtoeta and Mlaa M. A. Samuela hare been on pleaaure trip to Crater Lake. Yeaterday they came down by atage aad left thla morning for their home la Loa Ange lea. Ij. W. Houston and (X W. Houck wore pasnengera on tho morning train for tholr homo In Is Angelei. While .In this city thoy wore tho KuestH of Mr. nnd Mm. J. J. Stolgor. Mini 'A. I. Flngt;, who has boon horo on n brluf pleanuro and vacation trip, 4uft thin morning for hor homo lu I.oa AtiKolnn. J. It llellU and family and Mr. nnd Mm, D.ivo IIoIIIh nnd Mrs. Allro Martin ' Imvo boon visiting at tho home of 0. U. llellU In Mulln. They left thin mornlni! for tholr homu lu Cualilng. Oklahoma. , Mm. V, If. Stump, who has boon visiting In Pollcnn Hay with Mrs. 1C. 0. Morgan for tho past two months, left for hor homo In Milwaukee, Wis consin, on the morning train, Thora Doesen haa boen vlaltlng In thla city with her aiater, Un. Hoary Schumos, for the put alx weeks, nB left thla morning for her hoe la Eugene. ' i Mrs, Clarice Worden, accompanied by her son, Bobble, and Burgs' Mas on, Jr.. left thla moralng for Oak- UU, CalforaU. Un, .Wordaa kaa JMM( Tialtkn ?har rt Jt)f tor M IN. UW Ua piat.BVMta.- FORESTS FULL BEFORE TINY El In tho plno beetle going to triumph) over thn timber owner, tho mlllraan, thn forent nervlcn, thn atato college, aclencoT In It going to wlpo out tha great plno forenti of the went, defeat the so-called conservation dreama of thn fantastical IdeallntT Is It going to continue, with ever Increaalog apned, to rob the people of this county and ittate of millions of dol lars, make pauptm of those who are today rich and break some of the big bent timber owners of this district? Tvday It looks an If esch question Is to be annwored In the uftlrmative. Awakoned to the fact that Imme diate stops must ho taken to control I tho ravagen of the beetle, nome of, tho' lament timber Interests undertook! tho tank of eradicating the pest, when It was suddenly discovered that It was too big a Job for them. Ap peals wnru luiiiln to tho states of Call-i fornla and Oregon, but theso wen) I powerless to do jnthlng, becauso of( Insufficient funds Thn federal gov- liniment was turned to with a confi dence that ber relief would bo forth coming through thu forest service, when it was discovered nothing could lie d lie becaunu thuro was no appro priation. In tho meantime 'the Long-Hell company was doing what little It could. Just cunt of Ilray this com-i puny tins been carr)lng on export-J ments lu nn effort to control thei heotlu. For the purpose of seeing I what was being accomplished, thei methods followed and aid In tho work.) by way of suggestion a party of menl. Interested gathered at tho point of. operation this wi-ok. In tbo party wore Donald Ilruce, of the division of forestry of the University of Califor nia, V. C. Hodge, forester for tho California forest committee, Paul 0. Iteillngton, forvstor for district No. S,, II A. .McAllantnr, land commissioner for the Southern Pacific Ilallroadj company, and Jack Kimball of the We)erhaeuer Timber company. I In comparing notes at this confer ence It was discovered that tho fight is hopeless unless tbo fcdoral govern ment steps in, for the forest reserves! nro Just breeding places for tho beetle, from which It can ccntlnuo to i go forth nnd attack tho timber In private holdings and defeat every plan of control. Hither tho forest service, must do something right now or In n fuw years there will bo no need for it, as the spread of the biietlu is so rapid and the Increase so groat that but a short time longer and It will be beyond control. Whether or not the work of the Long-Dell company will point out a method of control remains to be seen. It it falls, as have all other efforts, then aometblng else must be tried and It la In thla delay that Ilea the great danger to the timber Industry of this county. The federal govern ment must come in or the pine for ests under Its control will be de stroyed. Mr. aad Mrs. B. W. Gregory, who bare been making their home on their ranch In Malln, have returned to thla city to reside. Mra. Luella 'Copeland and daugh ter, Marian, who have beon spending tho lust flvo weoka with Mr. and Mm. A. J. Voyo, returned to tholr home In Oakland, California, this morning. Whllo horo Mrs, Copoland had a volco clasH of Rovorat of Klamath Falls' talented youni; women nnd hIio Is delighted with tho lino show ing thoy ni.ulo, Sho Is nlso very much taken with tho city nod pre dicts a brilliant future for it. Mr. and Mm. 11. Davis aro lu town from tholr sawmill In Swan I.ako. Francis J. Bowno and J. L. Spar rocorn are city visitors from Bly. W. K. Brown la in town today trora bis houseboat on' the Upper Lake, attending to matters of busi ness. ' Kiamkth avenue between Ninth aad Heventh atreeta and Washing tea between Third and First streets and Plno street from Eighth to Eleventh atreeta will Tie with Con- tor arrant for tho opportunity to k Pra4 thla tall. It la not fully do- elded aa yet Juat which one of tbo Irar wIM to nTd int.- N CTARMES POLES APPEAL TO LEAGUE IN PEACE DISPUTE .WARSAW. Aug. 7. The Polish foreign office has sent tho league of nations a note presenting the Polish aide of the peace and armistice con troversy with Soviet Russia. A proclamation asking the Polish people to remain .calm and support the gov ernment Is expected to be issued to day. Reports from the front Indl catn the Poles are succeeding In checking the Bolshevlkl to some it tent. The Poles are strongly resist ing, especially In the aqutb, where tbey seem able to hold the Reds. Many friends gathered yesterday afternoon at the Presbyterian church In pay a last tribute at respect to the memory of the late Mrs Louise E. Ferguson, wifo of Charles J Fergu son Tho Masonic and Elks' lodges ami Order of the Eastern Star were represented by large delegations'. Moral offerings covered tbo bier. Never has a greater floral tribute been laid upon u casket in this city than was heaped about the bier of this gentlo woman. Tho pall bearers were George Chastaln. Gordon Mifflin, Fred D. Fletcher. Charles F. Stone, B. C. Thomas and R. C. Oroesbeck. . Tho Rev. E. P Lawrence present! the funeral sermon, a quartet ren dered suterul appropriate hymns. Then tho cortege moved forth on Its slow Journey to tho local cemetery where all that remained mortal of a beloved woman was laid gently to rest. Gently, tcr, In the words of a great and gentle poet Death should como gently to one of gentle mould, like thee, Aa light winds, wandering through groves of bloom. Detach the dellcatu blossoms from tho tree, Close thy sweet eyes calmly and without pain. And we will trust lu God to see thee yot again. CHANGE MADE IN GARAGE OWNERSHIP E. J. Mayer naa aold out hla Inter est in the Mayer-Wood garage on Main atreet between Second ,and Third atreeta. to Theodore Mark wardt. Tho firm will be know aa (he Markwardt h Wood garage. Mr. Mayer expecta-to accept a position- with one- of tho local lumber coax panie aa mechanical engineer.- CIRCUIT COURT IfOTM Suit for divorce haa beeceaasBMC ed by F. N. Ott agalaat 0. ht. Ott. .The First Stato Saving bank haa started ault to forecloao a chattel mortgage,- executed by Oua Allen to secure a loan of M99 Appeal from Justce court judg ment for $100 has been tiled by de fendants In tho action of W. D. Ora hum against Carolino, Daniel and David Llskoy. Tho suit is based on alleged non-payment of a claim for constructing feed racks and provid ing food for stock. HEAVY WHEAT CROP WINNIPEO, Man., Aug 7. Grain men around tho city aro talking of a 380,000,000 bushel crop. Many ex perienced agriculturalists Btate that prospects are for tho biggest, harvest In tbo history of the west country. CANADIAN GOVT. QlVfk LK8SONS IN HAT-MAKING WINNIPEO, Aug. 7. -Tho Mani toba, govornmoat has publish a St aace bulletin "Loasoas la Millinery," whtAk.KiBKlu 110 niuatratlnu and dasnrlhss) tta operations, la, bam mak- Ja.. n.laM.aaoyorarBot aymamlaaN -Mtf75i W N SHOW M o ,i t i'f ..v,. .lAI'ANKHi: NOTK TO ' V. H. IS :OMI'LKTI-:i TOKIO, Aug. 7 The Japanese answer to the. United .States as regards Japanese occupation of Saghalln Island was decided 4 upon at a 'cabinet meeting yes- tenia. It was later approved . by a diplomatic advisory coun-'. ell, composed of eminent Jap- , anese statesmen.' OF ILL COUNTY Among the featurea of today'a program of the Sacred Heart acad emy 1 100,000 fund raising campaign Is the organization of outlying terri tories, Including Algoma, Chlloquln, Kirk, Klamath Agency and Fort Klamath districts. Campaign directors left today on a flying trip on which they will survey these towns, talk with prospective subscribers and form complete can vassing organizations, consisting of a chairman and enough yolunteer workers to go over the alloted ground. A number of large lumber mills and ramps are located In. these dis tricts, but they will be In charge of local women 1CAR SUPPLY IS STILL FAR SHORT PORTLAND, Aug. 7 Slightly lowered productlcn, heavier buying nnd a further tightening In car sup ply feature the weekly trade bar ometer of West Coast Lumbermen's assojjfktUpn. The 'association report for the week ending July 31 covers produc tion, orders and shipments of 13S mills. Total production was 69,5S0,44 l feet. That was 19. Gl per cent below I normal. New business totaled 64,634,535 feet, which was 7 per cent under pro duction and 8 per cent under ship ments, which totaled 69,576,169 feet. Increased shipments Is due to heavier water movement both coast wise and over-seas. Shipments by rail show no Improvement tho car! supply continuing to range from 30 to 33 per cent of requirements. The balance of unshipped orders for transcontinental delivery is 6,973 can. The balance of unshipped orders for domestic cargo is 69,682,529 feet; for export 51,196,631 feet. WILL CONNECT NEW PUMP ON MONDAY The pumps of the California-Ore goat Power company will b ahut down.- Monday morning while con nections aro being made with tko now pumping plant on- Cougor are nne. ThU will result la a water shortage, the company adriaoe, but If consumers use a mtatmaavot water thla evening aad Sunday tkero will ho a reservoir supply on hand while the connection la being made. When the' new pumps are con; nected the capacity of the system will be practically doubled. DRILLERS STRIKE r GOOD WATER FLOW Aftor six weeks of drilling through hard lava rock, Clyde Vanmeter's drilling outfit has struck an abund unt flow of wator at the, Grisoz Lum ber company's mill. Mr. .Grisez, who has been hauling water from Bon anza to hla mill, will now havo ample wator for mill use and splendid drinking water. EXPLORER OFF FOR TRIP TO NORTH POLE NOME, Aug. 7. Ronald Amund sen, Norwegian explorer, will leave Nome today to resume his attempt to roach tho north pole. He plans to drift with the Arctio ico pack. Amundaen expects to be gone firs years. WMaV 0aWoW-Tslfht aad'staadar. fair; aorUwootorly wiac. PUNM COUONS E IN ACCEPTANCE DAYTON, Ohio, Aug. 7. Democ racy today took up tho 'battle gauge with lta Republican opponents for America's highest political honor, tho presidency. With today'a format net-, tlflcation and acceptance by Gover nor Cox of the presidential nomina tion, the Democratic campaign la on. except only for similar cereaonlea at Hyde Park, New York, Monday for Franklin D. Roosevelt, vice presi dential nominee. Thousands of Democrats from all states and terri tories are here. The acceptance ad dress waa " .llvered at the Montgom ery county fair grounds, following a. notification speech by Senator Robin son of Arkansas. DAYTON, 0., Aug 7. Peace for America and the world by this, na tion's entrance Into the league of na tions with "interpretations" not dis turbing Its vital , principle was pro nounced today by Governor James M. Cox, .the Democratic presidential standard bearer, as bis paramount policy. r In his address hero accepting tho democratic nomination. Governor Cox mllitantly championed .the league as proposed by President Wil son, with interpretations Insuring good faith and understanding, aad denounced what he termed the dis honorablo proposal from Senator Harding, bis Republican opponent, for "a separate peace with Germany." League of no league, the Demo cratic nominee declared. Is the Issuo Ketwe;?St two partla 'th aa pf&ne'lssue of the century," he salV "The question Is," Governor Cox declared, "whether we'shall or'ahall not Join in this practical and humane movement. President Wilson .... entered the league in our uame. Sen ator Harding, aa the Republican can didate for the presidency proposes la plain words that wo remain out of It. As the Democratic candidate I favor going In. , "Thu first duty of tho new- admin istration will bo ratification of tho treaty," Governor Cox, said, predict ing that friends of the league 'would rally to olect a senate with the requl- srto majority for ratification. Governor Cox said tho "interpre tations" should state "our Interpre tation of the covenant as ar matter of good faith to our associates and as a. precaution against any misunder standing in the future." Assailing the Lodge reservations as emasculat ing, Governor Cox suggested two spe WILSON LFJCU cific "Interpretations," aa .outlined y several months ago In n newspaper article. One declared America's con tinuance In the league should depend upon the league's use only aa aft agency for world peace; the other stated the understanding that tbla nation could act oaly-withla tho com stltjitloa, declared unalterable by aa treaty. , . j TWO WOKEN HIE ' DEAD, MINT HIT PORTLAND FIRE PORTLAND. Aug. 7. Mrs. J. Cbaney Is dead, two others fatally burned or injured, and 10 slightly Injured aa the result of a fire which early today totally destroyed tho Elton Court apartment house at Eleventh avenue and Yamhill atreet. Many escaped by means of rope made 'from shoots. Mrs. Cbaney Jumped from the top atory as did another woman who la not expected, to live. Tho tire, officials believe, was caused by a carelessly throw, cigarette stub. Mlaa B. Ivans, of Portland, who was serioustf. hurt, when sua Jmp4 frog tbo fonrtm flaw ef tho bsralat apartsaoats,.dM ana batpWal sboitHu atttr noon to ''hni. I. stosjM. was aattoftsllr Jsuriod 4 to .;; BOOUd to Urn. ' , , j i fi k V