The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, August 05, 1920, Image 1

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., ,
,ofhicul papkm or.
Fourteenth Year No. 3990
Price Five Cento
STARTS S1 08,000
Tim widow' mllii wait I Iki flmt
i-nutrlhiitinn ilurliiK Hi" Intnnshn
ilrlvn toward tint $100,000 goal not
by tint greater Sacred lliuirt academy
mill gymnasium ruintnilKii which win
launrhod etordny
Thin good olil widow woman who
aavrd nml sucrlflied whnt nlm ppl-
i iiti:i:.n ,i:v pamscn'mcr
mm' ion vm nir mm.s
WASHINGTON, Aug 6 - Al- ,
local Inn of in Inrgo pnxsnngnr '
essnls, now building In I'n 1 1 f c
1 1), ml yurilK. for service between
Pacific (oust port anil Urn
Orient, wik iiiiiidiiiiii'iI today by
Illy li I i1 ti c l' mil
Klv.i Mill go to Hid Pacific
Mull Steamship i nimuiiiy. opor-
tiling from Hon Krnnclsco, uml
fl to llui
A construction camp hu boon os
lalillHliml by tln fitllforula-Orcgnli
LONDON, Auk C Olfltlalx nay
tint relish situation In a grave ono
Purlflc Steamship l'"W"r r,,,l"",y " "'" '"'k ,tlv',r It I sald'tlnt nltuatlon I. as grave a
rating from Sent- l-tn tHio nn.l work .ri-llmlnarjr to th n J9H
WARSAW, Aug 5. Tlio Bovlot
ininnunv. mm
.1.. . ., . erection of the iliim will start ut ' 1
i.e i in' inner iivii win ni up- w , ...
.rat...l N,.n H.ui Kranclsro ""'- rlm ''"""""' cruw "
11 .. ...number 100 at maximum anil It I)
.Z., """.I'." I'oxpeeted to k,.... It ut that figure "ml Irlvlng against the Polo, dc
uly rnulil from her county allotment I a during tint working season thin yoar fending Warsaw, are maintaining an
nxnmpllfleil thn fullest measure of
rharlty, whlcji I being made mnnl-j
frit III till noliln work of education ,
nil enlightenment of lint rising gen
Hiititi:M)i;it is i)i:.M,M)i;i)
I.OS ANOEl.EH, Cal Aug. r.
Representatives of tho Mexi
can federal government today
anrmonced that unconditional
surrender was domanded of
Governor Cnntu of tho northern '
district or Lower California at
tho Mexlcall conference recent-
ly. They said that Cantu wan
promised that hp would recclvo
concession If ho ceased hi ac-
tlvltli-H against tho proylilonal
CITY IS 4.800
unit Inn.
Promptly at 11 o'clock yesterday,
meeting of the women workers who
were to canvass tint Klamath Kails
tnrrllnry was culled Pamphlelit of
Instructions, lolling lln-m of thn part
they were to play, uml pledge cards
mid until thn dam Is completed next .average progress of six mllei dally.
year. The company s ccntracl with Tll0 R0Uthcrn enil of tho ,,ne ,, tnc
the govurnmciit culls for completion' . , . , . , ,
, . ., . , . nly place that they aro be ng held.
before the close of next year. Con- ... , , , . .
., , . . . 1 1. t. 1 l,"! ' ole havo retaken Ilrody, near
Htructlon In charge of John Iloyle.j . ,. . . ,,.,. , , . ..
... , 'the (laloclan frontier, and forced the
tin. company' n.slstont engineer. , ,,,.,,.,,. , rMrn, ln ,,, .
J C Thompson, division manager Anil.rcin ,, are flfhtnK wlth ,
ui hut fuiir tuiiii'uiit aiuu
population of Klamath Falls, Ore
gon, was placed at 4,801 In figure.
iimucu 1 11 in morning ni 111 on o CIOCK
by the census bureau,
Thli Is a gain of 2,043 over the
census of 1910, or 74 per cent.
fiult for $14,600 damages has
tcday ,, .n,i,nn .i .ii ueo 1'ed In tho circuit court by K.
that all conflicting Interests had been ,,..., unpV i.Mu- ..i.. ,J- Jenkins against I-ou!s and Edith
I J W Kendrlck. rnllwa Inillder ,Ui progressed to the point of lltlga- t?,,"
. ' n...l H ..- ... I . .... ... !".,
for obtaining ubscrlptb in were ills. """ "" "' iirai repuiu- tlon. that or tlio tJcury mvesimoni lt.Vy.
trllmtml. Many of tlmsn wnnien linviiltlun "C"l'nlei by .Mrs Kendrick. rompany. land owners on tho Upper
kail previous experience on local
am here In n private car for a view
wonilnrfnl unrV. t.niiifnr (.. J- JenKin against liuis and Kdltn
reconciled. The only opposition that , 0(j.. cnvnlr nnd nfantry near Hahn of Swan Lake. Plaintiff al-
Tho enemy losses aro ''- ",ul """"K" lorcime preven-
I tlon he has been unable to carry out
a logging contract and will suffer
drives, and entered Into thn under-1 "f ,l"ln,,, ' '"lc wond-ni
lake who feured that tlio dam would
rulse the lfU' level and Inundato
'loss of tho amount asked.
assurance that the full M"""'" ws"" "' lurking pl.ico cotlf(,rrlim( with mill oM?r.Uor. per- w,. rMlIy ,0 gem, a j,oaco delegation 'of lhl" c,ly for tho mnufacturo of
111 lie realized In ncord ,,f ,r'",, "f '"'aordlnary site nnd Honally or through nttorne) and as- to Mnlk , two C(jn(jmong nro , tho timber on their property, known
gnmeneM With his party he spent Mirod IHt lll(.r ,lt,.rests Mill Ial( ,Inwn ,,y ,bo coun(!,)( ono that Ho Kdgewood ranch. Crane was
llteo of local business men," ,,,,y "' ('ra,"r lMk" 'not be adversely affected by the dam lh,, delegates be alowed to'cotnmunl- ,0 put up a ml11 nn'1 defendants to
I- I." i-i.i. 1. .,1. .... ... ...,. ...
...' ...... .. .iir ii'iifiri(K in 11 iiinciiue ill nniiii .1...1- i...i. 1 nM 1...... -......! 1.1. in.
Iannis, who r.jnounness 111 inirposn iiiuir iiiiiim. .n i vi pii,i;,h .. n.,.- a
and rood-will that elves the organlx- """ '" ,r,"n ""l ",0 reinmuiun i UaU. Mr Thompson ha held
rs every assuruncn
A com m
will be formed In tho near ruliir. 10 T," '"'"lr"-k l"'r ar '0,lrlK
1....1.'..... 1 ,r ,!...'"' '' l'l' of Amnrlcj They
Tint list of women workers fol
lews: Mrs A J Adams. Mrs Juhu,
ltr..ll Mi. I ll.iinl.Mrv Mr f. A.
....11 x... ...1..- ..- ,hom he started Ills rillrondlng ca
N. II llngiie. Mr M. A Calluhun,
Mr. W Connvrs. Mr V Dal), Mr.
Hmll Drelier. Mr I. II Jl.irdun
brook, Mr. I'red Houston, Mrs. M.
P. l.tnenlk. Mts (1 C l.orvnt, Mrs.
I UAKSAU' Animal R llnlnn.l'.
council of .lefen.n i.wi.v ,it.n!.iei...i ! According to tho complaint Mr.
1 Inml Mm tlnkn .... v.l...... ..
wlreess messauo to Moscow In. """ "" '""" ",,v "UI"" euicr-
WASHINGTON, Aug. 5. Ccnsas
reports give Klamath county a popu
lation of 11,413, and Increase of
2,859, or 36.46 per cent alnce 1910.
Bonanza Is given a population of 77
and Merrill shows 237. The popula
tion of Klamath Kails by wards la
not given.
forming the llolshevlkl that Poland ."'J l? a contrac' w"h Crane
,leuit tiiiiinrriuv fur Hm I'runclsro
where Mr Kendrlck expert to Iium-
a plensnnt Mt wltn i'tiarles H Kee,
, the general pnMonger ugent. with
I reer.
hinder construction
"We realize." he said, "that our
IntereMs nnd the interests of tho lum
ber manufacturer urt bound closely
together. Hhoiild we Interfere with
' .vr...r. i,.j Hiuncil .u lUllllllllIll- , . ... i
hulldliiK. and he say their will lw cate freelv with tho Warsaw govern- n llmber' aharlng the prof
no attempt troni any quarter to ,,,, ,. ,,, .,.,., ,... ... i "
' ....-- w, . . ..
agrees to arept In principle the: un ',u', M ,nn v;rnno "ecu",l
term thnt Poland nronoies. 'contract with Jenkins to cut tho tim
Iber on the ranch. In pursuance of
..on K'nmennff ,hl contract plaintiff claims he pur
-. .-..,.... ..(
LONDON. Aug r,
president of the Moscow Sovlot, Is
chased $8000 worth of stock and
logging equipment, but defendants
Until men hnve tirnuri.ieil fir ... - .
.--" -- hl, . iiitiimtrv tnrnni'ii inner un an- r.tinrt., in t,nA nM. n .. ..- .H
lit. their profession since their rrlend- ( rmBl llHorlg r rnlH1K of Ul0 hl, Kanrnnmt ai)klnK tuat ,lUMa 'have by forcible means prevented
,.hl,. formed, but It Is current report aUo ,ovpl( we ,,, n(ll only rob cc t lmme,,lB,y tho giMlBrU-.W? m.cuttliiit or hauling any tlm
,thnt bo h started from the bottom. ,. , ,h mm.,ut0 tarct for'lsh 'proposal for an,d0Smrr''ft'a''ierr'PI'Irty.. Hcsays that
.Mr. Kendrlck Is consulting ngl- ., ...... , , .,... hn Is loslnc moner at tho rate of
neer for necrul leading eistern
ro.i'ls, and an expert In the railway
building problems whose advice Is
widely (ought l.nst )cnr ho had
ihiirgn or the building or a largo
South American railway
C. P. Magulre. Miss M
Mr. M. Motrheuba her, Ml Idu
Mochetiaz, Mr V. J Murray, Mr
llyrou No ml, Ml UmiIu N1. Mrs
John Noud. Mr G Ott, Mr. ('. II
Otoy, Mr. K II Patty. Mr. ). W.
Hobertson, Ml Vlolu Hantamau,
Mr. M. Tlghe, Mrs. Vim KrulliiKvu.
These women will art a chairmen
of assigned .ecllon. and choose J ,()3 AX(.,:l(:Sf AllK C.,.It,u.
worker who will swing a network .ri,.,r. ,inIl..i ..,.'
over these districts and call on each aUl0( am, ,,,,, j,,,,,,,, ,.,. remain unchanged."
thn operation of the mills was cur-
.tolled or stopped wo would loio valu- I'AHIS, Aug. C. Kngland has
uble customer who conMiimo much of taken steps to moblllzo rapidly two
our stock In trade, electric current, divisions for scrvlco In Poland, nc
I $240 a day and has lost $2160 since
tho execution of the contract
through this enforced Idleness. Ife
lias been deprived of a season's work
"Tho Installation it the dam will cording to tho Matin, which adds that ?nd ''.' tho n1 of tho ea80n w111
Plans for transporting and arming na0 ,0" moal or ,ne uencn" of nl1
not change tho laku level from Its
natural levels of thn past. We neith
er intend to rulo It to tho maximum
nor lower It to tho minimum Ictols
'proxldcd In the government contract
In other words, the status quo will
this force aro prepared.
contract ho says, estimating this fea
ture of toss to total $10,000. His
equipment damage and depreciation
ho figures at $2160.
IfVliriu "I". .I..,. 1,1. ..i.l.. ...... 1,111.... a........ ..
Illuiti i,n iiiu. ni'iii nil,. II w.."jmi.j
considered' ..... , . .....
when their piano crashed from a ills-
The dam. It 1 estimated will cost
$!0.000. It Is comparatlwly a small
undertaking, tho top being H feet
a limn tho river bed at tho highest
detail work necessary en the initial '(I, u1j U(l ( ft, Com, -p,,,. Me point. It will consist of a series of
riiiiireiu iiurn, nun luuiu.t.uiu tifct.'n
between, so that In period of flood
as much of thn face of tho dam can
and oery wago earner
local rumpalgu will bo
c,""l,,"" 'tancoof IllOOfeot.
IIUU to inn nmoiini oi i.renm.imr, i . ...,..-, i ., un. 27 venri
I-.. .. .. .! Sl... .. II. I HA 1 '
way , ,v ,rne .... ., ..... "0nV0J widow, residing at
get under wuy until lato In tho urter- wor(, tox.
oon. and noma went unubln to cover I . M.yU..r' .. ..., ....irmd ii, ...
WASHINGTON. Aug. 5. Census
figures Issued today give Oregon
783,285, an Increase of 110,520 or
16,4 per cent. In 1910 Oregon's pop
ulation was 672,765, ranking It aa
the 35th most populous state. The
new fain Is tho largest number year
ly In Its history, tho number being
almost doublo that of any previous
In area, Oregon ranked as the
ninth largest statu. In 1910 with a
land area of 95,607 squaro miles,
making Its population average 'seven
per squaro mile. ,
Klamath Kails' population Is 4,801,
nn lncreaso or 2,043 or 74 por cent.
Multnomah county's population.
Including Portland, Is 275,898, an la
crease of 49,(37 or 21.9 por cent.
bo unaeceptah to a majo
Klatn M?Ftf tl WCwtiB),
their allotud territory,
pleto report of tho
Tho lcom-(,)r(1U0l ..,,,.,.. lH.caUM) of ,lUtbe removed n Is required to keep tho
nrsi uuy y ir,,1K ,tllnlII , Ul0 alrt tta lake invei normal
Mass will be celebrated at Fort
Klamath next Sunday, Tier. H. J.
, Marshall officiating. This is tho
first tlmo mass has been celebrated
ion Sunday In Fort Klamath and It Is
i .expected that there will bo a large
An active membership campaign attendance at tho services, which will
I was launched by tho Klamath county lbe ne,J ,n tho town hall at 11 o'clock.
pledge are: Mr, A. Heck, (N. V.), ,,, wlt. i,ioutonnnt Elliott In Tni' flrBl orl ,0 bo Jono '" tho chamber of commerce at their week-1 special singing has been prepared
110: Mr. W. C Daveooort. $100! I ..... ... . . ..... clearing of tho clmnnol ubove and y luncheon yesterday, with the or-. Wr tne occasion
' - iw. iui ...... k .. .i'i u. n ...ui. ..f, ..!..- - -
Mrs. N. K. Dennis, $5; Mr. J. Ier-'t,lr), concorn. flio accident occurred ''low tho dam site, which with somo ganlzatlon of a Ten O'clock club, the
van, $10; Mr. J. II. Knrlglit, Han in tho midst of huco oil tanks In the foundation excavation will bo ono'ten members or which aro expected
Jose, $:&; Mrs, Fred Houston, i2o;
J. P. Kelley, $100; John Kingston,
Rochester, N. Y $20; J. K. McOrath,
1500; E. K. McAndrows, $25; Nelllo
McAudrews, $26; Catherine McAn--draws,
$25; Mrs. M. M. McAndrews,
$26; Mr. and Mrs, M. Motschenbach-
r. $500; Mr. and Mra. E. J. Mur
r MStR tU IZHttS Of
AxH, ku wiwt jaou-t
UI. OC KO TekM .. 1W
MS. OOV4t) S tW RO lUJrf
-efc-l fHKUWl 0H
MDNatitsc y
MPs. ' '
sflfcy Mf r J
l.a Urea oil Meld near hero. "" 'ear iD0 rect lnal ecnil wiintn ten uays 10 onng in ten new
At n dlstnnco of 1000 feet In the'acro8" tho river and forms a natural members each. When each member
.1- i, wn. u .i.nni i.v ih ...n.'dam will not be removed until the of the club has secured ten new
M. ..l ...- n.vv. . V.Q.... .. ...U ..... ...
lion picture director nnd started a
nose dive. A battery of searchlight
was plalng on the machine and tiro
works wero being set1 oft from the
plane by Lieutenant Elliott. When
he had dropped to within 200 foot of
tho earth Locklear was seen to at
tempt to straighten his plane out.
Ho was too low, however, and crash
ed to, tho earth. Doth aviators were
instantly killed.
TAItlti:i) KAISKIt'H IMAdi;
GENEVA, Switzerland, July 17.
(Hy Mall.) Four Htudont charged
wllh tarring nnd feathering a statue
of tho former German Emporor have
boon pen ten ceil by llonii court, ac
cording to n Hanoi dispatch, to terms
of two jour Impilsonmont and or
dered to pay thn costs or their trials
dam Is put In that Is next year. members he graduates and appoints
During tho construction the river a successor, on whom falls the duty
will be shlftod to one aide of the of getting the next ten member,
channel and the dam built halt This member in turn, If successful,
across on the dry bed. Then the graduates and appoints a successor,
work will move to the other side, The campaign is kept up "until all
tho rlvor will be shifted back through membership prospects are exhausted,
tho complotod half and the other half The campaign Is to begin next
completed. ' Tuesday at 10 o'clock. The club will
meet weekly at this hour and the
two hours beforo noon will be devot
ed t.i chaalne down "nrosoecta." At
CRATER LAKE RIM noon tho campaigners will gather at
. . , luncheon for discussion with tho
A special mooting will be hold on ,. ......, of tho chamber
tho rlm of Crater lake next Sunday te )roWoiM luat hav0 becn en.
night, August 8, ut 8 p, m., conducted COUntorod.
by Itov. John W. Hoyt, Presbyterian
Sunday school missionary lor south-
Tho club started off with enthusi
asm. 16 members volunteering for
eru Oregon. This Is tho third annual cll,,rtor m0iutioratiti In tho Ten
aenlco of song nnd preaching con- o'clock club. Ten wero choson to
ducted on tho rlm by Mr. Hoyt. and Btnrt ,., cnmpalirn aud tho othors
tho mooting will bo hold os In pixivl- wl ROt tIl0lr canco to work when
ous yours. In tho largo reception i. tirt t...."
S. F.
Augustine Donovan hat arrived
from San Francisco and haa Joined
the legal fraternity of Klamath Falls.
He will be associated with W. C. Van
Eraon. Mr. Donovan la a young man
who already haa made quite a reputa
tion In San Francisco aa a criminal
lawyer and 'cornea here only after
months of negotiation and urging
upon the part of Mr. VanEmoa. He
will look after the court practice for
himself and associate.
rny, $500; Jumes Polton, $100; Mrs, room of tho lodgo. It U pomlhio thnt I
Oeorgo It. l'hlnogor. $5; Mrs. E.J ono of tho prominent ministers of
Scnnlnn, $50; Mrs. W. D. Stagg, $10;
William Tigho, $100; John E. Tlgho,
$100; Mr. uml Mrs. Martin Tigho,
A got-togothor luncheon was hold
today for tho voluntoor campaigners
ut tho Ilex cafo. Yesterday's oxporl-
oncoa woro gono ovor and many little
hltchos woro straightened out. Tho
romalnder of the aftornoon Was taken
up wllh tho matter of roorganlzlng
the forced nml tomorrow morning
bright and early tho workers will
again take the field with renewed
energy. ' '
tho valloy will bo present to assist!
In tho service. So fur as possible
christian peoplo are askod to mako
a special trip to Crator lako at thta
tlmo, and all who can sing or play a
musical Instrument are askod to
mako thomselvoa known to Mr. Hoyt
beforo tho service, that a choir may
bo organlzod to load lu tho singing.
ORBQON Tonlcht and Friday,
fair ln the west unsettled In east por
tion; probably thunderstorms In the
mountains; moderate weaterly winds.
The SuBanvllle-Klamath Falls stage
run, which was suspended tempor
arily not long ago, has been re-established,
tho route 'passing through
J3lover and PIttsvllle, The trip is
being made in one day, without stop
over privileges. This Kto run was
a source of much cononlenoe to the
traveling public especially among
the logging fraternity, and ita re-
establishment la expected to restc-io
it to public favor, with a substantial
4areaaw. ia patxpaago., ,.
SPOKANE, Wash., Aug 5. Ten
men, said to bo delegates from Indus
trial Workers of tho World locals In
Washington, Oregon and Idaho, woro
arrested today by county, federal and
city officers, who dispersed a gather
ing of alleged members of the organ
ization at a point seven miles north
east of here shortly beforo noon.
Thoy wero placed ln the county Jail
Jamea R, Konyou and Bernard
Answalt, of the Southern Paciac
company, who have b.iea on an offlc-
(lal business trip to Kirk fpr the past
three days, left this morning for San
The census figures will probably
majority of
terested in any degree In the cenaua
report. Thero were few who expect
ed tho report to show less than t, 000,
and some persons had let their hopes
run higher. Inquiries by the Herald
have shown the percentage of persona
who expected tho census to run aa
low as 5,000 run about two In ten.
Doubtless tho census does not show
the present population ot the city,
ns It was taken at a season when the
Industrial plants were Idlo or run
ning only part capacity, and much of
the summer population was In Cali
fornia or elsewhere. A census now
would, ot course, show uioro peoplo.
Dr. Fred Wcsterteld was tho first
legion delegate to return home from
the state convention of tho Americas
legion at Astoria. He arrived Tues
day and reports that a lot ot work
was done there but only one that
bore particularly upon problems tm
Klamath county the resolution ask
ing that all government lands tor
lease be opened first to et-senrlea
Dr. Westerfeld attended a dental
convention ln Portland Just before
going to Astoria andhe finds it nec
essary to aay "which convention,"
when one aska him what happened
while he waa away.
Coleman O'Loughtln has not yet
returned having decided to visit la
Seattle a few days, and Fred Nichol
son arrived last night, as a day's
stop .in Portland delayed nlm.
The threo delegates, led by Dr.
Wosterfeld, will give a full report of
tho convention at the next rogular
meeting of theleglon.
Arrangoinents hnvo been made by
Itov. C. F. Trlmblo, pastor ot the
Christian church to hold services tor
his congregation In the Daptlst
church on Eleventh street, between
Mala and Pine streets. This ar
rangement was made 'because ot the
decision ot the Christian congrega
tion to build a new church. Tha
struU'tre heretoforo used has been
sold nnd tho ground is to bo cleared
nt eneo and the foundation laid for
the -. w building. Work on tho itt-per-it
ruclujre will not bo undertaken
uulP acxt yoar, but It la planned to
atlljio tha nassmeat for services un,
til couitractloa work lawsumed. Ia
tho meantime tha Baptist okurea
will be uosd.