WA&nxvra THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON FRIDAY, AUOCHT , II n his FOOD PROBLEM NOTICK TO PHOPKHTV OWNKItH ON CONOKII AVKNIIK THAT TIIKV IIAVK UO.DAVH FltdM IHT PlillLICATlON OK THIH NOTICK in which 1o kili: appmca- TIONH TO PAV AHHWHMKNTH IN TKN ANNUAL INHTALLMK.VI H. TOKIO, July 12, (lly Mali.) The gravity nf the food question In Kuropn Hilda lln i'rio In Japan whe'rii tlin iirotiliuil of how to feed (lin popu lation, which U Increasing Annually liy (11)0,000, h becoming yearly morn Iiri'MHlriK. Japan him ampin living apace for 11m people lint runnut produce enough fond fur them, especially rice Kv ory hit uf Inml In cultivated In tho limit (if ltd cnpnrlty. Tim land nf "' I" '" ' "" lriiprly lying adjn Fornxmn, thn Inland colony, In work ml tn ItH full capacity by thn two mil lion C'lilnono fanner who ciilllvnlr (ho rlcu fluid with great skill, tn Korea, nlao thn grain harvest In considerable, thouRli (hit failure of tint Korean to use fcrtlllier pro genia greater li a print. To mi'iit thu food monnro Japan, by n special arrangement with France, I miking heavy rice Impart from Indo-Chlnn. Thin Id n intly operation however, I he Jiipancioi gov ernment hiring $20,000,000 limt year ' In supplylu Indo-Clilnii rice t the Christ Manna H Hplro i, 3. II. Knrlght Christ Mann ... Fred Ilucslng Fred Ilucslng John J, Maehl . ICitlph II. Mo . Iceple lit n iijtulrr Jnpiitietiii prlrn. A until! 'nn to which lit" rovnrti- went Is turning Its attention Is thnt nf IliiliKlng Hid peiipbi In tit lc-n NOTICK TO PHOPKItTY OWNKItH ON PINK HT. IIKTWKKN rJTII HT. AMI I ITH HT. THAT TIIKV IIAVK 20 IIAVH FIIOM THK IHT I'l'IILM'ATIO.V OP THIS NOTICK IN WHICH TO FILK APPLICA TIONH TO PAV AHHKHHMKNTH I IN TKN ANNUAL INHTALI- " I MKNTN. Notice In l.rrnny rlwn Hint (lie Common Council of the city of Notice In hereby given that thV Klamath Falls. Ongon. did by or. Common Council of thu City ofillalph II Moss rtlnanco No, 512 duly adopted on tin; Klamath KbIIh. Oregon, did by or-'K. A Hpnuldlng 2ml of August 1 1 2 n , iirinrvid by iiiiiniicf jso &13 iiiuy adopted on tnou;. a Hpnuldlng tho mayor on the 2nd dry of August. 2 ml of August, 1 920, approved by IK. A fipnuldlng 1020, declare Hip, proportionate us- tr.o mayor on lint 2nd day of August, aossmrnt upon ii(lt lot, part of lot, 1!'20, d la re thu proportionate un block and acreage property found to sMtin-nt upon each lot, part of lot, hi benefited and llublit for a prnpor- M'irU and acreage properly found to tlonate idiAru of the font f Improv- '"' benefited and liable for a propor- Ing conger Avenue from westerly limine winre oi tn com or improv- line of Main 81. In California Avt- Inr rliw Ktreot from Klghth Htrcet nun, Includlni; ltilira'tloiin Thn "r-nltrly to 11th Street Including In properly no anK-xHid by mild ordln- tciu'dloit" not paved. Thu property no nnH''(.'ii ny Raid onunnncu M an cent to kaIiI pnrlv of Mild itreei be- lout property lying adjacent to'iiald tVreen thn abov mentioned termini parla of nald Mrccl hctwwn the with the first publication of tbla notice, Amount Anaominrl Name Agalnn Property II BUSINESS CARDS $160.20 G24.80 240.30 H40.70 180.2.'! f.00.7fi 781.00 781.00 r.0.1.87 377.D0 377.90 377 90 377.80 377.90 377. OU K03.90 629.84 and eilnnilltiR laterly to the center of above mentioned termini and extend- thu reaperllve block lying ailliicent ing nueriy 10 ine center or trie re to mild pur In cf mild Mreet no far an 'pertltc blocka lyliu: adjacent to thu propound Improvemnnt extendR "ll1 pari of mild Mrei o far aa the thereon, Including propertlei In the proponed Improvement oxtenda tbere aunrtern of the four hlnrkit abound- r" including properdin In the guar ing any Interncctlun Invohed in mild (era of the four blocka abounding any proponed Improvement , Iriteraettlon Involved In nuld propoa- That the DOCKKT OP CITV""'! Improvement. MIJNH ban been ruiiil.1 up nn pro-. That the IlOCKET OK CITY vlded by urctlon 26R of the Charter.' MKNH ha been made up aa provided and the following In a lint of the hy mctlon 268 of the Charter, and tiamen uf owner of the property, by lnr following la a lint of the named Henry CreKemon John J Mnehl John J Maehl .Mm, Kadli) Hartley Henry Offenhncher Henry Offenbacher I'uhllabed hy order pf the Common Council under authority of aectlon 2C, of the Charter of mild city. Dated at Klamath Fall. Orceon. A n k tint 3rd, 1020. A. L. LKAVITT. Police Judgo of the City of Klamath Fa I In, Oregon. Aug, 3-13 KUmatb Falls Cyclery We handle the beat in onr line, inch aa Motorcyclea, lilcyelea, Part and Aeceaaorlea, Ooodyear, PeDDaylvaDla and Diamond Tlrea nd Tubea. Tbe houie of the two and three wbeelera, Includ ing Harley-Davldaon Service. O. . BafatAKK 111 LMaM. BUaaatai FaJkt - """""r'lnrnnnryijTn.rxru-Lnj PROFESSIONAL CARDS riaAMMWVWMWWWjJ FRED WESTERFELD DKWTIirT Phone 434W. X-IUy laboratory Looaala UMf.. Klaaanik FaJla imunL . -smr ' MAAAMAAAAMAMMMMVVaWMMWWVMM 327 PHONE 39 MAIN STREET In the County Court of tbe State of Oregon, for tbe County of Klam- atn. In the Matter of tbe Krtatc of Suda I'onlnn, deceaned. Notice la korebr riven Ibal thn tin. dernlgned, hnn been appointed tbe ad inlnlntrator of the above entitled ea- nald ordinance, no aarenaed nn afore- ' ownera of the property, by aald.tatu. and all pernona having clalme nultl, and aa nhown by uch llond ordlnnritj. no annexed an nforenald, agalnnt the name, will pleuno present Men docket, together with the total and an nhown hy not It llond Men properly verified, with vouehnr. t- umoiint no nnnenned agalnnt t hi; prop- docket, together with the total 'inched, within nix rnontha from tbe erty of each owner; and reference in amount no nr-Med a;nlnnt the prop- date of thin notice at the law office lu.iiiliv in ii it., in tin h iliifbi.i nf f'lTV rlv of eu h etknur: and reference In,, if II Hi Mnm,i. i .. ,.!., ; ...,.'. ... .. ..::..".. ...i.:::. :'.:. ,...:..i... ... .. ,.:-.... y ..iv .... .rr. ".uiu., inr.iin nir u iieiiin.-ii own- upturn in -v iniiur m ruin uu. i.--i 1,1 1,11 , iiwumntn raiin, Kiarnatli County, em 11 1111. iiinrK. pari 1 101 or tiioeil i.,,-.o mi u m-iuiivu iicBcriiHiuif tu .niuio OI uregon. and ncrengu propcrtv no ntnened enrh lot, block, part of let or block Further notice In nlnn glei the .mil ar-ringe property no nnneired. I r,.Hii4.r(tv irrin,.riv iiunura k,i i...... Furtber iiotlrit In iJiin elven tlie rice ami nnre wheal becniimt of tbei()(j ,,,,,1 M,.H.j b,.,iw mentlomd that rmp.tu property ownera no n great wheat lleldn of .Mlinrburln iniich nnenntneiit In due and payable neoneil and herein below mentioned which would be ampin an 11 food nup ' '"' wl" I'" dllniinnt from nnd after that nurh nnnenament In dun and pay- 1 iii xpirniitin 01 i imyn irm Hie nm ii . in'iiii'ii-in iriini I date of tbe flrnt inibl'mtion of thin and att" the xplratlon of 20 days ply. If tint peoplo would eat wheal Tin- enormoun output of Manchuria notice, (naid flrnt publication will 'from the date of the flrnt publication that belne tint ntacv- una naminiuirnior naa chosen to trannnct the bunlncna of this eatate. Dated May 8th, 1020. HKNKY IIOTCIIKIN, Admlniatrator. July K-23-30-C-13 3. C. CLEOHORIf Civil KaftBeer aad Barveyer Office (17 Malai St. Pfaeatea: Oflcc 1M, Re. lt$U DR. C. A. RAMBO Dentin l o. o. r. PBONK l PRIVATE HOSPITAL Row Obkb for4 kUtentMy Caaea Mr. Raaa McPaaJate, 301 High SL PhM 455 In liamllia by the Hoiith .Mincl.urlf railway which at tbe name time trannportn yearh no-ne 100.000 ('III limit runllnH from SbnntutiK priivlnce to Maiicl.urln, ubero tbey labor In the rice land of tint northern prov luce. Siberia In thu great belt " Omnk U n wonderful grainrield. If legularly'cullhiited, capable of help I til! Ill the nnliitlon of tbe uorld food FOIt HAI.K ne on 1 m jm nay (I Auru.i msoi 01 iom nuucu. (nam urni imoncuiion Tjir(.0 iito .or-. navlnc bunlnena The property ownera no nnned lll be on the 3rd do of Augtu'.U, .',' ..Tii .. ,,.if K'lf i'"1 ?S"j mum either pay In ranh or make and liOl iini s, ' """" " ,"? their applications tn pay Mich annern- munt either pay In each or make and nielli In 'ten annual Inntillrnentr. file ith the I'olic.. Jtniije of nultl city within the 2d ilayn beginning with ,thilr nppllcatlona to pa auch aatein thu flrnt Publication of thin nntlcn: 'nienta In ten annual IkMallmentn. Amount Ann-nned within the 211 diiyn beginning with' Name Agalnrt I'rniM.rty the flrnt publication of thin netice: 1 Allen Sloan $ 40. S3 ' Amount Aaaeaaedl Helm II II HarKUn Kntute 001 r Natnen Agalutt Property The youngest member of tbe American Olympic team at Antwerp will be Minn Allevn Higgln. a 13-year old mermaid of Hrooklyu i: I. Klllott Allen Slnim problem "The gnat gr.iln center of Wlni-,1. ittuinea and Kntate lg. Onadu." nnld n leading Japan- 'Alux Martin, de eaned i-xii builnenn man to the orrenpond-'"'""V ',",'r'" .... .... . '"inn I Itoberln nit. bldn fair to bo rlv.t one da, ,. ., ,, :mji(i ()f In world Importance by the city of AIx Maitln dece:ied Harbin, on the border of Mnnchiirlr Kay Telford nod CaMern Siberia. Ilnrbln In nil-! c l''"r' ,:""," mlrnbly nltiiatiit to banille the Krali. ' , 'J( Vlu.'J.'l ' nneriea 01 1 ne i ar i.tini ami 1 pr diet a gnat roiruuurclkl future for that city." l.very lltirmene girl carrlea a mc old of her birthday In 'her name, each da of the wiek having n letter belonging to It. and all children are railed by 11 name beginning with Un'l''nrl letter nttuched to tl.it day of their "rl l.lrlh M- II II. Ilnrgua IMale Jacknon Ktuibiill V. M. Duncan Mary Telford J C lleach Kntate J W Slemenn ("al -Oripon I'owir Co It. A. Alford W W Flnley Nancy Flnley V V J D ".00 fc7 Flint ( hrtntlan t'hurih 32 20 Jeni- lllillfy i.'ilau Uradbiim r.T'.i C H M llotiiiiing . . ff.l nr. It. M. Hotalllng . JH 83 UnilKf K Huniphrey.. . 'I.oulm- K Humphrey 17$ or. 'School II nt Ne: 1 1C3 01 iBehcol D.t. No 1. .. . 213 41 School D.nt. No. 1 . 621 C3 Kmmi. K f'orpe tr.5 12 F T Sand -rnon Kntate 1744 or, rhrin. A Skllllngton . r, 2 9 . 7 S K II. Hal) and 740 'JC Kathenne Hall 10U0 n Tbon It Skilllnxton 670 M Archlo (J. Colnon 1076 Sf, ' Hlohn . .. 2212 11 1 Ceo. Illfbn 661 23 Ceo Illehll . . .. 3 S4 11 r. Tnomaa. ':".03l.vOTi: TO I'l.npl.UTY OWNKIW Waltx . Adnmn Adamn I'lercf Kitlale . . .. ; W W Flnley & N.mry Flnley Kllll l'e While ncrilbb.ng ll'iora. rleanlnr 1 Kintly A Humphrey pota ami pana, making bedn nndi'"-K Hiown & W. K. Ilniwn.. rooking. Mln Jennie. Miukeiule. nl;,1 ..,.'. London ilmrenilc nerysnt. hint com 30C 62 28il 11 216 US ' rt ft r. , II M Manning . , 33S.16 I'll) I'nbid liv nritm nf it,. I'mni.n.-i pored niub wonderful poetry that Council unilcr nutbouty f nertlon iiriaiiKeiiieiiln are I.eiiiK iiiade for IIh.-'CO, of be charter of aitld city, publlcat'on In book lorm I, ""''I " Klamath Falln. Orejon. . - lAugunt 3rd, 1W20 t . x I.HAVITT. AliitiOiwicc nt the recent cr-in- Police Jtnlge of tbe City Hon of tbe National Federation of' of Kliiiiintb F11IU, Oregon. Uunlnena and Profennlonal Woinun'a "' 3",a Cluba at St. Pnul Included an avlat-' Flnley k Nancy Kin ley 147 O Murgarvt Abrahama 3D. 47 i - n 11. r.vann 44 711 J. Ilervl. Jr 44;') Joteph S Seeda Kntate 221 .13 W It- Dobynn 467 Si I'ublinhed by oroer 01 tin- Cummnn C. uncil, under authority of nectlon .'' or 1 no rnnrter of nald city. 766.03 . 332.61 332.62 . ACS 0.1 . C33.98 . CC3.9Si . CC3.9S . C03.98 .2100 SOI . 66". "0 . C6S.G0 . 711 SS . 677 71 69 32 . 4CS.96 . 153.47 . 42.63 . 446.72 . 661 68 . 661.82 119 16 . 632.66 . 661.82 661 S2 lV WASHINGTON HT. ItKTWKKN 1ST AND :iltll HTItKKTH THAT TIIKV HAVi: SO l.YH KltOM 1ST PIIIH.ICATION OF THIH NO TICK IN WHICH TO FILK AP PUCATIONH Tl I'AV AHSKHS MKNTrt IN TKN ANNUAL IN-HTAI.KMKNTH. Notice la hereby given that the Common Count II of the City of Klam ath Falla, Oregon, did hy ordinance No, 6!4 duly adopted on the 2nd of Augutt. 1920. approved by the nuyor on me imt nay or Augunt. 1920, de clare the proportionate urneaniiiunt upon euch lot, part of lot, block cud acreage p'operty found to be bene fited and liable for a proportionate nr.are of the cont of Improving Wash ing!' n Street from Flrnt 8treet east erly, to 3rd Street, including intcr- nectlona. Tbe property no annensed by nald ordinance In all that property lying adjacent to said parts of naid itreet between thu above mentioned termini mid extending laterly to the renter of thu lenpectlve blocks lying O. K. FEED A SALE STABLES Under new manage ment Best care taken of all stock placed in our barn. Horses, harness and wagons bought, sold and exchanged. tMMMWWMMMMWiMMMWWMWMVV once Fnone 177W Res 177R Dr. H. D. Lloyd Stewart Pfcyeiciaa aad Hargaoa Wblte Building Klamath Falls Oregoa iAii0A0AAAtv0km0t09 DR. F. R. GODDARD Osteopathic Physician and Surgeon Office and Residence Phones 321 I. O. O. F. Temple tVMahMl DENTISTS Dr. E. G. Wuecarrer PHOffK KM Dr. P. M. Noel PHONK 4 Over Cadarwood'e Bereatfa aa4 Mala " J lb l id (it Klamath Kalis, Oregon,; adjacent to nald parts of said strevt Auk .si 3rd. 1020 A. I,. LKAVITT. Police Judge of tbe City of Klamath Fnlln, Oregon. Aus 3-13 A Herald Until d will m-U IL ro far us the proponed improvement extends thereon, uiclmllnc nronertlea 1 in the miurtcrs of the four blccka abounding any intersection Involved In said proponed improvement Thut the DOCKKT OF CITY LIKNS has been made up ns provided ny nectlon 2GS or the Charter, und the follow lug Is n Ilkt of the names of ownera of the property, by said omittance, so nt-sersed nn aforesaid DR. G. A. MASSEY Fosu-tb and line Ma. In Warren Hunt Hospital Off. Pbone 497 Res. Phone 86M 0kJ0l0000000000000k KLAMATH AUTO SPRING WORKS We Do All Kbida of Bariag ReaaUr- tug New Onea Made to Ordav All Btralsbtcalac aaaf BlafsrsmKhtwg ILL WORK GUARANTIED Phone MaVT 617 aTJaamatk Ave. E. D. IAMB PIIYHICIAN AND KL'nCEON Pbonea 17W 17R Room 1 aad S White Urtlldlag DR. T. C CAMPBELL PIIYHICIAN AND Ht'ROEON I. O. O. F. Balldlac PBoaeM nealdence Wblte Pelican Hotel Residence Phone 8. DR. L. L. TRUAX WAKIIKN HUNT IIOHPITAL Day Itnine, 497 Night Phone, 0 0l'000lt IllltS WANTI.'O llldn will bo received at the rectory rlx, a Judge, a city editor, and an X ray specialist, an w.-ll us tommi au- Iborn. luwterit. nbvnlrlitnn. dentlnlii. Iinnhura. inenhnnta. farmers, inaur- li',' 1 ""'" '" cniircu. eighth and I'llgli street, until 7 p. in, Wedncs mice agents, tearoom malingers ,my August 11. 1S20, for the ercc truvellng anleiimeii and nwiy others Hon of the building for the Sacred neari Academy. Kach bid utunt bo Comniou muuy generations linn been Identilled with the social life of fiiohloniihle New York, bus forsaken the charms of society to become"!! professional architect. Sl llth NTHKirrM nud as shown by such lir.r.d L'en HAVK 20 DAVH'dcrhet. togelher with tbe Iota netp'i: T I'ltoi'i.'ittv owm:iis ON KLAMATH AVKNUK HK- 'IWKKN tllh AND THAT TIIKV 1'IHI.M 1ST riJIII.K'.VTION OF. amount so ufhensed nirnlnm tin. nrni. THIS NOTICK IN WHICH IX) crly of ench ewner: and refetenro Is FILK APPLICATIONS TO I'AV, hereby made to such docket of CITY AKSKHNMKNTH IN TKN ANNUAL LIKNS for u detailed description of INSTA4.LSIKNTS. .,ch lot. block, part of lot or block ! , und acreage property ho assessed. Not) e Is hereby given thnt the Further notice Is also given the (iimrll nf itw, f'liv ,if ' rcnnectlvn urcnortv nwnern n ti. Mlns Mary Jar. whono fninilv for accompanied iy n certified check for Klamath Falls, Oregcn, did by ordi i- aessed nnd herein below mentioned '' ' - 'IIV.I 1111,1-linl nr ,hn nmrn... n. .I.A k-. ..r .... . .. ... .!.. ..a1. ... . ... .1 . ..... ,.......,., u, ...u (iintFuiii ui hut nnm nu uio uuiy auopieti on in'j tld. Plans nud apcclflcatloiis may 2nd of August, 1920. approved by be had from Itov. II, J. Marshall, .thu mnor on the 2nd day of August. Tho right to reject uny and all bldi 1920," declare the proportionate as Is reserved. IJy order of the build- issraent upon each lot. part of lot. .u.K.C0lnl,l,A,.r.0: L , block nnd acreage property found tn 31-10 JOHN DIIKHKK, Chairman, be. benefited anil liable for a urcnor- SAY "DIAMOND DYES" , Don't atrrak or ruin yiiur material in a .' poor dye. liulat yn "Damoud Dvaa." u Kaay directions In ckuge, "CORNS" . Lift Right Off Without Pain i donate share of the cont of improving that such assessment Is duo' and pay able, and will be delinquent from and after tho expiration of 20 days from the date of tho first publication of this notice (said first publication will be on tbe 3rd duy of August, 1920). Tho property .owners ao assessed Nfll-Ii'lA , llth Street. The property so as- Notice Is hereby given that sealed sensed by said ordinance is nil that proposuls will bo rerolve'd by tho properly lying adjucent to said parta uouru oi supervisors of the Klamntli of said hired between the ubovo Drnlnago Dlfltrlct cf Klnaiath County, mentioned termini nnd extending lat Oregon, for thu construction of the terly to tho renter of the respective works for the reclamation of tho blocks lying adjacent to said parts landH within tho boundaries of aaldirf said Mreet so far aa the proposed DlHlrlct according to tho plana and Improvement extends thereon, In speclflcalloiiB approved by tho Hoard eluding properties In tho qimrtora of in miiiurviHors anil wnicn uro now on mm rour blocks abounding any Inter lim.uiu niiuru u IUU cuni HI llliprili II1K I . hiwii; .v-imio nu unnrDliuu Klumatb Avenue from 9th Street to.rnuBt either pay In cash or mako and ifijj file lit tho office of the Engineer of laectlon Involved in said proposed 1m- the Dltttrlct who Is Mr. Don J. Xum-.provemont. wait nt No. Ill H. Fourth Street. That the DOCKKT OF CITY file with the Police Judgo of said city their applications to pay luch as sessments in ten annual Installments, within tho 21) (lays beginning with Phone 460 Ice Creaaa 719 Main M. CaadJea PASTIME Jack Moaruwi Prop. Clgaris Tobacco, Soft Drink, Peel nd Milliard Darber Shop In Connection OUR .MOTTO TonrUtay aad Herrlce" AkWaaV KX-SKRVICB MEN, ATTENTION I Tbe regular meetings of Klamath Post No. 8, American Legion, will be hold at 8 o'clock p. m., at the City Hall in Klamath Falla, on the aecond and fourth Tueadaya of each month. All Comrade are In vited. Those deatrlni to Join the Poai HAW MILL KNUINKKIUNO CONSTRUCTION CO. Dculgnem iind builder of moll era saw milts, pbinlng nrllN aad box plants. Dreilglng. Pile d.-ivins. Phone 40S-W Office Corner Spring and Oak Near S. P. Depot I am now prepared to furnlak dhaata Sand from the Hoey. Uauu. sand and gravel pit. In any quantity that may be desired by contractor! and builders. AL r. GRAHAM. Let Your GLASS troubles be Mine C E. STUCKEY Re-Glazing and Cabinet Making Phone 477W Eleventh and Pine tho first publication of this netice: !tt secure application blanks from u. rw van in per, rreu nicuuiiuu, or I. H. Carnsban, all of Klamath Kails FRIO N1CHOLBON. Secretary. j7 , Doesn't hurt 'a bit I Drop a little ,' "Freeione" ou au aching corn, In - stuntly that corn stops hurting, then sbortry you lit) it rigt off with fin gers, Truly) Your druggist sells a tiny bottle of ' "Freesone" for a fow cents, sufficient to remove every .hard oor.n, soft ejirnr or corn hetwssnthe toss, and the Ml lusas, without soreness tor irrltlon. Ivlllllllllll runs, uregon. LIKNS linn been mhi.Io Said proposals will bo received up I vlded by section 268 of tho Charter. Oscar & (leorgln Shlvo.. in iiiu nour pi two o-ciocji in mo an nnd tho followliig Is a lint of the eriinun in i mi inn (my i AtiKUsi.iniinies of ownera of tho property, by A. I). 1020, at the of file of the under, said oidlnnnce, so assessed iih uforo slgned In the Court Heuso in thu City said, and as hhown by such Itond Lien of Kliiiuath lulls, Oregon. docket, togothor with the totnl Proposals are desired on n cash iimount so assessed against tho prop basis nnd also on n Imsls of accept- erty of each ewner: nnd roferenco Is anro of the Ilouda of nald District atiheroby made to such docket of CITY ,,a!,. .. . . LIKNS for u detailed description of The Ilonrd of SupervlBora reserve e.ich lot, block, part of lot or block the right to rejoa any or all bids not. and acreage property so ussossed.s satisfactory to the Hoard of Super-, Further notice Is also given the viaiiro. respective iuu Bucressiui oiuuor win no re quired to deposit .a satisfactory bond In tho amount df twenty-five per cent of the Contract prloe conditioned that he or. they will -completo tbe said contract as agreodf lilds to be opened August 14th, 1920, O. R. DRLAP. Secretary Klamath Drainage Dis trict, Klamath Falls, Oregon. July 13-Aug. It , property ownera so as sessed and herein below mentioned thnt such nssesaraont Is due und pay able, and will be delinquent from and aftor tho expiration of 20 days from tho date of the first publication of this notice, (said first publication will be on the 3rd day of August, 1920). The property owners so assessed must either pay 4n cash or make and file with the Police Judge of said city their applications to pay such menu u ten aasMi install eglnalm hrt&U, -wtthui tl 2e day Amount Assessod Nantes Agulnst Properly Emilia Wing UE 25 Kmniii Wing 230. 51 Percy V. llurk . .. 560.10 Percy V. llurk 656.46 Wlnfrled U. Foster 663.83 Kiumn Mills, James Mills & ' Ala Mills. 35121 ! . . . up as pro-;-iinnio k, vnru aat.si .miii.1 1 Lottie A. Keoler 556.17 JossU) Siilflckoy 505.40 C .11. & Floy Daggett 227.33 Fred & Udnu Srhnllock 227.33 M. L. Johnson 454:66 Clarice IJoberts 454.66 Kdnu M. Schallock 454.66 II. N. Moo 505.41 Her mil n Smith 556.18 Kva M. Vunnlco 556.18 W. S. Slough 551.21 W. 8. Slough 561.21 Ednu M. Schallock 663.83 Edna M. Schallock 278.23 Orpha O. Daggett , 278.23 Orpha O. Daggett 566.46 Charles K. Worden 330.51 Charles E. Worden. 115,25 Published by order of the Common Council, under authority of section 269, of the charter of satd city, Dated at Klamath Falls, Oregon, August 3rd, 1920. , ' A. L. LBAV1TT. x Police Judge -of, the Ciejr at KUmatb VUa.vAraran. ' Inning 'Aug. I-M WESTERN LABOR BUREAU The only place where you can get help and the only place where you can get a job. 1034 MAIN ST. Phone 477-J Klamath Lodge No. 137 L o. a F. Meets Friday night of each week at I. O. O. F. hall, fith nnd Main streets. II. II. Ogle, N. C; W. C. Wells. Sec rotary; W. U. Cofbr, Treasurer. ' Ewautia Kurampiuent No, 46, I. O. O. F meets Tuesday night of each week at I. 0. O. F. hull. Harry Loucks. C. P.; W. D. Cofer, Scrlbo; Fred Dueslng, Treasurer. NEW CITY LAUNDRY FINISHED WORK FLAT WORK ROUGH DRY i "Put Your Dudt In Our SikU" ' Tj7e ,. .?" ek Mai. WILSON ABSTRACr COMPANY 417 Hala aktbiik a WILSON laaaaget THE ARCADE HOTEL ioaa-ai main st. PHONE 477-J The place with home cosaforta, cleaalitteas, pleaty el fresh alt 2ZL ."WTetl kerytMskl eWOsM VW Ik J V-k '.. W .aa A OsusUfd mU WU1 U -it: 4 jJs.--! I.