PAOK NIX FRIDAY, AUOL'HT 8, H THE EVENING HERALD. KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON HERALD'S CLASSIFIED COLUMN FOR SALE Renl Estate FOR 8AI.B Close In ImproTCil lot 65x120, on Pine, west ot First. I-nl'7. Iilnrk 21. nrlslnitl tnwn. Wa ter on lot, sowor, sidewalk, paving In aha nitvlnv n.fia.nirtnr tialil. fruit and shade trees, l'rlco '850. J. Y. Tlplon, Recreation, caro 1'. II. L. Co. i-9 FOR BALK Kurnlshcd homeland Jol. MOB 'Oregon Ave. i-3 FOR SALE New 5-rnom bungalow, plastered and plumbing: large lot BOxliS. $3600; term. Arlle Wor- Tell, 1116 Lincoln. IS TIMBKR Mtlt SAI.K 1,090,000 feet pine near Klamath Lake. Address Box 301, Klamath Fails, oro. 3-tr Will take Ford ear In good condi tio at part payment on 40 acrei good potato land. Call SIS Oak Are. S-7 FOR TRADE Modem alt room tur aUhed or unfurnished residence -la Klamath Falls (or acreage or Med ford property In Rogue river Taller. Box 13, Herald omce. 5-7 FOR SALE MitcelUaMotu FOR SALE At the J. D. Hooper ranch, -west of Midland, dairy cows, horses and farm machinery, Easy terms. Saturday, Aug. 14. at 10 a. m. 5- FOR SAI.K New Racine separator 34-40. ono Mognl tractor 15-30 H P., $1200. Phone 317R or call at Charley's Place. 5-1 FOR BALE Good cedar posts, Theme Harry Telford. 1S-F-13. for sai.k Suit cases and hag all kinds. Tou save money. Many other good things, we cin show. Call lOOS Main St. 2-7 HARKAIN Three new grain binder with ton gno truck, for sale. 6 ft. IKS; 7 ft. 190, for cash. The Kallna Store, Mtlln, Ore. G-10 FOR SALE OR TRADE Six hones, weight from 1400 to '1600 lbs. Will trade for a large truck team. Phono 11-F-ll. E. J. Jenkins, Klam ath Falls. 3-3 FOR SALE One 1920 Chevrolet. one 1917 Hupmoblle. one 1920 Dodge Sedas. All la good condition. Central Oarage. 23-tf FOR SALE One 19 model Maxwell car, new battery, new tires, new paint; Al condition. Call 240M or 420, C. E. Lambert, owner. ' FOR SALE I Bale, and ".c T-im engcr Studobaker. Impeital ilar age. ill MISCELLANEOUS "V Printing. Stationer inn iitlr supplied I'lutKxi rrtntiiiK iid Ma tlonery company !" Mj'n .Hi -ti PHONE PEYTON far wood 535 CITY GARBAGE When you want garbage removed call 10K-23. i FOR RENT OR LEASE WILL LEASE to responsible parties 35 51 capacity sawmill fully. equip- ed; plenty ot good timber. Box 101 Herald office. ' 5-7 FOR RENT Five thouand,aeres of good sheep pastures sheep-tight (nee, Apply George Watt, aeit door to Hall Hotel. 2-1 1 BEDROOM (or gentleman. Ill PIna St. 2-6 FOR RENT New tor raoii.' cor. th aai Human. At. 11x101. J. T. Ward Co., 114 Main. W-tf WANTED WANTED AT ONCB fa to fall and buck timber, 4 mile from town. Men with ear can live In town or stay In camp. Sea Dr. Goble, 16 8. Riverside, phone 390R. 5-11 WANTED TO BUY A 5 or 6 room house, furnished preferred. Give particulars In first letter. Box 3, Herald office. 6-7 WANTED Woman or girl to assist with housework and care ot child ren. Write or phone to Mrs. J. M. Bedford, Chlloquln. 4-10 WANTED Position a office man; 9 years experience; 7 years cor poration w irk. Box A, Herald office. 6-6 WANTED AT ONCE Ma and wife to cook In logging camp,8 to 10 men; camp 4 mile out. Man to work, wlfa to cook. See Dr. Ooble, 16 S. Riverside, phono 390R. 6-1 ! WANTED Olrl- to do amateur ko dak, work. Experience required. (Tail nt Herald omce. 6-1 r . liafmsnJ VstAiiw rliisfwIrAMA If you WANTKn Woman to do washing Ironing anil cleaning by tho hour Phono 136. G-tf w.VNTKtw : newsboys at the Her-27-tf aid oltlcu. WANTKD 2nd hand roll top desk. Phono 03W. 4-6 WANTKD Furnished apartment or small house, by reliable couple. hoi ii, Herald omce. 4-6 WANTED Two practical furnlluns mrn. Ono must hare omce ox perlence. Perkins Furnlturo House, 122-126 X. 6tk 3-7 WANTKD Hoard and room In prlv- ate family by married couple. Box 30. Up raid office. 4-6 WANTED Horses to pasture. Alta most Ranch, phone 496-W1. 17tf J.WWWWWWWW WMXWilWWWWWW LOST AND FOUND LOST Sunday, child's red sweater, In Mills Addition or on road to Oleue. Finder please phone 317J. 5- LOST Tuesday evening near dance pavilion, card case holding B. of R. T. L. O. O. M. 4b P. P. L. receipts. Reward It returned to R. E. Olaaco. 920 Jefferson St. 4-6 L09T July 7th from Crater Lake atage, one Urge tan suit case marked Plerrepont; one small suit case stamped K. P. P. ISO reward for return to Jr Information leading to recovery of this baggage. White Pelican Oarage. S-tf FOR SALE Second hand ice chest and fan. Al. Keep cool. See 1Q0S Main St. INSIUIK YOUR n.U' Have you stopped to think that a tiny little spark wafted by tho wind, a lighted match carelessly thrown awjy, or even the heat from the sun's rays, are liable to set lire to your hay and wipe out of existence tho fruits ot your season's hard toll, and your chief or perhaps only depend ence for food for your stock during a tone, cold winter? Mr. Farmer. you cannot In Justice to yourself and your family neglect to protect this Immensely valuable crop. Let us In sure It for you through our sate and sound Insurance system. James H. Dlscoll. Room 4, Loomls building. Phono 432. HIGH PROOF ItEKK VANCOUVER. B. C. Aug. 6 A !-eaf of warrant has been prepared o be served on hotel keeperit and liter In th Huntingdon vicinity as -M'iIt of a recent raid on the border ;ear-Ver salcons by provincial au- hor.'tlei. Samples of beer and stout then seized shoa that tba nearest Mm near-beer came to conforming with the law was 5 per cent. Tim highest content wa shown by anal) si to have been 3.1 rwr cent. . A woman operating a chain of tea rooms at several of the fashionable resorts In Florida anil along tbo New Eneland coast Is said to have made a profit. of $30,000 during tb p3t year, ITS FIN FOR We eat too much meat which doge Kidneys, the tbo Beat hurte Moat folks forget that the kid neys, liko the .bowels, get sluggish and clogged and need a flushing oc casionally, else we hare backache and dull misery la the kldner re gion, severe headaches, rheumatic twlngos, torpid liver, acid stomach, sleeplessness and all sorts ot blad der disorders. You simply must keep your kid neys active and clean, and the mo ment you fool an ache or pain In the kidney region, get about four ounces ot Jad Salts from any good drng store hero, take a tablespoonful In a glass of wator before breakfast for a few days nnd your kidneys will act fine. This famous salts Is made from the acid ot grapes and lemon Juice, combined with llthla, and is harmless to flush clogged kidneys and stimulates them to normal activ ity. It also neutralizes the acids In the urine so It no longer Irritates, thus ending bladder disorders. Jad Salts Is harmless; inexpen sive; makes a delightful effervescent llthla-water drink which everybody should take now and then to keep their kidneys cleanf thus avoiding serious complications. A well- known local druggist says ha aalU lntm nf Jo, I CUIta tn'fnlka who believe In overcoming kldnojr trouble while it Is only trouble. j CI KIDNEYS BIG JAZZ DANCE AT OPEN AIR PAVILION TOMORROW NIGHT Largest dance floor between Portland and San Francisco SPECIAL JAZZ MUSIC COME! Everyone Invited COMIC! w E nUDAPEST, July 15. (tJy Mall), John R. Mott, general secrotary of the International Y. M. C A.. In out lining the organisation's 'plans tor helping to reconstruct war-ravaged lands says "thore are too many holi days In Europe." Poland, according to Mr. Mott, has 10 holidays a year, beside Sundays, and Rumania has probably twice that number. "This mean Idleness lead ing to political upheavals." declared the American. In giving the first details of the Y. M. C A. and World's Student Christian federation proposed new efforts to help broken-down Europe Dr. Mott said: "It Isn't by giving bread but work that reconstruction will be possible. One ot tho tasks on which I am now engaged Is to at tempt to devise tho wisest way to help the schools and universities ot Europe from the decadence Into which they were plunged by tho ir Othorwlso education wilt b list through tho poverty of professors, nnd also through lack of students. "The keynote of my talks In Po-I land. Czecho-Slorakta and Hungary' has 'been self-help. Tbo students must learn to work tholr way through colleges as Is tho cao In tho United States. From tho Y. M. C. A. point H KIH 0WW0 0VWWWW0t tww&i c So the advertising colums of this newspaper bring to you tho news of commerce and Industry, of merchandise and service. The advertisements 'are the shop-windows ot the world's wares, rj'assed before your very eyes, that you may look and know where to get the full hun dred cents worth ot every , dwindling dollar! So Read V It rjuvvvv'iivV'vvvvvv"irrri - i'riin - ,vv'i - i - ii - rn want them of view we are establishing model brunches a wo hopo to show the new nntlons their way buck to work ntid to self-help. "It Is not by saying 'Thou slmtt not' that tho world cau bi bettered; It Is by showing the way The Y M C A. wilt help meti to spend their Idleness profitably. It will adapt Itself to these nations nnd give thoni something permanent. There wilt be model Y. M. C A.'s for universities, for "railways, for Industrial centers, and also In the country for the peas ants. It Is easier to get money thsu to spend wisely so wo will go slowly on that score. We are getting ready to enter Russia, too, Americana art profoundly anxious to help there. "I have been In Europe among prisoners, otherwise than during tho war, and for 30 years have beea working In foreign countries. I be lieve the Russian question, owing to the desire of the people there to end their trouble-!, will bo settled If for eign countries can unite tor sis months on the same policy " VWV.V. THAT HOOKS MARYSVH.I.K. Cal . Aug. M A living estimated ut $11 will be made by each pupil In the Marysvllte high school during the coming yoar on ftext books as a state law enacted three years ago. providing for the nurehsse bv the school district of books and alt equipment, goes Into effect at the opening of the 1920 fall term. The district will havo to pay some 5.000 for text books this yoar. The Aladdin's Lamp of Business AS THE PHONOGRAPH BRINGS ALL THE WORLD'S BEST MUSICIANS AND ENTERTAIN ERS TO YOUR HOME AS THE MOVING PICTURE SPREADS VIEWS OF ALL THE WORLD BEFORE YOU WHILE YOU SIT IN AN EASY CHAIR Do yon read the advertisements regularly every day? If not, you're overlooking the best friend of your pocket book I Take time to read the adver tisements always. The very advertlaomnnt you miss may bo tho ono that will save you the most monoy and timo aad disappointment. the Advertisements All' of , - riJYV - rirririiri""i"i - ir' - n i- i-i ni'tii: MNAKK 1IOI.W4 Mil I I'M CltKW AT IIAV VICTORIA. II 0., Aug. . For'il lilf t lino following hor departure f iu aniKnpnr.i tho hrldgo ot lln J.ri Mi steamship llolton Cast In w,u ii 1 r tho control of n Blgattti ll'jt'M n In tho early morning of tun sxroud day out from tho Htruli;.M Settlements port tho quartermaster, nt the wheel, was startled by tho masslvo snake's head appearing at Him pilot housn door. Tho python had calm nnd undid- jsputnd pqwosslon ot tho pilot hmiso mid tho ship took a few turns Win out a guiding hand botoro tho' sii.ikn miido Its not move. Tho lust the officers saw of tho visitor was its tall us It disappeared ovorboard. It was tone ot throe ahlpped nt Singapore to u menagerie at New York. NOTTOH TO CREDITORS In the County Court ot the State ot Oregon for Klamath County. In the Matter ot tho Estate ot Edna E. Kant, Deceased. Notloo la hereby given by the un derslgaoi, administrator ot the es tate ot Maa E. Kerns, deceased, to the eraslltora of. and to all persona having claims against the said de ceased, to present tbo same, properly ve riled, within six months arter the first publication of this notice, tewlt: the flth day of July, 1920. to said administrator at the office of C. F. Stone at Klamath Falls, Klam ath County. Oregon, the same betas the place tor the trans action ot the business ot ssld estate, II J MATTOON. Administrator of tho Estate of Edna II Kerns, Deceased, July 12-19-24-2-J FOIV SAI.K Al residence Mot. all Improved; Nob bill. Snap See 1003 Main St. 2-7 FAIRVIEW TRANSFER Prompt Service 'ami llemhlo Rate, Uo Ital.'.i on Out of Town Trips Phone 269-R 'Em! ftjr'v tf.'V t ,.,----,-. SPECIAL NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC Wo are niw prepared to Imiidl" your laundry work, mill am limiting a Npnclully uf flint lui'?. Kni"'im Iwultith. rrepn il clilnt'. ulllts, imm h hIIU wlili Is. Iivrlttlim, linn " """'r urllolos requiring similarly carntnl ntlKiillon Kxtenslvo ixperlniii'" I" tho hand tnumlry business mmlil" uh lo Kiinriinteii complete satisfaction. Wo solicit your pn'roiugn. I'liiMie UH'J'W FRENCH HAND LAUNDRY t'atlierlne llmvi'. Prop. IU;t N, ltd St. ,xjnjnjir-n-ir -- "SAY IT WITH FLOWERS " Out Flower ami I'Unts In Display' Window at 1040 Main Mt. Hot lloa Near Mills Hclmol DKHKJNH MADK KLAMATH FLORAL COMPANY Phone 1OT-M MinksW4eansuatjsUsesjijjx SOOTHING QUIETUDE FOR ITS PATIENTS Is one of any hospital's biggest assets nnd Hut location of this hospital makes It especially desirable from that viewpoint. Only abundantly capable graduated nurses are em ployed, and this fart, added to our unequalled staff of physicians and rxrellent hospital equipment Insures our patients unsurpassed service. STAFF DIt. E. D. JOHNSON Dlt. (1. It. MKItltVMAN DIt. T. C. CAMPBELL Dlt. OKOIIOE I. WRIOIIT DR. i:, I). LAMM Dlt. II. D LLOYD STEWART Klamath General Hospital MINERAL BATHS Dr. Mand Ingersoll llawley Cfalropractie Physician First National Bank Building Entrance. Room AJillliAND, OREGON ALL KINDS of Ha aad ahrt Iron work. tllatiag aad warm air heating done at the Hhaanna Plumbing Hhop. No. 1088 Main Mt. L. N. HAINES Phone 888 KUmath'Bend Auto Stags A dally auto stage service' ta new operating between Klamath Falls aad Bead. Omees Rei cafe and Met. ronolltan Oarage. O. I. Reekard. Phone 174-W. ir-tt PAINTING Practical PalnHn. niMlnv Bm.i Enameling, Kalsomlalag, Wall Paper .Cleaning and Qenoral Contracting. H. C. TtJTHILL 018 Rose Nt. WEST END CAFE No. 72 Main St. Meals served family style Call and give us a trial Klamath Dye Works Phone 408 OUR CLEANING, PHEHHINO AND REPAIRINQ WILL MARK YOUR CLOTHE8 LOOK LIKE NEW HATS REBLOCKED Goods Called for aad Delivered 481 Mean Street Klamath Falls 'i i & Marphey Feed & Seed Store 1 CCU IUUI UUUlCUd B BuySyour feed -, i-H