? , V fAGH TW lTKDftMDAT, AUGUST 4, 1M0 AX 4 m ' if ' ' iff i ' It Iff -11- "'II' Je It it JF ' 'IE ' THE EVENING HERALD. KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON ihU iM"itIIIIIIIMHItlllllimKllllimiimillltlllUlimilllMlltM milimilVl 1 1 1 1 II III I III IM 1 1 ' I ll I Vl 1 1 ll 1 1 III 1 1 iTlU H H II II H II 11 II III H44W4WmEPFm44U 1 1 1 H 1 1 1 I H4WWWWW I " iTHwmww Tf t '' ; .J?-1"' V ". 1 Mothers and Fathers V A man cannot leave a better legacy to the world than a well educated family." : r Thomas Scott. What is an Education Worth WWWWNWWWWWNMWAW r 1 VMMMMMVWVWVWWWWWWMWVVWWMWWWMAMWWMMNMMM 4r 1 IF WVWMMMMMMMVMMMMMMAMMM ill f ' ( , Jl I 5 , Jl I :f: - ! , 111! , V " . . " ' ilfi J 1 illi'HiiiiiiW j imsiiiih to you ? THIS QUESTION IS VITAL NMNMAMM MWMXWMWWXWHMW You, mothers and fathers, who have children comirg alonrj to school age co.nridcr carefully this Greater Sacred Heart Academy question. ' v If the Greater Sacred Heart Academy is your choice every dollar that you give for the Hundred Thousand Dollar Fund is an investment in your child. It assures them the highest standard of education, proper environment, many opportunities of a richer course in every way. You have schemed and saved and sacrificed to build your child's future. It is your privilege to have a part in building the institution in which his or her future will be shaped and directed. Education is the best legacy that you can leave your family or the world. Will you not have a part in making this education more easily obtainable? Have you considered the advantage of having an Academy right in your home town? There are thousands of parents who can well afford to send their children anywhere who will envy you. Young men and women will give to the new Academy out of their limited means, well knowing that their gift will be an in vestment for the future; a guarantee that when their children will enter the Academy, an institution fitted to give them a broader culture and train them specifically for their life work, will be found at the doors. THE INTENSIVE DRIVE FOR A HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS FOR THE GREATER SACRED HEART ACADEMY IN KLAMATH COUNTY WILL START WEDNESDAY MORNING, AUGUST 4TH, 1920. All Must Work All Must Give GREATER SACRED HEART ACADEMY $100,000 Fund-Raising Campaign CAMPAIGN HEADQUARTERS, 832 MAIN STREET 1 IE 111 ' A . . - " 4 '' ': ' 'Jx' t" " ' TELEPHONE 270-W :: II, , IS' ' II II ' IV il i UE